474 resultados para Illusion romanesque


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We report an experiment where participants observed an attack on their virtual body as experienced in an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Participants sat by a table with their right hand resting upon it. In IVR, they saw a virtual table that was registered with the real one, and they had a virtual body that substituted their real body seen from a first person perspective. The virtual right hand was collocated with their real right hand. Event-related brain potentials were recorded in two conditions, one where the participant"s virtual hand was attacked with a knife and a control condition where the knife only struck the virtual table. Significantly greater P450 potentials were obtained in the attack condition confirming our expectations that participants had a strong illusion of the virtual hand being their own, which was also strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Higher levels of subjective virtual hand ownership correlated with larger P450 amplitudes. Mu-rhythm event-related desynchronization in the motor cortex and readiness potential (C3-C4) negativity were clearly observed when the virtual hand was threatened as would be expected, if the real hand was threatened and the participant tried to avoid harm. Our results support the idea that event-related potentials may provide a promising non-subjective measure of virtual embodiment. They also support previous experiments on pain observation and are placed into context of similar experiments and studies of body perception and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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Els frontals d'altar medievals conservats a Catalunya i a la Catalunya Nord presenten unes similituds en els seus suports de fusta que permeten agrupar- los entre el ls segons els seus modelsconstructius.Per altra banda també permeten arribar a concebre com es van construir les diferents parts que els composen i amb quines eines es va treballar la fusta .L'estudi presentat es centra concretament en les marques de les eines de fuster que han quedat gravades als suports ¡ que ens permeten saber de quines eines es tractava, com s'utilitzaven ¡quinsistema es va seguir per la construcció d'aquestes estructures.Històricament no s'ha donat gens de valor als suports de fusta d'aquestes peces en comparació amb la seva capa pictòrica i, per aquest motiu, s'han portat a terme mutilacions del suport o reparacionsestructurals que no han tingut en compte la conservació dels seus elements originals. Les marques d'eina sovint han passat desapercebudes i en molts casos s'han malmès o bé s'han eliminat degut ales intervencions poc respectuoses que s'han fet al llarg del segle XX.L'objectiu de la recerca que s'està portant a terme és identificar les marques a la fusta original delssuports i poder relacionar-les amb les eines que es van utilitzar en el seu moment i fer un inventaride les marques per poder utilitzar-lo en estudis posteriors.Aquest treball s'ha desenvolupat dins la línia d'investigació del Grup de Recerca ConsolidatConservació-Restauració del Patrimoni 2014-16 - SGR 459G de la Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitatde Barcelona, anomenada Estudi tecnològic dels suports de béns culturals: materials i tècniques de producció.


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We report an experiment where participants observed an attack on their virtual body as experienced in an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Participants sat by a table with their right hand resting upon it. In IVR, they saw a virtual table that was registered with the real one, and they had a virtual body that substituted their real body seen from a first person perspective. The virtual right hand was collocated with their real right hand. Event-related brain potentials were recorded in two conditions, one where the participant"s virtual hand was attacked with a knife and a control condition where the knife only struck the virtual table. Significantly greater P450 potentials were obtained in the attack condition confirming our expectations that participants had a strong illusion of the virtual hand being their own, which was also strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Higher levels of subjective virtual hand ownership correlated with larger P450 amplitudes. Mu-rhythm event-related desynchronization in the motor cortex and readiness potential (C3-C4) negativity were clearly observed when the virtual hand was threatened as would be expected, if the real hand was threatened and the participant tried to avoid harm. Our results support the idea that event-related potentials may provide a promising non-subjective measure of virtual embodiment. They also support previous experiments on pain observation and are placed into context of similar experiments and studies of body perception and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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In the rubber hand illusion tactile stimulation seen on a rubber hand, that is synchronous with tactile stimulation felt on the hidden real hand, can lead to an illusion of ownership over the rubber hand. This illusion has been shown to produce a temperature decrease in the hidden hand, suggesting that such illusory ownership produces disownership of the real hand. Here we apply immersive virtual reality (VR) to experimentally investigate this with respect to sensitivity to temperature change. Forty participants experienced immersion in a VR with a virtual body (VB) seen from a first person perspective. For half the participants the VB was consistent in posture and movement with their own body, and in the other half there was inconsistency. Temperature sensitivity on the palm of the hand was measured before and during the virtual experience. The results show that temperature sensitivity decreased in the consistent compared to the inconsistent condition. Moreover, the change in sensitivity was significantly correlated with the subjective illusion of virtual arm ownership but modulated by the illusion of ownership over the full virtual body. This suggests that a full body ownership illusion results in a unification of the virtual and real bodies into one overall entity - with proprioception and tactile sensations on the real body integrated with the visual presence of the virtual body. The results are interpreted in the framework of a"body matrix" recently introduced into the literature.


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Cognitive neuroscientists have discovered various experimental setups that suggest that our body representation is surprisingly flexible, where the brain can easily be tricked into the illusion that a rubber hand is your hand or that a manikin body is your body. These multisensory illusions work well in immersive virtual reality (IVR). What is even more surprising is that such embodiment induces perceptual, attitudinal and behavioural changes that are concomitant with the displayed body type. Here we outline some recent findings in this field, and suggest that this offers a powerful tool for neuroscience, psychology and a new path for IVR.


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An integrated geophysical survey was conducted in September 2007 at the Cathedral of Tarragona (Catalonia, NE Spain), to search for archaeological remains of the Roman temple dedicated to the Emperor Augustus. Many hypotheses about its location have been put forward, the most recent ones suggesting it could be inside the present cathedral. Tarragona’s Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in Spain (12th century), was built during the evolution from the Romanesque to Gothic styles. As its area is rather wide, direct digging to detect hidden structures would be expensive and also interfere with religious services. Consequently, the use of detailed non-invasive analyses was preferred. A project including Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and Ground probing radar (GPR) was planned for a year and conducted during a week of intensive field survey. Both ERT and GPR provided detailed information about subsoil structures. Different ERT techniques and arrays were used, ranging from standard Wenner-Schlumberger 2D sections to full 3D electrical imaging using the MYG array. Electrical resistivity data were recorded extensively, making available many thousands of apparent resistivity points to obtain a complete 3D image after full inversion. The geophysical results were clear enough to persuade the archaeologists to excavate the area. The excavation confirmed the geophysical interpretation. In conclusion, the significant buried structures revealed by geophysical methods under the cathedral were confirmed by recent archaeological digging as the basement of the impressive Roman Temple that headed the Provincial Forum of Tarraco, seat of the Concilium of Hispania Citerior Province.


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Postprint (author’s final draft)


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Tutkimukseni käsittelee keskiajan nousua historian tärkeäksi periodiksi 1700-luvun Englannissa näkökulmanaan Thomas Wartonin (1726–1790) kirjoitukset. Warton oli Oxfordin yliopistossa toiminut oppinut antikvaari. Wartonin pääteos History of English Poetry (1774–1781) ei nimestään huolimatta ollut moderni kirjallisuushistoria vaan 1000–1500-luvun kirjoitettua kulttuuria laajasti käsitellyt vernakulaariin kirjallisuuteen pohjautunut esitys. Warton ja hänen lähipiiriinsä kuuluneet tutkijat tarjoavat erityisen mahdollisuuden tarkastella, miten käsitys keskiajasta omana aikakautenaanmuodostui 1700-luvun lopulla. Tutkin Wartonin ja hänen aikalaistensa toisen vuosituhannen alusta kirjoittamia arvioita Michel de Certeaun historiografisen operaation käsitteen avulla. Se koostuu kolmesta vaiheesta: Alue määrittelee sosiaaliset riippuvuussuhteet ja vaikuttimet, jotka ohjaavat tutkimusta. Käytäntö viittaa siihen, miten historioitsija valitsee materiaalinsa ja muokkaa siitä historiankirjoituksena hahmottuvan kokonaisuuden. Lopuksi kirjoitus konkreettisena ja fyysisenä ilmiönä luo illuusion lopullisuudesta ja huonosti sopivien osien yhteenkuuluvuudesta. de Certeaun teoria soveltuu paremmin vanhemman historiankirjoituksen ja oppineisuuden tarkasteluun kuin historiantutkimuksen narratiiveja analysoivat teokset, koska se kontekstualisoi laajemmin historiankirjoitukseen vaikuttavat ilmiöt. Thomas Warton ja muut 1700-luvun puolivälin oppineet määrittelivät keskiajan fiktiivisten tekstien avulla. Warton tutustui tarkasti romansseihin ja kronikoihin. Erityisen suuri merkitys keskiajan hahmottamisen kannalta oli Geoffrey Monmouthilaisen kronikalla Historia regum britanniae, joka esitteli Englannin myyttisen varhaisen historian yhdistämällä Rooman ja oman kansallisen perinteen. Geoffreyn kronikan avulla Warton huomasi keskiaikaisten tarinoiden laajan vaikutuksen; hän kirjoitti erityisesti kuningas Arthuriin liittyneiden kertomusten merkityksestä, joka jatkui aina 1500-luvulle asti. Näin Warton löysi antiikin perinteelle haastajan keskiaikaisesta kulttuurista. Wartonin tapa esitellä keskiaikaa perustui osittain valistusajan sulavasti kirjoitetuille universaalihistorioille, osittain oppineelle luettelomaiselle esitystavalle. Käytännössä Wartonin pitkät johdantotutkielmat kuitenkin johdattavat lukijaa keskeisiin teemoihin. Niitä ovat mielikuvituksen väheneminen uusimmassa kirjallisuudessa ja toisaalta hienostuneisuuden ja tiedon kasvu. Warton ei missään vaiheessa kerro, liittyvätkö nämä teemat yhteen, mutta tulkintani mukaan ne liittyivät. Warton ajatteli kirjallisuuden menettäneen olennaisen mielikuvituksen samaan aikaan, kun yhteiskunta oli kehittynyt. Tämä auttaa hahmottamaan koko kirjallisuuden historiaa: Warton etsi alkuperäistä mielikuvitusta niin antiikin Kreikasta, Orientista kuin muinaisesta Skandinaviasta. History of English Poetry ei pohtinut vain kirjallisuuden ja yhteiskunnan suhdetta, sillä Warton ajatteli voivansa tutkia keskiajan yhteiskuntaa kronikoiden ja romanssien avulla. Hänen käsityksensä feodalismista, hovien elämästä ja keskiaikaisista tavoista perustuivat niihin. Warton ei huomannut, että hänen käyttämänsä lähteet olivat tietoisia kirjallisia konstruktioita vaan hän piti niitä totuudenmukaisina kuvauksina. Toisaalta Wartonin tulkintaan heijastuivat myös 1700-luvun käsitykset yhteiskunnasta. Keskiajan lähteiden kuvaukset ja 1700-luvun ideaalit vaikuttivat lopulta siihen, millaiseksi populaari kuva keskiajasta kehittyi.


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Because of the increased availability of different kind of business intelligence technologies and tools it can be easy to fall in illusion that new technologies will automatically solve the problems of data management and reporting of the company. The management is not only about management of technology but also the management of processes and people. This thesis is focusing more into traditional data management and performance management of production processes which both can be seen as a requirement for long lasting development. Also some of the operative BI solutions are considered in the ideal state of reporting system. The objectives of this study are to examine what requirements effective performance management of production processes have for data management and reporting of the company and to see how they are effecting on the efficiency of it. The research is executed as a theoretical literary research about the subjects and as a qualitative case study about reporting development project of Finnsugar Ltd. The case study is examined through theoretical frameworks and by the active participant observation. To get a better picture about the ideal state of reporting system simple investment calculations are performed. According to the results of the research, requirements for effective performance management of production processes are automation in the collection of data, integration of operative databases, usage of efficient data management technologies like ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, data warehouse (DW) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and efficient management of processes, data and roles.


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User experience is a crucial element in interactive storytelling, and as such it is important to recognize the different aspects of a positive user experience in an interactive story. Towards that goal, in the first half of this thesis, we will go through the different elements that make up the user experience, with a strong focus on agency. Agency can be understood as the user’s ability to affect the story or the world in which the story is told with interesting and satisfying choices. The freedoms granted by agency are not completely compatible with traditional storytelling, and as such we will also go through some of the issues of agency-centric design philosophies and explore alternate schools of thought. The core purpose of this thesis is to determine the most important aspects of agency with regards to a positive user experience and attempt to find ways for authors to improve the overall quality of user experience in interactive stories. The latter half of this thesis deals with the research conducted on this matter. This research was carried out by analyzing data from an online survey coupled with data gathered by the interactive storytelling system specifically made for this research (Regicide). The most important aspects of this research deal with influencing perceived agency and facilitating an illusion of agency in different ways, and comparing user experiences in these different test environments. The most important findings based on this research include the importance of context-controlled and focused agency and settings in which the agency takes place and the importance of ensuring user-competency within an interactive storytelling system. Another essential conclusion to this research boils down to communication between the user and the system; the goal of influencing perceived agency should primarily be to ensure that the user is aware of all the theoretical agency they possess.


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Dans les romans de Sade, on n’accomplit que des crimes qui sont longuement expliqués, commentés et surtout légitimés. Ces dissertations ont conduit les critiques à rapprocher le marquis des philosophes du XVIIIe siècle et parfois même à l’assimiler à ces derniers. Le présent article indique que ce rapprochement n’est pas fondé et prouve que Sade n’a pas cautionné mais a au contraire stigmatisé les raisonnements des philosophes et de leurs épigones qui tendaient à instiller chez les Français du XVIIIe siècle l’illusion que tout était légitime et que tout était permis.


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Cet opuscule commence (folio 7 recto) par un résumé de la légende iranienne depuis Housheng ; vient ensuite celle des Sassanides (folio 12 verso), sous une forme encore plus sommaire ; celle de Mahomet et des khalifes (folio 16 recto), jusqu'à Mostaʿsim billah, le dernier vicaire du Prophète, qui fut mis à mort par Houlagou ; ensuite vient un chapitre, qui est donné comme le troisième de l'ouvrage (folio 26 recto), dans lequel se trouve une histoire fantaisiste du khalife Maʾmoun ; puis un chapitre donné comme le quatrième (folio 57 recto), qui expose une histoire romanesque du khalife. omayyade Valid II, fils de Yazid ; après quoi, vient un chapitre, qui serait le cinquième (folio 73 verso), dans lequel il est parlé des aventures extraordinaires qui survinrent au roi sassanide Shapour, fils d'Hormouz, à la cour de l'empereur grec, lesquelles forment une grande partie de ce recueil de légendes. On lit, à l'intérieur de l'un des plats de la reliure, le titre fantaisiste de تحفة المرتاض في التاريخ, avec cette glose que c'est une histoire des rois, contenant des anecdotes admirables et de très beaux enseignements. Manuscrit de luxe, orné d'un sarloh, enluminé en bleu et en or.


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Contient : I, livre préliminaire太上感應篇纂註Tai shang gan ying pian zuan zhu.Le Tai shang gan ying pian, avec commentaires ; II, livre préliminaire文昌帝君陰隲文纂註Wen chang di jun yin zhi wen zuan zhu.Le Yin zhi wen, du dieu de la Littérature, avec commentaires ; III, livre préliminaire文昌帝君覺世文纂註Wen chang di jun jue shi wen zuan zhu.Traité pour éveiller le monde, par le dieu de la Littérature ; IV, livre préliminaire關聖帝君覺世經 。釋略并諭Guan sheng di jun jue shi jing. Shi lüe bing yu.Le vrai livre sacré du réveil du monde, par le dieu de la Guerre ; V, livre préliminaire純陽祖師警士文Chun yang zu shi jing shi wen.Avertissement aux lettrés, traité du dieu Fu you ; VI, livre préliminaire魏元君勸世文Wei yuan jun quan shi wen ; VII, livre 1勸孝集說Quan xiao ji shuo.Recueil de textes recommandant la piété filiale ; VIII, livre 2戒淫集說Jie yin ji shuo.Recueil de textes contre l'impureté ; IX, livre 2文昌帝君戒淫文Wen chang di jun jie yin wen.Traité contre l'impureté, par le dieu de la Littérature ; X, livre 2文昌帝君天戒錄Wen chang di jun tian jie lu.Défenses célestes, notées par le dieu de la Littérature ; XI, livre 2三丰張眞人戒淫說San feng zhang zhen ren jie yin shuo.Traité contre l'impureté, par l'homme vrai Zhang, de San feng ; XII Livre 2文昌帝君慾海廻狂寶訓Wen chang di jun yu hai hui kuang bao xun.Instructions pour tirer l'insensé de la mer de la concupiscence, par le dieu de la Littérature ; XIII, livre 3勸戒彚抄Quan jie hui chao.Recueil de conseils et de défenses.Wen di quan zhong.Traité pour conseiller la fidélité, par le dieu de la Littérature ; XIV, livre 3文帝戒士子文Wen di jie shi zi wen.Conseils aux lettrés, par le dieu de la Littérature ; XV, livre 3文帝鱣壇勸世文Wen di zhan tan quan shi wen.Conseils donnés au monde par le dieu de la Littérature, à l'autel Zhan ; XVI, livre 3文帝鱣壇語錄Wen di zhan tan yu lu.Entretiens du dieu de la Littérature à l'autel Zhan ; XVII, livre 3蕉窻十則并序Jiao chuang shi ze bing xu.Les dix commandements de Jiao tchhoang, avec préface ; XVIII, livre 3文帝三教論 。七願 。十戒Wen di san jiao lun. Qi yuan. Shi jie.Dissertation sur les trois religions ; les sept vœux ; les dix commandements : du dieu de la Littérature ; XIX, livre 3呂祖師訓世文Lü zu shi xun shi wen.Instructions au monde par le dieu Fu you ; XX, livre 3勸敬惜字紙文Quan jing xi zi zhi wen.Traité pour conseiller le respect des caractères d'écriture ; XXI, livre 3敬字說Jing zi shuo.Traité sur le respect des caractères d'écriture ; XXII, livre 3惜字說Xi zi shuo.Traité sur le ménagement des caractères d'écriture ; XXIII, livre 3勸敬惜五榖文Quan jing xi Wu gu wen.Traité du respect des cinq sortes de grains ; XXIV, livre 3戒殺生說Jie sha sheng shuo.Traité pour défendre de tuer les êtres ayant vie ; XXV, livre 3戒溺女說Jie ni nü shuo.Traité pour défendre de noyer les petites filles ; XXVI, livre 3戒賭文Jie du wen.Traité contre le jeu ; XXVII, livre 3戒嗜酒Jie shi jiu.Défense d'aimer le vin ; XXVIII, livre 3戒貪財Jie tan cai.Défense de convoiter les richesses ; XXIX, livre 3戒聽讒Jie ting chan.Défense d'écouter la calomnie ; XXX, livre 3戒口過文Jie kou ge wen.Traité pour interdire les péchés de langue ; XXXI, livre 3戒損人利己說Jie sun ren li ji shuo.Traité pour interdire de chercher des avantages personnels au détriment d'autrui ; XXXII, livre3不自棄文Bu zi qi wen.Traité recommandant de ne pas s'abandonner au vice ; XXXIII, livre 3戒慢葬Jie man zang.Traité pour défendre d'user de négligence dans les funérailles ; XXXIV, livre 3戒不修治墳墓Jie bu xiu zhi fen mu.Traité recommandant d'entretenir les tombes ; XXXV, livre 3勸塾師培植子弟Quan shu shi pei zhi zi di.Traité recommandant aux maîtres de prendre soin de leurs élèves ; XXXVI, livre 3勸尊重師傅Quan zun zhong shi fu.Traité recommandant aux élèves d'honorer leur maître ; XXXVII, livre 3勸幕賓Quan mo bin.Conseils aux secrétaires privés des mandarins ; XXXVIII, livre 3勸公門修行Quan gong men xiu xing.Dans les affaires publiques, il faut régler sa conduite ; XXXIX, livre 3勸擇術慎業Quan ze shu shen ye.Il faut choisir un métier et s'y appliquer ; XL, livre 3勸化惡助善Quan hua e zu shan.Il faut corriger le mal et contribuer au bien ; XLI, livre 3勸排難解紛Quan phai nan jie fen.Il faut écarter les obstacles et dissiper les difficultés ; XLII, livre 3勸謙和雍睦Quan qian he yong mu.Traité pour conseiller l'esprit de conciliation et de concorde ; XLIII, livre 3勸救濟Quan jiu ji.Il faut aider (ceux qui ont besoin d'aide) ; XLIV, livre 3賑饑十二善Zhen ji shi er shan.Il faut nourrir les affamés ; XLV, livre 3勸敬說Quan jing shuo.Traité sur le respect ; XLVI, livre 3勸畏說Quan wei shuo.Traité sur la crainte respectueuse ; XLVII, livre3改過之法Gai ge zhi fa.Moyen de corriger les fautes ; XLVIII, livre3勸惜福Quan xi fu.Il faut ménager sa part de bonheur ; XLIX, livre3耕心說Geng xin shuo. Autre titre : 勸耕治心地Quan geng zhi xin di.Il faut cultiver son cœur ; L, livre3廣立命說Guang li ming shuo.Développement du traité sur la direction de la vie ; LI, livre3為學當從事性道Wei xue lang cong shi xing dao.Pour étudier, il faut s'appliquer à la voie naturelle ; LII, livre3性道集說Xing dao ji shuo.Recueil de textes sur la voie naturelle ; LIII, livre3夢覺圖說Mong jue tu shuo.Traité et figure sur l'illusion universelle ; LIV, livre4功過格彚編Gong ge ge hui bian.Liste des mérites et des péchés ; LV, livre4行功過格說Xing gong ge ge shuo.Traité sur l'usage de l'échelle des mérites et des péchés ; LVI, livre4功過格例Gong ge ge li.Règles annexes à l'échelle des mérites et des péchés ; LVII, livre4功過格分類彚編Gong ge ge fen lei hui bian.Liste méthodique des mérites et des péchés ; LVIII, livre 4不費錢功德例Bu fei qian gong de li.Manière d'obtenir des mérites sans dépenser d'argent ; LIX, livre final勸世詩歌Quan shi shi ge.Recueil de poésies morales


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Marshall McLuhan's "global village", and his theories on communications and technology, in conjunction with Patrick McGoohan's television series The Prisoner (ATV, 1967-1968) are explored in this thesis. The Prisoner, brainchild of McGoohan, is about the abduction and confinement of a British government agent imprisoned within the impenetrable boundaries of a benign but totalitarian city -state called "The Village". The purpose of his abduction and imprisonment is for the extraction of information regarding his resignation as a government spy. Marshall McLuhan originally popularized the phrase "the global village" in The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making o/the Topographic Man (1962), asserting that, "The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village" (p. 31). This thesis argues that valid parallels exist between McGoohan's conception of "village", as manifested in The Prisoner, and McLuhan's global village. The comprehensive methodological stratagem for this thesis includes Marshall McLuhan's "mosaic" approach, Mikhail Bakhtin's concept ofthe "chronotope", as well as a Foucauldian genealogicallhistorical discourse analysis. In the process of deconstructing McLuhan's texts and The Prisoner as products of the 1960s, an historical "constellation" (to use Walter Benjamin's concept) of the same present has been executed. By employing this synthesized methodology, conjunctions have been made between McLuhan's theories and the series' main themes of bureaucracy as dictatorship, the perversion of science and technology, freedom as illusion, and the individual in opposition to the collective. A thorough investigation of the global village and The Prisoner will determine whether or not Marshall McLuhan and/or Patrick McGoohan visualize the village as an enslaving technological reality.