925 resultados para Lymph nodes


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La candidose oro-pharyngée (COP) est l’infection fongique opportuniste la plus commune chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. La production des cytokines Il-17 et Il-22 par les lymphocytes Th17 est importante lors de la résolution de la COP, puisque ces cytokines induisent la production de peptides antifongiques et le recrutement des neutrophiles polymorphonucléaires. Toutefois, les lymphocytes Th17 sont préférentiellement déplétés chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. Le modèle de COP chez la souris transgénique (Tg) CD4C/HIVMutA, exprimant les gènes nef, env et rev du VIH-1, permettra de déterminer si des altérations quantitatives et/ou fonctionnelles des sous-populations de lymphocytes T CD4+ causent la sensibilité à la candidose. Les sous-populations Th1, Th2, Th1Th17, Th17 et Treg, ainsi que leurs précurseurs, les lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs, sont sévèrement déplétées dans les ganglions cervicaux de la souris Tg. Cependant, les lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs conservent la capacité à se différencier in vitro en présence de cytokines polarisantes et à produire les cytokines typiques des diverses sous-populations. De plus, les cytokines requises pour la polarisation des lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs n’étaient pas réduites dans les ganglions cervicaux des souris Tg, 7 jours après le début de l’infection. Les gènes S100a8, Ccl20, Il17 et Il22 étaient surexprimés en réponse à la COP chez la souris non-Tg, mais pas chez la souris Tg. Le traitement de souris Tg infectées à l’aide de la combinaison des cytokines Il-17 et Il-22 réduit significativement la charge fongique buccale de C. albicans et le nombre d’hyphes dans l’épithélium de la langue et restaure la capacité à surexprimer des gènes S100a8, Ccl20 et Il22. Ces résultats démontrent que la perturbation de l’induction de l’immunité innée par l’Il-17 et l’Il-22 augmente la susceptibilité à la COP chez la souris Tg.


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Le Cancer du Col Utérin (CCU) chez la femme est provoqué par le virus oncogénique VPH. La métastase lymphatique ganglionnaire est un facteur pronostique majeur pour l’évolution de ce cancer et sa présence influence la décision thérapeutique. En général, l’envahissement ganglionnaire est diagnostiqué par histologie, mais cette méthode est laborieuse et parfois prise en défaut pour détecter les micrométastases et les cellules cancéreuses isolées et pour donner des résultats rapides en per opératoire. L’outil moléculaire que nous désirons développer pour combler cette lacune est basé sur une analyse d’ARN des gènes du VPH exprimés par les cellules du CCU. Ceci sera fait par transcription réverse de l’ARN cellulaire couplé à une réaction quantitative en chaine par polymérase en temps réel (RT-qPCR). Cette technique devrait nous permettre une détection et une évaluation rapide des micrométastases pour aider à déterminer immédiatement un pronostic fiable et la thérapie associée. C’est un test précis, sensible et rapide pour détecter un envahissement ganglionnaire dans le CCU visant à améliorer la gestion thérapeutique. Le projet est basé sur trois objectifs. En premier lieu, valider les marqueurs moléculaires E6 et E7 de VPH16 et 18 à partir des échantillons frais et des échantillons fixés dans des blocs de paraffine. En deuxième lieu, déterminer la fiabilité et la sensibilité des marqueurs pour la détection des macrométastases, des micrométastases et les cellules tumorales isolées en utilisant la technique de RT-qPCR. En troisième lieu et parallèlement au travail présenté dans ce mémoire, il est nécessaire de constituer une base de données des patientes qui ont le virus VPH16 et 18 intégré dans leur génome, qui ont été traitées et dont nous connaissons déjà le diagnostic final afin de valider la méthode (biobanque). Nous avons réussi à extraire de l’ARNm de haute qualité à partir d’échantillons complexes, à détecter les gènes E6 et E7 de VPH16 et 18 en RT-qPCR, et à déterminer précisément la limite de détection de E6 et E7 dans les échantillons frais qui est une proportion de 0,008% de cellules cancéreuses. Dans les échantillons fixés dans la paraffine, cette limite est de 0,02% et 0,05% pour E6-E7-VPH16 et E6-E7-VPH18 respectivement. Ceci comparativement à une limite de détection histologique de 1% qui est déterminée par immunohistochimie de CK19. Enfin, notre protocole est validé pour VPH18 dans les ganglions lymphatiques du CCU.


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In late September 2008, tissue samples from piglets experiencing an acute outbreak of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) were submitted to the Veterinary diagnostic service of the University of Montreal. Several diagnostic assays were performed including a multiplex real-time quantitative PCR assay (mrtqPCR) for the detection and differentiation of porcine circovirus (PCV) type 2a and 2b genotypes in the lung and lymph nodes. The pig samples were found to be positive for PCV2a using the mrtqPCR but odd results were obtained. The Ct values obtained with mrtqPCR probes targeting the ORF1 and ORF2 of PCV2 were not as expected which suggested the presence of genomic variations in the PCV2 viral genome. Ultimately, a total of three diagnostic cases with mrtqPCR unusual results were investigated. After virus isolation and sequence analyses, a new type of PCV was identified in those three cases. Based on sequence analyses, this new PCV genome contains the ORF1 of PCV1 and the ORF2 of PCV2a and its entire viral genome nucleotide identity compared to PCV1, PCV2a and 2b are 86.4%, 88.7% and 86.5%, respectively. It is proposed to name this new PCV by taking into account the nomenclature of Segales et al. (2008) and by indicating the origin of the ORF1 at first and the origin of the ORF2 in second. Consequently, the name proposed for this new PCV is PCV1/2a. The prevalence of PCV1/2a seems to be very low in Quebec, Canada (2.5% of PCV positive cases), and its origin is now in debate.


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Antecedentes: la Translocación Bacteriana (TB) describe el paso de bacterias residentes en el tracto gastrointestinal a tejidos normalmente estériles como los ganglios linfáticos mesentéricos (GLMs) y a otros órganos internos. Hasta el momento no ha sido demostrada la asociación de infección posoperatoria y TB en pacientes con trauma. Métodos: Para detectar la TB se extrajeron y cultivaron GLMs de 36 pacientes llevados a laparotomía por trauma. Se registraron y documentaron las complicaciones infecciosas posoperatorias. Se definió como infección posoperatoria cualquier cultivo positivo en el periodo posoperatorio. Por medio de un análisis de regresión logística multivariado se establecieron asociaciones entre las variables clínicas preoperatorias, operatorias y la infección posoperatoria. Se realizo genotipificación de los gérmenes que coincidían en el análisis microbiológico entre los hallados en los GLM y los focos infecciosos PO. Resultados: se detectó TB en 33.3% (n=12) de los pacientes. Se presentaron complicaciones infecciosas en el 22.2% (n=8) de los pacientes. Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (P=0.047) entre los pacientes con evidencia de TB y el desarrollo de infección en el posoperatorio (41.6%; 5/8), comparada con los pacientes sin evidencia de TB y desarrollo de infección posoperatoria (12.5%; 3/24). El germen responsable de la infección clínica coincidió con el cultivado en el GLM en el 40% de los casos (n=2/5). Cuando realizamos genotipificación de dos gérmenes aislados en un GLM y sitio de infección coincidió un microorganismo en la secuenciación, estableciendo relación de causalidad a nivel molecular. Conclusiones: la TB se asocia con un incremento significativo de aparición de infección posoperatoria en pacientes sometidos a laparotomía por trauma abdominal. Se demostró relación de causalidad a nivel molecular entre el organismo identificado en GLM y el encontrado en sitio de infección posoperatorio.


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Introducción: el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de seno durante la vida es del 13,4% (1 de cada 7 mujeres) y la posibilidad de morir por la enfermedad después del diagnostico es cercana al 30%. Pacientes y Métodos: es un estudio de cohorte abierta retrospectiva en el que se analizó la sobrevida según los factores pronósticos de las pacientes con cáncer de seno del hospital militar central en el periodo de enero de 2003 a diciembre de 2008. Los factores pronósticos son: Edad, estadío del tumor al momento del diagnóstico, Grado de diferenciación del tumor, presencia de metástasis al momento del diagnóstico, presencia de metástasis, número de sitios de metástasis, erb2, presencia de ganglios afectados, número de ganglios positivos, receptores estrogénicos, receptores de progestágeno, tratamiento con trastuzumab, tratamiento con hormonoterapia; el análisis estadístico se realizó a partir de la herramienta de recolección de datos, esta base de datos fue trasladada al programa SPSS. Resultados: participaron 171 mujeres. La presencia de receptores para estrógenos positivos se correlaciona con una mayor sobrevida con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015). Durante el periodo de tiempo del estudio fallecieron 23 pacientes (13.4%), de las cuales 20 (86%) presentaban Carcinoma Canalicular Infiltrante y 21 (91%) presentaban estadios avanzados del carcinoma. Conclusiones: las características demográficas de nuestra población son similares a lo publicado en la literatura, sin variantes estadísticamente significativas frente a los hallazgos internacionales. En nuestro análisis hubo una fuerte correlación de la presencia de estrógenos positivos en relación al tiempo de sobrevida.


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Introducción: El cáncer de seno es la primera causa de cáncer entre las mujeres, además es la primera causa de muerte por cáncer entre las hispanas y la segunda entre otras razas, sin contar con el gran impacto social y económico que conlleva esta patología. Esto motiva la realización de estudios propios, que permitan ampliar nuestro conocimiento y aportar a la literatura colombiana, una publicación que refleje los factores asociados a la recaída en el cáncer de mama. Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico retrospectivo de casos y controles en el que se tomaron 267 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de seno, clasificadas según estadio clínico y expresión molecular del tumor, se analizaron los factores más fuertemente asociados a la recaída. Resultados: La población total consistió en 267 mujeres de las cuales 58 presentaron recaída, con un relación caso – control, 1:3. Al evaluar los grupos se evidencia homogeneidad en cuanto a edad, tipo de neoplasia, paridad e histología con lo que concluimos que estos grupos son comparables. Se presentó una tasa de mortalidad de 13,8 % en las pacientes que presentaron recaída tumoral vs un 0% de mortalidad en aquellas pacientes sin recaída. Adicionalmente se evidencia una relación entre la presencia del receptor HER 2 y recaída tumoral, que aunque no es estadísticamente significativa (p = 0.112) es importante tener en cuenta por su significancia clínica. Por su parte la presencia de receptor de estrógenos y progestágenos no es un predictor de recaída. La realización de cirugía se muestra como un factor de protección (OAR: 0.046 p = 0.008). Finalmente se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa como variables de asociación a recaída tumoral: la edad (p=0.009), el estadio clínico en el momento del diagnóstico (p= <0.001) y la clasificación molecular del tumor (p= 0.016). Conclusiones: Se identificaron como factores asociados a recaída tumoral en pacientes con cáncer de mama de una institución de Bogotá, Colombia a: la edad, el estadio clínico en el momento del diagnóstico y la clasificación molecular del tumor, confirmando la agresividad de los tumores triple negativos. Todos los hallazgos son compatibles a lo descrito en la literatura mundial. Esto permite definir la necesidad de generar en nuestro país estrategias de salud pública, que permitan la educación a todos los grupos etarios para el tamizaje en población joven que está siendo afectada, la detección en estadios tempranos del cáncer de mama, asociados a priorización del manejo y mejoras en la ruta de atención de las pacientes que permitan impactar positivamente en el desenlace y calidad de vida de las mujeres con esta patología. Adicionalmente estos resultados impulsan a la continua investigación de nuevas tecnologías y medicamentos que permitan combatir los tumores más agresivos molecularmente hablando.


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Mannose-binding C-type lectin receptors, expressed on Langerhans cells and subepithelial dendritic cells (DCs) of cervico-vaginal tissues, play an important role in HIV-1 capture and subsequent dissemination to lymph nodes. DC-SIGN has been implicated in both productive infection of DCs and the DC-mediated trans infection of CD4(+) T cells that occurs in the absence of replication. However, the molecular events that underlie this efficient transmission have not been fully defined. In this study, we have examined the effect of the extracellular domains of DC-SIGN and Langerin on the stability of the interaction of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein with CD4 and also on replication in permissive cells. Surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that DC-SIGN increases the binding affinity of trimeric gp140 envelope glycoproteins to CD4. In contrast, Langerin had no effect on the stability of the gp140:CD4 complex. In vitro infection experiments to compare DC-SIGN enhancement of CD4-dependent and CD4-independent strains demonstrated significantly lower enhancement of the CD4-independent strain. In addition DC-SIGN increased the relative rate of infection of the CD4-dependent strain but had no effect on the CD4-independent strain. DC-SIGN binding to the HIV envelope protein effectively increases exposure of the CD4 binding site, which in turn contributes to enhancement of infection.


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The roles of flagella and five fimbriae (SEF14, SEF17, SEF21, pef, lpf) in the early stages (up to 3 days) of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) infection have been investigated in the rat. Wild-type strains LA5 and S1400 (fim+/fla+) and insertionally inactivated mutants unable to express the five fimbriae (fim-/fla+), flagella (fim+/fla-) or fimbriae and flagella (fim-/fla-) were used. All wild-type and mutant strains were able to colonize the gut and spread to the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver and spleen. There appeared to be little or no difference between the fim-/fla+ and wild-type (fim+/fla+) strains. In contrast, the numbers of aflagellate (fim+/fla- or fim-/fla-) salmonella in the liver and spleen were transiently reduced. In addition, fim+/fla- or fim-/fla-strains were less able to persist in the upper gastrointestinal tract and the inflammatory responses they elicited in the gut were less severe. Thus, expression of SEF14, SEF17, SEF21, pef and lpf did not appear to be a prerequisite for induction of S. Enteritidis infection in the rat. Deletion of flagella did, however, disadvantage the bacterium. This may be due to the inability to produce or release the potent immunomodulating protein flagellin.


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Absence of lymph nodes in nonmammalian species, expression of MHCII by APCs in the periphery, and the recent findings that T cells can change their polarization status after presentation in the lymph nodes imply a role for MHCII-mediated presentation outside the organized lymphoid tissue. This study shows that MHCII+ ECs and DCs from the intestinal mucosa of the pig can present antigen to T cells in vitro. In vivo, APCs colocalize with T cells in pig and mouse intestinal mucosa. In the pig, endothelium is involved in these interactions in neonates but not in adults, indicating different roles for stromal and professional APCs in the neonate compared with the adult. The ratio of expression of DQ and DR MHCII locus products was lower on ECs than on other mucosal APCs, indicating that the two types of cells present different peptide sets. Adult nonendothelial APCs expressed a higher ratio of DQ/DR than in neonates. These results suggest that mucosal DCs can present antigen locally to primed T cells and that stromal APCs are recruited to these interactions in some cases. This raises the possibility that local presentation may influence T cell responses at the effector stage after initial presentation in the lymph node.


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Objectives: (1) To compare the anatomopathological variables and recurrence rates in patients with early-stage adenocarcinoma (AC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the uterine cervix; (2) to identify the independent risk factors for recurrence. Study design: This historical cohort study assessed 238 patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix (113 and IIA), who underwent radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection between 1980 and 1999. Comparison of category variables between the two histological types was carried out using the Pearson`s X-2 test or Fisher exact test. Disease-free survival rates for AC and SCC were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the curves were compared using the log-rank test. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to identify the independent risk factors for recurrence. Results: There were 35 cases of AC (14.7%) and 203 of SCC (85.3%). AC presented lower histological grade than did SCC (grade 1: 68.6% versus 9.4%; p < 0.001), lower rate of lymphovascular space involvement (25.7% versus 53.7%; p = 0.002), lower rate of invasion into the middle or deep thirds of the uterine cervix (40.0% versus 80.8%; p < 0.001) and lower rate of lymph node metastasis (2.9% versus 16.3%; p = 0.036). Although the recurrence rate was lower for AC than for SCC (11.4% versus 15.8%), this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.509). Multivariate analysis identified three independent risk factors for recurrence: presence of metastases in the pelvic lymph nodes, invasion of the deep third of the uterine cervix and absence of or slight inflammatory reaction in the cervix. When these variables were adjusted for the histological type and radiotherapy status, they remained in the model as independent risk factors. Conclusion: The AC group showed less aggressive histological behavior than did the SCC group, but no difference in the disease-free survival rates was noted. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fish oil supplementation has been shown to improve the cachectic state of tumor-bearing animals and humans. Our previous study showed that fish oil supplementation (1 g per kg body weight per day) for 2 generations had anticancer and anticachetic effects in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats as demonstrated by reduced tumor growth and body weight loss and increased food intake and survival. In this study, the effect of fish oil supplementation for 2 generations on membrane integrity, proliferation capacity, and CD4/CD8 ratio of lymphocytes isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus of Walker 256 tumor-bearing animals was investigated. We also determined fish oil effect on plasma concentration and ex vivo production of cytokines [tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-6, and IL-10]. Lymphocytes from thymus of tumor-bearing rats presented lower viability, but this change was abolished by fish oil supplementation. Tumor growth increased proliferation of lymphocytes from all lymphoid organs, and fish oil supplementation abolished this effect. Ex vivo production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 was reduced in supplemented animals, but IL-4 and IL-10 secretion was stimulated in both nontumor and tumor-bearing rats. IL-10 and IFN-gamma plasma levels was also decreased in supplemented animals. These results suggest that the anticachetic effects of fish oil supplementation for a long period of time (2 generations) in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats may be associated to a decrease in lymphocyte function as demonstrated by reduced viability, proliferation capacity, and cytokine production.


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The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of short periods of exercise of different intensity on lymphocyte function and cytokines. Thirty Wistar rats, 2 months old, were used. They were divided into five groups of six rats: a sedentary control group; a group exercised for 5 minutes at low intensity (5 L): a group exercised for 15 minutes at low intensity (15 L); and groups exercised at moderate intensity (additional load of 5% of body weight) for 5 minutes (5 M) or for 15 minutes (15 M). The parameters measured were: total leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes from lymph nodes, serum cytokines (IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-alpha), lymphocyte mitochondrial transmembrane potential, viability and DNA fragmentation. ANOVA two way followed by Tukey`s post hoc test (p <= 0.05) was used. The exercised groups exhibited a significant increase in total leukocytes, tissue and circulating lymphocytes in comparison with the control group. There was a significant decrease in lymphocyte viability and decrease in DNA fragmentation for the 15 M group when compared with the control. There was a decrease in the level TNF-alpha in the 5 M and 15 M groups. Short-term, low- and moderate-intensity exercise may be considered for sedentary individuals beginning to exercise, since no deleterious alterations were observed in lymphocyte function.


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Crotoxin is the main neurotoxic component of Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom and modulates immune and inflammatory responses, interfering with the activity of leukocytes. In the present work, the effects of crotoxin on the number of blood and lymphatic leukocytes and on lymph nodes and spleen lymphocytes population were investigated. The toxin s.c. administered to male Wistar rats, decreases the number of lymphocytes in blood and lymph circulation and increases the content of B and T-lymphocytes in lymph nodes. These effects were detected 1-2 h after treatment. The crotoxin molecule is composed of two subunits, an acidic non-toxic polypeptide, named crotapotin and a toxic basic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). PLA(2), but not crotapotin, decreased the number of circulating blood and lymph lymphocytes. Crotoxin promotes leukocyte adherence to endothelial cells of blood microcirculation and to lymph node high endothelial venules, which might contribute to the drop in the number of circulating lymphocytes. Crotoxin increases expression of the adhesion molecule LFA-1 in lymphocytes. The changes in the expression of the adhesion molecule might contribute, at least in part, for the increased leukocyte adhesion to endothelium. Zileuton, a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, blocked the decrease in the number of circulating leukocytes induced by crotoxin and also abolished the changes observed in leukocyte-endothelial interactions, suggesting the involvement of lipoxygenase-derived mediators in the effects of the toxin. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Exercise training restores innate immune system cell function in post-myocardial infarction (post-MI) rats. However, studies of the involvement of lymphocyte (Ly) in the setting of the congestive heart failure (CHF) are few. To address this issue, we investigated the function of Ly obtained from cervical lymph nodes from post-MI CHF rats submitted to treadmill running training. Methods: Twenty-five male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to the following groups: rats submitted to ligation of the left coronary artery, which were sedentary (MI-S, N= 7, only limited activity) or trained (MI-T, N= 6, on a treadmill (0% grade at 13-20 m.m(-1)) for 60 min.d(-1), 5 d.wk(-1), for 8-10 wk); or sham-operated rats, which were sedentary (sham-S, N = 6) or trained (sham-T, N = 6). The incorporation of [2-C-14]-thymidine by Ly cultivated in the presence of concanavalin A (Con A) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), cytokine production by Ly cultivated in the presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and plasma concentration of glutamine were assessed in all groups, 48 h after the last exercise session. Results: Proliferative capacity was increased, following incubation with Con-A in the MI groups, when compared with the sham counterparts. When incubated in the presence of PHA, MI-S produced more IL-4 (96%) than sham-S (P < 0.001). The training protocol induced a 2.2-fold increase in the production of interleukin-2 (P < 0.001) of the cells obtained from the cervical lymph nodes of MI-T, compared with MI-S. Conclusion: The moderate endurance training protocol caused an increase in IL-2 production, and a trend toward the reversion of the Th-1/Th-2 imbalance associated with IL-4 production increased in the post-MI CHF animal model.


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PURPOSE. FTY720 (fingolimod) is an immunomodulatory drug capable of preventing T-cell migration to inflammatory sites by binding to and subsequently downregulating the expression of sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 1 (S1P(1)) leading in turn to T-cell retention in lymphoid organs. Additional effects of FTY720 by increasing functional activity of regulatory T cells have recently been demonstrated, raising the conversion of conventional T cells into regulatory T cells and affecting the sequestration of regulatory T cells in normal mice. In this study, the action of FTY720 in the ocular autoimmune model in mice was investigated. METHODS. Mice were immunized with 161-180 peptide and pertussis toxin and were treated with 1 mg/kg/d FTY720 by gavage (7-21 days postimmunization [dpi]) or left untreated. Spleen cells, harvested 21 dpi, were cultured and assayed for cytokine production. Draining lymph node, spleen, and eye cells 21 dpi were assayed for quantification of T-cell populations. Disease severity was evaluated by histologic examination of the enucleated eyes at 21 and 49 dpi. In addition, anti-IRBP antibodies were analyzed by ELISA. RESULTS. FTY720 was effective in suppressing the experimental autoimmune uveitis score. Although there was a reduction in the number of eye-infiltrating cells, FTY did not prevent Treg accumulation at this site. FTY720 leads to a significant increase of CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cell percentages in lymph nodes, suggesting that this site could be the source of Treg cells found in the eye. CONCLUSIONS. The data showed that treatment in vivo with FTY720 was able to suppress EAU in mice. These results are indicative of the possible therapeutic use of FTY720 in ocular autoimmune processes. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:2568-2574) DOI:10.1167/iovs.09-4769