210 resultados para curvilinear


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We report dissolved sulfide sulfur concentrations and the sulfur isotopic composition of dissolved sulfate and sulfide in pore waters from sediments collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204. Porewater sulfate is depleted rapidly as the depth to the sulfate/methane interface (SMI) occurs between 4.5 and 11 meters below seafloor at flank and basin locations. Dissolved sulfide concentration reaches values as high as 11.3 mM in Hole 1251E. Otherwise, peak sulfide concentrations lie between 3.2 and 6.1 mM and occur immediately above the SMI. The sulfur isotopic composition of interstitial sulfate generally becomes enriched in 34S with increasing sediment depth. Peak d34S-SO4 values occur just above the SMI and reach up to 53.1 per mil Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite (VCDT) in Hole 1247B. d34S-Sigma HS values generally parallel the trend of d34S-SO4 values but are more depleted in 34S relative to sulfate, with values from -12.7 per mil to 19.3 per mil VCDT. Curvilinear sulfate profiles and carbon isotopic composition of total dissolved carbon dioxide at flank and basin sites strongly suggest that sulfate depletion is controlled by oxidation of sedimentary organic matter, despite the presence of methane gas hydrates in underlying sediments. Preliminary data from sulfur species are consistent with this interpretation for Leg 204 sediments at sites not located on or near the crest of Hydrate Ridge.


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This dissertation relates job desires and outcomes to the Dark Personality (Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Low Agreeableness, Low Honesty-Humility) in the United States Army. It purports that individuals high on the Dark Personality desire more power, money, and status, and that they obtain jobs that afford them these luxuries by using manipulation at work. Two pilot studies used samples of United States Army members to create and test index variables: Dark Personality, Total Manipulation in the workplace, Desire for Job Success, and Total Job Success in the Army. Individual personality traits, manipulation tactics, and job desires were examined in secondary analyses. Using a sample of 468 United States Army Members, central analyses indicated that Army members high on the Dark Personality desired Job Success. Likewise, army members higher on the Dark Personality used more Manipulation tactics at work, including the egregious tactics. Yet, using more Manipulation tactics at work predicted lower levels of Job Success in the Army. Most manipulation tactics had a negative impact on Job Success, with the exception of soft tactics like Reason and Responsibility Invocation. Together, these results indicate that selective use of soft manipulation predicted Job Success, but use of more manipulation tactics predicted less Job Success in the Army. Curvilinear results indicated that being either very low or very high on the Dark Personality predicted more Job Success in the Army, whereas having intermediate levels of the Dark Personality predicted less Job Success. Finally, possessing the Dark Personality and using more Manipulation tactics at work, together, predicted less Job Success in the Army. Collectively, the results indicate that army members with intermediate levels of the Dark Personality want more powerful and high paying jobs, yet their strategy of manipulating their coworkers to move up the job ladder does not result in higher ranking, higher paying Army positions. However, Army members highest on the Dark Personality achieved job success, defying the maladaptive influence that antisocial personality traits and manipulative behaviour had on job success for most Army members. Therefore, this dissertation indicates that successful corporate scoundrels exist in the Army, but there are few of them.


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O nosso estudo procurou investigar de que modo o rácio otimismo/pessimismo prediz a criatividade no trabalho. Foi inquirida uma amostra de 96 indivíduos de 54 organizações, os quais descreveram os seus níveis de otimismo e de pessimismo e cuja criatividade foi descrita pelos seus líderes (n=96). Os principais resultados apontam que existe uma relação curvilínea entre o rácio otimismo/pessimismo e a criatividade, o que sugere que o otimismo, quando não é exagerado e irrealista, se relaciona positivamente a criatividade dos indivíduos.


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Finding rare events in multidimensional data is an important detection problem that has applications in many fields, such as risk estimation in insurance industry, finance, flood prediction, medical diagnosis, quality assurance, security, or safety in transportation. The occurrence of such anomalies is so infrequent that there is usually not enough training data to learn an accurate statistical model of the anomaly class. In some cases, such events may have never been observed, so the only information that is available is a set of normal samples and an assumed pairwise similarity function. Such metric may only be known up to a certain number of unspecified parameters, which would either need to be learned from training data, or fixed by a domain expert. Sometimes, the anomalous condition may be formulated algebraically, such as a measure exceeding a predefined threshold, but nuisance variables may complicate the estimation of such a measure. Change detection methods used in time series analysis are not easily extendable to the multidimensional case, where discontinuities are not localized to a single point. On the other hand, in higher dimensions, data exhibits more complex interdependencies, and there is redundancy that could be exploited to adaptively model the normal data. In the first part of this dissertation, we review the theoretical framework for anomaly detection in images and previous anomaly detection work done in the context of crack detection and detection of anomalous components in railway tracks. In the second part, we propose new anomaly detection algorithms. The fact that curvilinear discontinuities in images are sparse with respect to the frame of shearlets, allows us to pose this anomaly detection problem as basis pursuit optimization. Therefore, we pose the problem of detecting curvilinear anomalies in noisy textured images as a blind source separation problem under sparsity constraints, and propose an iterative shrinkage algorithm to solve it. Taking advantage of the parallel nature of this algorithm, we describe how this method can be accelerated using graphical processing units (GPU). Then, we propose a new method for finding defective components on railway tracks using cameras mounted on a train. We describe how to extract features and use a combination of classifiers to solve this problem. Then, we scale anomaly detection to bigger datasets with complex interdependencies. We show that the anomaly detection problem naturally fits in the multitask learning framework. The first task consists of learning a compact representation of the good samples, while the second task consists of learning the anomaly detector. Using deep convolutional neural networks, we show that it is possible to train a deep model with a limited number of anomalous examples. In sequential detection problems, the presence of time-variant nuisance parameters affect the detection performance. In the last part of this dissertation, we present a method for adaptively estimating the threshold of sequential detectors using Extreme Value Theory on a Bayesian framework. Finally, conclusions on the results obtained are provided, followed by a discussion of possible future work.


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Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao sobrepeso e à obesidade entre adolescentes de uma escola pública em Campinas, São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, realizado entre julho e setembro de 2013, com 107 jovens entre 15 e 19 anos que cursavam o ensino médio em uma escola pública do município de Campinas, São Paulo. Utilizou-se um questionário para investigar dados sociodemográficos e fatores de risco para sobrepeso e obesidade. Além disso, verificaram-se dados clínicos (peso, altura, pressão arterial). Resultados: A amostra se caracterizou com predomínio de mulheres (n=65, 60,7%) com 16,5 anos em média e renda familiar entre 2 e 4 salários mínimos (n=53, 49,5%). A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi de 18 (16,8%) e 9 (8,4%), respectivamente. Destaca-se que 62 (58%) sempre omitiam uma refeição, 54 (50,5%) sempre se alimentavam vendo televisão e 56 (52,3%) não praticavam atividade física fora da escola. Tentar e não conseguir fazer dieta foi associado ao sobrepeso e à obesidade, e autoimagem curvilínea foi associada à obesidade. Conclusão: O estudo revelou que parte significativa da amostra estava com sobrepeso ou obesidade. A falha em manter uma dieta e a autoimagem curvilínea associadas às alterações nutricionais sugerem que os adolescentes tinham consciência dessas alterações e se preocupavam com o próprio peso, a ponto de buscarem a dieta para tentar emagrecer.


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Observational data and a three dimensional numerical model (POM) are used to investigate the Persian Gulf outflow structure and its spreading pathway into the Oman Sea. The model is based on orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system in horizontal and train following coordinate (sigma coordinate) system in vertical. In the simulation, the horizontal diffusivity coefficients are calculated form Smogorinsky diffusivity formula and the eddy vertical diffusivities are obtained from a second turbulence closure model (namely Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 model of turbulence). The modeling area includes the east of the Persian Gulf, the Oman Sea and a part of the north-east of the Indian Ocean. In the model, the horizontal grid spacing was assumed to be about 3.5 km and the number of vertical levels was set to 32. The simulations show that the mean salinity of the PG outflow does not change substantially during the year and is about 39 psu, while its temperature exhibits seasonal variations. These lead to variations in outflow density in a way that is has its maximum density in late winter (March) and its minimum in mid-summer (August). At the entrance to the Oman Sea, the PG outflow turns to the right due to Coriolis Effect and falls down on the continental slope until it gains its equilibrium depth. The highest density of the outflow during March causes it to sink more into the deeper depths in contrast to that of August which the density is the lowest one. Hence, the neutral buoyancy depths of the outflow are about 500 m and 250 m for March and August respectively. Then, the outflow spreads in its equilibrium depths in the Oman Sea in vicinity of western and southern boundaries until it approach the Ras al Hamra Cape where the water depth suddenly begins to increase. Therefore, during March, the outflow that is deeper and wider relative to August, is more affected by the steep slope topography and as a result of vortex stretching mechanism and conservation of potential vorticity it separates from the lateral boundaries and finally forms an anti-cyclonic eddy in the Oman Sea. But during August the outflow moves as before in vicinity of lateral boundaries. In addition, the interaction of the PG outflow with tide in the Strait of Hormuz leads to intermittency in outflow movement into the Oman Sea and it could be the major reason for generations of Peddy (Peddies) in the Oman Sea.


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We show that a wide-angle converging wave may be transformed into a shape-preserving accelerating beam having a beam-width near the diffraction limit. For that purpose, we followed a strategy that is particularly conceived for the acceleration of nonparaxial laser beams, in contrast to the well-known method by Siviloglou et al (2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 213901). The concept of optical near-field shaping is applied to the design of non-flat ultra-narrow diffractive optical elements. The engineered curvilinear caustic can be set up by the beam emerging from a dynamic assembly of elementary gratings, the latter enabling to modify the effective refractive index of the metamaterial as it is arranged in controlled orientations. This light shaping process, besides being of theoretical interest, is expected to open up a wide range of broadband application possibilities.


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Spatially accelerating beams are non-diffracting beams whose intensity is localized along curvilinear trajectories, also incomplete circular trajectories, before diffraction broadening governs their propagation. In this paper we report on numerical simulations showing the conversion of a high-numerical-aperture focused beam into a nonparaxial shape-preserving accelerating beam having a beam-width near the diffraction limit. Beam shaping is induced near the focal region by a diffractive optical element that consists of a non-planar subwavelength grating enabling a Bessel signature.


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Use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for quantifying athletic performance is common in many team sports. The effect of running velocity on measurement validity is well established, but the influence of rapid directional change is not well understood in team sport applications. This effect was systematically evaluated using multidirectional and curvilinear adaptations of a validated soccer simulation protocol that maintained identical velocity profiles. Team sport athletes completed 90 min trials of the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle-running Test movement pattern on curvilinear, and multidirectional shuttle running tracks while wearing a 5 Hz (with interpolated 15 Hz output) GPS device. Reference total distance (13 200 m) was systematically over- and underestimated during curvilinear (2.61±0.80%) and shuttle (-3.17±2.46%) trials, respectively. Within-epoch measurement uncertainty dispersion was widest during the shuttle trial, particularly during the jog and run phases. Relative measurement reliability was excellent during both trials (Curvilinear r = 1.00, slope = 1.03, ICC = 1.00; Shuttle r = 0.99, slope = 0.97, ICC = 0.99). Absolute measurement reliability was superior during the curvilinear trial (Curvilinear SEM = 0 m, CV = 2.16%, LOA ± 223 m; Shuttle SEM = 119 m, CV = 2.44%, LOA ± 453 m). Rapid directional change degrades the accuracy and absolute reliability of GPS distance measurement, and caution is recommended when using GPS to quantify rapid multidirectional movement patterns.


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A two part experiment was conducted to assess the response of barramundi (Lates calcarifer; initial weight = 10.3 ± 0.03 g; mean ± S.D.) fed one of five diets with varying eicosapentaenoic acid (diets 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/kg) or one of four diets with varying arachidonic acid (1, 6, 12, 18 g/kg) against a fish oil control diet. After 6 weeks of feeding, the addition of EPA or ARA did not impact on growth performance or feed utilisation. Analysis of the whole body fatty acids showed that these reflected those of the diets. The ARA retention demonstrated an inversely related curvilinear response to either EPA or ARA. The calculated marginal utilisation efficiencies of EPA and ARA were high (62.1 and 91.9 % respectively) and a dietary ARA requirement was defined (0.012 g/kg(0.796)/day). The partial cDNA sequences of genes regulating eicosanoid biosynthesis were identified in barramundi tissues, namely cyclooxygenase 1 (Lc COX1a, Lc COX1b), cyclooxygenase 2 (Lc COX2) and lipoxygenase (Lc ALOX-5). Both Lc COX2 and Lc ALOX-5 expression in the liver tissue were elevated in response to increasing dietary ARA, meanwhile expression levels of Lc COX2 and the mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (Lc CPT1a) were elevated in the kidney. A low level of EPA increased the expression of Lc COX1b in the liver. Consideration should be given to the EPA to ARA balance for juvenile barramundi in light of nutritionally inducible nature of the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase enzymes.


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Most child sexual abuse cases do not result in conviction; rather, they result in attrition at an earlier point in the system. Although research has looked at case characteristics associated with attrition at later stages of the system (i.e. the laying of charges and prosecution stages), to date, no research has studied the case characteristics associated with attrition as soon as a report has been made to authorities. The aim of this study was to determine the case characteristics (child complainant, suspect and additional case characteristics) associated with attrition when a case first enters the criminal justice system before a forensic interview is conducted. All child sexual abuse incidents reported to police in one jurisdiction of Australia in 2011 were examined. Three case characteristics were found to predict attrition: previous disclosure, abuse frequency and the child complainant’s age. Specifically, cases were more likely to result in attrition when the child had not previously disclosed the abuse to an adult, the abuse was a single incident rather than repeated, and a curvilinear relationship was found for child age. Cases involving children aged 7–12 years were less likely to result in attrition than cases involving younger (0–6 years) and older (13–15 years) children. This information should assist professionals and researchers in developing interventions to reduce the attrition when necessary during this early stage of the criminal justice system.


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The nature of work and careers in China are constantly evolving as a result of market-oriented economic transition in the country. Increasingly, employees are required to be proactive and self-starting in skill and competency improvement for employability. Employee self-development (ESD) involves considerations embedded in a wide range of relationships including both work and non-work domains. This research draws from social exchange theory and information processing theory to investigate how guanxi, a relational phenomenon unique to traditional Chinese culture, influences ESD. Drawing from the experience of a sample (n = 404) of employees in China, an inverted U-shaped relationship between guanxi and ESD is found, suggesting that initial positive influences of guanxi on ESD diminish after reaching an inflexion point. We also found that these influences are stronger for gender congruent employee-supervisor dyads. The theoretical and managerial implications that too much guanxi is not necessarily good for ESD, particularly in the presence of gender congruence, are also discussed.


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This study aimed to provide height, body mass, BMI and waist circumference (WC) growth centile charts for school-children, aged 4–17 years, from central Peru, and to compare Peruvian data with North-American and Argentinean references. The sample consisted of 8753 children and adolescents (4130 boys and 4623 girls) aged 4 to 17 years, from four Peruvian cities: Barranco, La Merced, San Ramón and Junín. Height, body mass and WC were measured according to standardized techniques. Centile curves for height, body mass, BMI and WC were obtained separately for boys and girls using the LMS method. Student t-tests were used to compare mean values. Overall boys have higher median heights than girls, and the 50th percentile for body mass increases curvilinearly from 4 years of age onwards. In boys, the BMI and WC 50th percentiles increase linearly and in girls, the increase presents a curvilinear pattern. Peruvian children are shorter, lighter and have higher BMI than their counterparts in the U.S. and Argentina; in contrast, age and sex-specific WC values are lower. Height, body mass and WC of Peruvian children increased with age and variability was higher at older ages. The growth patterns for height, body mass, BMI and WC among Peruvian children were similar to those observed in North-American and Argentinean peers.


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To determine whether the heart rate (HR) response to exercise in 21 highly trained cyclists (mean (SD) age 25 (3) years) was related to their heart dimensions. Methods—Before performing an incremental exercise test involving a ramp protocol with workload increases of 25 W/min, each subject underwent echocardiographic evaluation of the following variables: left ventricular end diastolic internal diameter (LVIDd), left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end diastole (LVPWTd), interventricular septal wall thickness at end diastole (IVSTd), left ventricular mass index (LVMI), left atrial dimension (LAD), longitudinal left atrial (LLAD) and right atrial (LRAD) dimensions, and the ratio of early to late (E/A) diastolic flow velocity. Results—The HR response showed a de- flection point (HRd) at about 85% V~ O2MAX in 66.7% of subjects (D group; n = 14) and was linear in 33.3% (NoD group; n = 7). Several echocardiographic variables (LVMI, LAD, LLAD, LRAD) indicative of heart dimensions were similar in each group. However, mean LPWTd (p<0.01) and IVSTd (p<0.05) values were signifi- cantly higher in the D group. Finally, no significant diVerence between groups was found with respect to the E/A. The HR response is curvilinear during incremental exercise in a considerable number of highly trained endurance athletes—that is, top level cyclists. The departure of HR increase from linearity may predominantly occur in athletes with thicker heart walls.


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This study aimed to provide height, body mass, BMI and waist circumference (WC) growth centile charts for school-children, aged 4–17 years, from central Peru, and to compare Peruvian data with North-American and Argentinean references. The sample consisted of 8753 children and adolescents (4130 boys and 4623 girls) aged 4 to 17 years, from four Peruvian cities: Barranco, La Merced, San Ramón and Junín. Height, body mass and WC were measured according to standardized techniques. Centile curves for height, body mass, BMI and WC were obtained separately for boys and girls using the LMS method. Student t-tests were used to compare mean values. Overall boys have higher median heights than girls, and the 50th percentile for body mass increases curvilinearly from 4 years of age onwards. In boys, the BMI and WC 50th percentiles increase linearly and in girls, the increase presents a curvilinear pattern. Peruvian children are shorter, lighter and have higher BMI than their counterparts in the U.S. and Argentina; in contrast, age and sex-specific WC values are lower. Height, body mass and WC of Peruvian children increased with age and variability was higher at older ages. The growth patterns for height, body mass, BMI and WC among Peruvian children were similar to those observed in North-American and Argentinean peers.