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Nineteen samples of the Cape Roberts-1 drillcore were taken from Miocene- age deposits, from 90.25 - 146.50 metres below seafloor (mbsf) for thin section and laser grain-size analysis. Using the grain-size distribution, detailed core logging, X-radiography and thin-section analysis of microstructures, coupled with a statistical grouping of the grain-size data, three main styles of gravity-flow sedimentation were revealed. Thin (centimetre-scale) muddy debris-flow deposits are the most common and are possibly tirggered by debris rain-out from sea-ice These deposits are characterised by very poorly sorted, faintly laminated muddy sandstones with coarse granules toward their base. Contacts are gradational to sharp. Variations on this style of mass-wasting deposit are rhythmically stacked sequences of pebbly-coarse sandstones representing successive thin debris-flow events. These suggest very high sedimentation rates on an unstable slope in a shallow-water proximal glacimarine environment. Sandy-silty turbidites appear more common in the lower sections of the core, below approximately 141.00 mbsf, although they occur occasionally with the debris flow deposits The turbidites are characterised by inversely to normally graded, well-laminated siltstones with occasional lonestones, and represent a more distal shallow-water glacimarine environment.
Lonestone abundances in CRP-1 were investigated using three methods: core examination at Cape Roberts Camp, analysis of digital core images and follow-up core examination. For all images of split-core, we determined size and depth of every detectable lonestone larger than 3 mm. Lonestone abundance decreases exponentially with clast size. Although no significant depth-dependent variations in lonestone size distribution were detected, a strong 0.5-0.7 m abundance periodicity, of unknown origin, is evident within diamicts. Lonestone volume percentage was estimated from size distribution: most size classes contribute approximately the same volume to the total. Sizes >16 mm have rare enough lonestones that their counts are nonrepresentative when based on short intervals of split core. This problem does not affect total counts significantly, but the volume analysis needs to be confined to <= 6 mm lonestones to avoid instability induced by rare and nonrepresentative larger lonestones. If lonestone abundance can be used as an indicator of glacial proximity, then our CRP-1 lonestone abundance logs confirm the overall character of previously inferred variations in relative distance to the ice margin. Large-scale changes in lonestone abundance also reflect the CRP-1 sequence stratigraphy, with individual sequences generally characterised by basal lonestone-rich diamict overlain by lonestone-poor sands and muds. The relationship between glacial proximity and lonestone abundance within diamicts and within sand-mud intervals is, however, less certain. For example, two or three gradual lonestone increases may indicate regressions during glacial advances, in contrast to the more common CRP-l pattern of dominantly transgressive sequences.
A diverse assemblage of marine palynomorphs was recovered from the Oligocene - Miocene section of CRP-2/2A. Most of the assemblage is composed of previously unrecognised species. Three distinct groups of marine palynomorph were recognised: (1) prasinophytes, mainly Cymatiosphaera, (2) acritarchs, mainly Leiosphaeridia and Sigmopollis although Leiofusa is an important component of the bottom half of the hole, and (3) dinoflagellate cysts. About 27 species of in situ dinoflagellate cysts were recorded, of which seven apparently undescribed species of Lejeunecysta form a prominent component. Reworked specimens of several species of the Paleogene Transantarctic Flora occur in CRP-2/2A sediments. Several abundance peaks of reworked taxa from the Transantarctic Flora are recorded. Three marine palynomorph zones were recognised (MP3, MP2, MP1), considered to be early Oligocene, late Oligocene, and late Oligocene/early Miocene in age respectively. Samples from the Quaternary and Pliocene part of CRP-2/2A were also examined. These proved either barren or yielded very sparse low diversity floras.
The Cenozoic sediments of the CRP-3 drill core from the continental shelf of McMurdo Sound in Ross Sea, Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, have been investigated for their clay mineral assemblages, especially for the smectite abundances, concentrations and crystallinities. The assemblages of CRP-3 are very different from those of the CRP-1 and CRP-2/2A drill cores. Thus, an almost monomineralic assemblage characterizes the sequence below 330 mbsf. This assemblage is made of well-crystallized smectite with probably authigenic origin between 800 mbsf and 625 mbsf. From 625 mbsf to 330 mbsf the assemblage consists of moderately crystallized smectite that, at least in part, seems to be of detrital origin and thus indicates weathering under a relatively warm and wet climate. In the interval 330-145 mbsf, smectite concentrations fluctuate between 50% and 100% and probably document alternating phases of chemical weathering under a warm and wet climate and physical weathering under a relatively cool and dry climate. Above 145 mbsf the smectite decreases dramatically to concentrations of about 20% and becomes poorly crystalline. In contrast, illite and chlorite become more abundant. Such an assemblage is typical for early Oligocene and younger sediments in McMurdo Sound and reflects physical weathering conditions under a cool climate on a glaciated Antarctic continent. Correlations of the changes in the clay mineral spectrum of CRP-3 with other cores from McMurdo Sound and from other parts of the Southern Ocean has to remain speculative at this stage, because of the poor age control.
Petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the mist representative basement lithologies occurring as clasts (pebble grain-size class) from the CRP-1 drillhole. Most pebbles consits of either undeformed or foliated biotite with or without hornblende monzogranites. Other rock types include biotite with or without garnet syenogranitr, biotite-hornblende granodiorite, tonalite, monzogranitic porphyries, haplogranite, quartz-monzonite (restricted to the Quaternary section), Ca-silicate rocks and biotite amphibolite (restricted to the Miocene strata). The common and ubiquitous occurence of biotite with or without hornblende monzogranite pebbles, in both the Quaternary and Miocene sections, apparently mirrors the dominance of these rock types in the granitoid assemblages which are presently exposed in the upper Precambrian-lower Paleozoic basement of the south Victoria Land. The other CRP-1 pebble lithologies show petrographical features which consitently support a dominant supply from areas of the Transantarctic Mountains located to the west and south-west of the CRP-1 site, and they thus furthercorroborate a model of local provenance for the supply of basement clasts to the CRP-1 sedimentary strata.
Determinations of total carbonate content yield additional information, in the context of integrated investigations, thus enabling or enhancing the interpretation and characterisation of the depositional environment, the processes of sedimentation and the diagenesis of sediments. In the case of drillcores, they help us to discern vertical gradations of facies sequences that have repeating patterns or show changes through time. This report presents initial results of carbonate investigations on a total of 32 bulk samples from the Quaternary and Miocene strata of the CRP-1 borehole, which reached a final depth of 147.69 metres below sea floor (mbsf). Fifteen out of a total of 18 lithostratigraphic units in the core were sampled (Tab. 1). Fourteen samples (24.85-43.85 mbsf) belong to the Quaternary, whereas 18 samples (44.53-146.51 mbsf) originate from the Miocene strata. The sampling intervals varied from 1-5 m for the Quaternary, and 1-15 m for the Miocene. All the samples originated from sections of core representing not more than 1 cm thickness.
A suite of petropysical measurements - velocity versus pressure, bulk density, porosity, matrix density, and magnetic susceptibility -was undertaken on 63 core plugs from CRP-2A. These data are used to calibrate neutron, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility well logs. Agreement between core-plug magnetic susceptibility measurements and both well-log and whole-core data is excellent. Comparison of core-plug bulk densities with continious well-log density records shows very good agreement. Core-plug measurements of matrix density permit conversion of the well-log and whole-core density records to porosity. Sands and muds exhibit similar downhole compaction patterns, and both patterns are consistent with 250 ± 150 m of exhumation. Pervasive cementation, particularly in the lower half of the core, has affected many CRP-2A petrophysical parameters: (1) fractional porosities are reduced by about 0.05 - 0.10 in the lower part of the hole; (2) velocity and porosity rebound are much smaller than is usually observed for unconsolidated sediments with burial depths similar to CRP-2A; (3) velocities are unusually insensitive to pressure, suggesting that any exhumation-induced microcracks have been scaled subsequently; (4) the velocity/porosity relationship lacks the characteristic signature of exhumation-induced microcracks; (5) the velocity/porosity relationship changes with depth, indicating downhole increase in consolidation; (6) Vp/Vs ratios of the highest-porosity sediments are unusually low, implying enhancement of framework stiffness.
Marine diatoms are the primary biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental tool for interpreting the upper Palaeogene and lower Neogene strata recovered during the second drilling season of the Cape Roberts Project at site CRP-2 in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. Silicoflagellates, ebridians, and a chrysophyte cyst provide supporting biostratigraphical information. More than 100 dominantly planktic diatom taxa are recognised. Of these, more than 30 are treated informally, pending SEM examination and formal description. Many other taxa are noted only to generic level. Lower Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) through lower Miocene (c. 18.5 Ma) diatoms occur from 28 mbsf down to 565 mbsf. Below this level, to the bottom of the hole at 624.15 mbsf, diatom assemblages are poorly-preserved and many samples are barren. A biostratigraphic zonal framework, consisting of ten diatom zones, is proposed for the Antarctic continental shelf. Ages inferred from the diatom biostratigraphy correspond well with geochronological data from argon dating of volcanic materials and strontium dating of calcareous macrofossils, as well as nannofossil biochronological datums. The biochronostratigraphical record from CRP-2/2A provides an important record of diatom events and mid-Cenozoic environmental changes in the Antarctic neritic zone.
A faunal comprising 18 foraminiferal taxa wa recovered from a suite of 52 core samples from lower Miocene sandstone, claystone and diamictite in the CRP-1 drillhole, Cape Roberts, Antarctica. The fauna is characterised by low foraminiferal abundance and diversity, the absence of planktics, and typically, the presence of Cribroelphidium sp. and/or Melonis spp. These factors indicate deposition in an inner shelf or nearshore environment. Many of the foraminifers found in CRP-1 also occure in the upper Oligocene-Miocene sequences in CIROS-1 and DSDP-270, but the fauna provides no precise indication of age. Typical and distinctive species from CRP-1 are illustrated with SEM photomicrographs.
Cape Roberts Project drillcore 1 was obtained from Roberts Ridge, a sea-floor high located at 77°S, 16 km offshore from Cape Roberts in western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The recovered core is about 147 m long with the upper 43.15 metres below the sea floor (revised figure) being dated as Quarternary and the older part of the sequence being Miocene. The core includes nine facies: sandy diamict, muddy diamict, gravel/conglomerate, mud(stone), clay(stone) and carbonate. These facies occure in associations that are repeated in particulare sequences throughout the core, and are interpreted as representing different depositional environments through time. Seven lithofacies associations are interpreted as representing offshore shelf, ice protected/below wave-base; prodeltaic/offshore shelf; delta front/sandy shelf; ice system; subglacial till/rainout diamict/debris flow diamicts singly or in combination; and a carbonate-rich shelf bank. The facies associations are used to infer that the Quaternary section represents deposition on a polar shelf with perhaps two or three glacial fluctuations. The Quaternary carbonate unit indicates a period of ice sheet retreat, but local glacial activity may have increased with an increase in costal precipitation. The Miocene section represents polythermal glacial systems. The older Miocene section is glacially dominated whereas the younger section is much less so. The glacially dominated section may provide evidence for a major glacial advance thar resulted un a low stand of global eustatic sea level at that time. After the low stand, eustatic sea level was gradually rising during deposition of the younger section dominated more by non-glacial processes.
Sediments of the CRP-2/2A drill core from the continental shelf of McMurdo Sound in Ross Sea, Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, have been investigated for their clay mineral assemblages, especially for the smectite contents and smectite crystallinities. Highest smectite amounts and best crystallinities occur in three intervals below 485 mbsf in CRP-2/2A. They indicate deposition of sediments during a time when chemical weathering was active on large ice-free areas on the nearby Antarctic continent. In he upper part of the core, smectite contents are much lower and crystallinities are worse. This clay mineral composition indicates deposition of sediments during a time when physical weathering prevailed on an ice-covered continent. At deep-sea sites around Antarctica the shift from smectite-dominated to smectite-poor and illite-rich assemblages is well dated as earliest Oligocene, 33.9-33.1 Ma, and documents the onset of continental glaciation in East Antarctica. At CIROS-1 a corresponding shift in the clay mineralogy was observed at a depth of 425-445 mbsf.
One of the objectives of the Cape Roberts Project is to study the tectonic history of the western Ross Sea region. Timing of the uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains, which are adjacent to the drillsite, will be a component of the tectonic studies (International Steering Committee, 1994; Cale Roberts Science Team, 1998a). The study of the clast samples from the core will be an important means of providing insight into the timing of uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains. Tholeiitic igneous rocks of the Jurassic (180 Ma) Ferrar large igneous province (FLIP) are widespreaded along the Transantarctic Mountains and have the potential to provide distinct indicators of erosion during uplift of the mountains. In the Transantarctic Mountains adjacent to the Cape Roberts drill site the FLIP is represented by lavas and pyroclastic of the Kirkpatrick basalts and by thick Ferrar dolerite sills which intrude the Beacon Supergroup sediments and, occasionally, the granitic basement rocks. In the Prince Albert Mountains, the youngest Kirkpatrick basalt lava is over 150 m thick, and has a very distinct high TiO2 chemical composition which is unique in the FLIP. If such rocks can be identified in the core they may provide precise timing of the initiation of uplift and denudation of the Transantarctic Mountains. Here we report on an examination of 20 Ferrar dolerite clasts. This brief report is intended as a pilot study to the examination of FLIP clasts from older drillcore.
The mineralogy of the lower Miocene and Quaternary sediments of the drillcore CRP-1 (McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica) has been analysed using the X-ray diffraction method. Quartz, plagioclase feldspars, K-feldspars are the most important non-clay minerals. Amphiboles occur throughout the core in minor amounts. The composition of the sediments points to an origin in the Transantarctic Mountains for the majority of the detrital components. There, the plutonic and metamorphic rocks of the basement, the sediments of the Beacon Supergroup and the volcanic rocks of the Ferrar Dolerite could serve as possible source lithologies. The quartz abundance is strongly linked to the gain size of the sediments with maxima correlating with coarse gain sizes. The downcore distribution of the other detrital minerals is relatively invariable, and does not indicate a major change in the source area during the time represented by the CRP-1 sediments. Some diagenetic alteration of the sediments is indicated by the occurrence of minor amounts of opal-CT and by some clinoptilolite below110 m depth.
Detrital modes determined on 68 sandstone samples from CRP-3 drillcore indicate a continuation of the dynamic history of uplift-related erosion and unroofing previously documented in CRP-1 and CRP-2/2A. The source area is identified very strongly with the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) Dry Valleys block in southern Victoria Land. Initial unroofing of the TAM comprised removal of much of a former capping sequence of Jurassic Kirkpatrick basalts, which preceded the formation of the Victoria Land Basin. Erosion of Beacon Supergroup outcrops took place during progressive uplift of the TAM in the Oligocene. Earliest CRP-3 Oligocene samples above 788 metres below the sea floor (mbsf) were sourced overwhelmingly in Beacon Supergroup strata, including a recognisable contribution from Triassic volcanogenic Lashly Formation sandstones (uppermost Victoria Group). Moving up-section, by 500 mbsf, the CRP-3 samples are depauperate quartz arenites dominantly derived from the quartzose Devonian Taylor Group. Between c. 500 and 450 mbsf, the modal parameters show a distinctive change indicating that small outcrops of basement granitoids and metamorphic rocks were also being eroded along with the remaining Beacon (mainly Taylor Group) sequence. Apart from enigmatic fluctuations in modal indices above 450 mbsf, similar to those displayed by samples in CRP-2/2A, the CRP-3 modes are essentially constant (within a broad data scatter) to the top of CRP-3. The proportion of exposed basement outcrop remained at < 20 %, indicating negligible uplift (i.e. relative stability) throughout that period.
The relationship between whole-core compressional wave velocities and gamma-ray attenuation porosities of sediments cored at CRP-1 is examined and compared with results from core-plug samples and global models. Both core-plug and whole-core velocities show a strong dependence on porosity: this relationship appears to be independent of lithology. In the range from 0.1 to 0.4 of fractional porosity (Miocene strata), plug velocities are generally 0.2 - 0.5 km s-1 higher than whole-core velocities. Possible reasons include decreased rigidity in the whole core and diagenetic changes in the plugs. Possibly both velocity measurements are correct but neither is fully representative for in situ conditions. It appears that the core-plug results are more compatible with data from other regions than the whole-core data. After removing first-order compaction control from the whole-core porosity record, a second-order control by clay content can be quantified as a simple positive linear regression (R=0.6). In contrast, after correction for first-order control, porosity and velocity are not significantly influenced by lonestone abundance except for rare, very large lonestones.