863 resultados para Educação. Sertão. Natureza. Poesia


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Cette étude présente l anthropophagie comme une notion théorique et experiementale du corps qui réhabilite le sensible et réveille le monde perçu. L argumentation fait ressortir la dimension sensible du corps et de la connaissance, en considerant sa sensibilité et motricité, corps qui ne se sépare pas de la nature et de l histoire, en actuant dans le monde comme présence vive, originaire, en mouvement ; en supposant un sujet qui, au même temps que construit ses propres senses, il dépend de l expérience de l autre et du monde, en créant et en recréant la culture, et il agrandit le processus de connaître, de sentir, de penser, d agir, d être, de se transformer. Cette attitude annonce une connaissance sensible et un corps qui est suscetible de sensations, mais d expréssions aussi, de communication, de création, aspects indispensables pour se pensar l éducation comme un space sensible, d apprantissage et réssignification de la culture ; que dévient possible la communion avec le corps, le temps, le space ; qu enseigne à réapprendre à voir le monde, que considère la réversibilité des senses et l esthésie comme champs de l expérience sensible et de l imputation des senses ; qu évoque la beauté des multiples léctures du vécu et qu agrandit la compréhension du soi et de l autre. L objectif de ce travail est comprendre l anthropophagie comme une attitude du corps et de la connaisance sensible, qu approfondit la rélation de l être au monde, la rélation avec l autre et permet la création de senses culturelles, ésthetiques et éxistentielles our l éducation. Nos présentons l attitude phénomologique de Maurice Merleau-Ponty comme référence théorique et méthodologique de notre recherche. Il s agit d une attitude de la pensée qui place la conaissance au centre de nos expériences vécues au monde ; une attitude qui ne propose pas un sens définitif des choses et des personnes et qui contribue pour la compréhension de l anthropophagie, du corps, du sensible, du monde et de l autre, en indiquant des développements de ces réflexions pour l éducation. En créant des horizonts de sense et strastégies de pérception sur l anthopophagie, nos considérons comme choix notre expérience vécu, comme les voyages; atelier d extension avec des élèves du cours de Technologie en Production Culturelle de l Institut Fédéral d Éducation, Science et Technologie du Rio Grande do Norte-IFRN, Campus Cidade Alta ; l anthropophagie comme élement de l Art Moderne Brésilien ; les créations et les récits des élèves ; images ; filmes et livres recherchés ; dialogues avec les penseurs Lévi-Strauss, Montaigne et Oswald de Andrade, qui constituent nos principales références conceptuelles et qui ont permis traversé des savoirs et promouvoir un dialogue entre divers champs de connaissance, comme l Anthropologie, la Philosophie, l Art et l Éducation. Ces stratégies constituent le resultat partiel et inachevé d un processus de connaisance de soi et de l autre, que permet de revivre des mémoires, faire ressortir des couleurs, des senses, des goûts, des découvertes sensibles et encourageantes sur la connaissance, sur l art, des découvertes sur soi même, sur l autre, sur le monde, sur la vie, indiquant que l éducation peut être un processus fort sensible, dans lequel le corps est une présence indispensable, aussi comme le toucher, le créer, les delires, les affections, les encontres et l invention


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Esta disertación explora de qué forma las hibridaciones entre ser humano y ambientes naturales no urbanos contribuyen a configurar las estrategias de atención, de construcción de conocimiento y de interacción con el mundo del sujeto y cómo, recursivamente, las actitudes perceptivo-cognitivas y las maneras de acercarse a lo real, de imputar sentido a los fenómenos y de interactuar con el ambiente practicadas por el sujeto condicionan y contribuyen a definir las hibridaciones entre humanos y no humanos. Lo que guía esa exploración es el concepto de híbrido que, inspirándome en Bruno Latour (2008), concibo como una asociación entre elementos sin características inherentes, compenetrados, que se redefinen, recrean e reconfiguran recíprocamente. Utilizo como operadores cognitivos una narrativa literaria y una cinematográfica: el libro autobiográfico Dersu Uzala del escritor y explorador ruso Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev (1872-1930), publicado por primera vez en 1923, y la película homónima del director japonés Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998), lanzada en 1975. Estas obras reconstruyen tres expediciones realizadas por Arseniev a principios del siglo XX en la región siberiana del Ussuri que tuvieron como guía al cazador nómada de etnia gold Dersu Uzala, con quien el escritor construyó una profunda amistad. La elección de hacer dialogar en el mismo plan a dos modos complementares de conocimiento, arte y ciencia, se fundamenta en la concepción de Edgar Morin (2003b) de la literatura y el cine como escuelas de vida y de complejidad humana y en la visión de Claude Lévi- Strauss (2007) del arte como modelo reducido que favorece una mirada más abarcadora sobre los fenómenos. Inicialmente, pongo en relación mi investigación con los trabajos de Silmara Lídia Marton (2008) y Samir Cristino de Souza (2009), que analizaron las estrategias de construcción de conocimiento y de interacción con el mundo de un habitante de la Laguna de Piató (Municipio de Assú, Estado de Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil), Francisco Lucas da Silva, y muestro algunas analogías entre estas y las de Dersu Uzala, ambas productos de determinadas hibridaciones con el ambiente. A continuación, exploro las implicaciones cognitivas de la amistad de Arseniev con el cazador gold, metáfora/encarnación del diálogo posible entre saberes de matrices diferentes. En un tercer momento, dialogando con pensadores que se interrogaron sobre el trinomio hombre-naturaleza-representaciones y con las narrativas de Arseniev (1997) y Kurosawa (1975), reflexiono sobre las ideas de híbrido, de humano y no humano, de vivo y no vivo, de proximidad y distancia del sujeto con respecto a otros sistemas de lectura del mundo, de relación directa y mediada con lo real, de ambientes naturales urbanos y no urbanos. A seguir, incursiono en el libro de Arseniev y en el largometraje de Kurosawa intentando identificar qué factores más contribuyeron para configurar las estrategias de conocimiento y de interacción con el ambiente manifestadas por el explorador y por el cazador gold y, recursivamente, de qué forma esas estrategias contribuyeron a definir sus hibridaciones con el ambiente siberiano. Por último, a partir de las reflexiones tejidas a lo largo del trabajo, me interrogo sobre lo que ellas pueden decirnos sobre nuestra forma de interactuar con la naturaleza no humana y sobre el diálogo entre distintas formas de percibir, conocer y relacionarse con el mundo


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The present work is a survey of pedagogical practices of teachers who experience the daily school with students with Intellectual Disability (ID) in their classrooms, considered inclusive. The study was conducted in academic year 2010 in a municipal school in Natal-RN, aimed at investigating the pedagogical practices developed by the participating teachers as well as its view of the front of Intellectual Disabilities students who are inserted in the initial years of Elementary School. In methodological choice, considering the nature of the phenomenon, we chose the qualitative approach and the case study method. The observation and semi-structured interview were used as procedures, which contributed to a significant collection of data in an attempt to answer the objectives. The study subjects were selected by convenience and were formed into two teachers from Elementary School I, linked to the public educational system, which volunteered to collaborate in this research. The analysis of the observations and of the speeches made possible build pedagogical considerations on the action with students with Intellectual Disabilities in a regular school. The results point to a practice covered with a traditional pedagogy, with a few adjustments, although there is an initial process of change, what we observe in the classroom and captured in the words, because, at various times, we saw an interest in developing a pedagogy of Freire. One aspect that caught our attention refers to the formative action at school for these teachers. We found its incipiency, because this does not happen in a systematic way at school. Throughout the years investigated, the teachers had no access to any form of training neither to any form of specialized monitoring. We realize that there is still a concept of Intellectual Disability that makes difficult to "see" this student as a human being having learning opportunities. The aspects that interfere in the formation hinder the development of a pedagogical practice that meets the uniqueness of its customers and promotes a truly effective school inclusion, consistent with social rights proclaimed in this century. We believe in the irreversibility of the inclusive process initiated a few decades ago and that obstacles to the practice of teaching students with ID are visible and possible to overcome if they are turned into challenges for all those who compose the school, the municipal education system and those who build public policies for inclusive education


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En esta investigación se refleja en la experiencia como actor / profesor / narrador en el escenario y en el aula, tener en cuenta tanto la experiencia del cuerpo en el evento teatral. Mi interés es cómo podemos hablar de la experiencia como actor / profesor / narrador de la actitud fenomenológica a la que apunta el filósofo francés Maurice Merleau-Ponty, observando cómo el cuerpo propensas a estos la comunicación sensible y ofrece una forma diferente de pensar en el cuerpo teatro y la educación. Con este fin, la experiencia de la creación del personaje en el show Gurdulu "Matrióchka: una historia dentro de la historia", Ensign Grupo de Teatro y el trabajo como profesor de teatro IFRN - Campus Central de Navidad permitió la comprensión de estos del cuerpo. En el recuento de mi viaje como una actriz / maestro / narrador cuenta que el cuerpo es profundo y es atemporal suficiente. Pero no sólo el cuerpo individual del cuerpo que está unido a un cierto mundo, donde la experiencia es algo que se puede decir, es historia. La historia está en la institución a su vez, un fenómeno de expresión que una fructífera tradición y abre el horizonte de la vida, el deseo, el encanto, el arte, la poesía y el conocimiento


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This dissertation examines the contributions of juvenile literature reading for the problematization of the emotional experiences and conflicts of children at infant education. Its importance consists in providing useful information for the pedagogic work orientated to literature reading at the initial series of basic education, in order to increase the teacher s ability to explore the literary text from its instigating and enriching nature in view of the child s emotional experiences and conflicts. It is methodologically based on the principles of the qualitative research, what characterizes it as a case study. The research focused a level V-infant education class with 28 students in 5-6 age group, at a public school of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). The used resources were: audio recording, field diary, and interviews. Seventeen classes were carried out and they consisted in reading sessions of classic and contemporaneous tales, fables, and legends which used different didactic strategies. These sessions were developed in accordance with the reading experience through scaffolding instructions as it was described by Graves & Graves. The theoretical references were the studies of Amarilha (1997/ 2006), Bettelheim (2004), Coelho (1987/2000), Damásio (2005), Del Nero (2003), Eco (1994/2006), Held (1980), Iser (1996), Jauss (2002), Stierle (2002), Wallon (2007), Telles (2006), Yunes (2003), and Zilberman (1987). The analyses showed that literary reading in class is a special environment for inclusion of the reader s subjectivity; as well as the inclusion of their emotional experiences and their conflicts within the story by way of helping children think and become suitable for dealing with their inner feelings. The literary reading is presented as an experiential and formative activity which helps children understand their emotions through a process of identification, exteriorization, and catharsis; what implies that the esthetic experience from the text makes possible the reader s self-knowledge and increases the perception of his inner feelings and objective reality so that this reader has emotional capital to deal with life difficulties. It is important to highlight that the discussions carried out in the class represented a field of sharing experiences through which each reader had the chance to present their experience of life to the others, including their sorrows and sufferings, in order to help them to develop best strategies to deal with the social environment


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Most knowledge and techniques developed by mankind since ancient times had the main purpose to study and understand the various phenomena of Nature. Science, like one of these narratives, works as a translation, transcribing what, is systematically observed. Within the set of transformations on the modern sciences, the dialogue with related areas became quite narrow and, occasionally, functional, and the dialogue with non-related areas, in turn, does not takes place by any matters. The focus of this research is the teaching of Biological Sciences, and the undergraduate courses as strategic places to disseminate a broad understanding of Nature, that broadens the conceptual relations between different disciplinary axes, previously fragmented. In order to do so, I take a four-way metaphorical approach as a methodological construction base. Three of them proposed by Joël de Rosnay, represented by artifacts: The Telescope, The Microscope and the Macroscope. And finally, a proposition that complements the approach, that i named The Naked Eye. In Telescope, which allows a more general construct of a phenomenon, I discuss the teaching of Biological Sciences in Brazil. In the microscope, which allows us to analyze in detail a scenario, I construct a rank of the major courses in biological sciences and propose a discussion on the understanding of nature on the undergraduate programs. In Macroscope, who allows, at the same time, zoom in and out to the phenomenon observed, I call for a transdisciplinary dialogue, based on the authors Ilya Prigogine, Basarab Nicolescu, Henri Atlan and Bruno Latour, which can certainly contribute to the curriculum of the Biologists training programs, that builds knowledge pertinent to a complex observation of Nature. I complete the set of the quaternary reading and understanding of the world from the Naked Eye, as the first strategy of perception in our species. For this, I invite the philosopher of Nature Chico Lucas da Silva as my interlocutor


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In the Renaissance, the anatomy project a map of the body. Since then, the human body has been investigated for innumerable techniques, configuring new landscapes on the condition human being and the proper knowledge. In accordance with Merleau-Ponty (1975), All technique is body technique. It configures and extends the Metaphysical structure of our meat. In this direction, any intervention in the human body, a tattooing, a surgery or a performance, extends the perception and the directions of the existence of the subject. Merleau-Ponty (1975) still affirms, that all technique presents objective interventions. However, the body, ahead of these interventions, doesn t have to be considered only object, but subject that, from the interventions, attributes sensible and meanings through the movements, also being this its way of being in the world. Searching to extend this reflection on the discontinuities between the object body and the subject body, as well as, with the objective to reflect on the relation between the corporal techniques and the production of the subjectivity and the knowledge of the physical education, we reflect on the body art, as one technique of body that marks the exterior of the body, exteriorizing the subjectivity, to search new means to the body and that ahead of this, we believe being able to project innumerable directions for the corporal transformations in the contemporarily. As a method for our reflection in we will support them in the phenomenology. IT presents as a new ontology, in which distinction does not occur enters the operating paper of the citizen that knows and the influence of the known object. The phenomenological understanding of body will be able to contribute with the knowledge of the Physical Education, a time that gives us important arguments on the experience of the body in relation with the nature, the culture, history. To be a body is to be tied to a world that we do not possess completive, but that we do not cease to search it


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Leprosy is an ancient disease that still stands as a public health problem worldwide, especially in the considered developing countries. Of these, Brazil still has large areas of endemicity. The disease remains high among those younger than 15 years old. In this group, the national index achieves 0.6 every 10 000 inhabitants and reaches 2 in the North and Midwest of Brazil. Therefore, the plan of the Ministry of Health is to prioritize the fight against disease in critical areas, providing early diagnosis and timely treatment, especially for patients under 15 years old. This research aimed to: identify the knowledge of students from three schools of basic education in Parnamirim/RN about the risk of getting ill in leprosy; conduct them health education on this topic. An exploratory-descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative nature. Data collection consists of two steps: questionnaire and health education on leprosy. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of UFRN through the opinion nº 204/2009. Quantitative data obtained were organized, categorized, typed and submitted to the Microsoft Office - Excel for quantitative analysis with simple percentage. Qualitative data were subjected to a content analysis according to Bardin. The sample consisted of 164 students of basic education, most of which is: 1st year of high school, from 11 to 15 years, in the afternoon shift, female gender, skin color white and residents in the municipality of Parnamirim/RN. Still, each student living with four people curiously did not respond in relation to occupation of the father. But the same answered their mother as a housewife and a family income of one to less than four minimum wages. There have been significant results compared the performance of health education in leprosy. Initially, students possessed little knowledge about leprosy. Subsequent to health education, most knew the answer about the disease, transmission, cause, where to get help in case of suspicion of leprosy and the need for the people who lives with leprosy patients to also seek for help, the understanding about if it is treatable or not. Content analysis has established the following themes: axis I, what I do not know about leprosy: cure, fear and prejudice. Axis II, what I know about leprosy, we identified: cure, effectiveness of health education and social exclusion in the past. It is considered the scope of the proposed objectives by matching the effectiveness of health education on leprosy in basic education in Parnamirim/RN; emphasizes, therefore, the importance of understanding the knowledge of public school students. It is expected of them to detect early cases of leprosy in their communities; encourage adherence to treatment as quickly as possible; prevent disability; reduce the stigma surrounding the disease.


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The joint enters the teams of the Strategy Health of Family (ESF) and the Municipal Center of Infantile education (CMEI) blunts as a form to assure the monitoring and promotion to the health of the children of 2 the 5 years when entering the day-care center environment/daily pay-school. It was traced as objective: To analyze the actions developed for the team of the Strategy Health of the Family in the promotion the health of the child, taken care of in a CMEI. Description-exploratory is to a study, qualitative nature, the type research-action. Developed in a CMEI and the USF of the quarter of New City, Natal-RN. The population was constituted by the professionals of the team of the ESF and the CMEI and parents. During the stages of the research-action diverse techniques had been used as the individually interview and in group, focal group, comment participant, and daily of field. The analysis of the data occurred by means of the content analysis, in the thematic modality, proposal for Bardin (1977) and description of the stages of the research-action. In the stage of situational diagnosis that it investigates the reality lived deeply for the citizens of ESF and CMEI how much to the health of the child seven categories had emerged that they enclosed: the context of the attention child in the CMEI identifying the actions that already came being developed for the ESF in the CMEI; the functioning of the CMEI and its routine of activities; the paper of the CMEI in the care the child; the daily one of the ESF, how much to the care to the health of the child of 2 the 5 years involving the diverse difficulties faced for the ESF; difficulties faced in daily of the CMEI for the care the child of 2 the 5 years; paper of joint ESF and CMEI for the confrontation of the difficulties; e action of health to be developed that they had subsidized the stage of planning of the research-action. During the stages of planning and implementation of the actions the actions of education in health with professionals of the CMEI and parents had been materialize and the actions of direct attention the health of the child. In the stage of evaluation of the actions for the involved citizens one searched to ahead understand the perception of the actions developed and perspective of continuity of the actions, through 4 boarded subjects for the citizens. For all the passage of the research-action it can be inferred that joint ESF and CMEI is a necessary initiative ahead of the current situation of the services of health for the promotion of an integral attention the health of the child, but that the teams of the ESF not yet make use of material conditions and staff enough to develop actions that exceed the limits of the USF, being necessary for this the reinforcement of the joints mainly with the Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North.


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La recherche de la formation des citoyens critiques et participatifs, dans le travail pédagogique avec les jeunes et les adultes, a besoin d un entraînement pédagogique qui va au delà de l attitude traditionnelle d'apprendre avec des méthodes mécaniques et arbitraires qui, en insistant excessivement sur l image du professeur, donnent priorité à l'enseignement, au détriment de l apprentissage. Dans ce sens, la présente étude, cherchant la possibilité de réalisation d'un travail alternatif pour l'enseignement des Mathématiques, dans une perspective transdisciplinaire, dans le sens de développer l apprentissage significatif des étudiants jeunes et adultes du Projet Croire, présente les résultats d'une recherche-intervention qui a utilisé les lettres du tarot comme ressource didactique en salle de classe. On prétend, avec cela, montrer cet instrument comme facilité d apprentissage de contenus des Mathématiques comme systèmes de numération, nombres entiers et géométrie, en amenant les Mathématiques dans une perspective historique et culturelle et donnant un traitement global à l'acte complexe d'apprendre. Dans ce travail, le jeune étudiant et l étudiant adulte est pris comme individu concret, prenant en considération les aspects cognitifs et les aspects d attitude de son apprentissage, ce qui est favorisé par la nature des lettres du tarot et par la compréhension adoptée, des mathématiques comme système symbolique


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This is work itself insert in the mathematics education field of the youth and adult education to aim to practitioners of the educational action into the mathematics area performing to with this is teaching kind, adopting to as parameter the Mathematics Molding approach. The motive of the research is to draw up a application proposal of the molding mathematics as teaching and learning geometry alternative in the youth and adult education. The research it develops in three class of the third level (series 5th and 6th) of he youth and adults education in the one school municipal from the Natal outskirts. Its have qualitative nature with participating observation approach, once performing to directly in to research environment as a mathematics teacher of those same classes. We are used questionnaires, lesson notes and analyses of the officials documents as an basis of claim instruments. The results indicates that activity used the mathematic moldings were appreciated the savoir-faire of the student in to knowledge construction process, when search develop to significant learning methods, helping to student build has mathematics connections with other knowledge areas and inside mathematics himself, so much that enlarges your understanding and assist has in your participation in the other socials place, over there propitiate to change in student and teacher posture with relation to mathematic classroom dynamics


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Researches in the field of Science Teaching have shown, in recent decades, that students from high school level have difficulties in understanding basic concepts of science, in general, and physics, in particular. The specific literature indicates, as a priority for a scientific education of better quality, a more structured understanding about science. This work proposes the introduction of elements of History and Philosophy of Science in high school as an aid to learning the concepts of optics, in general, and of aspects concerning the nature of science, specifically. Making use of historical episodes regarding the controversy on the nature of light, especially during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as clippings of the history of optics in relation to the development of models that explain the process of vision, we formulated a teaching unit and implemented it on two night high school classes of a public school in the city of Parnamirim (RN). The unit involved, primarily, the reading of three historical texts containing written questions followed by a collective debate ("moot"). The results indicated some difficulties in overcoming the misconceptions related to the process of vision and the nature of light. Nevertheless, we believe that the teaching unit has succeeded in relation to the learning of most students, both in relation to a better understanding of science as well as concepts of optics


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The school is a privileged locus of pedagogical reflection and, therefore, can and must be the best place for the process of continuing graduation for teachers. This process can be very productive if executed with an interdisciplinary group, once interdisciplinarity enables sharing different disciplines and also different personal stories. This study aimed to build a continuing graduation opportunity with an interdisciplinary group of teachers to Natural Sciences area, in a private school in the city of Natal - RN. This opportunity was build using as a tool the elaboration of interdisciplinary class called dialog-lesson. The methodology was in accordance with the principles of the qualitative approach of search-action, and the methodological way consisted of three stages that sought to meet the specific objectives: the definition of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, which had teachers in the Natural Sciences area; present a proposal that emerged from group discussions, identifying some elements of the limits and possibilities of the activity developed by the group of teachers from the Natural Sciences area. The results showed a studies lack on the subject by teachers and induced the reading and studing the Education legal documents (LDB, PCNEM and OCNEM). The planning of lessons led to the need for meetings that established the process of continuing graduation in exercising at the school. The interdisciplinary practice enable many gains, for example, the cohesion of the teachers, the perception need to constantly update and use of teaching units for planning. But it was also possible to observe limits, such as the difficulty of working with large classes and the danger of the content become superficial. The experience has shown that continuing graduation at school is possible and can be beneficial the use of interdisciplinary groups for this purpose, because it allows the exchange of experiences and pratice reflection of teaching in the itself exercise of this teaching


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Este estudio investigó las actitudes y creencias de los estudiantes universitarios en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad de Río Grande do Norte (UERN) como un paso hacia la elaboración de una propuesta de material didáctico para el estudio de las relaciones CTSA en la licenciatura en química. Para el conocimiento de las actitudes y creencias fue utilizado dos instrumentos (Escala Likert y un cuestionario), que proporcionó un análisis dentro del nuevo paradigma de investigación (cuantitativa y cualitativa) en la Enseñanza de la Ciencia y Matemáticas. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes de licenciatura en química tienen creencias positivistas y que suelen son considerados por algunos como ingenuas, como la creencia en el modelo de decisión tecnocrática, la linealidad del desarrollo científico y tecnológico que lleva a el bienestar social y neutralidad de los conocimientos científicotecnológico. Basándose en estos datos y la literatura sobre el tema se elaboraron tres módulos de aprendizaje: a) Cuestionando la hegemonía del conocimiento técnico y científico, b) Las relaciones entre ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y medio ambiente - las relaciones CTSA c) Propuesta de temática para la enseñanza de la química en una perspectiva de CTSA: El Río Mossoró. Por último, el material producido se utilizó en dos cursos ocurridos en el Campus Central en el Centro de Educación Superior en São Miguel, ambos de UERN. Los participantes expresaron su aprobación al enfoque trajo de el experimento propuesto y de el caso de simulación contenidos en la propuesta de


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo investigar a forma como as primeiras informações relativas à psicanálise de crianças foram introduzidas no Brasil, bem como delinear como estas idéias foram apropriadas pelos teóricos nacionais e incorporadas nas práticas de assistência à criança desenvolvidas no País nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Para isto foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa histórica de natureza qualitativa, mediante a realização de um levantamento bibliográfico que buscou identificar a produção de autores nacionais sobre psicanálise de crianças entre as décadas de 1920 a 1950. Os resultados indicam que a inserção da psicanálise de crianças no país ocorreu por duas vias: primeiramente através da educação, mediante a utilização deste referencial teórico com o intuito de melhor gerir a educação das crianças e solucionar seus problemas escolares; e, posteriormente, por intermédio da medicina, mediante o desenvolvimento de uma prática psicoterápica destinada ao tratamento de crianças com transtornos emocionais.