999 resultados para doença e sintomas


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A doença pelo vírus Ebola é classificada como uma zoonose e de acordo com as evidências científicas disponíveis, os morcegos frugívoros são considerados os prováveis reservatórios naturais do vírus Ebola. A infecção acomete gorilas, chimpanzés, antílopes, porcos, roedores, outros mamíferos e os seres humanos. Há cinco espécies do vírus Ebola, que diferem em sua virulência, denominadas Bundibugyo, Tai Forest (anteriormente denominado Costa do Marfim), Sudão, Zaire e Reston, nomes dados a partir de seus locais de origem. Apenas o vírus Ebola Reston não está relacionado à doença em humanos, embora haja evidência de infecção assintomática, estando associado à doença em primatas não humanos. Não há transmissão durante o período de incubação, que só ocorre após o aparecimento dos sintomas e se dá por meio do contato direto da pele não integra ou membranas mucosas com sangue, tecidos ou fluidos corporais de indivíduos infectados (incluindo cadáveres) ou animais silvestres infectados (sangue, secreções, tecidos ou carcaças). A transmissão ocorre também através do contato com superfícies e materiais contaminados com esses fluidos (agulhas, peças de vestiário, lençóis). Durante surtos as pessoas com maior risco de infecção são os familiares, profissionais de saúde e aqueles em contato próximo com pessoas doentes ou falecidas, incluindo os profissionais envolvidos nos enterros. Não há evidência de transmissão aérea, a não ser durante procedimentos que gerem aerossol. O quadro clínico consiste em febre, fraqueza, mialgias, cefaleia, dor de garganta, vômitos, diarreia. Frequentemente evolui com erupção cutânea, disfunções hepática e renal, e hemorragias em vários sítios. No Brasil e nos países onde não ocorre a doença, a história de viagem a países onde ocorre a transmissão é de fundamental importância. O diagnóstico deve ser feito a partir do isolamento viral em soro ou vísceras, através de detecção de antígenos, PCR e anticorpos, em laboratório de referência (Instituto Evandro Chagas de Belém, Pará). Não há vacina disponível, nem tratamento específico com eficácia comprovada por estudos clínicos.


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Este estudo abordou a assistência pré-natal e a avaliação dos fatores de risco, identificando os sinais e os sintomas da pré-eclâmpsia e eclâmpsia como principais complicações da hipertensão na gestação. A gestante com complicações da hipertensão deve ser acompanhada pelo serviço de pré-natal de alto risco e continuar a ser assistida pela equipe da atenção primária. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura tendo por base livros, manuais e protocolos técnicos de órgãos governamentais e não governamentais (Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, Associação Mineira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia e Organização Mundial de Saúde) que objetivou a descrição dos cuidados da equipe de enfermagem com gestantes com o diagnóstico de doença hipertensiva específica da gravidez. O destaque conferido à pré-eclampsia e à eclampsia deveu-se às alterações hemodinâmicas e aos riscos que elas trazem, e também para enfatizar que os profissionais de saúde que atendem a esse grupo devem ser capacitados para desempenhar o atendimento ideal diante dos distúrbios hipertensivos da gestação. Diante dessa situação-problema, foi proposto um projeto de intervenção com o objetivo de criar estratégias de ação da equipe de saúde da família, de maneira a reduzir as complicações, internações e a mortalidade materna e fetal. O que se percebe, ao final, é o papel crucial do enfermeiro, uma vez que compete a ele, na prática, realizar ações que contribuam para a redução das taxas de morbimortalidade materna e infantil e que resultem na melhor sobrevida do feto e da mãe nos casos de doenças hipertensivas da gravidez.


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A doença falciforme é a enfermidade genética mais frequente do homem e mais difundida no mundo. A condição é mais comum em indivíduos da raça negra, com tendência a atingir uma parcela cada vez mais significativa da população, podendo ser observada também em pessoas da raça branca ou parda devido ao alto grau de miscigenação. Causada por uma mutação de ponto do gene da globina beta, é caracterizada por um tipo de hemoglobina anormal que, em determinadas situações, provoca distorção dos eritrócitos fazendo-os tomar uma forma de foice. Dentre os tipos de doenças falciformes possíveis a anemia falciforme é a forma mais comum e grave. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar uma proposta de intervenção para o atendimento odontológico dos cadastrados portadores de doença falciforme na UAPS Eustáquio de Queiroz do município de Pirapora-MG. Foi realizada uma busca de publicações existentes no acervo de bibliotecas de Faculdades, Universidades e bancos de dados da Internet como Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MEDLINE), Biblioteca Virtual Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) através do portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BSV). A anemia falciforme é uma doença crônica incurável, embora tratável, e que geralmente provoca alto grau de sofrimento aos seus portadores, que merecem atenção especial do ponto e vista médico, odontológico, genético e psicossocial. Para que o atendimento odontológico dos pacientes seja bem-sucedido, sem qualquer prejuízo à sua saúde e à segurança do profissional, algumas regras devem ser seguidas, ressaltando-se anamnese criteriosa, ênfase em procedimentos preventivos e interação com equipe médica.


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Este estudo abordou a assistência pré-natal, e a avaliação dos fatores de risco, identificando os sinais e sintomas para o desenvolvimento da doença hipertensiva específica da gravidez. Esta doença constitui a intercorrência clinica mais comum da gestante, apresenta incidência de 10%, sendo responsável por maior índice de morbimortalidade materna e perinatal. O estudo objetivou propor um plano de ação que norteie a equipe de saúde na prevenção da doença hipertensiva especifica da gravidez. Buscou-se, primeiramente, fundamentação teórica por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica em base de dado, bem como em livros e Manuais do Ministério da Saúde e da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Minas Gerais, com os descritores: pré-natal, hipertensão e gravidez de alto risco As publicações reafirmam a importância da assistência de enfermagem para que não ocorram complicações para a gestante que vive em situação de risco para o desenvolvimento da doença hipertensiva específica da gravidez, sendo a ação educativa e assistencial imprescindível. Enfim o enfermeiro desempenha um papel relevante, uma vez que compete a ele criar estratégias e juntamente com a equipe de saúde realizar ações educativas, que contribuam para que a gestante receba todas as orientações e acompanhamento adequado e chegue ao final da gestação saudável e sem complicações. Espera-se, portanto, que a concretização do plano de ação possa nortear o trabalho da equipe de saúde como um todo no atendimento à gestante.


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BACKGROUND: Total rectocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the choice surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn's disease post-operative diagnosis, it can be followed by pouch failure. AIM: To evaluate ileal pouch-anal anastomosis long-term outcome in patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Between February 1983 and March 2007, 151 patients were submitted to ileal pouch-anal anastomosis by Campinas State University Colorectal Unit, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 76 had pre-operative ulcerative colitis diagnosis and 11 had post-operative Crohn's disease diagnosis. Crohn's disease diagnosis was made by histopathological biopsies in nine cases, being one in surgical specimen, two cases in rectal stump, small bowel in two cases, ileal pouch in three and in perianal abscess in one of them. The median age was 30.6 years and eight (72.7%) were female. RESULTS: All patients had previous ulcerative colitis diagnosis and in five cases emergency colectomy was done by toxic megacolon. The mean time until of Crohn's disease diagnosis was 30.6 (6-80) months after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Ileostomy closure was possible in 10 cases except in one that had ileal pouch fistula, perianal disease and small bowel involvement. In the long-term follow-up, three patients had perineal fistulas and one had also a pouch-vaginal fistula. All of them were submitted to a new ileostomy and one had the pouch excised. Another patient presented pouch-vaginal fistula which was successfully treated by mucosal flap. Three patients had small bowel involvement and three others, pouch involvement. All improved with medical treatment. Presently, the mean follow-up is 76.5 months and all patients are in clinical remission, and four have fecal diversion. The remaining patients have good functional results with 6-10 bowel movements/day. CONCLUSION: Crohn's disease diagnosis after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis may be usual and later complications such fistulas and stenosis are common. However, when left in situ ileal pouch is associated with good function.


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CONTEXT: Desmoid tumors constitute one of the most important extraintestinal manifestations of familial adenomatous polyposis. The development of desmoids is responsible for increasing morbidity and mortality rates in cases of familial adenomatous polyposis. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the occurrence of desmoid tumors in familial adenomatous polyposis cases following prophylactic colectomy and to present patient outcome. METHODS: Between 1984 and 2008, 68 patients underwent colectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis at the School of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil. Desmoid tumors were found in nine (13.2%) of these patients, who were studied retrospectively by consulting their medical charts with respect to clinical and surgical data. RESULTS: Of nine patients, seven (77.8%) were submitted to laparotomy for tumor resection. Median age at the time of surgery was 33.9 years (range 22-51 years). Desmoid tumors were found in the abdominal wall in 3/9 cases (33.3%) and in an intra-abdominal site in the remaining six cases (66.7%). Median time elapsed between ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and diagnosis of desmoid tumor was 37.5 months (range 14-60 months), while the median time between colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis and diagnosis was 63.7 months (range 25-116 months). In 6/9 (66.7%) patients with desmoid tumors, the disease was either under control or there was no evidence of tumor recurrence at a follow-up visit made a mean of 63.1 months later (range 12-240 months). CONCLUSIONS: Desmoid tumors were found in 13.2% of cases of familial adenomatous polyposis following colectomy; therefore, familial adenomatous polyposis patients should be followed-up and surveillance should include abdominal examination to detect signs and symptoms. Treatment options include surgery and clinical management with antiestrogens, antiinflammatory drugs or chemotherapy.


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Moyamoya is a chronic progressive cerebrovascular disease with characteristic angiographic findings and a clinical picture with episodes of transient ischemic attacks, headache, seizures, hemiparesis, which may resolve after surgical treatment. We describe the case of a girl with the typical findings of the disease, comparing them before and after surgery with the use of neuropsychological tests, neurological examination and laboratory tests.


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Huntington disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance, characterized by choreiform movements and cognitive impairment. Onset of symptoms is around 40 years of age and progression to death occurs in approximately 10 to 15 years from the time of disease onset. HD is associated with an unstable CAG repeat expansion at the 5' and of the IT15 gene. We have genotyped the CAG repeat in the IT15 gene in 44 Brazilian individuals (42 patients and 2 unaffected family members) belonging to 34 unrelated families thought to segregate HD. We found one expanded CAG allele in 32 individuals (76%) belonging to 25 unrelated families. In these HD patients, expanded alleles varied from 43 to 73 CAG units and normal alleles varied from 18 to 26 CAGs. A significant negative correlation between age at onset of symptoms and size of the expanded CAG allele was found (r=0.6; p=0.0001); however, the size of the expanded CAG repeat could explain only about 40% of the variability in age at onset (r2=0.4). In addition, we genotyped 25 unrelated control individuals (total of 50 alleles) and found normal CAG repeats varying from 16 to 33 units. The percentage of heterozigocity of the normal allele in the control population was 88%. In conclusion, our results showed that not all patients with the HD phenotype carried the expansion at the IT15 gene. Furthermore, molecular diagnosis was possible in all individuals, since no alleles of intermediate size were found. Therefore, molecular confirmation of the clinical diagnosis in HD should be sought in all suspected patients, making it possible for adequate genetic counseling.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of patients with chronic and recurrent aseptic meningitis.METHOD: A retrospective study of five patients with aseptic meningoencefalitis diagnosed by clinical and CSF findings. CT scans showed without no relevant findings. RESULTS: MRI showed small multifocal lesions hyperintense on T2 weighted images and FLAIR, with mild or no gadolinium enhancement, mainly in periventricular and subcortical regions. Meningoencephalitis preceded the diagnosis of the underlying disease in four patients (Behçet´s disease or systemic lupus erythematosus). After the introduction of adequate treatment for the rheumatic disease, they did not present further symptoms of aseptic meningoencephalitis. CONCLUSION: Aseptic meningoencephalitis can be an early presentation of an autoimmune disease. It is important to emphasize the role of MRI in the diagnosis and follow-up of these patients.


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A missense G209A mutation of the alpha-synuclein gene was recently described in a large Contursi kindred with Parkinson's disease (PD). The objective of this study is to determine if the mutation G209A of the alpha-synuclein gene was present in 10 Brazilian families with PD. PD patients were recruited from movement disorders clinics of Brazil. A family history with two or more affected in relatives was the inclusion criterion for this study. The alpha-synuclein G209A mutation assay was made using polymerase chain reaction and the restriction enzyme Tsp45I. Ten patients from 10 unrelated families were studied. The mean age of PD onset was 42.7 years old. We did not find the G209A mutation in our 10 families with PD. Our results suggest that alpha-synuclein mutation G209A is uncommon in Brazilian PD families.


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Whipple's disease (WD) is an uncommon multisystem condition caused by the bacillus Tropheryma whipplei. Central nervous system involvement is a classical feature of the disease observed in 20 to 40% of the patients. We report the case of a 62 yeards old man with WD that developed neurological manifestations during its course, and discuss the most usual signs and symptoms focusing on recent diagnostic criteria and novel treatment regimens.


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X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is an inherited disease with clinical heterogeneity varying from presymptomatic individuals to rapidly progressive cerebral ALD forms. This disease is characterized by increased concentration of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in plasma and in adrenal, testicular and nervous tissues. Affected individuals can be classified in different clinical settings, according to phenotypic expression and age at onset of initial symptoms. Molecular defects in X-ALD individuals usually result from ABCD1 gene mutations. In the present report we describe clinical data and the ABCD1 gene study in two boys affected with the childhood cerebral form that presented with different symptomatic manifestations at diagnosis. In addition, their maternal grandfather had been diagnosed with Addison's disease indicating phenotypic variation for X-ALD within this family. The mutation p.Trp132Ter was identified in both male patients; additionally, three females, out of eleven family members, were found to be heterozygous after screening for this mutation. In the present report, the molecular analysis was especially important since one of the heterozygous females was in first stages of pregnancy. Therefore, depending on the fetus outcome, if male and p.Trp132Ter carrier, storage of the umbilical cord blood should be recommended as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation could be considered as an option for treatment in the future.


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A case of neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (NCL) is reported in a 11-year-old girl, whose main symptoms were progressive dementia since the age of 4 years and choreic movements since age 10. Seizures, myoclonus and visual deterioration were absent and optic fundi were normal. A cerebral biopsy disclosed two basic types of stored substance in the cytoplasm of neurons: a) severely balloned nerve cells in cortical layers HI and V contained a non-autofluorescent material, which stained with PAS and Sudan Black B in frozen, but not in paraffin sections; ultrastructurally, these neurons showed abundant corpuscles similar to the membranous cytoplasmic bodies of Tay-Sachs disease and, in smaller amounts, also zebra bodies; b) slightly distended or non-distended neurons in all layers contained lipopigment granules, which were autofluorescent, PAS-positive and sudanophil in both frozen and paraffin sections; their ultrastructure was closely comparable to that of lipofuscin. Similar bodies were found in the swollen segments of axons and in a few astrocytes and endothelial cells. The histochemical and ultrastructural demonstration of large amounts of lipopigments allows a presumptive classification of the case as NCL. However, the presence of involuntary movements, the absence of visual disturbances and the unusual ultrastructural features place the patient into a small heterogeneous group within the NCL. A better classification of such unique instances of the disease must await elucidation of the basic enzymatic defects.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física