960 resultados para Hernández Catá, Alfonso, 1885-1940.


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O trabalho busca analisar o papel de dois setores representativos brasileiros (imprensa e poder legislativo), de 1945 a 1948, na investigação e divulgação de práticas repressivas do Estado brasileiro de 1935 a 1945 descambando para o tema da tortura no período. Para tal, tem-se como objeto empírico parte das publicações do conglomerado editorial Diários Associados e a formação da Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito dos Atos Delituosos da Ditadura. Tomados no bojo da redemocratização a partir de 1945, as reportagens e a Comissão possuíram uma profunda interrelação nas denúncias às torturas ocorridas antes mesmo da instauração do Estado Novo. Ao se estudar o tema, observa-se que essas acusações, embora comuns, não encontraram eco e se perderam tanto na possibilidade de ações judiciais (no caso da Comissão Parlamentar) como à memória. O objetivo deste trabalho é, então, demarcar o caminho das denúncias e apontar as causas que culminaram no seu esquecimento público.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal estudar a entidade pública denominada Juventude Brasileira, existente durante o Estado Novo. Nela se inclui entender o papel emprestado aos jovens pelo governo ditatorial de Vargas, especialmente o de uma enorme massa de "jovens espíritos" que se podia "mobilizar" em benefício da Nação e do regime político vigente, em tempo de grave crise provocada pela II Guerra Mundial. É patente a influência de outras organizações juvenis controladas pelo Estado então existentes em diferentes países, mormente aqueles criados pelos regimes fascistas alemão, italiano e português. É, quanto a isso, um produto brasileiro adaptado ao espírito do tempo. Entretanto a versão brasileira não admitiu a feição germânica, em 1938, quando o Ministro da Justiça, Francisco Campos, apresentou o projeto original de sua criação, que era calcado na instrução militar. Do demorado debate havido entre as mais elevadas autoridades surgiu, em 1940, a forma definitiva, apresentada pelo Ministro da Educação Gustavo Capanema. A Juventude Brasileira perdeu assim o caráter militar original, sem exigir qualquer aparato burocrático especial, valendo-se da estrutura já existente, tornando-se uma organização educacional auxiliar que incluía todos os escolares entre os sete e os dezoito anos de idade. Tornou-se um instrumento importante nas mãos das autoridades como um elemento de mobilização social, com seus desfiles, de que muito se valeu a propaganda oficial. De um modo geral, a sociedade aceitou bem a Juventude Brasileira, que serviu também, de certo modo, como ponto de contato e diálogo com um governo autoritário.


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Domestic cats and dogs are important companion animals and model animals in biomedical research. The cat has a highly conserved karyotype, closely resembling the ancestral karyotype of mammals, while the dog has one of the most extensively rearranged mammalian karyotypes investigated so far. We have constructed the first detailed comparative chromosome map of the domestic dog and cat by reciprocal chromosome painting. Dog paints specific for the 38 autosomes and the X chromosomes delineated 68 conserved chromosomal segments in the cat, while reverse painting of cat probes onto red fox and dog chromosomes revealed 65 conserved segments. Most conserved segments on cat chromosomes also show a high degree of conservation in G-banding patterns compared with their canine counterparts. At least 47 chromosomal fissions (breaks), 25 fusions and one inversion are needed to convert the cat karyotype to that of the dog, confirming that extensive chromosome rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of the cat and dog. Comparative analysis of the distribution patterns of conserved segments defined by dog paints on cat and human chromosomes has refined the human/cat comparative genome map and, most importantly, has revealed 15 cryptic inversions in seven large chromosomal regions of conserved synteny between humans and cats.


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Previous in vivo study demonstrated that beta gamma-CAT, a newly identified non-lens beta gamma-crystallin and trefoil factor complex from frog Bombina maxima skin secretions, possessed potent lethal toxicity on mammals resulted from hypotension and cardi


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In vertebrates, non-lens beta gamma-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues but their functions are unknown. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors, initiators of mucosal healing and being greatly involved in tumorigenesis, have remained


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In vertebrates, non-lens beta gamma-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues, but their functions are unknown. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors, initiators of mucosal healing and being greatly involved in tumorigenesis, have remained


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Clarias batrachus (Linn.), a common freshwater cat fish of Bhima River, has high economic value and considerable fishery importance. The length-weight relationship in the logarithmic way for this fish can be written as: Log W = 4.503717819 + 2.70681765 Log L. This is close to the cubic law indicating the isometric growth of the fish in its natural habitat. The correlation coefficient (r) was found to be 0.9824 which showed a good relationship between the two parameters.


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The quantitative distribution pattern of fat, moisture, protein and ash has been studied in the muscle of the various zones corresponding to the dorsal and ventral regions of the body of a common cat fish, H. fossilis (Bloch). The ventral part of the body showed more accumulation of fat and ash than the dorsal part, while this dorso-ventral gradation was not marked in the case of protein content. All the four constituents also showed an increase from the anterior to the posterior zones, both in the ventral as well as dorsal regions of the body. The distribution of moisture followed an almost opposite pattern, indicating an inverse relationship with fat and ash contents.


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The freezing and cold storage changes occurring in skinless fillets of cat fish and the effect of packaging on the quality of frozen fillets during storage at -18°C were studied. Maximum shelf-life of 27 weeks was shown by fillets frozen as glazed (water) blocks and packed in polythene lined waxed cartons.


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The quantitative distributional pattern of fat and water has been studied in the flesh of the various zones corresponding to the dorsal and ventral regions of the body of a common cat-fish, Wallago attu. The ventral aspect of the body showed more accumulation of fat than the dorsal aspect. The fat content in the ventral region also exhibited an increase from the anterior to the posterior zones. In the dorsal region, however, the back portion of the body, behind the dorsal fin, generally possessed low fat content. On an average, the highest fat accumulation was observed in the caudal peduncle region. The distribution of water followed an almost opposite pattern of distribution, indicating an inverse relationship with fat.


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Fish protein concentrate and functional fish protein concentrate samples were prepared from eviscerated meat of cat fish (Tachysurus jella Day). Functional fish protein concentrate is found to be lighter, less gritty and rehydrates more rapidly than fish protein concentrate. Functional FPC is seen to have higher PER and biscuits containing it at levels of 5 and 7 percent are less hard compared to FPC.


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Variations in the total liver cholesterol content of Heteropnuestes fossilis followed well defined seasonal cycle. A decline was recorded during the period when the gonads were passing through the peak ripe stage. The highest value of the cholesterol was however attained before this phase of gonad maturation. Concentration pattern of liver cholesterol seemed related to variations in the cholesterol metabolism of the fish, necessitated, besides other factors, by the demand for sex hormones. A possibility of the influence of feeding intensity on liver cholesterol content has also been indicated.


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Cat fish constitutes one of the important fisheries in India. Attempts were made for the better utilization of eggs. This paper describes trials made a favourable product such as pickle.


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The present study aimed to establish a sensitive in vitro assay to assess the binding capacity of cat spermatozoa. Cat oocytes and epididymal sperm cells were isolated from gonads and cultured for in vitro fertilization. Before fertilization, the sperm ce