Marine palynomorph abundance estimates of sediment core CRP-2A (Fig. 2)

Autoria(s): Hannah, Mike J; Wilson, Graeme; Wrenn, John

LATITUDE: -77.005980 * LONGITUDE: 163.719450 * DATE/TIME START: 1998-10-16T07:30:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1998-11-25T14:20:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 13.315 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 624.145 m




A diverse assemblage of marine palynomorphs was recovered from the Oligocene - Miocene section of CRP-2/2A. Most of the assemblage is composed of previously unrecognised species. Three distinct groups of marine palynomorph were recognised: (1) prasinophytes, mainly Cymatiosphaera, (2) acritarchs, mainly Leiosphaeridia and Sigmopollis although Leiofusa is an important component of the bottom half of the hole, and (3) dinoflagellate cysts. About 27 species of in situ dinoflagellate cysts were recorded, of which seven apparently undescribed species of Lejeunecysta form a prominent component. Reworked specimens of several species of the Paleogene Transantarctic Flora occur in CRP-2/2A sediments. Several abundance peaks of reworked taxa from the Transantarctic Flora are recorded. Three marine palynomorph zones were recognised (MP3, MP2, MP1), considered to be early Oligocene, late Oligocene, and late Oligocene/early Miocene in age respectively. Samples from the Quaternary and Pliocene part of CRP-2/2A were also examined. These proved either barren or yielded very sparse low diversity floras.


text/tab-separated-values, 1210 data points








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Hannah, Mike J; Wilson, Gary S; Wrenn, John (2000): Oligocene and Miocene marine palynomorphs from CRP-2/2A, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 7(4), 503-511, hdl:10013/epic.28256.d001

Palavras-Chave #14.2 km at 096° true from Cape Roberts; Acritarch sp.; Alisocysta sp.; Alterbidinium asymetricum; Alterbidinium cf. A. asymmetricum; Alterbidinium cf. A. distinctum; Alterbidinium distinctum; Apectodinium homomorphum; Arachnodinium antarcticum; Areosphaeridium sp.; Batiacashaera cooperi; Batiacashaera spp.; Batiacasphaera sp.; Brigantedinium pynei; Brigantedinium sp.; Cape Roberts Project; Cleistosphaeridium sp.; Cometodinium sp.; Core wireline system; Corrudinium spp.; CRP; CRP-2; CRP-2A; CWS; Cyclonephelium sp.; Cymatiosphaera spp.; Deflandrea antarctica; Deflandrea sp.; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Enneadocysta partridgei; Foraminifera, linings; Glaphyrocysta sp.; Hystrichosphaeridium cf. H. patulum; Hystrichosphaeridium sp.; Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum; Impagidinium cf. I. elegans; Impagidinium spp.; Indeterminata; Leiofusa sp.; Leiosphaeridia spp.; Lejeunecysta cowiei; Lejeunecysta fallax; Lejeunecysta sp.; Lejeunecysta spp.; Lithologic unit/sequence; Memranilarnacia sp.; Micrhystridium spp.; Microdinium spp.; off Cape Roberts, Ross Sea, Antarctica; Operculodinium sp.; Paralecaniella indentata; Paralecaniella sp.; Pentadinium sp.; Phelodinium cranwelliae; Phelodinium sp.; Pterodinium cf. P. cingulatum; Pterospermella sp.; Pyxidinopsis sp.; Sampling/drilling from ice; Scolecodonta; Selenopenphyx sp.; Sigmopollis sp.; Spinidinium cf. S. macmurdoense; Spinidinium macmurdoense; Spiniferites ramosus; Spiniferites sp.; Stellate acritarch; Tasmanites spp.; Thalassiphora pelagica; Turbiosphaera filosa; Valensiella sp.; Vozzhennikovia apertura; Vozzhennikovia cf. V. apertura
