626 resultados para Hospitality academics


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In spite of increases in the number of women who are both academically pre- pared and interested in pursuing hospitality management careers, women appear to be leaving the industry at a much higher rate than their male counter- parts. Although women are better represented in lower and middle management than ever before, there has been no corresponding increase in the number of women in top level management positions. The author explores women managers' perceptions of the career-related challenges they confront in hospitality environments and suggests that inadequate access to informal information networks, lack of women mentors, and the impact of unique job characteristics are their most significant concerns.


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The hospitality industry (especially the restaurant segment) has a historically high rate of financial failures. Yet, financial failure in the industry has not received the attention it deserves. In this article, the authors identify basic reasons underlying failed ideas while presenting a study of several hospitality chains that have experienced varying degrees of financial failure. The characteristics and pitfalls of these companies provide the necessary groundwork to explore major lessons to be learned which should aid hospitality management to aviod future business failures.


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This article documents all major articles in the FIU Hospitality Review, from its inaugural issue in spring of 1983 through 2001; 346 articles and 325 authors from 127 affiliations are included, as well as the academic institutions, hospitality industry organizations and authors who have contributed most frequently. The high ranking received by the FIU Hospitality Review is evidence of the many researchers and industry executives who have contributed over the past two decades.


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Distance education is an option that allows managers to continue with work while completing a program of study The authors report on the establishment of a distance education graduate program and describes how participants learned of the program, what their motivations for participating were, how it impacted their jobs and personal lives, and what their initial reactions to the first courses were.


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Nearly every industry, including hospitality, has adopted database marketing techniques. Why have they become so popular and what advantages do they offer for hospitality companies? The authors examine these issues.


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With the rise of smoking restrictions and bans in the hospitality industry the author discusses solutions that are implemented to protect the workforce and guests from involuntary smoking. Historical and societal contexts are drawn, and enforcement of smoking bans as well as their economic impact is explored in an international perspective, primarily since US researchers have propelled the research on smoking and health issues. The author illustrates that there has been no way to avoid enforcements of strict smoking restrictions, and the struggle to do so could just delay the process and waste resources.


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Understanding the political structure of educations and applying principles of political action may help avoid the destruction of educations alliances formed between partners of divergent backgrounds. The author discusses how this form of analysis may also be of benefit in understanding the problem technically-oriented hospitality programs from abroad often have articulating with the academic administrations in most American universities.


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There is a plethora of options about what constitutes “accessibility.” Countries like England and Canada are making significant progress in improving accommodations. The Americans with Disability Act is being revised, but critics say hotels are not complying with either the letter or the spirit of the law. The author, a retired FIU professors who writes about disabled travel from his wheelchair, explores these issues from a very personal point of view.


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Management, recruiting, and retention techniques are critical to the hospitality industry. In surveys and interviews of both employees and employers, employees responded that job referrals by friends, family and current employees were a primary way of obtaining their jobs, while employers indicated help want ads as a primary means to recruit. The study found that many employees enjoyed their work, respected their managers, and were generally satisfied with the benefits


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The authors are conducting a study of career patterns for students enrolled in the Florida International University School of Hospitality Management. A preliminary ethnographic phase of the study was to profile a variety of student participants in order to identify potential factors which might affect career patterns. The result is a fascinating and diverse mosaic of ambitious young people and a wealth of insight for corporate recruiting.


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It has been 100 years since Iowa State University first offered a program in hospitality education. One of the pioneer educators in the field presents a retrospective based upon a career that spanned much of that period.


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Application service provider models represent an alternative to in-house information systems and are gaining favor within the hospitality industry: The models, which place technical system components at a remote site, are described as server-centric. ASPs allow hospitality management to share investment dollars, system costs, and technical staff expenditure with an ASP operator, thereby concentrating on providing enhanced guest services. Although considered a viable alternative to in-house processing, not everyone agrees this is a favorable trend.


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The unit manager in the hospitality organization is presented as a caretaker and a change agent in the organization, a caretaker in maintaining and nurturing the culture of the organization and a change agent in assisting the employees in the acceptance and demonstration of the desired image of the organization. The author reviews the traditional role of the manager and presents a reconceptualization of the position.


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Over the past decades, hospitality design has lost sight of its basic goals of providing the guest with safe, pleasant, convenient accommodations and providing the owner with a facility which can be operated efficiently and profitably over the life of the structure. The author offers the acronym GE- NIAL, Guest, Environment, Needs, Interiors, Accessibility, and Long-term, as a means of keeping owners, developers, managers, and designers aware of the desired goals of the facility throughout its design and development. The author believes that the use of this acronym will promulgate de- signs more attuned to guest and owner/operator needs, resulting in in- creased guest satisfaction and increased profitability.


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Although some universities have introduced leadership courses in their curricula, schools of hotel and restaurant management are not following suit. As the industry's rate of growth and complexity outpaces that of its human resources, the formation of hospitality leaders becomes indispensable.