789 resultados para Electronic commerce - security


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Nuestra idea se desarrolla en Internet, donde personas están buscando bienes y servicios para suplir sus necesidades y problemas -- Lo que buscamos es identificar que problemas existen para nichos de mercado específicos a los cuales se les pueda servir por medio de páginas web -- Para cada nicho de mercado pueden existir problemas que no han sido servidos o que están descuidados por otras páginas web dentro de cada nicho que queramos servir -- De acuerdo a nuestra investigación de distintos nichos, buscaremos oportunidades en mercados donde no hayan sido entregadas soluciones por medio de Internet (no hay contenido al respecto o es pobre o encontramos un micro nicho sin atender) -- Nuestra estrategia de éxito es la siguiente: 1 -- Buscar nichos de mercado en Internet cuyas necesidades no hayan sido suplidas por medio de páginas web y donde el contenido que exista no sea muy bueno o se pueden hacer mejoras -- 2 -- Crear una página web con el contenido clave para suplir estas necesidades -- 3 -- Encontrar productos o servicios relacionados y dar una recomendación de compra (por medio de una comparación entre productos, análisis de sus beneficios, testimonios)


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Diante de um mercado virtual mais competitivo, impulsionado pelo crescimento das compras online e pelo aumento do número de varejistas nessa modalidade, mensurações para avaliar a qualidade do serviço online tornam-se importantes, sobretudo pela identificação de relação positiva entre a qualidade do serviço e a performance do serviço. Nesse sentido, Ding, Hu e Sheng (2011) propuseram uma medida consistente sobre a qualidade percebida do serviço no comércio eletrônico, sob a perspectiva do autosserviço: e-SELFQUAL. Este artigo apresenta resultados da replicação da e-SELFQUAL no contexto brasileiro. Duas coletas de dados foram realizadas, na primeira, para uma amostra final de 106 estudantes, observou-se uma inadequação em um constructo da escala, e uma nova tradução foi proposta. Uma segunda coleta foi aplicada a uma amostra de 175 pessoas. A confiabilidade e a validade (convergente e discriminante) da escala foram atestadas, mantendo os itens originais do instrumento. Desse modo, os resultados indicam possível uso da e-SELFQUAL para mensurar a qualidade do autosserviço online no Brasil.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade Internacional


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This research aims to understand the factors that influence intention to online purchase of consumers, and to identify between these factors those that influence the users and the nonusers of electronic commerce. Thus, it is an applied, exploratory and descriptive research, developed in a quantitative model. Data collection was done through a questionnaire administered to a sample of 194 graduate students from the Centre for Applied Social Sciences of UFRN and data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factorial analysis and simple and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of descriptive statistics revealed that respondents in general and users of electronic commerce have positive perceptions of ease of use, usefulness and social influence about buying online, and intend to make purchases on Internet over the next six months. As for the non-users of electronic commerce, they do not trust the Internet to transact business, have negative perceptions of risk and social influence over purchasing online, and does not intend to make purchases on Internet over the next six months. Through confirmatory factorial analysis six factors were set up: behavioral intention, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, trust and social influence. Through multiple regression analysis, was observed that all these factors influence online purchase intentions of respondents in general, that only the social influence does not influence the intention to continue buying on the Internet from users of electronic commerce, and that only trust and social influence affect the intention to purchase online from non-users of electronic commerce. Through simple regression analysis, was found that trust influences perceptions of ease of use, usefulness and risk of respondents in general and users of electronic commerce, and that trust does not influence the perceptions of risk of non-users of electronic commerce. Finally, it was also found that the perceived ease of use influences perceived usefulness of the three groups. Given this scenario, it was concluded that it is extremely important that organizations that work with online sales know the factors that influence consumers purchasing intentions in order to gain space in their market


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Dissertação de mest. em Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2001


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Según la Organización Mundial del Trabajo (OIT, 2013), en la informalidad laboral abundan el emprendimiento, la iniciativa, el ingenio, el sacrificio y el esfuerzo -- No obstante, al mismo tiempo es sinónimo de empleos con bajos ingresos, sin protección social ni derechos, sin estabilidad y con escasas perspectivas de futuro -- Al tener en cuenta lo anterior se evidencian tanto la oportunidad como la necesidad de generar nuevas ideas que aprovechen la vinculación en el entorno digital de todo lo referente a la búsqueda y la oferta de servicios no convencionales de manera escalable en el tiempo, dado el crecimiento exponencial del uso de internet en los últimos años, lo que se traduce en ofrecer una forma de mezclar el talento que cada persona desarrolla en labores informales con un medio en el que las puede difundir y promocionar -- Al tomar lo anterior en consideración se plantea un modelo de plataforma digital que busca conectar oferta y demanda para generar soluciones a necesidades eventuales que surgen para el mantenimiento del hogar, como reparación de tuberías, daños eléctricos, carpintería o mejoras locativas en muros, pisos o techos o la consecución de una empleada del servicio con buena calificación, etc -- En este estudio se buscó información mediante entrevistas con las que se pueden generar mecanismos digitales orientados a conectar los oferentes con los demandantes de servicios no convencionales por medio de un canal de contacto directo


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[EU] Hurrengo lana, Consumer to Consumer merkataritza elektronikoan (hemendik aurrera, C2C) fokatuta dagoen azterketa da. C2C merkatu elektronikoaren esparruan kontsumitzaileak erosketa burutzera bultzatzen duten faktoreak identifikatu nahi dira. Horretarako, lehendabizi C2C merkataritza elektronikoaren ingurunea aztertuko da gainetik, gaia kokatzeko asmotan. Ingurune honetan artikulu zientifikoetan, gero eta nabarmentasun handiagoa hartzen ari den Customer Engagement edo kontsumitzailearen konpromisoa kontzeptuaren azterketa bat burutuko da. Kontzeptu hau hobeto ulertzeko asmotan, autore desberdinek eskainitako definizioak eta beste definizio baliagarri batzuk aurkituko ditugu. Behin kontzeptua definiturik, honek barneratzen duen zikloa identifikatzera pasatuko gara. Horretarako, Sashik 2012 urtean argitaratutako ikerketa lana hartu da oinarri lez. Autore honek egindako zikloari, ekarpen propio gisa, kontsumitzaileen jarrera ulertzen lagunduko diguten beste hainbat kontzeptu gehitu dira. Azkenik, aipatutako eta aztertutako kontzeptuak errealitatean identifikatzeko, azterketa praktiko bat burutu da. Azterketa honetan, teorian azaldutakoa, adibide errealen bidez identifikatzeaz gain, inkesta txiki bat aurkituko dugu. Honen bitartez, lan teorikoari erabilera praktikoago bat eman nahi izan zaio.


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Virtually every sector of business and industry that uses computing, including financial analysis, search engines, and electronic commerce, incorporate Big Data analysis into their business model. Sophisticated clustering algorithms are popular for deducing the nature of data by assigning labels to unlabeled data. We address two main challenges in Big Data. First, by definition, the volume of Big Data is too large to be loaded into a computer’s memory (this volume changes based on the computer used or available, but there is always a data set that is too large for any computer). Second, in real-time applications, the velocity of new incoming data prevents historical data from being stored and future data from being accessed. Therefore, we propose our Streaming Kernel Fuzzy c-Means (stKFCM) algorithm, which reduces both computational complexity and space complexity significantly. The proposed stKFCM only requires O(n2) memory where n is the (predetermined) size of a data subset (or data chunk) at each time step, which makes this algorithm truly scalable (as n can be chosen based on the available memory). Furthermore, only 2n2 elements of the full N × N (where N >> n) kernel matrix need to be calculated at each time-step, thus reducing both the computation time in producing the kernel elements and also the complexity of the FCM algorithm. Empirical results show that stKFCM, even with relatively very small n, can provide clustering performance as accurately as kernel fuzzy c-means run on the entire data set while achieving a significant speedup.


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Geography has almost become obsolete. The world’s goods and services can now be accessed instantaneously by electronic commerce. Small and medium sized countries have felt the cold winds of change blowing, and have adopted the “safety in numbers” philosophy. Regional organisations throughout the world have sprung up, with their original raison d'être the encouragement and development of regional trading blocks. Two of the most developed regional groupings are the EU/EC and NAFTA. These two organisations represent two quite different philosophies of regional trade groupings, with contrasting legal structures. The advent of Trade Globalisation, with the founding of the WTO has brought these two approaches into confrontation, as each side of the Atlantic Ocean tries to influence the development on the naissant WTO. This paper examines the two contrasting legal structures, and the conflict on an inter regional level that they are engendering.


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La economía mundial cambia a un ritmo vertiginoso y exponencial gracias a la rápida transformación de la tecnología. Diferentes dinámicas como el crecimiento en cobertura del internet; la creciente facilidad de obtención de una tarjeta de crédito; la popularización del uso de smartphones; y el crecimiento en uso del comercio electrónico; han dado cabida a la aparición de nuevos tipos de negocio, como el de servicios electrónicos y aplicaciones, que hace algunas décadas atrás eran inviables. Teniendo en cuenta estos cambios, el presente documento plantea tres diferentes modelos de aplicación para smartphones, se hace un análisis detallado de la viabilidad para cada uno para identificar así el que cuenta con mayores probabilidades de éxito. Finalmente se profundiza en este con un análisis financiero y de mercadotecnia para así hacer las respectivas correcciones al modelo inicial y obtener como resultado la versión más viable del modelo seleccionado.


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The construction industry is categorised as being an information-intensive industry and described as one of the most important industries in any developed country, facing a period of rapid and unparalleled change (Industry Science Resources 1999) (Love P.E.D., Tucker S.N. et al. 1996). Project communications are becoming increasingly complex, with a growing need and fundamental drive to collaborate electronically at project level and beyond (Olesen K. and Myers M.D. 1999; Thorpe T. and Mead S. 2001; CITE 2003). Yet, the industry is also identified as having a considerable lack of knowledge and awareness about innovative information and communication technology (ICT) and web-based communication processes, systems and solutions which may prove beneficial in the procurement, delivery and life cycle of projects (NSW Government 1998; Kajewski S. and Weippert A. 2000). The Internet has debatably revolutionised the way in which information is stored, exchanged and viewed, opening new avenues for business, which only a decade ago were deemed almost inconceivable (DCITA 1998; IIB 2002). In an attempt to put these ‘new avenues of business’ into perspective, this report provides an overall ‘snapshot’ of current public and private construction industry sector opportunities and practices in the implementation and application of web-based ICT tools, systems and processes (e-Uptake). Research found that even with a reserved uptake, the construction industry and its participating organisations are making concerted efforts (fortunately with positive results) in taking up innovative forms of doing business via the internet, including e-Tendering (making it possible to manage the entire tender letting process electronically and online) (Anumba C.J. and Ruikar K. 2002; ITCBP 2003). Furthermore, Government (often a key client within the construction industry),and with its increased tendency to transact its business electronically, undoubtedly has an effect on how various private industry consultants, contractors, suppliers, etc. do business (Murray M. 2003) – by offering a wide range of (current and anticipated) e-facilities / services, including e-Tendering (Ecommerce 2002). Overall, doing business electronically is found to have a profound impact on the way today’s construction businesses operate - streamlining existing processes, with the growth in innovative tools, such as e-Tender, offering the construction industry new responsibilities and opportunities for all parties involved (ITCBP 2003). It is therefore important that these opportunities should be accessible to as many construction industry businesses as possible (The Construction Confederation 2001). Historically, there is a considerable exchange of information between various parties during a tendering process, where accuracy and efficiency of documentation is critical. Traditionally this process is either paper-based (involving large volumes of supporting tender documentation), or via a number of stand-alone, non-compatible computer systems, usually costly to both the client and contractor. As such, having a standard electronic exchange format that allows all parties involved in an electronic tender process to access one system only via the Internet, saves both time and money, eliminates transcription errors and increases speed of bid analysis (The Construction Confederation 2001). Supporting this research project’s aims and objectives, researchers set to determine today’s construction industry ‘current state-of-play’ in relation to e-Tendering opportunities. The report also provides brief introductions to several Australian and International e-Tender systems identified during this investigation. e-Tendering, in its simplest form, is described as the electronic publishing, communicating, accessing, receiving and submitting of all tender related information and documentation via the internet, thereby replacing the traditional paper-based tender processes, and achieving a more efficient and effective business process for all parties involved (NT Governement 2000; NT Government 2000; NSW Department of Commerce 2003; NSW Government 2003). Although most of the e-Tender websites investigated at the time, maintain their tendering processes and capabilities are ‘electronic’, research shows these ‘eTendering’ systems vary from being reasonably advanced to more ‘basic’ electronic tender notification and archiving services for various industry sectors. Research also indicates an e-Tender system should have a number of basic features and capabilities, including: • All tender documentation to be distributed via a secure web-based tender system – thereby avoiding the need for collating paperwork and couriers. • The client/purchaser should be able to upload a notice and/or invitation to tender onto the system. • Notification is sent out electronically (usually via email) for suppliers to download the information and return their responses electronically (online). • During the tender period, updates and queries are exchanged through the same e-Tender system. • The client/purchaser should only be able to access the tenders after the deadline has passed. • All tender related information is held in a central database, which should be easily searchable and fully audited, with all activities recorded. • It is essential that tender documents are not read or submitted by unauthorised parties. • Users of the e-Tender system are to be properly identified and registered via controlled access. In simple terms, security has to be as good as if not better than a manual tender process. Data is to be encrypted and users authenticated by means such as digital signatures, electronic certificates or smartcards. • All parties must be assured that no 'undetected' alterations can be made to any tender. • The tenderer should be able to amend the bid right up to the deadline – whilst the client/purchaser cannot obtain access until the submission deadline has passed. • The e-Tender system may also include features such as a database of service providers with spreadsheet-based pricing schedules, which can make it easier for a potential tenderer to electronically prepare and analyse a tender. Research indicates the efficiency of an e-Tender process is well supported internationally, with a significant number, yet similar, e-Tender benefits identified during this investigation. Both construction industry and Government participants generally agree that the implementation of an automated e-Tendering process or system enhances the overall quality, timeliness and cost-effectiveness of a tender process, and provides a more streamlined method of receiving, managing, and submitting tender documents than the traditional paper-based process. On the other hand, whilst there are undoubtedly many more barriers challenging the successful implementation and adoption of an e-Tendering system or process, researchers have also identified a range of challenges and perceptions that seem to hinder the uptake of this innovative approach to tendering electronically. A central concern seems to be that of security - when industry organisations have to use the Internet for electronic information transfer. As a result, when it comes to e-Tendering, industry participants insist these innovative tendering systems are developed to ensure the utmost security and integrity. Finally, if Australian organisations continue to explore the competitive ‘dynamics’ of the construction industry, without realising the current and future, trends and benefits of adopting innovative processes, such as e-Tendering, it will limit their globalising opportunities to expand into overseas markets and allow the continuation of international firms successfully entering local markets. As such, researchers believe increased knowledge, awareness and successful implementation of innovative systems and processes raises great expectations regarding their contribution towards ‘stimulating’ the globalisation of electronic procurement activities, and improving overall business and project performances throughout the construction industry sectors and overall marketplace (NSW Government 2002; Harty C. 2003; Murray M. 2003; Pietroforte R. 2003). Achieving the successful integration of an innovative e-Tender solution with an existing / traditional process can be a complex, and if not done correctly, could lead to failure (Bourn J. 2002).


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Three proof requirements as essential for a sustainable land registration system. These were proof of identity, proof of ownership, and authority to deal. Our attention in this paper is drawn to the latter two requirements and will ask whether the introduction of the Property Exchange of Australia (PEXA), and its underpinning regulatory regime will meet the concerns that we have in relation to proof of ownership and authority to deal. In drawing out some problems with PEXA, we then offer an innovative idea, sourced from the transfer of equities that could serve to generate discussion on how we can ensure the Torrens system of land registration is sustainable for another 160 years.


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Le droit de l’OHADA face au commerce électronique est une réflexion épistémologique sur les questions juridiques que posent les transactions électroniques au sein des pays de l’Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA). Plus précisément, cette réflexion est une prospective sur l’encadrement juridique du commerce électronique par l’OHADA à partir des expériences menées notamment en Amérique du Nord (Canada-Québec) et en Europe. Les nouvelles technologies de l’information posent en Afrique comme elles l’ont fait ailleurs des défis au droit. Plusieurs initiatives régionales et nationales ont vu le jour au cours des dernières années pour relever ces défis. Seulement, le caractère hétérogène des législations mises en place est à même d’altérer la sécurité juridique régionale tant recherchée par l’organisation. Prenant appui sur la théorie de la circulation des modèles juridiques, cette thèse propose une véritable harmonisation dans le cadre de l’OHADA. Harmonisation qui veillera à prendre en compte les « spécificités africaines » tout en faisant de la Cour commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage (CCJA) d’Abidjan la plus haute juridiction communautaire en matière de commerce électronique.