958 resultados para Design de interfaces


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A parallel computing environment to support optimization of large-scale engineering systems is designed and implemented on Windows-based personal computer networks, using the master-worker model and the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM). It is involved in decomposition of a large engineering system into a number of smaller subsystems optimized in parallel on worker nodes and coordination of subsystem optimization results on the master node. The environment consists of six functional modules, i.e. the master control, the optimization model generator, the optimizer, the data manager, the monitor, and the post processor. Object-oriented design of these modules is presented. The environment supports steps from the generation of optimization models to the solution and the visualization on networks of computers. User-friendly graphical interfaces make it easy to define the problem, and monitor and steer the optimization process. It has been verified by an example of a large space truss optimization. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electronic Blocks are a new programming environment, designed specifically for children aged between three and eight years. As such, the design of the Electronic Block environment is firmly based on principles of developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education. The Electronic Blocks are physical, stackable blocks that include sensor blocks, action blocks and logic blocks. Evaluation of the Electronic Blocks with both preschool and primary school children shows that the blocks' ease of use and power of engagement have created a compelling tool for the introduction of meaningful technology education in an early childhood setting. The key to the effectiveness of the Electronic Blocks lies in an adherence to theories of development and learning throughout the Electronic Blocks design process.


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This paper reflects upon our attempts to bring a participatory design approach to design research into interfaces that better support dental practice. The project brought together design researchers, general and specialist dental practitioners, the CEO of a dental software company and, to a limited extent, dental patients. We explored the potential for deployment of speech and gesture technologies in the challenging and authentic context of dental practices. The paper describes the various motivations behind the project, the negotiation of access and the development of the participant relationships as seen from the researchers' perspectives. Conducting participatory design sessions with busy professionals demands preparation, improvisation, and clarity of purpose. The paper describes how we identified what went well and when to shift tactics. The contribution of the paper is in its description of what we learned in bringing participatory design principles to a project that spanned technical research interests, commercial objectives and placing demands upon the time of skilled professionals. Copyright © 2010 ACM, Inc


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We report on the effect of the replacement of the conventional ITO anode with the semitransparent metallic material on the performance of microcavity OLEDs. We performed comprehensive simulations of the emission from microcavity OLEDs consisting of widely used organic materials, N,N′-di(naphthalene-1- yl)-N,N′-diphenylbenzidine (NPB) as a hole transport layer and tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) (Alq3) as emitting and electron transporting layer. Silver and LiF/Al were considered as a cathode, while metallic (Au and Ag) anode was used and simulations were performed on devices with both the metallic and conventional ITO anode. The electroluminescence emission spectra, electric field distribution inside the device, carrier density, recombination rate and exciton density were calculated as a function of the position of the emission layer. The results show that the metallic anode enhances light output and that optimum emission from a microcavity OLED is achieved when the position of the recombination region is aligned with the antinode of the standing wave inside the cavity. The microcavity OLED devices with Ag/Ag and Ag/Au mirrors were fabricated and characterized. The experimental results have been compared to the simulations and the influence of the different anode, emission region width and position on the performance of microcavity OLEDs was discussed.


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This research explores gestures used in the context of activities in the workplace and in everyday life in order to understand requirements and devise concepts for the design of gestural information appliances. A collaborative method of video interaction analysis devised to suit design explorations, the Video Card Game, was used to capture and analyse how gesture is used in the context of six different domains: the dentist's office; PDA and mobile phone use; the experimental biologist's laboratory; a city ferry service; a video cassette player repair shop; and a factory flowmeter assembly station. Findings are presented in the form of gestural themes, derived from the tradition of qualitative analysis but bearing some similarity to Alexandrian patterns. Implications for the design of gestural devices are discussed.


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Oggi, i dispositivi portatili sono diventati la forza trainante del mercato consumer e nuove sfide stanno emergendo per aumentarne le prestazioni, pur mantenendo un ragionevole tempo di vita della batteria. Il dominio digitale è la miglior soluzione per realizzare funzioni di elaborazione del segnale, grazie alla scalabilità della tecnologia CMOS, che spinge verso l'integrazione a livello sub-micrometrico. Infatti, la riduzione della tensione di alimentazione introduce limitazioni severe per raggiungere un range dinamico accettabile nel dominio analogico. Minori costi, minore consumo di potenza, maggiore resa e una maggiore riconfigurabilità sono i principali vantaggi dell'elaborazione dei segnali nel dominio digitale. Da più di un decennio, diverse funzioni puramente analogiche sono state spostate nel dominio digitale. Ciò significa che i convertitori analogico-digitali (ADC) stanno diventando i componenti chiave in molti sistemi elettronici. Essi sono, infatti, il ponte tra il mondo digitale e analogico e, di conseguenza, la loro efficienza e la precisione spesso determinano le prestazioni globali del sistema. I convertitori Sigma-Delta sono il blocco chiave come interfaccia in circuiti a segnale-misto ad elevata risoluzione e basso consumo di potenza. I tools di modellazione e simulazione sono strumenti efficaci ed essenziali nel flusso di progettazione. Sebbene le simulazioni a livello transistor danno risultati più precisi ed accurati, questo metodo è estremamente lungo a causa della natura a sovracampionamento di questo tipo di convertitore. Per questo motivo i modelli comportamentali di alto livello del modulatore sono essenziali per il progettista per realizzare simulazioni veloci che consentono di identificare le specifiche necessarie al convertitore per ottenere le prestazioni richieste. Obiettivo di questa tesi è la modellazione del comportamento del modulatore Sigma-Delta, tenendo conto di diverse non idealità come le dinamiche dell'integratore e il suo rumore termico. Risultati di simulazioni a livello transistor e dati sperimentali dimostrano che il modello proposto è preciso ed accurato rispetto alle simulazioni comportamentali.


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A pesquisa busca identificar as questões relacionadas aos estudos de Comunicação na Usabilidade de interfaces. O estudo é desenvolvido com revisão bibliográfica da Interação Humano-Computador e da Usabilidade. As revisões da interação humano-computador se dá considerando três principais eixos: Engenharia de software, Engenharia de Fatores Humanos e Design gráfico. Neste sentido, faz-se um recorte na importância das investigações e das propriedades comunicacionais que viriam a surgir nas relações suportadas pela interface de sistemas e das qualidades e características que determinam a usabilidade de interfaces. Observa-se que, apesar das características e propriedades comunicacionais serem intrínsecas as tecnologias digitais da informação, o envolvimento da Comunicação nestes processos de investigação ou construção de tecnologias interativas são superficiais e oferecem certo distanciamento dos aspectos tecnológicos. Denota-se, portanto, que as contribuições sobre aspectos da interação entre homem e máquina suportadas por interfaces comunicacionais são estritamente técnicas e oriundas de outros campos do conhecimento, apesar da existência da Teoria Mátemática da Comunicação e da sua origem em meios técnicos de comunicação como o telégráfo. Verifica-se assim a possibilidade de um maior envolvimento da Comunicação não apenas nas investigações relacionadas à usabilidade de sistemas interativos, como também na contribuição dos seus processos de desenvolvimento de sistemas baseados em diálogos.


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O objectivo principal deste estudo é tentar identificar as possibilidades de melhoria das interfaces físicas das consolas centrais dos automóveis, e a sua ergonomia e usabilidade enquanto meio de realização de tarefas dentro do veículo, de modo a contribuir para melhorar a experiência e a segurança na condução. Neste estudo é feita uma investigação acerca de algumas das interfaces físicas das consolas centrais, medindo o seu desempenho no que diz respeito à distracção do condutor e facilidade de uso em situações de dupla tarefa. Para isso foi adaptado um simulador de condução, e uma bateria de testes de situações de dupla tarefa foi efectuada, de modo a obter dados de telemetria de condução e de desempenho de cada interface da consola central. Os dados obtidos acerca da trajectória do veículo e da sua comparação com trajectórias de referência e a velocidade média nos sectores de condução, foram comparados com dados de desvio de olhar, e que por sua vez sã o comparados e relacionados com os dados de percepção própria do condutor, obtidos através dos testes subjectivos de auto-percepção NASA - Administração Nacional da Aeronáutica e do Espaço - Raw Task Load Index (NASA RTLX). É esperado que desta análise possam ser encontradas algumas conclusões que deverão indicar oportunidades de melhoria às interfaces das consolas centrais, que possam resultar de uma combinação ou divisão dos sistemas, ou que abram caminho ao desenvolvimento de novas soluções alternativas, ou até à criação de um guia de boas práticas para o futuro design e desenvolvimento de interfaces de consolas centrais para automóveis.


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In this paper we describe a novel, extensible visualization system currently under development at Aston University. We introduce modern programming methods, such as the use of data driven programming, design patterns, and the careful definition of interfaces to allow easy extension using plug-ins, to 3D landscape visualization software. We combine this with modern developments in computer graphics, such as vertex and fragment shaders, to create an extremely flexible, extensible real-time near photorealistic visualization system. In this paper we show the design of the system and the main sub-components. We stress the role of modern programming practices and illustrate the benefits these bring to 3D visualization. © 2006 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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One of the main problems with the use of synthetic polymers as biomaterials is the invasion of micro-organisms causing infection. A study of the properties of polymeric antibacterial agents, in particular polyhexamethylene biguanide, has revealed that the essential components for the design of a novel polymeric antibacterial are a balance between hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity coupled with sites of cationicity. The effect of cation incorporation on the physical properties of hydrogels has been investigated. Hydrogel systems copolymerised with either N-vinyl imidazole or dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate have been characterised in terms of their water binding, mechanical and surface properties. It has been concluded that the incorporation of these monomers does not adversely affect the properties of such hydrogels and that these materials are potential candidates for further development for use in biomedical applications. It has been reported that hydro gels with ionic character may increase the deposition of biological material onto the hydrogel surface when it is in contact with body fluids. An investigation into the deposition characteristics of hydrogels containing the potentially cationic monomers has been carried out, using specific protein adsorption and in vitro spoilation techniques. The results suggest that at low levels of cationicity, the deposition of positively charged proteins is reduced without adversely affecting the uptake of the other proteins. The gross deposition characteristics were found to be comparable to some commercially available contact lens materials. A preliminary investigation into the development of novel antibacterial polymers has been completed and some novel methods of bacterial inhibition discussed. These methods include development of an hydrogel whose potential application is as a catheter coating.


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This research investigates the general user interface problems in using networked services. Some of the problems are: users have to recall machine names and procedures to. invoke networked services; interactions with some of the services are by means of menu-based interfaces which are quite cumbersome to use; inconsistencies exist between the interfaces for different services because they were developed independently. These problems have to be removed so that users can use the services effectively. A prototype system has been developed to help users interact with networked services. This consists of software which gives the user an easy and consistent interface with the various services. The prototype is based on a graphical user interface and it includes the following appJications: Bath Information & Data Services; electronic mail; file editor. The prototype incorporates an online help facility to assist users using the system. The prototype can be divided into two parts: the user interface part that manages interactlon with the user; the communicatIon part that enables the communication with networked services to take place. The implementation is carried out using an object-oriented approach where both the user interface part and communication part are objects. The essential characteristics of object-orientation, - abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism - can all contribute to the better design and implementation of the prototype. The Smalltalk Model-View-Controller (MVC) methodology has been the framework for the construction of the prototype user interface. The purpose of the development was to study the effectiveness of users interaction to networked services. Having completed the prototype, tests users were requested to use the system to evaluate its effectiveness. The evaluation of the prototype is based on observation, i.e. observing the way users use the system and the opinion rating given by the users. Recommendations to improve further the prototype are given based on the results of the evaluation. based on the results of the evah:1ation. . .'. " "', ':::' ,n,<~;'.'


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This work attempts to create a systemic design framework for man-machine interfaces which is self consistent, compatible with other concepts, and applicable to real situations. This is tackled by examining the current architecture of computer applications packages. The treatment in the main is philosophical and theoretical and analyses the origins, assumptions and current practice of the design of applications packages. It proposes that the present form of packages is fundamentally contradictory to the notion of packaging itself. This is because as an indivisible ready-to-implement solution, current package architecture displays the following major disadvantages. First, it creates problems as a result of user-package interactions, in which the designer tries to mould all potential individual users, no matter how diverse they are, into one model. This is worsened by the minute provision, if any, of important properties such as flexibility, independence and impartiality. Second, it displays rigid structure that reduces the variety and/or multi-use of the component parts of such a package. Third, it dictates specific hardware and software configurations which probably results in reducing the number of degrees of freedom of its user. Fourth, it increases the dependence of its user upon its supplier through inadequate documentation and understanding of the package. Fifth, it tends to cause a degeneration of the expertise of design of the data processing practitioners. In view of this understanding an alternative methodological design framework which is both consistent with systems approach and the role of a package in its likely context is proposed. The proposition is based upon an extension of the identified concept of the hierarchy of holons* which facilitates the examination of the complex relationships of a package with its two principal environments. First, the user characteristics and his decision making practice and procedures; implying an examination of the user's M.I.S. network. Second, the software environment and its influence upon a package regarding support, control and operation of the package. The framework is built gradually as discussion advances around the central theme of a compatible M.I.S., software and model design. This leads to the formation of the alternative package architecture that is based upon the design of a number of independent, self-contained small parts. Such is believed to constitute the nucleus around which not only packages can be more effectively designed, but is also applicable to many man-machine systems design.


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In recent years, mobile technology has been one of the major growth areas in computing. Designing the user interface for mobile applications, however, is a very complex undertaking which is made even more challenging by the rapid technological developments in mobile hardware. Mobile human-computer interaction, unlike desktop-based interaction, must be cognizant of a variety of complex contextual factors affecting both users and technology. The Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation provides students, researchers, educators, and practitioners with a compendium of research on the key issues surrounding the design and evaluation of mobile user interfaces, such as the physical environment and social context in which a mobile device is being used and the impact of multitasking behavior typically exhibited by mobile-device users. Compiling the expertise of over 150 leading experts from 26 countries, this exemplary reference tool will make an indispensable addition to every library collection.


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This article characterizes key weaknesses in the ability of current digital libraries to support scholarly inquiry, and as a way to address these, proposes computational services grounded in semiformal models of the naturalistic argumentation commonly found in research literatures. It is argued that a design priority is to balance formal expressiveness with usability, making it critical to coevolve the modeling scheme with appropriate user interfaces for argument construction and analysis. We specify the requirements for an argument modeling scheme for use by untrained researchers and describe the resulting ontology, contrasting it with other domain modeling and semantic web approaches, before discussing passive and intelligent user interfaces designed to support analysts in the construction, navigation, and analysis of scholarly argument structures in a Web-based environment. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 22: 17–47, 2007.