1000 resultados para Biblioteca Municipal António Botto
O financiamento do SUS é regido pelo modelo de federalismo fiscal, pelas regras de partilha do Orçamento da Seguridade Social (OSS), por normas do Ministério da Saúde, e pela Emenda Constitucional nº. 29 (EC-29), que vincula à saúde recursos dos entes federados brasileiros. Discute-se aqui a sustentabilidade do gasto público com saúde no nível municipal. Foram estudados 21 municípios, utilizando-se dados dos balanços municipais. De 1996 a 2006 as receitas correntes gerais per capita subiram 280% acima da inflação acumulada e do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) nacional, variando conforme o porte do município, o qual também definiu a composição dos orçamentos municipais. Já o orçamento que conforma a base da EC-29 elevou-se bem menos (178%), impondo limitações ao incremento da contrapartida municipal em saúde. Acredita-se que o observado nesses municípios se reproduza em milhares de municípios brasileiros e comprometa a capacidade de investimento municipal em saúde, principalmente a partir de 2008. A situação ainda pode se agravar tendo em vista a extinção da Contribuição Provisória sobre a Movimentação ou Transmissão de Valores e de Créditos e Direitos de Natureza Financeira (CPMF), a tramitação dos Projetos de Lei nº. 306/08 e nº. 233/08, e a recessão mundial, a partir da crise do sistema financeiro norte-americano.
The present study investigated the infection by spotted fever rickettsia in an endemic area for Brazilian spotted fever (BSF; caused by Rickettsia rickettsii) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Human, canine and equine sera samples, and Amblyomma cajennense adult ticks collected in a rural area of Itabira City, Minas Gerais State were tested for rickettsial infection. Through Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) we demonstrated the presence of antibodies anti-R. rickettsii in 8.2%, 81.3% and 100% of the human, canine and equine sera, respectively. None of the 356 tick specimens analyzed were positive for Rickettsia by the hemolymph test or Polymerase Chain Reaction technique (PCR) for the htrA and the gltA genes. Our serological results on horses and dogs (sentinels for BSF) appoint for the circulation of a SFG Rickettsia in the study area, however in a very low infection rate among the A. cajennense tick population.
This paper approaches the meaning of school library through a multidisciplinary perspective including the Information Science, the French Discourse Analysis and Education. It aims to understand how the imaginary about this institution is constructed, in the area of Information Science, and to reflect on how this symbol is influenced by the social, historical and ideological conditions of discourse production and by memory. To develop these questions, first of all, it accomplishes a brief review of the literature concerning the French Discourse Analysis; then it analyzes discourses about the school library in nineteen scientific documents ( articles and works presented at scientific events), and also the different meanings of this information unit, its objectives and its ways of constituting the social imaginary. It is concluded that the information professionals could and should collaborate to the spreading of new practices and meaning in the school library.
This article presents and analyses some aspects of Georges Perec's composition as shown in his book Life: a user's manual (1978). Starting with the image of a ""book-library"", composed by some of Perec's literary 'models', and discussing the theory of intextertuality and rewriting, we propose to analyse some possible approximations between Perec and Flaubert, especially in the latter's Bouvard and Pecuchet (1881).
Catalytic ozonation has been recognized in the scientific community as an efficient technique, reaching elevated rates of recalcitrant organic material mineralization, even at the presence of scavenger species of hydroxyl free radicals. This study presents the most significant factors involving the leachate treatment stabilized by the municipal landfill of the city of Guaratingueta, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by using a catalytic ozonation activated by metallic ions Fe(3+), Zn(2+), Mn(2+), Ni(2+) and Cr(3+). The Taguchi L(16) orthogonal array and its associated statistical methods were also used in this study. Among the researched ions, the most notable catalysis was obtained with ferric ion, statistically significant in the reduction of COD with a confidence level of 99.5%.
This paper presents some improvements in the model proposed by Machado et al. [Machado SL, Carvalho MF, Vilar OM. Constitutive model for municipal solid waste. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 2002; 128(11):940-51] now considering the influence of biodegradation of organic matter in the mechanical behavior of municipal solid waste. The original framework considers waste as composed of two component groups; fibers and organic paste. The particular laws of behavior are assessed for each component group and then coupled to represent waste behavior. The improvements introduced in this paper take into account the changes in the properties of fibers and mass loss due to organic matter depletion over time. Mass loss is indirectly calculated considering the MSW gas generation potential through a first order decay model. It is shown that as the biodegradation process occurs the proportion of fibers increases, however, they also undergo a degradation process which tends to reduce their ultimate tensile stress and Young modulus. The way these changes influence the behavior of MSW is incorporated in the final framework which captures the main features of the MSW stress-strain behavior under different loading conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article tests the hypothesis of opportunistic and partisan cycle models using a new large data set of Brazilian municipalities over the 1989-2005 period. The results show an increase in total and current expenditures and a decrease in municipal investments, local tax revenues, and budget surplus in election years. They also show that partisan ideology exerts a relative influence on the performance of the local public accounts. These results confirm that both opportunistic and partisan cycles have occurred in the management of the budgets of Brazilian municipalities after the end of the military government.
Eleven species of Amazon parrots (genus Amazona) are known to occur in Brazil, and nest poaching and illegal traffic pose serious conservation threats to these species. When the illegal owners realize these animals are incompatible with their expectations and lifestyle, or when the police arrests traders and owners, these trafficked animals are often considered unfit for release and sent to local zoos and captive breeders. A retrospective survey of animal and necropsy records from 1986 to 2007 was used to evaluate the impacts of animal traffic on the population composition and mortality patterns of Amazon parrots at the Quinzinho de Barros Municipal Zoological Park, Sorocaba, Brazil. Data were obtained for 374 Amazon parrots of ten Brazilian species, and there was evidence that the studied population could be split into two major groups: a majority belonging to the Amazona aestiva species and a minority belonging to the remaining species. In comparison, the animals of the first group were more frequently admitted from traffic-related origins (98 vs. 75%), had a shorter lifespan (median 301 days vs. 848 days) and a higher mortality within the first year postadmission (54 vs. 37%), were less likely to receive expensive treatments, and were more frequently housed off-exhibit. On an average, parrots were found to have a short postadmission lifespan (median 356 days), with 92.5% of the birds dying within their first five years in captivity. The paper discusses the difficult dilemmas these incoming traffic-related animals pose to zoo management and official anti-traffic policies. Zoo Biol 29:600-614, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
O estudo de caso trata da presta????o de contas, por uma prefeitura municipal, da aplica????o de recursos provenientes de um conv??nio com o Minist??rio de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome (MDS). A presta????o de contas foi aprovada e o texto apresenta a rela????o das atividades e gastos efetuados e observa????es feitas durante a avalia????o realizada pelo MDS. Este ?? um caso fict??cio usado em um curso de gest??o de conv??nios e de contratos de repasse de recursos
O contexto pol??tico e social brasileiro, desde as ??ltimas d??cadas do s??culo passado, tem sido marcado pelo processo de redefini????o do papel do Estado, a partir da universaliza????o dos direitos de cidadania, descentraliza????o administrativa e gest??o democr??tica das pol??ticas p??blicas. Trata-se, assim, de um novo formato institucional, legitimado pela Constitui????o Federal de 1988, integrante do processo de implementa????o da gest??o participativa, que ocorreu no Brasil principalmente a partir dos anos 90, nas esferas municipal, estadual e federal. Nesse novo formato institucional, surgem os Conselhos de Pol??ticas P??blicas como um novo padr??o de intera????o entre governo e sociedade, exigindo-se dos cidad??os uma atua????o efetiva, por meio de processos interativos, no ??mbito da gest??o p??blica. Esse modelo de gest??o absorve em sua estrutura v??rios segmentos da sociedade, constituindo o novo locus de articula????o pol??tica na defesa pela democratiza????o da gest??o das pol??ticas p??blicas, atrav??s dos quais sujeitos diversos interagem no processo de delibera????o, implementa????o, monitoramento, avalia????o e controle social das pol??ticas p??blicas, nas diversas tem??ticas e ??reas sociais. Este trabalho pretende analisar a capacidade do principal espa??o interinstitucional da inf??ncia e adolesc??ncia do Brasil de influenciar a agenda governamental e as pol??ticas p??blicas federais: o Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Crian??a e do Adolescente (criado na d??cada de 1990). Para esta an??lise, a pesquisa foca no papel do Conanda na defesa, promo????o e prote????o dos direitos de crian??as e adolescentes no ??mbito do debate sobre grandes eventos esportivos no Brasil. Esta an??lise revela as possibilidades e limites do Conselho de influenciar na constitui????o da agenda p??blica na tem??tica, na decis??o dos agentes de Estado e na formula????o de pol??ticas, na perspectiva da efetiva????o dos direitos fundamentais constitucionais de crian??as e adolescentes
O primeiro volume da s??rie Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica trata dos v??nculos de coopera????o entre a administra????o p??blica e entidades civis sem fins lucrativos, apresentando texto elaborado a partir de pesquisa financiada pela AECID sobre a dissemina????o no Brasil dos institutos do Servi??o Social Aut??nomo (SSA), da Organiza????o Social (OS) e da Organiza????o da Sociedade Civil de Interesse P??blico (OSCIP), no ??mbito dos governos federal, estadual e municipal. Esta publica????o est?? organizada como segue: o Cap??tulo I cont??m uma an??lise geral das rela????es entre o Poder P??blico e o chamado Terceiro Setor, desde as origens hist??ricas da atividade assistencial, e seus impactos no modelo assistencial brasileiro. O cap??tulo discute, tamb??m, o conceito de Terceiro Setor e os atuais formatos de financiamento das entidades civis que atuam no campo da assist??ncia social. O Cap??tulo II, por sua vez, contempla os resultados do diagn??stico das formas de relacionamento da Administra????o P??blica com entes de coopera????o e colabora????o, segundo pesquisa realizada entre novembro de 2008 e fevereiro de 2009 no ??mbito da coopera????o entre a extinta Secretaria de Gest??o (SEGES) e a AECID. O Cap??tulo III trata dos principais aspectos do processo de avalia????o e fiscaliza????o dos contratos de gest??o firmados entre o Poder Executivo Federal e as OS, com ??nfase no processo de presta????o de contas dos resultados do contrato
A concep????o do Planejamento Estrat??gico Municipal visa substituir o pensamento est??tico da administra????o pela ideia din??mica do gerenciamento. No centro desse m??todo encontra-se o Planejamento Estrat??gico, o qual foi adaptado ??s condi????es espec??ficas da administra????o p??blica no Brasil e que deve ser complementado por uma vis??o de gerenciamento de projetos e por t??cnicas de trabalho participativas, transparentes e din??micas
O s??timo volume da s??rie Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica apresenta orienta????es b??sicas para a gest??o consorciada de res??duos s??lidos. Este ???guia??? surgiu de uma a????o conjunta entre a coopera????o espanhola e o Projeto Brasil Munic??pios, realizada entre setembro de 2010 maio de 2011, com o intuito de apoiar a implementa????o de uma experi??ncia de cons??rcio p??blico na Regi??o Metropolitana da Grande Aracaju para a gest??o integrada dos res??duos s??lidos nos moldes da Lei de Cons??rcios (Lei 11.107/2005) e seu decreto regulamentador, bem como na Lei de Saneamento B??sico (Lei 11.445/2007) e em sintonia com a Pol??tica Nacional de Res??duos S??lidos. O cap??tulo 1 traz informa????es sobre a Pol??tica Nacional de Res??duos S??lidos (PNRS), a ado????o de solu????es intermunicipais para a destina????o final de rejeitos e sobre as novas responsabilidades dos munic??pios para gest??o e manejo de res??duo s??lidos previstas na PNRS. O segundo cap??tulo, por sua vez, discorre sobre o instituto do cons??rcio p??blico dando ??nfase ?? gest??o consorciada intermunicipal dos res??duos s??lidos. Por fim, o terceiro cap??tulo apresenta informa????es t??cnicas para apoiar esse arranjo institucional, como ??ndices de gera????o per capita de res??duos s??lidos domiciliares e p??blicos, dimensionamento de pessoal para cons??rcio, e respectivos custos e diretrizes para a fiscaliza????o do operador de aterro sanit??rios
This study discusses distance learning (DL) as a corporate education strategy in the scope of National Policy on Staff Development. The purpose was to identify, along with managers and specialists of National Network of Schools of Government in Brazil (RNEG), demanded competencies for DL professionals acting in continued education to service public. Part of the research is based in official documents and in related capacity-building initiatives of Schools of Government in the last three years. Through questionnaire sent to managers of institutions of RNEG, we identified existing infrastructure, teams profile, actions developed in DL and training needs. The research allowed to map the critical competencies to work in DL programs and to create a proposal from a Competency-Based Training Matrix for school teams in order to leverage continuing education programs to public servants in three spheres of government. The results revealed the key technological, pedagogical, management and communication skills, as well as the critical activities and content to be included in the training plans. It was found that 88% of institutions have already implemented or are in the process of implementing DL, and the other 12% are deficient in qualified staff to make regulations on hiring personnel or in technology fluency. This corroborates the importance and the contribution of Competency-Based Training Matrix for RNEG