966 resultados para Implicit finite difference approximation scheme


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The pseudo-spectral time-domain (PSTD) method is an alternative time-marching method to classicalleapfrog finite difference schemes in the simulation of wave-like propagating phenomena. It is basedon the fundamentals of the Fourier transform to compute the spatial derivatives of hyperbolic differential equations. Therefore, it results in an isotropic operator that can be implemented in an efficient way for room acoustics simulations. However, one of the first issues to be solved consists on modeling wallabsorption. Unfortunately, there are no references in the technical literature concerning to that problem. In this paper, assuming real and constant locally reacting impedances, several proposals to overcome this problem are presented, validated and compared to analytical solutions in different scenarios.


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The Pseudo-Spectral Time Domain (PSTD) method is an alternative time-marching method to classical leapfrog finite difference schemes inthe simulation of wave-like propagating phenomena. It is based on the fundamentals of the Fourier transform to compute the spatial derivativesof hyperbolic differential equations. Therefore, it results in an isotropic operator that can be implemented in an efficient way for room acousticssimulations. However, one of the first issues to be solved consists on modeling wall absorption. Unfortunately, there are no references in thetechnical literature concerning to that problem. In this paper, assuming real and constant locally reacting impedances, several proposals toovercome this problem are presented, validated and compared to analytical solutions in different scenarios.


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In many practical applications the state of field soils is monitored by recording the evolution of temperature and soil moisture at discrete depths. We theoretically investigate the systematic errors that arise when mass and energy balances are computed directly from these measurements. We show that, even with no measurement or model errors, large residuals might result when finite difference approximations are used to compute fluxes and storage term. To calculate the limits set by the use of spatially discrete measurements on the accuracy of balance closure, we derive an analytical solution to estimate the residual on the basis of the two key parameters: the penetration depth and the distance between the measurements. When the thickness of the control layer for which the balance is computed is comparable to the penetration depth of the forcing (which depends on the thermal diffusivity and on the forcing period) large residuals arise. The residual is also very sensitive to the distance between the measurements, which requires accurately controlling the position of the sensors in field experiments. We also demonstrate that, for the same experimental setup, mass residuals are sensitively larger than the energy residuals due to the nonlinearity of the moisture transport equation. Our analysis suggests that a careful assessment of the systematic mass error introduced by the use of spatially discrete data is required before using fluxes and residuals computed directly from field measurements.


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A major issue in the application of waveform inversion methods to crosshole georadar data is the accurate estimation of the source wavelet. Here, we explore the viability and robustness of incorporating this step into a time-domain waveform inversion procedure through an iterative deconvolution approach. Our results indicate that, at least in non-dispersive electrical environments, such an approach provides remarkably accurate and robust estimates of the source wavelet even in the presence of strong heterogeneity in both the dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity. Our results also indicate that the proposed source wavelet estimation approach is relatively insensitive to ambient noise and to the phase characteristics of the starting wavelet. Finally, there appears to be little-to-no trade-off between the wavelet estimation and the tomographic imaging procedures.


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Lusters are composite thin layers of coinage metal nanoparticles in glass displaying peculiar optical properties and obtained by a process involving ionic exchange, diffusion, and crystallization. In particular, the origin of the high reflectance (golden-shine) shown by those layers has been subject of some discussion. It has been attributed to either the presence of larger particles, thinner multiple layers or higher volume fraction of nanoparticles. The object of this paper is to clarify this for which a set of laboratory designed lusters are analysed by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. Model calculations and numerical simulations using the finite difference time domain method were also performed to evaluate the optical properties. Finally, the correlation between synthesis conditions, nanostructure, and optical properties is obtained for these materials.


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In this study, a model for the unsteady dynamic behaviour of a once-through counter flow boiler that uses an organic working fluid is presented. The boiler is a compact waste-heat boiler without a furnace and it has a preheater, a vaporiser and a superheater. The relative lengths of the boiler parts vary with the operating conditions since they are all parts of a single tube. The present research is a part of a study on the unsteady dynamics of an organic Rankine cycle power plant and it will be a part of a dynamic process model. The boiler model is presented using a selected example case that uses toluene as the process fluid and flue gas from natural gas combustion as the heat source. The dynamic behaviour of the boiler means transition from the steady initial state towards another steady state that corresponds to the changed process conditions. The solution method chosen was to find such a pressure of the process fluid that the mass of the process fluid in the boiler equals the mass calculated using the mass flows into and out of the boiler during a time step, using the finite difference method. A special method of fast calculation of the thermal properties has been used, because most of the calculation time is spent in calculating the fluid properties. The boiler was divided into elements. The values of the thermodynamic properties and mass flows were calculated in the nodes that connect the elements. Dynamic behaviour was limited to the process fluid and tube wall, and the heat source was regarded as to be steady. The elements that connect the preheater to thevaporiser and the vaporiser to the superheater were treated in a special way that takes into account a flexible change from one part to the other. The model consists of the calculation of the steady state initial distribution of the variables in the nodes, and the calculation of these nodal values in a dynamic state. The initial state of the boiler was received from a steady process model that isnot a part of the boiler model. The known boundary values that may vary during the dynamic calculation were the inlet temperature and mass flow rates of both the heat source and the process fluid. A brief examination of the oscillation around a steady state, the so-called Ledinegg instability, was done. This examination showed that the pressure drop in the boiler is a third degree polynomial of the mass flow rate, and the stability criterion is a second degree polynomial of the enthalpy change in the preheater. The numerical examination showed that oscillations did not exist in the example case. The dynamic boiler model was analysed for linear and step changes of the entering fluid temperatures and flow rates.The problem for verifying the correctness of the achieved results was that there was no possibility o compare them with measurements. This is why the only way was to determine whether the obtained results were intuitively reasonable and the results changed logically when the boundary conditions were changed. The numerical stability was checked in a test run in which there was no change in input values. The differences compared with the initial values were so small that the effects of numerical oscillations were negligible. The heat source side tests showed that the model gives results that are logical in the directions of the changes, and the order of magnitude of the timescale of changes is also as expected. The results of the tests on the process fluid side showed that the model gives reasonable results both on the temperature changes that cause small alterations in the process state and on mass flow rate changes causing very great alterations. The test runs showed that the dynamic model has no problems in calculating cases in which temperature of the entering heat source suddenly goes below that of the tube wall or the process fluid.


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The Clement-Desormes experiment is reviewed. By reason of a finite difference between the pressure within the system and its surroundings, Bertrand and McDonald have criticized the usual consideration of the adiabatic expansion as reversible. Garland, Nibler and Shoemaker oppose, defining regions through virtual boundaries where the surroundings do not operate. For Holden, the use of virtual boundaries is expendable. Experiments cannot support a hypothesis testing due to experiment's intrinsic uncertainty. The role of polytropy in uncertainty is discussed. Both thermodynamic definitions and kinetic model depict the real processes as irreversible phenomena and the reversible ones as a limiting hypothetical case.


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Pyörivien sähkökoneiden suunnittelussa terminen suunnittelu on yhtä tärkeää kuin sähköinen ja mekaaninen suunnittelukin. Tässä diplomityössä tarkoituksena on kehittää ilmajäähdytteisten kestomagneettigeneraattorien laskentaan soveltuva lämmönsiirtymismalli, jolla staattorin lämpötilajakauma voitaisiin selvittää. Kehitetty lämmönsiirtymismalli perustuu kolmiulotteiseen äärellisen erotuksen (finite difference) menetelmään. Malli ottaa huomioon lämmönjohtumisen staattorin aktiiviosissa ja konvektion jäähdytysilmavirtaan. Mallissa on myös yksinkertainen painehäviölaskenta jäähdytysjärjestelmän komponenttien mitoittamista varten. Laskentamallilla lasketaan esimerkkitapauksena 4,3 MW:n kestomagneettigeneraattorin jäähdytystä eri toimintapisteissä. Tuloksia verrataan CFD-mallinnuksen antamiin tuloksiin sekä kokeellisten mittausten antamiin tuloksiin.


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In this work it is presented a systematic procedure for constructing the solution of a large class of nonlinear conduction heat transfer problems through the minimization of quadratic functionals like the ones usually employed for linear descriptions. The proposed procedure gives rise to an efficient and easy way for carrying out numerical simulations of nonlinear heat transfer problems by means of finite elements. To illustrate the procedure a particular problem is simulated by means of a finite element approximation.


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The effective diffusivity of clove essential oil in subcritical liquid CO2 was estimated. The experimental apparatus employed was a fixed-bed extractor. The fixed bed was formed with grounded (mesh -32 + 65) and compacted clove buds which were considered a solid element. The effective diffusion coefficient was evaluated by fitting the experimental concentration profile to the unsteady state mass balance equation for unidirectional diffusion in a finite solid medium. The diffusion coefficient was related to the concentration of oil in the solid by an exponential function. The estimated values of the effective diffusion coefficient varied from 3.64 to 5.22x10-10 m2/s. The average relative errors were lower than 3.1%.


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We examined three different algorithms used in diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) to study their precisions and accuracies in predicting properties of isolated atoms, which are H atom ground state, Be atom ground state and H atom first excited state. All three algorithms — basic DMC, minimal stochastic reconfiguration DMC, and pure DMC, each with future-walking, are successfully impletmented in ground state energy and simple moments calculations with satisfactory results. Pure diffusion Monte Carlo with future-walking algorithm is proven to be the simplest approach with the least variance. Polarizabilities for Be atom ground state and H atom first excited state are not satisfactorily estimated in the infinitesimal differentiation approach. Likewise, an approach using the finite field approximation with an unperturbed wavefunction for the latter system also fails. However, accurate estimations for the a-polarizabilities are obtained by using wavefunctions that come from the time-independent perturbation theory. This suggests the flaw in our approach to polarizability estimation for these difficult cases rests with our having assumed the trial function is unaffected by infinitesimal perturbations in the Hamiltonian.


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La méthode IIM (Immersed Interface Method) permet d'étendre certaines méthodes numériques à des problèmes présentant des discontinuités. Elle est utilisée ici pour étudier un fluide incompressible régi par les équations de Navier-Stokes, dans lequel est immergée une membrane exerçant une force singulière. Nous utilisons une méthode de projection dans une grille de différences finies de type MAC. Une dérivation très complète des conditions de saut dans le cas où la viscosité est continue est présentée en annexe. Deux exemples numériques sont présentés : l'un sans membrane, et l'un où la membrane est immobile. Le cas général d'une membrane mobile est aussi étudié en profondeur.


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La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est la forme d’arythmie la plus fréquente et représente environ un tiers des hospitalisations attribuables aux troubles du rythme cardiaque. Les mécanismes d’initiation et de maintenance de la FA sont complexes et multiples. Parmi ceux-ci, une contribution du système nerveux autonome a été identifiée mais son rôle exact demeure mal compris. Ce travail cible l’étude de la modulation induite par l’acétylcholine (ACh) sur l’initiation et le maintien de la FA, en utilisant un modèle de tissu bidimensionnel. La propagation de l’influx électrique sur ce tissu est décrite par une équation réaction-diffusion non-linéaire résolue sur un maillage rectangulaire avec une méthode de différences finies, et la cinétique d'ACh suit une évolution temporelle prédéfinie qui correspond à l’activation du système parasympathique. Plus de 4400 simulations ont été réalisées sur la base de 4 épisodes d’arythmies, 5 tailles différentes de région modulée par l’ACh, 10 concentrations d’ACh et 22 constantes de temps de libération et de dégradation d’ACh. La complexité de la dynamique des réentrées est décrite en fonction de la constante de temps qui représente le taux de variation d’ACh. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que la stimulation vagale peut mener soit à une dynamique plus complexe des réentrées soit à l’arrêt de la FA en fonction des quatre paramètres étudiés. Ils démontrent qu’une décharge vagale rapide, représentée par des constantes de temps faibles combinées à une quantité suffisamment grande d’ACh, a une forte probabilité de briser la réentrée primaire provoquant une activité fibrillatoire. Cette activité est caractérisée par la création de plusieurs ondelettes à partir d’un rotor primaire sous l’effet de l’hétérogénéité du gradient de repolarisation causé par l’activité autonomique.


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Un modèle mathématique de la propagation de la malaria en temps discret est élaboré en vue de déterminer l'influence qu'un déplacement des populations des zones rurales vers les zones urbaines aurait sur la persistance ou la diminution de l'incidence de la malaria. Ce modèle, sous la forme d'un système de quatorze équations aux différences finies, est ensuite comparé à un modèle analogue mais en temps continu, qui prend la forme d'équations différentielles ordinaires. Une étude comparative avec la littérature récente permet de déterminer les forces et les faiblesses de notre modèle.


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A theoretical analysis of a symmetric T-shaped rnicrostripfed rectangular microstrip antenna using the finite-difference titnedoniain (FDTD) method is presented in this paper. The resonant frequency, return loss, impedance bandwidth, and radiation patterns are predicted and are in good agreement with the measured results