743 resultados para In-hospital Mortality
PURPOSE: In this prospective, multicenter, 14-day inception cohort study, we investigated the epidemiology, patterns of infections, and outcome in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) as a result of severe acute respiratory infections (SARIs). METHODS: All patients admitted to one of 206 participating ICUs during two study weeks, one in November 2013 and the other in January 2014, were screened. SARI was defined as possible, probable, or microbiologically confirmed respiratory tract infection with recent onset dyspnea and/or fever. The primary outcome parameter was in-hospital mortality within 60 days of admission to the ICU. RESULTS: Among the 5550 patients admitted during the study periods, 663 (11.9 %) had SARI. On admission to the ICU, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were found in 29.6 and 26.2 % of SARI patients but rarely atypical bacteria (1.0 %); viruses were present in 7.7 % of patients. Organ failure occurred in 74.7 % of patients in the ICU, mostly respiratory (53.8 %), cardiovascular (44.5 %), and renal (44.6 %). ICU and in-hospital mortality rates in patients with SARI were 20.2 and 27.2 %, respectively. In multivariable analysis, older age, greater severity scores at ICU admission, and hematologic malignancy or liver disease were independently associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death, whereas influenza vaccination prior to ICU admission and adequate antibiotic administration on ICU admission were associated with a lower risk. CONCLUSIONS: Admission to the ICU for SARI is common and associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. We identified several risk factors for in-hospital death that may be useful for risk stratification in these patients.
Nursing home-acquired pneumonia (NHAP) is one of the most common infections arising amongst nursing home residents, and its incidence is expected to increase as population ages. The NHAP recommendation for empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, arising from the concept of healthcare-associated pneumonia, has been challenged by recent studies reporting low rates of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. This single center study analyzes the results of NHAP patients admitted through the Emergency Department (ED) at a tertiary center during the year 2010. There were 116 cases, male gender corresponded to 34.5 % of patients and median age was 84 years old (IQR 77-90). Comorbidities were present in 69.8 % of cases and 48.3 % of patients had used healthcare services during the previous 90 days. In-hospital mortality rate was 46.6 % and median length-of-stay was 9 days. Severity assessment at the Emergency Department provided CURB65 index score and respective mortality (%) results: zero: n = 0; one: n = 7 (0 %); two: n = 18 (38.9 %); three: n = 26 (38.5 %); four: n = 30 (53.3 %); and five; n = 22 (68.2 %); and sepsis n = 50 (34.0 %), severe sepsis n = 43 (48.8 %) and septic shock n = 22 (72.7 %). Significant risk factors for in-hospital mortality in multivariate analysis were polypnea (p = 0.001), age ≥ 75 years (p = 0.02), and severe sepsis or shock (p = 0.03) at the ED. Microbiological testing in 78.4 % of cases was positive in 15.4 % (n = 15): methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (26.7 %), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20.0 %), S. pneumoniae (13.3 %), Escherichia coli (13.3 %), others (26.7 %); the rate of MDR bacteria was 53.3 %. This study reveals high rates of mortality and MDR bacteria among NHAP hospital admissions supporting the use of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy in these patients.
RESUMO - Contexto: a avaliação da qualidade como tema potencialmente importante para utentes e prestadores de cuidados de saúde. A taxa de mortalidade como medida de resultados com um adequado ajustamento do risco. A existência de determinadas características estruturais do hospital às quais está associada uma menor mortalidade. Objectivos: identificar diferenças no desempenho e na taxa de mortalidade dos hospitais e investigar que características estruturais justificam essas diferenças. Metodologia: foram seleccionados os episódios de internamento das doenças de maior mortalidade hospitalar. A medida de desempenho considerada foi a comparação entre a mortalidade observada e a mortalidade esperada, calculada a partir da escala preditiva da mortalidade do Disease Staging, recalibrada para Portugal. A medida de desempenho foi analisada por hospital, doença e grupo de doenças. A ordenação dos hospitais pelo desempenho foi comparada com a ordenação dos hospitais pela taxa de mortalidade observada. O desempenho dentro de cada hospital foi analisado para um grupo de doenças seleccionadas. A relação entre o valor da medida de desempenho e as variáveis «número de episódios», «índice tecnológico» e «gravidade dos doentes tratados» foi analisada através da regressão linear para o conjunto dos episódios e para cada doença e grupo de doenças. Resultados: foram incluídos 379 074 episódios, agrupados em 21 doenças e 8 grupos de doenças e tratados em 81 hospitais. A taxa de mortalidade observada foi de 12%. Existiam diferenças no desempenho por hospital, alguns dos quais se destacam pelo seu melhor/pior nível de desempenho. Foram observadas as limitações da taxa de mortalidade bruta como instrumento de análise do desempenho, no contexto de hospitais com diferentes níveis de risco dos doentes tratados. Para além disso, evidenciou-se que a análise do hospital como um todo ou em cada uma das partes tem resultados distintos, dada a existência de diferentes níveis de desempenho dentro do hospital. Finalmente, verificou- se que a relação entre volume e desempenho, quando existe, é, na quase totalidade dos casos, não linear e inversa à referida na literatura.
Current American Academy of Neurology (AAN) guidelines for outcome prediction in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest (CA) have been validated before the therapeutic hypothermia era (TH). We undertook this study to verify the prognostic value of clinical and electrophysiological variables in the TH setting. A total of 111 consecutive comatose survivors of CA treated with TH were prospectively studied over a 3-year period. Neurological examination, electroencephalography (EEG), and somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) were performed immediately after TH, at normothermia and off sedation. Neurological recovery was assessed at 3 to 6 months, using Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC). Three clinical variables, assessed within 72 hours after CA, showed higher false-positive mortality predictions as compared with the AAN guidelines: incomplete brainstem reflexes recovery (4% vs 0%), myoclonus (7% vs 0%), and absent motor response to pain (24% vs 0%). Furthermore, unreactive EEG background was incompatible with good long-term neurological recovery (CPC 1-2) and strongly associated with in-hospital mortality (adjusted odds ratio for death, 15.4; 95% confidence interval, 3.3-71.9). The presence of at least 2 independent predictors out of 4 (incomplete brainstem reflexes, myoclonus, unreactive EEG, and absent cortical SSEP) accurately predicted poor long-term neurological recovery (positive predictive value = 1.00); EEG reactivity significantly improved the prognostication. Our data show that TH may modify outcome prediction after CA, implying that some clinical features should be interpreted with more caution in this setting as compared with the AAN guidelines. EEG background reactivity is useful in determining the prognosis after CA treated with TH.
Introducción: La hemorragia digestiva (HVDA) es la principal causa de descompensación en pacientes con cirrosis. Caracterizar el estado ácido-base de estos pacientes sería útil para reflejar la severidad del sangrado e identificar pacientes con alto riesgo de complicación. Objetivo: Describir el estado ácido-base de los pacientes que consultaron a urgencias con cirrosis descompensada por HVDA y posteriormente fueron manejados en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) o fallecieron. Métodos: Se realizó el análisis del estado ácido-base a 10 pacientes con estas características, utilizando tres métodos distintos. Resultados: El perfil ácido-base encontrado fue: acidosis metabólica por iones no medidos, acidosis láctica, alcalosis por hipoalbuminemia y anión gap elevado en la mayoría de pacientes. Conclusiones: La teoría de Henderson-Hasselbach no fue suficiente para identificar pacientes con alto riesgo, debería implementarse concomitantemente el análisis anión gap, base déficit y el método físico–químico, para entender los fenómenos acido base de estos pacientes.
Introducción: La endocarditis infecciosa es una infección microbiana del endocardio poco estudiada en nuestro país, la cual se asocia con múltiples complicaciones clínicas, y que presenta una mortalidad importante, que no ha disminuido a lo largo del tiempo sin importar los cambios epidemiológicos, de tratamiento y el aumento de la cirugía valvular que se presentan en la actualidad. Metodología: Se realizó la búsqueda de los pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de endocarditis infecciosa entre los años 2002 a 2012 en la Fundación Cardioinfantil para la revisión de los registros médicos y la descripción de las características clínicas, microbiológicas y ecocardiográficas. Resultados: se detectaron 144 pacientes hallando un predominio de la lesión de válvula nativa y el compromiso de válvula aórtica, encontrando como germen más común el S. aureus, sin embargo una tasa de 32.6% de hemocultivos negativos. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue de 22.2%. Discusión: los datos hallados en general son semejantes a los descritos en la literatura mundial con excepción de algunas variables discordantes en cuanto a la válvula aórtica mayormente comprometida y factores asociados a la endocarditis tricuspidea. Conclusión: la epidemiología de la endocarditis infecciosa de nuestra serie es muy semejante a la de la literatura actual de los países industrializados, aunque con algunas excepciones, requiriéndose la implementación y profundización del estudio de esta patología a nivel nacional.
Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) requiring dialysis in critically ill patients is associated with an in-hospital mortality rate of 50-80 %. Extended daily hemodialysis (EHD) and high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) have emerged as alternative modalities. Methods: A double-center, randomized, controlled trial was conducted comparing EHD versus HVPD for the treatment for AKI in the intensive care unit (ICU). Four hundred and seven patients were randomized and 143 patients were analyzed. Principal outcome measure was hospital mortality, and secondary end points were recovery of renal function and metabolic and fluid control. Results: There was no difference between the two groups in relation to median ICU stay [11 (5.7-20) vs. 9 (5.7-19)], recovery of kidney function (26.9 vs. 29.6 %, p = 0.11), need for chronic dialysis (9.7 vs. 6.5 %, p = 0.23), and hospital mortality (63.4 vs. 63.9 %, p = 0.94). The groups were different in metabolic and fluid control. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and bicarbonate levels were stabilized faster in EHD group than in HVPD group. Delivered Kt/V and ultrafiltration were higher in EHD group. Despite randomization, there were significant differences between the groups in some covariates, including age, pre-dialysis BUN, and creatinine levels, biased in favor of the EHD. Using logistic regression to adjust for the imbalances in group assignment, the odds of death associated with HVPD was 1.4 (95 % CI 0.7-2.4, p = 0.19). A detailed investigation of the randomization process failed to explain the marked differences in patient assignment. Conclusions: Despite faster metabolic control and higher dialysis dose and ultrafiltration with EHD, this study provides no evidence of a survival benefit of EHD compared with HVPD. The limitations of this study were that the results were not presented according to the intention to treat and it did not control other supportive management strategies as nutrition support and timing of dialysis initiation that might influence outcomes in AKI. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Background: Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has increased as the initial revascularization strategy in chronic coronary artery disease. Consequently, more patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) have history of coronary stent. Objective: Evaluate the impact of previous PCI on in-hospital mortality after CABG in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. Methods: Between May/2007 and June/2009, 1099 consecutive patients underwent CABG on cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients with no PCI (n=938, 85.3%) were compared with patients with previous PCI (n=161, 14.6%). Logistic regression models and propensity score matching analysis were used to assess the risk-adjusted impact of previous PCI on in-hospital mortality. Results: Both groups were similar, except for the fact that patients with previous PCI were more likely to have unstable angina (16.1% x 9.9%, p=0.019). In-hospital mortality after CABG was higher in patients with previous PCI (9.3% x 5.1%, p=0.034) and it was comparable with EuroSCORE and 2000 Bernstein-Parsonnet risk score. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, previous PCI emerged as an independent predictor of postoperative in-hospital mortality (odds ratio 1.94, 95% CI 1.02-3.68, p=0.044) as strong as diabetes (odds ratio 1.86, 95% CI 1.07-3.24, p=0.028). After computed propensity score matching based on preoperative risk factors, in-hospital mortality remained higher among patients with previous PCI (odds ratio 3.46, 95% CI 1.10-10.93, p=0.034). Conclusions: Previous PCI in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease is an independent risk factor for in-hospital mortality after CABG. This fact must be considered when PCI is indicated as initial alternative in patients with more severe coronary artery disease. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(1):586-595)
Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with high in-hospital mortality. Alveolar recruitment followed by ventilation at optimal titrated PEEP may reduce ventilator-induced lung injury and improve oxygenation in patients with ARDS, but the effects on mortality and other clinical outcomes remain unknown. This article reports the rationale, study design, and analysis plan of the Alveolar Recruitment for ARDS Trial (ART). Methods/Design: ART is a pragmatic, multicenter, randomized (concealed), controlled trial, which aims to determine if maximum stepwise alveolar recruitment associated with PEEP titration is able to increase 28-day survival in patients with ARDS compared to conventional treatment (ARDSNet strategy). We will enroll adult patients with ARDS of less than 72 h duration. The intervention group will receive an alveolar recruitment maneuver, with stepwise increases of PEEP achieving 45 cmH(2)O and peak pressure of 60 cmH2O, followed by ventilation with optimal PEEP titrated according to the static compliance of the respiratory system. In the control group, mechanical ventilation will follow a conventional protocol (ARDSNet). In both groups, we will use controlled volume mode with low tidal volumes (4 to 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight) and targeting plateau pressure <= 30 cmH2O. The primary outcome is 28-day survival, and the secondary outcomes are: length of ICU stay; length of hospital stay; pneumothorax requiring chest tube during first 7 days; barotrauma during first 7 days; mechanical ventilation-free days from days 1 to 28; ICU, in-hospital, and 6-month survival. ART is an event-guided trial planned to last until 520 events (deaths within 28 days) are observed. These events allow detection of a hazard ratio of 0.75, with 90% power and two-tailed type I error of 5%. All analysis will follow the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: If the ART strategy with maximum recruitment and PEEP titration improves 28-day survival, this will represent a notable advance to the care of ARDS patients. Conversely, if the ART strategy is similar or inferior to the current evidence-based strategy (ARDSNet), this should also change current practice as many institutions routinely employ recruitment maneuvers and set PEEP levels according to some titration method.
In the past two years we observed several changes in the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of patients with acute heart failure (acute HF), which led us to the need of performing a summary update of the II Brazilian Guidelines on Acute Heart Failure 2009. In the diagnostic evaluation, the diagnostic flowchart was simplified and the role of clinical assessment and echocardiography was enhanced. In the clinical-hemodynamic evaluation on admission, the hemodynamic echocardiography gained prominence as an aid to define this condition in patients with acute HF in the emergency room. In the prognostic evaluation, the role of biomarkers was better established and the criteria and prognostic value of the cardiorenal syndrome was better defined. The therapeutic approach flowcharts were revised, and are now simpler and more objective. Among the advances in drug therapy, the safety and importance of the maintenance or introduction of beta-blockers in the admission treatment are highlighted. Anticoagulation, according to new evidence, gained a wider range of indications. The presentation hemodynamic models of acute pulmonary edema were well established, with their different therapeutic approaches, as well as new levels of indication and evidence. In the surgical treatment of acute HF, CABG, the approach to mechanical lesions and heart transplantation were reviewed and updated. This update strengthens the II Brazilian Guidelines on Acute Heart Failure to keep it updated and refreshed. All clinical cardiologists who deal with patients with acute HF will find, in the guidelines and its summary, important tools to help them with the clinical practice for better diagnosis and treatment of their patients.
OBJETIVO: A cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) na fase aguda do infarto do miocárdio (IAM) está associada a aumento do risco operatório. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar fatores preditores de mortalidade intra-hospitalar nos pacientes submetidos a CRM no IAM. MÉTODOS: Durante três anos, todos os pacientes submetidos a CRM no IAM foram analisados retrospectivamente, utilizando o banco de dados institucional. Sessenta variáveis por paciente foram avaliadas: 49 variáveis pré-operatórias provenientes dos escores 2000 Bernstein-Parsonnet e EuroSCORE; 4 variáveis pré-operatórias não consideradas por esses escores (tempo entre o IAM e a CRM, valor máximo de CKMB, valor máximo de troponina e supradesnivelamento do segmento ST) e 7 variáveis intraoperatórias [uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), tempo de CEC, tipo de cardioplegia, endarterectomia, número de enxertos, uso da artéria torácica interna e revascularização completa]. Análise univariada e multivariada para o desfecho mortalidade intra-hospitalar foram realizadas. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio entre o IAM e a CRM foi de 3,8 ± 3 dias. A mortalidade global foi 19%. Na análise multivariada: idade > 65 anos [OR 16,5 (IC 1,8-152), P=0,013]~ CEC >108 minutos [OR 40 (IC 2,7-578), P=0,007], creatinina > 2 mg/dl [OR 35,5 (IC 1,7-740), P=0,021] e pressão pulmonar sistólica > 60 mmHg [OR 31(IC 1,6-591), P=0,022] foram preditores de mortalidade intra-hospitalar. CONCLUSÃO: Variáveis pré-operatórias clássicas como idade > 65 anos, creatinina > 2 mg/dl e pressão pulmonar sistólica > 60 mmHg foram preditoras de mortalidade intra-hospitalar nos pacientes operados de revascularização miocárdica na fase aguda do infarto.
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the strongest risk factor for myocardial infarction (MI) and mortality. The aim of this study was to assess the association between renal dysfunction severity, short-term outcomes and the use of in-hospital evidence-based therapies among patients with non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Methods: We examined data on 320 patients presenting with NSTEMI to Maggiore’s Emergency Department from 1st Jan 2010 to 31st December 2011. The study patients were classified into two groups according to their baseline glomerular filtration rate (GFR): renal dysfunction (RD) (GFR<60) and non-RD (GFR≥60 ml/min). Patients were then classified into four groups according to their CKD stage (GFR≥60, GFR 59-30, GFR 29-15, GFR <15). Results: Of the 320 patients, 155 (48,4%) had a GFR<60 ml/min at baseline. Compared with patients with a GFR≥60 ml/min, this group was, more likely to be female, to have hypertension, a previous myocardial infarction, stroke or TIA, had higher levels of uric acid and C-reactive protein. They were less likely to receive immediate (first 24 hours) evidence-based therapies. The GFR of RD patients treated appropriately increases on average by 5.5 ml/min/1.73 m2. The length of stay (mean, SD) increased with increasing CKD stage, respectively 5,3 (4,1), 7.0 (6.1), 7.8 (7.0), 9.2 (5.8) (global p <.0001). Females had on average a longer hospitalization than males, regardless of RD. In hospital mortality was higher in RD group (3,25%). Conclusions: The in-hospital mortality not was statically difference among the patients with a GFR value ≥60 ml/min, and patients with a GFR value <60 ml/min. The length of stay increased with increasing CKD stages. Despite patients with RD have more comorbidities then without RD less frequently receive guideline –recommended therapy. The GFR of RD patients treated appropriately improves during hospitalization, but not a level as we expected.
Prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM) remains a controversial issue with the most recent stented biological valves. We analyzed the incidence of PPM after implantation of the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna Ease aortic valve (PMEAV) bioprosthesis and assessed the early clinical outcome. Two hundred and seventy consecutive patients who received a PMEAV bioprosthesis between January 2007 and July 2008 were analyzed. Pre-, peri- and postoperative data were assessed and echocardiographic as well as clinical follow-up was performed. Mean age was 72+/-9 years, 168 (62.2%) were males. Fifty-seven patients (21.1%) were below 65 years of age. Absence of PPM, corresponding to an indexed effective orifice area >0.85 cm(2)/m(2), was 99.5%. Observed in-hospital mortality was 2.2% (six patients), with a predicted mortality according to the additive EuroSCORE of 7.6+/-3.1%. At echocardiographic assessment after a mean follow-up period of 150+/-91 days, mean transvalvular gradient was 11.8+/-4.8 mmHg (all valve sizes). No paravalvular leakage was seen. Nine patients died during follow-up. The Carpentier-Edwards PMEAV bioprosthesis shows excellent hemodynamic performance. This valve can be implanted in all sizes with an incidence of severe PPM below 0.5%.
Objective: To evaluate early and mid-term results in patients undergoing proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery. Methods: We analyzed 60 patients (median age 60 years, median logistic EuroSCORE 40) who underwent proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery between January 2005 and April 2012. Outcome and risk factors were analyzed. Results: In hospital mortality was 13%, perioperative neurologic injury was 7%. Fifty percent of patients underwent redo surgery in an urgent or emergency setting. In 65%, partial or total arch replacement with or without conventional or frozen elephant trunk extension was performed. The preoperative logistic EuroSCORE I confirmed to be a reliable predictor of adverse outcome- (ROC 0.786, 95%CI 0.64–0.93) as did the new EuroSCORE II model: ROC 0.882 95%CI 0.78–0.98. Extensive individual logistic EuroSCORE I levels more than 67 showed an OR of 7.01, 95%CI 1.43–34.27. A EuroSCORE II larger than 28 showed an OR of 4.44 (95%CI 1.4–14.06). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified a critical preoperative state (OR 7.96, 95%CI 1.51–38.79) but not advanced age (OR 2.46, 95%CI 0.48–12.66) as the strongest independent predictor of in-hospital mortality. Median follow-up was 23 months (1–52 months). One year and five year actuarial survival rates were 83% and 69% respectively. Freedom from reoperation during follow-up was 100%. Conclusions: Despite a substantial early attrition rate in patients presenting with a critical preoperative state, proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery provides excellent early and mid-term results. Higher EuroSCORE I and II levels and a critical preoperative state but not advanced age are independent predictors of in-hospital mortality. As a consequence, age alone should no longer be regarded as a contraindication for surgical treatment in this particular group of patient