229 resultados para Merluccius Gayi Peruanus


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Resultados del comportamiento de las redes de arrastre pelágica modelo alemán Engel 988/400 utilizadas para la Evaluación de Recursos Pelágicos: Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), Sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax), Jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), Caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus) y Samasa (Anchoa nasus) durante el crucero Hidroacústico 9808-09 a bordo de los BICs Humboldt y José Olaya Balandra entre Paita - Callao - Los Palos (Tacna). Se determinó la distancia entre puertas, el área de la boca de la red y el volumen de agua filtrada que tuvieron las redes en los arrastres efectivos de una milla náutica de distancia durante los 188 lances de comprobación, obteniéndose un rendimiento; se capturó un total de 18.357,87 kg; correspondiendo para la anchoveta 653,51 kg; sardina 108,05; jurel 24,84 kg; caballa 299,77 kg; samasa 228,95 kg y otros recursos hidrobiológicos 17.042,76 kg; con un índice de captura (CPUE) de 249,31 kg. Los valores de datos de comportamiento de la red como la abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc., se obtuvo en forma directa por medio de una net sonda FS 900 SIMRAD, y SCANMAR RX 400, los arrastres tuvieron en promedio una duración de 21 minutos con una velocidad de 3,4 nudos.


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Presenta experiencias sobre manipuleo de pescado a bordo que se puede aplicar en el país, teniendo en cuenta tanques con agua de mar refrigerada, cajas de plástico con hielo y cajas de madera con hielo.


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Complementa la información sobre los aspectos de mayor interés referidos a la pesca de consumo y las investigaciones biológicas y pesqueras sobre algunos peces de valor comercial, con el objetivo de ampliar los estudios sobre la bionomía e historia natural de cada especie, conocer la distribución general en tiempo y espacio de las principales especies, estimar la magnitud de los stocks y sus fluctuaciones.


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Samples were collected from hake species Merluccius australis and M. hubbsi in the south west Atlantic Ocean. Enzyme electrophoretic analysis of the eye, liver and muscle revealed 5 out of 33 genetic loci with species-specific allelic frequencies. These five loci provide a set of genetic markers for individual classification


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Los peces pelágicos constituyen los recursos explotados de mayor importancia comercial como la anchoveta (Engraulis rinqens J.), sardina (Sardinoos sagax sagax), Jurel (trachurus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus). la abundancia de dichos recursos ha acrecentado de tal forma que actualmente la explotación de los mismos afronta !imitaciones de carácter tecnológico y administrativo, incluyendo deficiencias en el equipo de detección hidroacústica, pesca, transporte, comercialización, la acción no coordinada de la flota v la falta de información regular sobre localización y concentración de zonas de pesca. La presencia de estos recursos ofrecen sin lugar a dudas la posibilidad concreta de beneficio nacional, y la respuesta a grandes problemas socio-económicos, como son la alimentación popular y la captación de divisas vía exportación para el desarrollo del país.


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En el área entre Sechura y Bayovar y dentro de las 5 mn, la flota artesanal pesca usando redes con tamaño de malla de 40 mm, capturando ejemplares por debajo de la Talla Mínima de Captura (TMC); las especies más afectadas son lisa (Mugil cephalus), suco (Paralonchurus peruanus), cabrilla (Paralabrax humeralis), anguila (Ophichthus remiger), chula (Menticirrhus ophicephalus) y lengüeta (Symphurus sp.); incluso, en baja frecuencia, se captura anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) y samasa (Anchoa nasus). Estas actividades están afectando la biomasa de los recursos costeros y pueden afectar la sostenibilidad de los ecosistemas marinos y de la actividad pesquera artesanal.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe disorder characterized by progressive muscle wasting,respiratory and cardiac impairments, and premature death. No treatment exists so far, and the identification of active substances to fight DMD is urgently needed. We found that tamoxifen, a drug used to treat estrogen-dependent breast cancer, caused remarkable improvements of muscle force and of diaphragm and cardiac structure in the mdx(5Cv) mouse model of DMD. Oral tamoxifen treatment from 3 weeks of age for 15 months at a dose of 10 mg/kg/day stabilized myofiber membranes, normalized whole body force, and increased force production and resistance to repeated contractions of the triceps muscle above normal values. Tamoxifen improved the structure of leg muscles and diminished cardiac fibrosis by~ 50%. Tamoxifen also reduced fibrosis in the diaphragm, while increasing its thickness,myofiber count, and myofiber diameter, thereby augmenting by 72% the amount of contractile tissue available for respiratory function. Tamoxifen conferred a markedly slower phenotype to the muscles.Tamoxifen and its metabolites were present in nanomolar concentrations in plasma and muscles,suggesting signaling through high-affinity targets. Interestingly, the estrogen receptors ERa and ERb were several times more abundant in dystrophic than in normal muscles, and tamoxifen normalized the relative abundance of ERb isoforms. Our findings suggest that tamoxifen might be a useful therapy for DMD.


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La pesca d'arrossegament practicada al mar Mediterrani incideix sobre un rang batimètric molt ampli i afecta a nombrosos tipus de fons que presenten comunitats molt diversificades, on les espècies de peixos, crustacis, cefalòpodes, altres mol·luscs, equinoderms i d'altres macroorganismes epibentònics interaccionen entre si. D'aquí la importància de caracteritzar amb una aproximació multiespecífica els fons explotats, com la que aquí hem dut a terme, prenent en consideració no tan sols les espècies d'interès comercial sinó totes les espècies que conformen la comunitat. Els objectius concrets d'aquesta tesi estan centrats en l'estudi qualitatiu i quantitatiu dels descartaments produïts per la pesca d'arrossegament que efectua la flota espanyola en la zona del Golf de Lleó, i en aspectes relacionats a millorar la selectivitat de les xarxes emprades canviant el disseny de la malla tradicional per malla quadrada. El mostreig s'ha dut a terme a bord d'una embarcació d'arrossegament comercial, amb una freqüència setmanal, dins el període comprès entre març del 1998 i març del 2000. En total s'han analitzat 68 pesques. Totes les mostres estudiades provenen del primer vol del dia i s'han capturat a fondàries entre 50 i 500 metres. De tot el volum capturat durant l'estudi s'han identificat un total de 307 espècies pertanyent a diversos grups taxonòmics. El grup taxonòmic majoritari és el dels peixos amb 133 espècies, seguit dels crustacis, els cefalòpodes, els equinoderms i finalment el grup d'altres invertebrats. L'espècie més capturada en nombre a la pesquera del Golf de Lleó ha estat la cervellina (Leptometra phalangium) i les més capturades en biomassa han estat la sardina (Sardina pilchardus) i el lluç mediterrani (Merluccius merluccius smiridus). Pel total de la captura la fracció descartada en nombre d'individus representa el 71% mentre que la biomassa descartada és de l'ordre del 36%. La causa més important en quant a quantitat de rebuig produït és la que respon al compliment de la normativa vigent, ja sigui per les talles mínimes legals o per les captures acompanyants permeses. Els majors descartaments estacionals en termes d'abundància es donen a la primavera i l'estiu, coincidint amb l'època de reclutament de la majoria de les espècies explotades. En canvi, els descartaments estacionals en termes de biomassa són excepcionalment elevats a l'estiu i estan provocats per la captura massiva de sardina (S. pilchardus) durant aquesta època de l'any. El rebuig expressat tant en nombre com en pes disminueix en funció de l'estrat de fondària, essent la quantitat descartada major en l'estrat A (50-200 m) i menor en l'estrat C (>400 m). S'ha comprovat que el disseny de malla quadrada aplicat al cóp de les xarxes d'arrossegament fa augmentar dràsticament, tant en nombre com en pes, el percentatge d'individus escapats, disminuint a la vegada la quantitat de descartament. També s'aconsegueix un augment de la mida de primera captura (L50) de totes les espècies excepte en la bruixa de quatre taques (Lepidorhombus boscii). A més es redueix l'impacte de la pesca sobre els estocs d'individus juvenils, sobretot d'espècies que presenten una secció de cos rodona com el lluç mediterrani (M. merluccius smiridus) i el verat (Scomber scombrus), disminuint així la sobrepesca de creixement i de reclutament al mateix temps que s'assegura i es millora la venda d'exemplars de mida legal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The genera Pachymenes de Saussure and Santamenes Giordani Soika arerevised and the phylogenetic relationships among their species, based on external mor-phology and male genitalia, are presented. The cladistics analysis, using 22 terminalspecies (19 ingroup and 3 outgroup species) and 44 characters, produced a single clado-gram under implied weighting. Both genera were recovered as paraphyletic, althoughttwo major clades were formed and were well supported by the re-sampling analysis.We propose the synonymy of Pachymenes with Santamenes, and the description of twonew species: P. saussurei Grandinete n.sp. and P. riograndensis Grandinete n.sp..Newcombinations are: Pachymenes novarae (de Saussure) n.comb., P. olympicus (Zavattari)n.comb., P. peregrinus (Zavattari) n.comb. and P. santanna (de Saussure) revised combi-nation. We state the synonymy of P. obscurus orellanoides under P. obscurus consuetus,reviewing the status of the latter and raising P. consuetus to species level. Pachymenesorellanae vardyi is synonymized under P. orellanae; P. ghilianii olivaceus, P. ghilianiiavissimus and P. peruanus are proposed as synonyms of P. ghilianii; P. picturatusobscuratus is synonymized under P. laeviventris; P. picturatus nigromaculatus andP. picturatus var . intermedia are synonymized under P. picturatus and P. a t ra var . ornatis-sima get its lectotype designated and proposed as synonym of P. ater.


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The issue of whether loliginid squid can influence the average structure of marine ecosystems in a keystone role, i.e. a strong effect with relatively low biomass, has not yet been examined. Here, the diet of Loligo plei in inner shelf waters of the South Brazil Bight was examined, as a first step, based on the stomach contents of 2200 squid hand-jigged in shallow water (, 30 m) and taken as bycatch of shrimp trawlers in deeper water (30-100 m). Diet varied by size, season, and fishing zone. Stomachs were not empty in similar to 12%, with more empty during winter. The range of mantle lengths of squid caught by jigging (101-356 mm) appeared to differ from the squid trawled (30-236 mm), and the diet also differed. Food categories recorded in deeper water did not include amphipods or polychaetes, but in both fishing areas, fish were the most common prey. The fish prey identified included Trachurus lathami, small pelagic species, trichiurids, and Merluccius hubbsi. Demersal species, such as Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, and flatfish were also present. An ecosystem network model is updated through which a mixed-trophic impact matrix and ""keystoneness"" indicators were calculated. Loligo plei represents an important link between pelagic and demersal energy pathways, with high indices of keystoneness.


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This study presents new information on the feeding habits of the Atlantic spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis, in the Western South Atlantic. Nine stomach contents of S. frontalis incidentally caught in fishing operations conducted by the gillnet fleet based on main harbour of Cananeia (25 degrees 00' S; 47 degrees 55'W), southeastern Brazil, were analyzed. These specimens were captured between 2005 and 2007. A total of 1 422 cephalopod beaks, 147 otoliths and three crustaceans were recovered from the stomach contents. The dolphins assessed preyed on at least eight different fish species of the families Trichiuridae, Carangidae, Sparidae, Merluccidae, Engraulidae, Sciaenidae, Congridae and Scombridae, five cephalopod species of the families Loliginidae, Sepiolidae, Tremoctopodidae and Thysanoteuthidae, and one shrimp species of the Penaeidae family. Based on the analysis of the Index of Relative Importance (IRI), the Atlantic cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, was the most important fish species represented. Of the cephalopods, the squid Doryteuthis plei was by far the most representative species. Several items were reported for the first time as prey of the S. frontalis: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, Tremoctopus violaceus, Semirossia tenera, Merluccius hubbsi, Pagrus pagrus and Paralonchurus brasiliensis. S. frontalis presented teuthophagous and ichthyofagous feeding habits, with apparent predominance of the first, and preyed mainly on pelagic and demersal items.


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The Diptera collection of the Natural History Museum Berlin holds one of the most important collections of Neriidae. In this paper, the type specimens (holotypes, lectotypes, paratypes, paralectotypes, syntypes) of this historical collection are listed. 28 species-group taxa are dealt with. A lectotype designation is made for the species Brachantichir purpusianus Enderlein, 1922 in order to fix the identity of the name. Holotypes are recognized by monotypy of the species Chaetomeristes bullatus Enderlein, 1922; Chaetomeristes peruanus Enderlein, 1922; Derocephalus angusticollis Enderlein, 1922; Glyphidops limbatus Enderlein, 1922; Longina abdominalis Wiedemann, 1830; Loxozus clavicornis Enderlein, 1922; Oncopsia mexicana Enderlein, 1922; Paranerius fibulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus dahli Enderlein, 1922; Telostylus latibrachium Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus luridus Enderlein, 1922. Syntypes are labelled and listed for Brachantichir robusta Enderlein, 1922; Nerius terebratus Enderlein, 1922; Odontoloxozus punctulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus apicalis Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus obscuratus Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus ornatipennis Enderlein, 1922. The account concludes with geographic and taxonomic summaries; an appendix listing the abbreviations, localities, and collectors cited in the text; and a bibliography. ((c) 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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Taeniotes farinosus (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species that has been confused with other species during the past two centuries. In this work we demonstrate that Taeniotes farinosus sensu auctorum is not the species described by Linnaeus and designate a lectotype to establish its identity. Taeniotes pulverulentus (Olivier, 1790), currently synonymous with T. farinosus, is revalidated. Taeniotes guttullaris Schwarzer, 1929 and T parafarinosus Breuning, 1971 are junior synonyms of T. pulverulentus; Lamia subocellata Olivier, 1792 (= Taeniotes subocellatus) is a junior synonym of Cerambyx farinosus (= T farinosus). Additionally we monnei, a new species from Brazil and Argentina, is described and figured. Taeniotes peruanus provide annotated bibliographic references to T. farinosus and T pulverulentus. Taeniotes Breuning 1971 is figured for the first time.


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We present a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Syntermitinae, including representatives of all genera of the subfamily, along with all 12 species assigned formerly to the genus Armitermes Wasmann (Termitidae, Syntermitinae), and 4 new species described herein. Syntermitinae was recovered as a natural group and the hypothesis that the frontal tube indicates convergence between Syntermitinae and Nasutitermitinae was corroborated. Also, several diagnostic characters proposed in the original description of Syntermitinae are discussed. Alongside the phylogenetic study, a taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Armitermes was carried out, resulting in division of the genus into four genera. Taxonomic novelties are: Armitermes now includes A. armiger (Motschulsky), A. bidentatus Rocha & Cancello sp.n. and A. spininotus Rocha & Cancello sp.n.; Silvestritermes Rocha & Cancello gen.n. includes S. euamignathus (Silvestri) comb.n., S. lanei (Canter) comb.n., S. gnomus (Constantino) comb.n., S. duende Rocha & Cancello sp.n., S. minutus (Emerson) comb.n., S. almirsateri Rocha & Cancello sp.n. and S. holmgreni (Snyder) comb.n.; Uncitermes Rocha & Cancello gen.n. includes U. teevani (Emerson) comb.n.; Mapinguaritermes Rocha & Cancello gen.n. includes M. peruanus (Holmgren) comb.n. and M. grandidens (Emerson) comb.n. A new synonymy is proposed for A. cerradoensis Mathews under S. euamignathus. All soldiers are described and illustrated, as are the mandibles and digestive tract of the worker and the imago caste, when available. We provide a dichotomous key, based on soldiers, for all genera of Syntermitinae, and distribution maps and dichotomous keys, based on soldiers, for the species of Armitermes and all the new genera described herein.