942 resultados para Sullivan, Arthur (1842-1900). [The Mikado]
A News Release draft to be sent to "100 newspapers, radio and television stations (virtually all those with offices within 20 miles of the Lakes), make them available to the Press Gallery, special interest groups, trade publication and Mayors etc. of Great Lake-side communities". The release discusses the need for an upgrade to "the 1972 Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality agreement". Within the document, O'Sullivan is quoted that the agreement "should be upgraded to become a treaty with the United States, so that after all the effort which has already been put into tyring to clean up the Great Lakes we the provision which provides for cancellation by either party giving twelve months (notice) to do so". The total report is 61 pages in length.
Black and white photograph, 13 cm x 20 cm, which appears to have been cut from a scrapbook. This is a photo of lawn bowling in St. Catharines in about 1900. The man on the extreme left is Hamilton Killaly Woodruff. The picture is described on the back by R.W. Band of Toronto.
The description on the image reads "Free Niagara, Prospect Point, Niagara Falls".
The diary was written when Beam was nineteen years old. Her father, Charles O. Beam, was a dentist with an office on Queen Street in St. Catharines. Winnie Beam lived with her father and mother, Emma, on Ontario Street, St. Catharines.
Le début du XIXe siècle est une période marquée par de nombreux bouleversements politiques, dont les rébellions des Patriotes et l'Acte d'Union qui s'ensuit, impliquant une forte présence de la censure dans la presse canadienne de l’époque. Afin de contourner ce couperet de la censure, plusieurs journaux politiques effectuent un glissement du factuel au fictionnel. L'exemple le plus remarquable de ce choix de la littérarité est le journal Le Fantasque, édité par Napoléon Aubin et publié de 1837 à 1845 dans la ville de Québec. L'actualité y est rapportée à travers le prisme de la fiction, qui se déploie principalement par le biais des personnages. Le flâneur fantasque constitue la figure centrale et créatrice du journal. Par le récit de ses promenades et rencontres et par l'insertion de lettres presque toujours fictives de protagonistes de l'actualité, le flâneur donne accès à une multitude de voix disparates qui se font les porte-paroles de l'actualité. Ce passage systématique par les personnages fait du journal une œuvre et de l'actualité un récit. Nous étudions le système de personnages qui anime Le Fantasque de 1837 à 1842 et l’effet de son utilisation sur le récit de l’actualité et la lecture. Notre analyse s'inscrit dans le champ prolifique des études sur la presse et s’appuie principalement sur l’analyse de textes. Elle vise à ajouter aux connaissances sur les débuts de la littérature canadienne, à montrer sa vitalité et son ouverture au monde. Nous désirons aussi apporter des outils pour l'analyse de la forme journalistique et la reconnaissance des qualités littéraires de plusieurs textes publiés dans Le Fantasque.
A systematic investigation of the reactivity and functionalization of two heterocyclic analogs of triphenylmethane , namely tris(2-thienyl)methane and tris(2-furyl)methane have been carried out and the results are presented in this thesis entitled "NOVEL REACTIONS OF TRIS(2-THIENYL)METHANE AND TRIS(2-FURYL)METHANE.". The history of organic free radicals dates back to Gomberg's monumental discovery of the triphenylmethyl radical in 1900. The heterocyclic analogs of triarylmethane are also interesting from the vantage point of their transformation to the corresponding radicals akin to Gomberg ' s triphenylmethyl radical and also they are prone to further transformation leading to three dimensionally elongated molecules such as dendrimers. Dendritic architectures are one of the most pervasive topologies observed in nature at the macro- and microdimensional length devices. Because of their ability to combine both organic and inorganic compounds and their propensity to either encapsulate or be engineered into unimolecular functional devices , dendrimers are versatile amongst existing nanoscale building blocks and materials.
El desarrollo del presente documento constituye una investigación sobre las actitudes de los directivos frente a la adopción del e-learning como herramienta de trabajo en las organizaciones de Bogotá. Para ello se realizó una encuesta a 101 directivos, tomando como base el tipo de muestreo de conveniencia; esto con el objetivo de identificar sus actitudes frente al uso del e-learning y su influencia dentro de la organización. Como resultado se obtuvo que las actitudes de los directivos influencian en el uso de herramientas e-learning, así como también en las acciones que promueven su uso y en las actitudes de los empleados; por otro lado se identificó que las creencias relacionadas con la apropiación de herramientas e-learning y los factores facilitadores del uso de estas, influencian en las actitudes de los directivos. Lo anterior, corresponde a los análisis llevados a cabo a partir de los resultados contrastados con los estudios empíricos hallados y el marco teórico desarrollado.
El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la incidencia de la actualización del Tratado de Amistad entre India y Bután firmado en 2007 en las disposiciones de política exterior de Bután en el periodo 2007-2014. Este trabajo se enmarca en los conceptos de identidad nacional, tomadores de decisiones, proceso de toma de decisión y análisis de política exterior, a partir de los cuales se pretende comprobar que el tratado de 2007 tuvo principalmente un efecto cristalizador en la política exterior de Bután, manifestado de manera significativa en materia de cooperación internacional, moderada en materia de representación política internacional y muy modesta en materia de apertura económica y comercial.
Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los elementos que articulan la Política Exterior de los Estados Unidos hacia Turquía, en materia de seguridad, y su influencia en el Kurdistán, ya que en el periodo 2003-2009 se presentaron acontecimientos que marcaron la vida política, económica, militar y social de la región del Medio Oriente, caracterizado por la presencia de los Estados Unidos. Esta investigación se desarrollara de acuerdo con el modelo de monografía, para dar un análisis teórico sobre el tema delimitado anteriormente. Se espera que el presente estudio sirva para que el lector comprenda las diferentes actuaciones de los Estados Unidos en el escenario internacional, para la consecución de sus intereses y que tenga un acercamiento en las diferentes relaciones entre los Estados para entender mejor los acontecimientos que se presentaron en el periodo a analizar.
The compounds trans-[PtBr{C(C10H15)CH2}(PEt3)2](1)(C10H15= adamant-1-yl), trans-[MBr{C(C10H7)CMe2}(PEt3)2][M = Pd (2) or Pt (3); C10H7= naphth-1-yl], and trans-[MBr{C(Ph)CMe2}(PEt3)2][M = Pd (4) or Pt (5)] have been prepared from Grignard [for (2) and (3)] or lithium reagents [for (1), (4), and (5)] and appropriate dichlorobis(phosphine)metal derivatives. Full single-crystal X-ray data are reported for (1) and (3), and reveal unusually long Pt–C(sp2) bonds. Insertion reactions into these M–C bonds occur with MeNC [for (1), (3), and (5)], and with CO [for (1) and (3)]; the latter, the first reported insertion into a Pt–C(sp2) bond, occurs under mild conditions as expected for the abnormally long M–C bonds.
Utopia Ltd. explores the relationship between utopian ideas and commodification, bringing together artwork by Blaise Drummond, Brendan Earley, Pil and Galia Kollectiv, David Mabb, Lizi Sanchez and Mary-Ruth Walsh. The seven artists’ work opens up a debate on the utopian within painting, sculpture, architecture, design and video.The works in Utopia Ltd. represent modernist architecture and design in its various mutations within a spectacularised, commodified 20th century consumer society. In these works, the utopian dream seems to burst through again and again, despite rather than because of the permutations of commodity culture. By picturing the past, present and possible future, the works destabilize fixed linear time. By rescuing, reclaiming and re-picturing, Utopia Ltd. suggests that utopian ideas persist in contemporary art, making a provocative demand on the viewer’s capacity to produce utopian dreams of their own. The exhibition’s title Utopia Ltd. is a satirical echo of an operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan, Utopia (Limited) or, The Flowers of Progress (1893), in which a utopian colony is turned into a joint stock company.
This paper is an elaboration of one of the chapters in our Rethinking Wetland Archaeology (Van de Noort & O'Sullivan 2006), and concerns the archaeological study of wetland landscapes. In this book, we argue that many approaches to the archaeology of wetlands have failed to influence our peers and colleagues in the broader field of landscape archaeology and, indeed, archaeology itself, and thus the great promise of wetland archaeology remains unfulfilled (Coles 2001).
The aim of this thesis is to explore how different competing discourses in the historical context of the Swedish education development have qualified and disqualified different constructions of national curriculum. How and after what kind of principles is the curriculum constructed? What qualify who are going to be recognized as the author and addressee of the curriculum? These key ques-tions of the study are discussed in the first part of the thesis. My point of depar-ture is that the curriculum can be understood as a relation between freedom and control. In an educational system this relationship reflects the problematic ten-sion between the external demands from an authoritative center and the local need to independently reflect over educational issues. How these concepts are defined by the prevailing social discourses affect specific relations and construc-tions of curricula as a steering tool and a producer of specific teacher identities. In this sense, I claim that curriculum is constructed in different ways depending on which of the didactic questions are emphasized and answered and who is judged as the legitimate author. Based on this, three models of curriculum con-struction are formulated; the content based, the result based and the process based. These models are subsequently used as an analytical tool to examine the historical development of Swedish national curricula. The second part of the thesis investigates the Swedish education system and the production of the national curriculum as a product of rival discourses. The historical investigation begins 1842 when the first state curriculum was issued and the inquiry concludes in 2008. The findings indicate that no one single con-struction has been totally dominant and that there has been an on-going discur-sive struggle between different alternative and opinions about what teachers must do and be.