1000 resultados para Curso de Pedagogia.


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A Educação de Jovens e Adultos na Unesp de Bauru, teve início em 1999, com um projeto de extensão para atender funcionários do Campus e comunidade. Dois anos depois, a PROEX organizou um Programa de Educação de Jovens e Adultos com duas dimensões: atender aos funcionários da universidade e à comunidade. Seus objetivos são: reconstruir a identidade pessoal, social e a cidadania por meio da escolaridade; possibilitar aos alunos do Curso de Pedagogia e de outras licenciaturas experiência de organizar e desenvolver projetos de alfabetização de jovens e adultos; articular atividades de capacitação, pesquisa e discussão de políticas públicas junto ao Centro de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (CEJA) da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Bauru. Desde 2002 adotou-se a metodologia de parcerias com instituições, associações e igrejas que atendiam às comunidades periféricas, incluindo levantamento da demanda e espaços comunitários para serem usados como salas de aula. O desenvolvimento do processo educacional tem sido trabalhado por alunos universitários bolsistas e voluntários sob orientação de professores do Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências Unesp/Bauru. A universidade promove também cursos de formação para todos os campi envolvidos no PEJA. Os resultados obtidos em Bauru apontam para a realização dos objetivos propostos, para a constituição da identidade social dos participantes e sua inserção na sociedade enquanto cidadãos e para a formação dos alunos universitários e seu papel como educadores.


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O trabalho trata do relato de uma experiência didática, realizada numa disciplina introdutória do curso de Pedagogia. Procura levar à reflexão acerca de como a ação do professor do futuro professor está mais comprometida com a realização dos rituais acadêmicos tradicionais, do que com princípios revolucionários que geram as mudanças efetivas na área educacional (ou social) e como os discursos teóricos incorporados nos conteúdos programáticos, de cursos superiores de formação de professores, se perdem na rotina da sala de aula da própria universidade. O relato busca promover a reflexão acerca da contribuição dos professores universitários na formação de profissionais mais críticos, considerando a incoerência entre a teoria que prega e a prática que assume. Por fim são apresentadas pequenas iniciativas para tentar “transgredir” com o instituído, para romper com as relações de poder existentes nas instituições educacionais. O trabalho traz, em seu bojo, algumas observações registradas pelos alunos que participaram dessa iniciativa.


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Desde a antiguidade a oralidade tem mostrado sua força tanto no teatro como na educação. A força da palavra oral se mostra por, através dela, o ouvinte poder criar imagens e cenas mais subjetivas. O relato oral da história do peixinho Lero, pelo seu autor, despertou-nos para a possibilidade de resgatar o poder da oralidade através da dramatização do texto pelos professores-alunos da disciplina Expressão Artística e da Linguagem, na Complementação Pedagógica da Pré-Escola, Curso de Pedagogia, IB- UNESP/Rio Claro. Por meio da técnica de teatro de vara foram transmitidas às crianças das EMEIs, noções básicas do ambiente marinho, de alguns seres, que ali vivem, de seus hábitos alimentares e de vida. O texto permitiu, ainda, a transmissão das noções elementares do ato de contar, quando o caranguejo Caran, juntamente com as crianças - personagens da cena, neste momento - contavam a coleção de conchinhas de Lero.


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Neste trabalho pretendo acrescentar algumas questões à reflexão mais ampla que venho realizando sobre formação de professores e em que tenho discutido a importância do papel do pesquisador da Universidade como agente formador e instigador das mudanças no interior das escolas e do processo de apropriação e transformação dos conceitos que envolvem a prática do professor na sala de aula. Pretendo ainda, analisar duas experiências que revelam o desenvolvimento de processo de colaboração Universidade-escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio numa direção em que professor, pesquisador e alunos do curso de Pedagogia desta Universidade atuam conjuntamente num processo de formação que se dá em espiral: da ação para a reflexão, apontando para a formação.


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The literature has pointed out the educational deficits of Brazilian public schools, the complexity of school management, and the need for better qualification for the exercise of this function. Considering this perspective, the present research questions: How is school management being contemplated within the initial pedagogical training in the state of Paraná? In this sense, this article aims to survey and analyze how school management in professional training in public universities Educator of Paraná is being contemplated after the publication of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education Course (DCNP). The study works with a qualitative approach to carry out, in the one hand, the bibliographic survey and systematization and, on the other hand, the survey, systematization and analysis of some elements in the political-pedagogical projects of different public universities. The data collected in six public universities show a significant oscillation between the workload aimed at the knowledge of School Administration and a variety of covered contents. Such differences may reflect the scope of the National Curriculum Guidelines as well as the present theoretical dispersion regarding the current knowledge on School Administration.


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In this paper we addressed aspects of the disciplines “Curricular Training” and “Didactics” in the Pedagogy Course in training of teachers. The main objective is to emphasize upon submission of the work that we do in our teaching practice in the mentioned disciplines, the importance of linking the theory and the practice in training of teachers so that the teaching in the university it is not decontextualized but enriched with the issues of everyday school life. In this sense, we address, initially, the aspects of the Curricular training as a mediator link of the learning, of the articulation of the curriculum and of the practices and, in this view, as a productive conduit between the university and the basic education, stressing the need for the reception of the contribution that each institutions within its specificity, must provide in the training courses. In sequence, we present aspects of the structure of the work we do with our students in Early Childhood Education Curricular Training. Finally, are detailed the aspects of a Didactics for the teachers of early childhood education and for the early years of Fundamental Education, focusing on narratives of in-service teachers on their experiences teaching in search of new systematization of pedagogical practice and on by own teachers.


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Coming as a result from a comprehensive research based on Lima’s studies (2008), this article is intended for investigating the process of reorganization of the Pedagogy course offered by a state public university since 2006, when the new National Curricular Guides were instituted. The subject matter brings up as one of its purposes to identify the main difficulties and the possible answers given in order to cause the changes to happen, taking in consideration both the external and internal interests of the institution. To further these aims, actual instruments were applied to the research: documents related to the Pedagogy course that were kept in the Council of the university and interviews with the members who took part in the process of readjustment. Because it is a public university, at first there was a mistaken presumption of the primacy of an administration founded upon democratic principles, in which the divergent opinions do not turn out to be taken as mere pretexts, but as an opportunity of dialogue and to establish collective projects. However, the results of the analysis shook that basic assumption and proved the opposite: the process was led to a rational/bureaucratic pattern of administration, the goals of which intended to adjust the institution to the external precepts and to establish the consensus — understood here as an absolute lack of conflicts. Nevertheless, it was chosen to conciliate the Pedagogy course to the national guides, without causing any harm to the departmental interests. These are reasons that justify satisfactorily the fact of this article being supposed to raise and quicken new and revitalized debate whenever there is an engagement of those who are most concerned for the duty of student teachers’ instruction, but mainly that of being expected to participate in the effective discussion/decision — making process of creating ends which to strive and work for.


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This article portrays Supervised Curricular Training experiences in Paulistas Universities by means of learning portfolios. The reflections presented indicate the pathways of experiences with this feature didactic-pedagogical motivator of qualitative advances in cultural formation of students and teachers of the Pedagogy Course. The methodological approach was chosen for consistent in the defense of necessary joints of dialogical, reflexive and emancipatory dimensions in training teachers for Early Childhood Education, and to contribute in the mediation of the activities carried out by undergraduates, with individualized follow in the formation of each one of them. The experience, stand out learnings regarding limits of this practice and the significant advances realized in each student, by means of their written work, sharing of knowledge, the interlocution between them and the teachers and the link with theory and practice through the Internship Supervised and the use of learning portfolios.


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In this article, we discuss the contributions of Didactics for intentional pedagogical action of teachers devoted to children education. In this sense, we initially say to be essential the reflections which aim to search for foundations focused on the mobilization of future teachers for the action-reflection-action about the educational phenomena, aiming at the unveiling, with rigor and objectivity, of its multiple determinations within the capitalist relations . We believe that such unveiling is only possible in the light of a world view, a method and a praxis constituted in unison with historical materialism and its dialectic. Afterwards, we reflect on some of the principles of the Historical-Cultural Theory to understand of the active and mediator role teachers have in the process of humanization of young children and contributions of dialectical materialism to this reflection. Finally are detailed some aspects of a Didactics focused on training teachers for Children and early elementary school years’ education, which have guided our actions as teachers of the Pedagogy Course and reiterated by teachers’ narratives about their experience both in life and teaching, in search of new systematization modes, targeting an educational praxis due to the redefinition (theorization) and on the teaching practice by its very subjects.


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The way teachers will coordinate the writing appropriation process assumes an especial importance, sharing their knowledge with the deaf student, assigning importance and meaning for what this student was capable to produce, even if his production isn’t resembled to the idealized pattern of an adult writing. This study is proposed to investigate the mediation in rewriting activities, along with deaf students, held by eight trainee students of a Pedagogy course, with ages between 20 and 28 years old. Thereunto, this activities were recorded on video, for later transcription and descriptive analysis, subsided by a new model proposed in the literature. The results indicate: the importance of the rewriting in the understanding of write contents produce by deaf students, the participants’ attitudinal change about their role like coordinator and interlocutor in such activities and the greater teacher’s comprehension about notational and discursive aspects involved in the deaf student write production. These results allowed to conclude the future teachers’ need that will work in inclusive classes or in multifunctional classes, understand and use rewriting activities in their daily pedagogical practice for the appropriation for the promotion of the Portuguese write by the deaf student, user of LIBRAS. It should be noted these teachers’ need to know the LIBRAS’ grammar and have access to linguistic knowledge enabling them to comprehend the nature of the occurrences present in the texts produced by deaf students.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pacifier use is very common among children, but despite being considered a harmless article, there is ample evidence of their misdeeds. Therefore, concern about its use is great for us who work in the promotion of breastfeeding. It is this delicate subject in schools because the child, in most cases, already goes to school with the habit installed. The pacifier use may interfere with speech aspect, because the child can come to the wrong talk, dental, dental occlusions, may cause bacterial contamination and encourage early weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pacifier use among children of pre - school and knowledge of educators about the role of pacifier and its consequences. The research methodology was based on a questionnaire to teachers, monitors and direction and determine the prevalence of pacifier use with parents. According to the result, we developed an orientation for school. The results show that of the 57 children at the age of 4 months to 3 years, 50.88% used a pacifier, 92.98% and 96.49% used the bottle were breastfed. The guidance given after the data collection has clarified many questions for educators. We conclude that the methodology was effective because we can collect data addressing quantitative and qualitative questions and managed to get percentages on pacifier use and breastfeeding and student opinions, comments and more relevant phrases that emerged from parents and educators, complementing the result. Furthermore, through the data, it was possible to do an intervention. The results indicate that half of the children between 4 months and 3 years investigated makes use of a pacifier, so despite the advice given, it would be important to follow up these data over the next few years. We also conclude that a partnership is needed between parents and the school, because if the family does not help, you can not work in school guidance