868 resultados para Credit institutions
"wurden fuer die Pfundspende gekauft. die Pfundspende gab 15000 Pakete aus und hatte 1300 ehrenamtliche Helfer"
"88000 Ztr. Kohlen im Werte von 120000 Mark"
"Speisungen, fuer viele 1000 Mark"
"25851 Personen betreute die Juedische Winterhilfe mit Regelleistungen. 2300 Barbeihilfen im Werte von 54000 Mark wurden an Betreute gezahlt"
"Kleidungen im Werte von 300000 Mark"
"ueber 100000 Mark Subventionen"
"300 Radioanlagen. 5000 Buecher"
"50 Veranstaltungen der 'Seelischen Winterhilfe' wurden von 24000 Betreuten besucht"
"3615 Kinder wurden zu Chanukka mit Bekleidung im Gesamtwertvon: 40000 Mark bedacht und erhielten fuer 2000 Mark Spielzeung und Suessigkeiten"
"50000 Mazzoth wurden zu Pessach ausgegeben. ca. 1000 Personen wurde die Teilnahmean den Sederabenden ermoeglicht."
"Leitung und Mitarbeiter der Juedischen Winterhilfe gratulieren herzlich zum 70. Beburtstage"
In public economics, two extremist views on the functions of a government compete: one emphasizes government working for the public interest to provide value for the citizens, while another regards government mainly as a workhorse for private interests. Moreover, as the sole legitimate authority, the government has the right to define the rules and laws as well as to enforce them. With respect to regulation, two extremes arise: from too little regulation to too much of it. If the government does not function or ceases to exist, the state falls into anarchy or chaos (Somalia). If it regulates too much, it will completely suffocate private activities, which might be considered extralegal (the former Soviet Union). In this thesis I scrutinize the government s interventionist policies and evaluate the question of how to best promote economic well-being. The first two essays assume that the government s policies promote illegal activity. The first paper evaluates the interaction between the government and the mafia, and pays attention to the law enforcement of underground production. We show that the revenue-maximizing government will always monitor the shadow economy, as monitoring contributes to the government s revenue. In general, both legal and illegal firms are hurt by the entry of the mafia. It is, however, plausible that legal firms might benefit by the entry of the mafia if it competes with the government. The second paper tackles the issue of the measurement of the size of the shadow economy. To formulate policies it is essential to know what drives illegal economic activity; is it the tax burden, excess regulation, corruption or a weak legal environment? In this paper we propose an additional explanation for tax evasion and shadow production, namely cultural factors as manifested by religion as determinants of tax morality. According to our findings, Catholic and Protestant countries do not differ in their tax morale. The third paper contributes to the literature discussing the role of the government in promoting economic and productivity growth. Our main result is that, given the complex relationship between economic growth and economic freedom, marketization has not necessarily been beneficial in terms of growth. The last paper builds on traditional growth literature and revisits the debate on convergence clubs arising from demographic transition. We provide new evidence against the idea that countries within a club would converge over time. Instead, we propose that since the demographic transition is a dynamic process, one can expect countries to enter the last regime of stable, modern growth in stages.
This poster summarises the outcomes of a national project to develop and provide a holistic framework consisting of a series of sequential and increasingly sophisticated stages that will allow higher education institutions (HEIs) to manage and improve their student engagement and retention strategies/programs.
Child sexual abuse is a major global public health concern, affecting one in eight children and causing massive costs including depression, unwanted pregnancy and HIV. The gravity of this global issue is reflected by the United Nations’ new effort to respond to sexual abuse in the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. The fundamental policy aims are to improve prevention, identification and optimal responses to sexual abuse. However, as shown in our literature review, policymakers face difficult challenges because child sexual abuse is hidden, psychologically complex, and socially sensitive. This article contributes significant new ideas for international progress. Insights about required strategies are informed by an innovative multidisciplinary analysis of research from public health, medicine, social science, psychology, and neurology. Using an ecological model comprising individual, institutional and societal dimensions, we propose that two preconditions for progress are the enhancement of awareness of child sexual abuse, and of empathic responses towards its victims.