963 resultados para Lefschetz-Hopf Theorem
The aim of this note is to characterize all pairs of sufficiently smooth functions for which the mean value in the Cauchy mean value theorem is taken at a point which has a well-determined position in the interval. As an application of this result, a partial answer is given to a question posed by Sahoo and Riedel.
The Hasse-Minkowski theorem concerns the classification of quadratic forms over global fields (i.e., finite extensions of Q and rational function fields with a finite constant field). Hasse proved the theorem over the rational numbers in his Ph.D. thesis in 1921. He extended the research of his thesis to quadratic forms over all number fields in 1924. Historically, the Hasse-Minkowski theorem was the first notable application of p-adic fields that caught the attention of a wide mathematical audience. The goal of this thesis is to discuss the Hasse-Minkowski theorem over the rational numbers and over the rational function fields with a finite constant field of odd characteristic. Our treatments of quadratic forms and local fields, though, are more general than what is strictly necessary for our proofs of the Hasse-Minkowski theorem over Q and its analogue over rational function fields (of odd characteristic). Our discussion concludes with some applications of the Hasse-Minkowski theorem.
We analyze a model of 'postelection politics', in which (unlike in the more common Downsian models of 'preelection politics') politicians cannot make binding commitments prior to elections. The game begins with an incumbent politician in office, and voters adopt reelection strategies that are contingent on the policies implemented by the incumbent. We generalize previous models of this type by introducing heterogeneity in voters' ideological preferences, and analyze how voters' reelection strategies constrain the policies chosen by a rent-maximizing incumbent. We first show that virtually any policy (and any feasible level of rent for the incumbent) can be sustained in a Nash equilibrium. Then, we derive a 'median voter theorem': the ideal point of the median voter, and the minimum feasible level of rent, are the unique outcomes in any strong Nash equilibrium. We then introduce alternative refinements that are less restrictive. In particular, Ideologically Loyal Coalition-proof equilibrium also leads uniquely to the median outcome.
DeMoivre's theorem is of great utility in some parts of physical chemistry and is re-introduced here.
A one dimensional presentation of Ehrenfest's theorem is presented.
The classical Kramer sampling theorem provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas. Besides, it has been the cornerstone for a significant mathematical literature on the topic of sampling theorems associated with differential and difference problems. In this work we provide, in an unified way, new and old generalizations of this result corresponding to various different settings; all these generalizations are illustrated with examples. All the different situations along the paper share a basic approach: the functions to be sampled are obtaining by duality in a separable Hilbert space H through an H -valued kernel K defined on an appropriate domain.
This paper provides new versions of the Farkas lemma characterizing those inequalities of the form f(x) ≥ 0 which are consequences of a composite convex inequality (S ◦ g)(x) ≤ 0 on a closed convex subset of a given locally convex topological vector space X, where f is a proper lower semicontinuous convex function defined on X, S is an extended sublinear function, and g is a vector-valued S-convex function. In parallel, associated versions of a stable Farkas lemma, considering arbitrary linear perturbations of f, are also given. These new versions of the Farkas lemma, and their corresponding stable forms, are established under the weakest constraint qualification conditions (the so-called closedness conditions), and they are actually equivalent to each other, as well as equivalent to an extended version of the so-called Hahn–Banach–Lagrange theorem, and its stable version, correspondingly. It is shown that any of them implies analytic and algebraic versions of the Hahn–Banach theorem and the Mazur–Orlicz theorem for extended sublinear functions.
This note provides an approximate version of the Hahn–Banach theorem for non-necessarily convex extended-real valued positively homogeneous functions of degree one. Given p : X → R∪{+∞} such a function defined on the real vector space X, and a linear function defined on a subspace V of X and dominated by p (i.e. (x) ≤ p(x) for all x ∈ V), we say that can approximately be p-extended to X, if is the pointwise limit of a net of linear functions on V, every one of which can be extended to a linear function defined on X and dominated by p. The main result of this note proves that can approximately be p-extended to X if and only if is dominated by p∗∗, the pointwise supremum over the family of all the linear functions on X which are dominated by p.
For non-negative random variables with finite means we introduce an analogous of the equilibrium residual-lifetime distribution based on the quantile function. This allows us to construct new distributions with support (0, 1), and to obtain a new quantile-based version of the probabilistic generalization of Taylor's theorem. Similarly, for pairs of stochastically ordered random variables we come to a new quantile-based form of the probabilistic mean value theorem. The latter involves a distribution that generalizes the Lorenz curve. We investigate the special case of proportional quantile functions and apply the given results to various models based on classes of distributions and measures of risk theory. Motivated by some stochastic comparisons, we also introduce the “expected reversed proportional shortfall order”, and a new characterization of random lifetimes involving the reversed hazard rate function.
This paper deals with sequences of random variables belonging to a fixed chaos of order q generated by a Poisson random measure on a Polish space. The problem is investigated whether convergence of the third and fourth moment of such a suitably normalized sequence to the third and fourth moment of a centred Gamma law implies convergence in distribution of the involved random variables. A positive answer is obtained for q = 2 and q = 4. The proof of this four moments theorem is based on a number of new estimates for contraction norms. Applications concern homogeneous sums and U-statistics on the Poisson space.
Includes bibliographical references.
Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant MCS 77-22830.
Issued also as thesis (M.S.) University of Illinois.
"Sponsored by: Wright Air Development Center"
"Contract No. AF33(616)-6079 Project No. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572. Sponsored by: Wright Air Development Center"