970 resultados para distributed coupled resonator bandpass filter principles


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Polarization-independent laterally-coupled micro-ring resonator has been designed and demonstrated. The origin of the polarization-sensitivity of the photonic wire waveguide (PWW) was analyzed. A polarization-insensitive PWW structure was designed and a polarization-insensitive MRR based on this PWW structure was designed by finite difference time-domain method and was fabricated on an 8-inch silicon-on-insulator wafer. The offset between the resonant wavelengths of the quasi-TE mode and the quasi-TM mode is smaller than 0.15 nm. The FSR is about 17 nm, extinction ratio about 10 dB and Q about 620.


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A high quality (Q) factor microring resonator in silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides was fabricated by electron beam lithography, followed by inductively coupled plasma etching. The waveguide dimensions were scaled down to submicron, for a low bending loss and compactness. Experimentally, the resonator has been realized with a quality factor as high as 21,200, as well as a large extinction ratio 12.5dB at telecommunication wavelength near 1550nm. From the measured results, propagation loss in the rib waveguide is determined as low as 6.900/cm. This high Q microring resonator is expected to lead to high speed optical modulators and bio-sensing devices.


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Wavelength tunable electro-absorption modulated distributed Bragg reflector lasers (TEMLs) are promising light source in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical fiber communication system due to high modulation speed, small chirp, low drive voltage, compactness and fast wavelength tuning ability. Thus, increased the transmission capacity, the functionality and the flexibility are provided. Materials with bandgap difference as large as 250nm have been integrated on the same wafer by a combined technique of selective area growth (SAG) and quantum well intermixing (QWI), which supplies a flexible and controllable platform for the need of photonic integrated circuits (PIC). A TEML has been fabricated by this technique for the first time. The component has superior characteristics as following: threshold current of 37mA, output power of 3.5mW at 100mA injection and 0V modulator bias voltage, extinction ratio of more than 20 dB with modulator reverse voltage from 0V to 2V when coupled into a single mode fiber, and wavelength tuning range of 4.4nm covering 6 100-GHz WDM channels. A clearly open eye diagram is observed when the integrated EAM is driven with a 10-Gb/s electrical NRZ signal. A good transmission characteristic is exhibited with power penalties less than 2.2 dB at a bit error ratio (BER) of 10(-10) after 44.4 km standard fiber transmission.


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An index-coupled distributed feedback laser with the sampled grating has been designed and fabricated. The +1(st) order reflection of the sampled grating is utilized for laser single mode operation, which is 1.5329 mu m in the experiment. The sampled grating is formed by a conventional holographic exposure combined with the usual photolithography. The typical threshold current of DFB laser with the sampled grating is 25mA, and the optical output is about 10mW at the injected current of 100mA.


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We report on the design and fabrication of a photonic crystal (PC) channel drop filter based on an asymmetric silicon-on-insulator (SOI) slab. The filter is composed of two symmetric stick-shape micro-cavities between two single-line-defect (W1) waveguides in a triangular lattice, and the phase matching condition for the filter to improve the drop efficiency is satisfied by modifying the positions and radii of the air holes around the micro-cavities. A sample is then fabricated by using electron beam lithography (EBL) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching processes. The measured 0 factor of the filter is about 1140, and the drop efficiency is estimated to be 73% +/- 5% by fitting the transmission spectrum.


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Equilateral-triangle-resonator (ETR) microlasers with an output waveguide connected to one of the vertices of the ETR are fabricated using standard photolithography and inductively-coupled-plasma etching techniques. Continuous-wave electrically injected 1550 nm ETR laser with side length ranged from 15 to 30 tm are realized at room temperature.


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Modes in equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) are analyzed and classified according to the irreducible representations of the point group C-3v., Both the analytical method based on the far field emission and the numerical method by FDTD technique are used to calculate the quality factors (Q-factors) of the doubly degenerate states in ETR. Results obtained from the two methods are in reasonable agreement. Considering the different symmetry properties of the doubly degenerate eigenstates, we also discuss the ETR joined with an output waveguide at one of the vertices by FDTD technique and the Pade approximation. The variation of Q-factors versus width of output waveguide is analyzed. The numerical results show that doubly degenerate eigenstates of TM0.36 and TM0.38 whose wavelengths are around 1.5 mu m in the resonator with side-length of 5 mu m have the Q-factors larger than 1000 when the width of the output waveguide is smaller than 0.4 mu m. When the width of the output waveguide is set to 0.3 mu m, the symmetrical states that are more efficiently coupled to output waveguide have Q-factors about 8000, which are over 3 times larger than those of asymmetric state.


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A 7.8-mu m surface emitting second-order distributed feedback quantum cascade laser (DFB QCL) structure with metallized surface grating is studied. The modal property of this structure is described by utilizing coupled-mode theory where the coupling coefficients are derived from exact Floquet-Bloch solutions of infinite periodic structure. Based on this theory, the influence of waveguide structure and grating topography as well as device length on the laser performance is numerically investigated. The optimized surface emitting second-order DFB QCL structure design exhibits a high surface outcoupling efficiency of 22% and a low threshold gain of 10 cm(-1). Using a pi phase-shift in the centre of the grating, a high-quality single-lobe far-field radiation pattern is obtained.


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A 1.55 mu m InGaAsP-InP partly gain-coupled two-section DFB self-pulsation laser (SPL) with a varied ridge width has been fabricated. The laser produces self-pulsations with a frequency tuning range of more than 135 GHz. All-optical clock recovery from 40 Gb/s degraded data streams has been demonstrated. Successful lockings of the device at frequencies of 30 GHz, 40 GHz, 50 GHz, and 60 GHz to a 10 GHz sidemode injection are also conducted, which demonstrates the capability of the device for all-optical clock recovery at different frequencies. This flexibility of the device is highly desired for practical uses. Crown Copyright


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A micromachined vertical cavity tunable filter with AlGaAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflector is presented. This filter can be electrostatic tuning over a range of 28nm with an applied voltage of 7V.


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We demonstrate surface emitting distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers emitting at wavelengths from 8.1 mu m at 90 K to 8.4 mu m at 210 K. The second-order metalized grating is carefully designed using a modified coupled-mode theory and fabricated by contact lithography. The devices show single mode behavior with a side mode suppression ratio above 18 dB at all working temperatures. At 90 K, the device emits an optical power of 101 mW from the surface and 199 mW from the edge. In addition, a double-lobe far-field pattern with a separation of 2.2 degrees is obtained in the direction along the waveguide.


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Effects of some factors on the performance of our Kalman filter in discrimination of closely spaced overlapping signals were investigated. The resolution power of the filter for overlapping lines can be strengthened by reduction of the step size in scans. The minimum peak separation of two lines which the Kalman filter can effectively handle generally equals two to three times the step size in scans. Significant difference between the profiles of the analysis and interfering lines and multiple lines from matrix in the spectral window of the analysis line are very helpful for the Kalman filter to discern closely spaced analysis and interfering signals correctly, which allow the filter well to resolve the line pair with very small peak distance or even the entirely coincident lines.


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A Kalman filter was developed for resolving overlapping lines in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and evaluated experimentally with the determination of La in the presence of Ho, and Cu in the presence of Pr. The whiteness of the innovation sequence for an optimal filter was explored to be the criterion for the correction of the wavelength positioning errors which may occur in spectral scans. Under the conditions of the medium-resolution spectrometer and 1.5 pm step size in scans, the filter effectively resolved the Cu/Pr line pair having a small peak separation of 4.8 pm. For the La/Ho line pair with a peak distance of 9.8 pm, an unbiased estimate for La concentration was still obtained even when the signal-to-background ratio was down to 0.048. Favourable detection limits for real samples were achieved. Unstructured backgrounds were modeled theoretically and all spectral scans therefore did not require the correction for solvent.


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The hyphenated technique of high performance liquid chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) was applied to the simultaneous determination of five organotin compounds (trimethyltin, dibutyltin, tributyltin, diphenyltin and triphenyltin) in seawater samples. Agilent TC-C18 column was used for the separation, the mobile phase of HPLC was CH3CN : H2O: CH3COOH=65 : 23 : 12 (phi), 0.05% TEA, and pH value was adjusted to 3.0 by diluent ammonia. The flow rate was 0.6 mL . min(-1). Five mixed organotin compounds in a mix standard solution from 100 to 0.5 mu g . L-1 were applied for the method assessment. The experimental results indicate that the correlation coefficient of calibration curves (R-2) for each organotin compound was over 0.998 and the detection limits of the five organotin compounds were lower than 3 ng . L-1. Different mixed organic solvents including dichloromethane or toluene were used for extraction of organotin and the extraction condition of organotin from seawater was optimized. The 100 mL seawater acidized by hydrochloric acid was extracted by 10 mL carbon dichloride (CH2Cl2) with 2% tropolone for 10 min twice. Extracted organic solvents were mixed And blown to one drop by nitrogen with the rate of 1.7 mL . min(-1), then 1 mL acetonitrile was added to the drop for redissolving the organotin compounds. Finally, the mixed redissolution was filtered by 0.22 mu m organic filter membrane before analysis. it was found that the only organotin compound in seawater was triphenyltin (TPHT) and the content was 53.2 ng . L-1. The recoveries test from the standard addition for diphenyltin (DPHT), dibutyltin (DBT), tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPHT) were over 80%. However, the recovery for trimethyltin (TMT) was relatively low and the value was 50%. The reason might be attributed to the decomposition or adsorption of those compounds during the extraction procedure. Further study on this subject is in progress.


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Load balancing is often used to ensure that nodes in a distributed systems are equally loaded. In this paper, we show that for real-time systems, load balancing is not desirable. In particular, we propose a new load-profiling strategy that allows the nodes of a distributed system to be unequally loaded. Using load profiling, the system attempts to distribute the load amongst its nodes so as to maximize the chances of finding a node that would satisfy the computational needs of incoming real-time tasks. To that end, we describe and evaluate a distributed load-profiling protocol for dynamically scheduling time-constrained tasks in a loosely-coupled distributed environment. When a task is submitted to a node, the scheduling software tries to schedule the task locally so as to meet its deadline. If that is not feasible, it tries to locate another node where this could be done with a high probability of success, while attempting to maintain an overall load profile for the system. Nodes in the system inform each other about their state using a combination of multicasting and gossiping. The performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated via simulation, and is contrasted to other dynamic scheduling protocols for real-time distributed systems. Based on our findings, we argue that keeping a diverse availability profile and using passive bidding (through gossiping) are both advantageous to distributed scheduling for real-time systems.