993 resultados para Cuidado informal


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Managerial discretion is the focal theme bridging the clash between two schools of thoughts; whether executives have greater influence on their firms’ outcomes or other factors restrain their actions (Hambrick & Finkelstein, 1987). It is argued that constraints come from inertial, normative and environmental forces (e.g. DiMaggio & Powell, 1983). Of these restraints is the institutional environment in which a firm is headquartered. Our paper falls within this research stream and provides an extension for Crossland and Hambrick (2007, 2011) work. We investigate the national level of discretion in new cross-cultural contexts, provide deeper understanding of its concept, and shed the light on undiscovered discretion’s antecedents and consequences. We adopt a quantitative approach in which questionnaires represent our data collection instrument. We anticipate that in high discretion countries firms tend to follow what Miles & Snow (1978) labeled ‘Prospector’ strategy as opposed to low discretion countries in which firms incline to implement a ‘Defender’ strategy.


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Learning and teaching processes, like all human activities, can be mediated through the use of tools. Information and communication technologies are now widespread within education. Their use in the daily life of teachers and learners affords engagement with educational activities at any place and time and not necessarily linked to an institution or a certificate. In the absence of formal certification, learning under these circumstances is known as informal learning. Despite the lack of certification, learning with technology in this way presents opportunities to gather information about and present new ways of exploiting an individual’s learning. Cloud technologies provide ways to achieve this through new architectures, methodologies, and workflows that facilitate semantic tagging, recognition, and acknowledgment of informal learning activities. The transparency and accessibility of cloud services mean that institutions and learners can exploit existing knowledge to their mutual benefit. The TRAILER project facilitates this aim by providing a technological framework using cloud services, a workflow, and a methodology. The services facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge associated with informal learning activities ranging from the use of social software through widgets, computer gaming, and remote laboratory experiments. Data from these activities are shared among institutions, learners, and workers. The project demonstrates the possibility of gathering information related to informal learning activities independently of the context or tools used to carry them out.


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According to recent studies, informal learning accounts for more than 75% of our continuous learning through life. However, the awareness of this learning, its benefits and its potential is still not very clear. In engineering contexts, informal learning could play an invaluable role helping students or employees to engage with peers and also with more experience colleagues, exchanging ideas and discussing problems. This work presents an initial set of results of the piloting phase of a project (TRAILER) where an innovative service based on Information & Communication Technologies was developed in order to aid the collection and visibility of informal learning. This set of results concerns engineering contexts (academic and business), from the learners' perspective. The major idea that emerged from these piloting trials was that it represented a good way of collecting, recording and sharing informal learning that otherwise could easily be forgotten. Several benefits were reported between the two communities such as being helpful in managing competences and human resources within an institution.


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The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, have for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, course-based, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily, and although technology bring us near to the solution, it has not yet achieved. TRAILER project aims to address this problem by developing a tool for the management of competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences, both from the perspective of the user and the institution or company. This paper describes the research and development main lines of this project.


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Cuidar de um doente crónico do foro neurocirúrgico é uma arte que requer da parte do enfermeiro o desenvolvimento de competências específicas, dado que é um processo longo e complexo. Esta complexidade, está relacionada não só com a dependência que o doente apresenta, mas também com a forte carga emocional que se reflecte na família/prestador de cuidados. A elaboração de um procedimento orientador de preparação para a alta emergiu como uma necessidade sentida pela equipa de enfermagem. Este procedimento sugere as etapas do ensino a efectuar, permitindo sinalizar o caminho percorrido, inventariar as actividades mais difíceis para o cuidador informal e ser ainda um instrumento de continuidade, para a equipa hospitalar e de comunidade. Esperamos que o desenvolvimento de competências na família, possa diminuir a ansiedade e o stress promovendo estratégias de coping no cuidado ao doente em estado vegetativo.


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RESUMO - Enquadramento: As mudanças demográficas e na estrutura social das famílias precipitaram reformas das políticas dos cuidados de longa duração da população idosa no continente Europeu. Após um período em que as mulheres assumiam o papel de principais cuidadoras dos membros mais idosos, o aumento da sua inclusão no mercado de trabalho, assim como o envelhecimento geral da população introduziu mudanças no enquadramento dos cuidados a idosos. Estas mudanças têm particular impacte nos países da Europa do Sul, visto que tradicionalmente o cuidado a idosos é prestado maioritariamente pelo sector informal. Finalidade/objectivos: O presente estudo tem como finalidade conhecer as características dos cuidadores informais e dos idosos dependentes em Portugal. Definiram-se três objectivos principais. O primeiro é compreender a realidade demográfica, de saúde e dependência funcional dos idosos alvo de cuidados informais em Portugal. Em segundo pretende-se conhecer a situação actual dos prestadores informais de cuidados de longa duração em Portugal. Em terceiro, discutem-se os aspectos que mais influenciam a acessibilidade a cuidados informais entre os idosos dependentes em Portugal. Metodologia: Para concretizar estes objectivos, para além de se proceder a uma sistematização bibliográfica da literatura mais relevante nesta área, recorre-se à análise descritiva e regressão logística binária. Utilizando os dados do inquérito Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe descreve-se a realidade nacional dos idosos dependentes e seus cuidadores informais e estimam-se modelos de acessibilidade aos cuidados informais em Portugal. Resultados/conclusões: Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento de três aspectos fundamentais sobre os cuidados informais em Portugal: o primeiro prende-se com a quantificação da realidade nacional dos idosos dependentes em Portugal; o segundo relaciona-se com a quantificação da situação portuguesa dos cuidadores informais; e, por último, estima-se modelos explicativos sobre a acessibilidade a cuidados informais. Para além da quantificação da realidade nacional, o principal contributo deste trabalho reside na demonstração de que o actual modelo de prestação de cuidados (baseado nos cuidados informais prestados por membros da família) deixa de fora uma parte significativa dos idosos dependentes. Na verdade, este estudo demonstra que uma parte significativa dos idosos não tem acesso a cuidados e que, embora sejam os elementos da família que maioritariamente prestam os cuidados informais, esse facto, por si só, não explica o acesso aos cuidados.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil de Engenharia de Sistemas Ambientais


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Na perspetiva genealógica e hermenêutica de Michel Foucault aplicada à Antiguidade, a nossa tese relaciona cuidado de si e metanoia, discutindo o contraste entre o modelo helenístico-romano do cuidado como conversão a si e o modelo cristão da conversão através da renúncia a si. Com o olhar fixo neste horizonte temático pretendemos construir um percurso alinhado com o pensamento de Foucault, começando por sinalizar alguns dos seus textos mais importantes e delinear os traços mais marcantes do seu pensamento histórico-filosófico, mormente as suas investigações, não já sobre as tecnologias do poder e as tecnologias do saber, mas sobre as tecnologias do si na Antiguidade – técnicas culturais que deram origem à hermenêutica do sujeito, práticas complexas de subjetivação e objetivação dos sujeitos, cujas raízes remontam à cultura grega do séc. V a.C., mas que se consolidou apenas com os movimentos ascético-monásticos cristãos dos séculos IV e V. Excluída necessariamente a pretensão de redesenhar criticamente todo este longo desenvolvimento, propomos assinalar alguns dos mais importantes processos da cultura do cuidado de si na Antiguidade: - a análise filosófica do cuidado de si a partir do preceito délfico “Conhece-te a ti mesmo!”; - a cultura do si helenístico-romana; - as técnicas ou práticas do cuidado de si, em especial quatro: parrēsía, áskēsis, exomológēsis e exagóreusis. Neste contexto, afigura-se relevante que as duas primeiras sejam comuns à filosofia e ao cristianismo, mas com caraterísticas diferentes, sendo as duas últimas exclusivas desta religião, nas quais Foucault reconhece um impulso decisivo para a constituição da hermenêutica do sujeito – a prática sistemática da desvelação do si, algo que gregos e romanos não alcançaram, porque ainda não se tinha constituído culturalmente a noção de sujeito. Para esclarecermos este duplo movimento de conhecimento e modificação do si, procuramos mostrar o contraste cultural na Antiguidade entre dois modelos de subjetivação e de objetivação dos indivíduos, a ética como prática refletida da liberdade e a moral cristã da obediência. O primeiro modelo orbitou em torno do princípio geral do cuidado de si, assimilado pela cultura grega e repercutido na filosofia, o segundo foi marcado pela nova forma de domínio e submissão – o poder pastoral – justificado pela obediência e pela renúncia a si, que transformaram o cristianismo numa religião confessional. Para confirmarmos esta interpretação, convocamos à reflexão a noção de conversão. Começamos por valorizar o contributo dos termos gregos epistrophē e metanoia. De seguida, justificamos a relevância da conversão para a Cultura Ocidental. Concluímos com a análise de três modelos históricos: platónico, helenístico-romano e cristão. O arco temático termina com a análise do valor paradoxal da renúncia a si em Paulo de Tarso, cujos textos Foucault não analisou no âmbito da cultura do si, mas que nós valorizamos e nos levam a divergir deste filósofo, para quem a renúncia a si anula a eficácia do cuidado de si, propondo em alternativa a tese de que as várias formas de renúncia, mesmo enunciadas numa perspetiva escatológica, não só integraram como intensificaram essa cultura do cuidado.


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The purpose of the present work is to analyse and provide kixikila legal framework under Angolan law. Kixikila, despite being a legally atypical agreement, is a socially typical contract, governed essentially by the practices and customs in Angola and concluded throughout the country. With the above purpose in mind, this thesis is structured in five chapters: the first one aims at better understanding its features and, therefore, it describes the kixikila in accordance with oral research, direct observation and the contributions of scholars that have examined this matter. The second chapter aims at qualifying the kixikila as a legal transaction. For this purpose, we have analysed its requirements, formation stages, content and form, characteristics, rights and obligations of the parties, effects and compliance. We have also covered the reasons that explain why this type of agreement shall be legally protected in line with the protection conferred upon other legal agreements, taking into account its economic and social function. The third chapter covers the vicissitudes which may occur during the term of the kixikila agreement, as well as the enforcement mechanisms in face of breach and its termination. The fourth chapter aims at qualifying this agreement by comparing its most relevant characteristics with those of typical agreements, with a view to determining its legal nature based upon the similarity with other contractual types. This chapter further makes a comparative synthesis between the contracts in analysis. The fifth chapter analyses the legal nature and legal framework applicable to kixikila taking into account mixed-purpose contracts and sui generis contracts. We conclude that practices and customs in Angola take precedence as regards kixikila. Lastly, we attach additional information, such as excerpts of interviews with some individuals intervening in kixikila, the functional structure of kixikila and examples of kixikila, as well as demonstrative lists of countries where this type of agreement takes place and the obligations arising therefrom.


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Interpretation has been used in many tourism sectors as a technique in achieving building hannony between resources and human needs. The objectives of this study are to identify the types of the interpretive methods used, and to evaluate their effectiveness, in marine parks. This study reviews the design principles of an effective interpretation for marine wildlife tourism, and adopts Drams' five design principles (1997) into a conceptual framework. Enjoyment increase, knowledge gain, attitude and intention change, and behaviour modification were used as key indicators in the assessment of the interpretive effectiveness of the Vancouver Aquarium (VA) and Marineland Canada (MC). Since on-site research is unavailable, a virtual tour is created to represent the interpretive experiences in the two study sites. Self-administered questionnaires are used to measure responses. Through comparing responses to the questionnaires (pre-, post-virtual tours and follow-up), this study found that interpretation increased enjoyment and added to respondents' knowledge. Although the changes in attitudes and intentions are not significant, the findings indicate that attitude and intention changes did occur as a result of interpretation, but only to a limited extent. Overall results suggest that more techniques should be added to enhance the effectiveness of the interpretation in marine parks or self-guiding tours, and with careful design, virtual tours are the innovative interpretation techniques for marine parks or informal educational facilities.


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This exploratory mixed method research project was designed to investigate an area of doctoral education that has received little attention in the past. This research focused specifically on the non-intellectual, hoped-for by-products of doctoral education; the dynamic processes of developing and maintaining both a sense of community and informal mentoring relationships. The design of the study captured the experiences of doctoral students and alumni at various time periods in the doctoral program. Participants represented a diverse group of students with differences in professional and academic backgrounds and life stages. A pilot study for this research suggested that the presence of a sense of community and informal mentoring may provide the necessary relationships to support this diversity. The primary question at the forefront of this study was: Do doctoral students feel connected to one another? Five subquestions were developed to address this research topic: Does a sense of community already exist and flourish in doctoral education? Are the programs and resources of the doctoral program organized to nurture the creation and maintenance of a sense of community? Is a sense of community a foundational element in the formation of naturally occurring relationships among doctoral students? What educational and socio-emotional benefits are associated with informal mentoring relationships during the doctoral experience? and Do doctoral students perceive a change in their development as stewards of their discipline over time? The principal methods used to investigate these research questions combined both quantitative and qualitative techniques in a concurrent time sequence. The quantitative portion of the study involved a questionnaire, while the qualitative portion involved two approaches; face-to-face interviews and an open-ended question at the end of the questionnaire. Findings from the study indicated that the presence of both sense of community and informal mentoring enhance the overall quality of doctoral education. Program elements that enhanced or hindered connection between students were identified. Both the dynamics and the emotional, social, and academic benefits of informal mentoring were elucidated. Over time participants perceived changes in their development of the qualities assqciated with stewardship. This study brought the "hoped-for by-products" associated with doctoral education from the background shadows to an illuminated position at the forefront of inquiry.


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Letter (10 typed pages) addressed to Press and Radio Friends which is attached to an informal history of the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge. The letter was sent from A.E. Parsons, manager of the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge, n.d.


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Based on the 2014 OLA Super Conference session “Mentorship in Academic Libraries: A Universe of Possibilities,” this article explores the benefits of informal mentorship in its various forms and how librarians are embracing a new way of thinking about mentorship both individually and organizationally. The lived experiences of two professional academic librarians are shared as they argue that informal mentorship offers the opportunity to co-create a meaningful mentorship experience by recognizing the importance of the mentee’s voice. This paper will discuss the value of informal mentorship and how, when certain elements are present within it, this model can allow us to reimagine mentorship in academic libraries. Concepts such as “accidental” mentorship, “purposeful” mentorship, mentorship “network,” and “peer” mentorship are discussed.