958 resultados para Pharmaceutical industry--Africa, West--Drama


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Objetivo: Conocer la opinión de los estudiantes sobre un seminario que enseña la interacción de los médicos con las fuentes comerciales de información de los medicamentos. Sujetos y métodos: Se realizó una encuesta a los estudiantes de tercero de medicina sobre un seminario que trataba de las fuentes comerciales de información de medicamentos. El seminario incluyó una videograbación de un representante comercial de una empresa farmacéutica que presentaba un nuevo medicamento a un médico, y ejemplos de información sobre medicamentos incluida en el catálogo comercial Vademécum Internacional y en los anuncios publicitarios. Se preguntó a los estudiantes el grado de interés y de satisfacción con el seminario y qué nivel de utilidad creían que podían tener las actividades desarrolladas en el seminario en su futuro profesional. En la valoración de la opinión se utilizó una escala de Likert (de 0 a 10 puntos). Resultados: De 107 estudiantes que asistieron a los seminarios, 101 (94%) participaron en la encuesta. La edad media de los estudiantes fue de 21 años (desviación estándar-DE-: 2,2 años) y 75 fueron mujeres (74%). La puntuación media del grado de interés fue de 7,4 (DE: 1,5), del grado de satisfacción de 7,5 (DE: 1,6) y del grado de potencial utilidad de 7,6 (1,6). Conclusión: Los estudiantes de medicina están interesados en las actividades docentes sobre las fuentes de información comercial, y consideran que pueden ser potencialmente útiles para su futuro profesional. Es necesario formar y preparar a los estudiantes de medicina para la interacción con las fuentes comerciales de medicamentos.


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[Summary] 2. Roles of quality control in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. - 2.1. Pharmaceutical industry. - 2.2. Biopharmaceutical industry. - 2.3. Policy and regulatory. - 2.3.1. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). - 2.3.2. The European Medicine Agency (EMEA). - 2.3.3. The Japanese Ministry of Work, Labor and Welfare (MHLW). - 2.3.4. The Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic). - 2.3.5. The International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). - - 3. Types of testing. - 3.1. Microbiological purity tests. - 3.2. Physiochemical tests. - 3.3. Critical to quality steps. - 3.3.1. API starting materials and excipients. - 3.3.2. Intermediates. - 3.3.3. APIs (drug substances) and final drug product. - 3.3.4. Primary and secondary packaging materials fro drug products. - - 4. Manufacturing cost and quality control. - 4.1.1. Pharmaceutical manufacturing cost breakdown. - 4.1.2. Biopharmaceutical manufacturing cost breakdown. - 4.2. Batch failure / rejection / rework / recalls. - - 5. Future trends in the quality control of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. - 5.1. Rapid and real time testing. - 5.1.1. Physio-chemicals testing. - 5.1.2. Rapid microbiology methods


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Pro gradu- tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia lääkkeiden immateriaalioikeudellisia suojamuotoja Suomen ja Ruotsin osalta. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään lääkkeiden kansallisen patenttisuojan, lisäsuojatodistuksen ja dokumentaatiosuojan vaikutusta lääkekeksintöihin 1980–90-luvun Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Lääkkeiden lisäsuojatodistuksella tarkoitetaan ainoastaan lääkeaineille tarkoitettua erillistä immateriaalioikeudellista lisäsuojamuotoa, joka pidentää suoja-aikaa enimmillään viidellä vuodella. Dokumentaatiosuojalla tarkoitetaan suojamuotoa, joka suojaa lääkkeiden kehittämisessä aikaan saatuja tutkimus- ja turvallisuustuloksia rinnakkaisvalmistajilta tietyn määritellyn ajan. Suomen ja Ruotsin kansallisessa lainsäädännössä oli tarkasteluajanjaksolla olennaisia eroja. Rinnakkaisongelmana tutkittiin innovaatio- ja patenttipolitiikan merkitystä lääkekeksintöjen määrään ja laatuun. Tutkimuskysymyksiä lähestyttiin virallislähteiden ja kirjallisuuden lisäksi myös teemahaastatteluin. Haastateltavat olivat alan asiantuntijoita. Tutkimus oli haasteellinen. Oli palkitsevaa saada asiaa koskeva ”hiljainen tieto” kansiin. Suomen ja Ruotsin poliittinen ja lainsäädännöllinen ilmapiiri poikkesivat toisistaan. Suomessa vallitsi protektionistinen ilmapiiri ja se näkyi politiikassa ja vaikutti lainsäädäntöön. Menetelmäpatentista ei haluttu luopua. Menetelmäpatentti on patentti, joka käsittää ainoastaan lääkeaineen valmistusmenetelmän, eikä lopputuotetta. Suomessa sallittiin lääkeaineiden tuotepatentti vasta 1995. Toisin oli Ruotsissa; siellä poliittinen ilmapiiri ja valtion sekä lääketeollisuuden näkemykset johtivat kehitystä niin, että tuotepatenttikielto poistettiin huomattavasti aiemmin kuin Suomessa. Ruotsi oli kaukonäköisempi myös muiden suojamuotojen kohdalla. Lopputuloksena tästä seurasi se, että Ruotsin lääketeollisuus on menestynyt huomattavasti paremmin kuin Suomen. Lääkekeksintöjä tehtiin enemmän. Ruotsin lääkekeksinnöistä suuri osa oli uusia molekyylejä; Suomen vastaava osuus oli selvästi pienempi. Myös Ruotsin lääkevienti oli ja on huomattavasti suurempaa kuin Suomen.


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In the area of drug discovery, natural products represent a myriad of templates for new lead discovery. It is, however, most unlikely that the bioactive principle itself shall become a drug; it is much more likely that a medicinal chemistry project needs to be initiated as soon the potency or selectivity or specificity of the new natural product candidate has been disclosed. Brazil has an enormous biodiversity where just a few has been disclosed. Nevertheless, it urges to initiate a joint collaboration in order to circumvent a major breakdown linking between natural products and medicinal chemistry in this country. This paper is intended to encourage people to follow up one of the most pushing forward enterprise that needs to be settled: the pharmaceutical industry.


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L’objecte del projecte és l’ampliació de la línia de producció d’una indústria farmacèutica dimensionant la fontaneria i instal•lant el reactor químic. Els antecedents són els seguents: en el Desembre de 2013,una indústria farmacèutica decideix ampliar la producciód’una línia existent de treball, instal•lant un reactor químic en paral•lel a la línia deproducció existent. Al Gener de 2014 es decideix adaptar una zona que s’utilitza com a magatzem per fer la nova producció. Per tant s’ha d’adaptar la zona com a Sala Blanca per complir amb la seva nova funcionalitat. A Febrer de 2014 es contracta un enginyer per redactar el projecte de l’adaptació de la Sala Blanca, així com les instal•lacions necessàries per posar en funcionament el Reactor químic adquirit pel client


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The development of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric (LC-MS) techniques in the last few decades has made possible the analysis of trace amounts of analytes from complex matrices. With LC, the analytes of interest can be separated from each other as well as from the interfering matrix, after which they can be reliably identified thanks to the sensitivity and specificity of MS. LC-MS has become an irreplaceable tool for many applications, ranging from the analysis of proteins or pharmaceuticals in biological fluids to the analysis of toxic substances in environmental samples. In different segments of Brazilian Industry mass spectrometry has an important role, e.g. in the pharmaceutical industry in the development of generic formulations, contributing to the growth of Industry and social inclusion. However, the Brazilian chemists until this moment don't have an effective role in this new segment of the analytical chemistry in Brazil. The present paper shows the actual scenario for mass spectrometry in the pharmaceutical industry, emphasizing the need of a revision of graduation courses to attend the needs of this growing market.


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There is great interest nowadays in the use of preparative liquid chromatography as an effective tool for the production of enantiomerically pure, or enriched, compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. To make the chromatographic process economically attractive, attention is now focused on the choice of the chromatographic operating mode to minimize eluent consumption and to maximize productivity. Among the alternatives to the traditional batch chromatography, attention is now shifting towards simulated moving bed (SMB) technologies and a review covering the latest developments in this area seems timely. Several aspects of this important analytical technique are presented and details concerning the SMB technology for process optimization are outlined.


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The main aspects of the modern Medicinal Chemistry, among the classic and industrial paradigms, used in the drug discovery process will be treated. The contribution of the Brazilian science in the knowledge generation in Medicinal Chemistry will be demonstrated, with base in searches accomplished in the portal Web of Science® 7.10 and in the directory of groups of research of CNPq.


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En el meu darrer article (AVUI,8 de maig) parlava dels efectes secundaris dels fàrmacs i les teràpies mèdiques, i de les proves que es fan per reduir-ne la incidència, que inclouen assaigs clínics amb voluntaris. Respecte als voluntaris afegia, amb certa ironia, que s'ha de suposar que quan viuen en països del Tercer Món les condicions mèdiques il·legals són iguals que quan els assaigs es fan a Occident, però que malauradament potser en ocasions això era suposar massa [...].


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Cooling crystallization is one of the most important purification and separation techniques in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The product of the cooling crystallization process is always a suspension that contains both the mother liquor and the product crystals, and therefore the first process step following crystallization is usually solid-liquid separation. The properties of the produced crystals, such as their size and shape, can be affected by modifying the conditions during the crystallization process. The filtration characteristics of solid/liquid suspensions, on the other hand, are strongly influenced by the particle properties, as well as the properties of the liquid phase. It is thus obvious that the effect of the changes made to the crystallization parameters can also be seen in the course of the filtration process. Although the relationship between crystallization and filtration is widely recognized, the number of publications where these unit operations have been considered in the same context seems to be surprisingly small. This thesis explores the influence of different crystallization parameters in an unseeded batch cooling crystallization process on the external appearance of the product crystals and on the pressure filtration characteristics of the obtained product suspensions. Crystallization experiments are performed by crystallizing sulphathiazole (C9H9N3O2S2), which is a wellknown antibiotic agent, from different mixtures of water and n-propanol in an unseeded batch crystallizer. The different crystallization parameters that are studied are the composition of the solvent, the cooling rate during the crystallization experiments carried out by using a constant cooling rate throughout the whole batch, the cooling profile, as well as the mixing intensity during the batch. The obtained crystals are characterized by using an automated image analyzer and the crystals are separated from the solvent through constant pressure batch filtration experiments. Separation characteristics of the suspensions are described by means of average specific cake resistance and average filter cake porosity, and the compressibilities of the cakes are also determined. The results show that fairly large differences can be observed between the size and shape of the crystals, and it is also shown experimentally that the changes in the crystal size and shape have a direct impact on the pressure filtration characteristics of the crystal suspensions. The experimental results are utilized to create a procedure that can be used for estimating the filtration characteristics of solid-liquid suspensions according to the particle size and shape data obtained by image analysis. Multilinear partial least squares regression (N-PLS) models are created between the filtration parameters and the particle size and shape data, and the results presented in this thesis show that relatively obvious correlations can be detected with the obtained models.


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The implementation of the subject Pharmacology and Toxicology in R+D+i in the Pharmacy Degree, has led to the launch of a new methodological approach and teaching performance with the aim of developing the generic skills of the University of Barcelona (e.g., self-learning, team-working). An additional objective was students' integration of knowledge from different subjects in the degree which form the basis of the preclinical and clinical development of a drug. For this purpose, the teaching strategy used in the development of the subject was based on: 1) re-developing the content that students had been taught previously or were being taught in the same semester as a part of other subjects, and framing them in the environment of the pharmaceutical industry, 2) introducing new and previously unseen contents to do with drug development and toxicology, 3) developing a battery of activities to be undertaken by teams of students relating to the R+D+i of a particular drug. During the development of these activities, students have to acquire generic skills in addition to the subject-specific skills. The results obtained from the student survey give us grounds for satisfaction and allow us to consider that we have reached the goal of improving students' learning in Pharmacology and Toxicology applied to drug development in the pharmaceutical world today.


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The importance of natural products as a source of new high value-added drugs has, no doubt, transformed Brazilian megadiversity into one of the country's most valuable and strategic assets. Thus the rational exploration of the Brazilian flora on an economic basis should be considered as part of a national development strategy. In this respect, governmental mechanisms to stimulate regulation on the access, bioprospection and industrial use of natural products represent a crucial issue. The aim of this paper is to show how the incentives and institutional arrangements that led to one of the greatest breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry, the development and commercialization of the anti-cancer agent Taxol, could be applied to the Brazilian case.


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In a moment that amazingly advances are being reached on the development of technologies to obtain high value chemical compounds as polymers, fine chemicals, pharmaceutical industry intermediates and chemical entities, we cannot refuse that a meaningful progress is due to the maturing in knowledge of biological transformations. Biocatalysis and biotransformations are being widespread applied to generate processes and products with incredible success. In this review article we present the main contributions of biotechnology and biological catalytic processes to Chemistry, the most important evolution steps on enzymatic transformations, how it has being applied and which are the perspectives to academic and industrial environments. We also would like to stimulate the community to step out research in biotechnology applicable to chemical and pharmaceutical industries, trying to achieve what we believe to be the ideal layout: integrating chemical transformations, enzymatic conversions and fermentation processes.


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Our report shows the strategies adopted by pharmaceutical industry in the development of incremental innovations, through the development carried out after the launch of omeprazole. Some improvements are really necessary and others are used only as a market strategy and evergreening.


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This review demonstrates the importance of plants as sources of molecules used in anticancer therapies. The approach is performed by relating the active molecules to their origins, details, mechanisms of action, structure-activity relationship and chemical characteristics of chemotherapeutical medicines. It was also described the development of anticancer agents from plants by the pharmaceutical industry and the difficulties to release these compounds as a trademark. These include the well known paclitaxel, docetaxel, vincristine, vinblastine, vinorelbine, vindesine, etoposide, teniposide, and other molecules that are undergoing clinical trials.