978 resultados para Art Works
A turn towards documentary modes of practice amongst contemporary fine art video and filmmakers towards the end of the 20th Century, led to moving image works that represent current social realities. This drew some comparisons of these forms of art to journalism and industrial documentary. The practical research is embodied in a single screen film that responds to recent political and ecological realities in Spain. These include the mass demonstrations that led to the occupation of Madrid’s Plaza del Sol and Spain’s in 2011 and largest recorded forest fires that spread through Andalusia in August of the following year. The film, titled Spanish Labyrinth, South from Granada, is a response to these events and also relates to political avant-garde film of the 1930’s by re-tracing a journey undertaken by three revolutionary filmmakers, Yves Allegret, René Naville and Eli Lotar, in 1931. The theoretical research for this project establishes an historical root of artists’ film that responds to current social realities, in contrast to news media, in the Soviet and European avant-garde movements of the 1920s and 1930s. The main aim of this method is to argue the status of the works that I identify, both avant-garde and contemporary, as a form of art that preceded a Griersonian definition of documentary film.
The development of Latin American cinema in the 1960s was underwritten by a number of key texts that outlined the aesthetic and political direction of individual filmmakers and collectives (Solanas and Getino, 1969; Rocha, 1965; Espinosa, 1969). Although asserting the specificity of Latin American culture, the theoretical foundations of its New Wave influenced oppositional filmmaking way beyond its own regional boundaries. This chapter looks at how movements in British art cinema, especially the Black Audio Film Collective, were inspired and propelled by the theories behind New Latin American cinema. Facilitated by English translations in journals such as Jump Cut in the early ‘80s, Cuban and Argentine cinematic manifestoes provided a radical alternative to the traditional language of film theory available to filmmakers in Europe and works such as Signs of Empire (1983-4); Handsworth Songs (1986) and Seven Songs for Malcolm X (1993) grew out of this trans-continental exchange. The Black Audio Film Collective represented a merging of politics, popular culture, and art that was, at once, oppositional and melodic. Fusing postcolonial discourse with pop music, the avant-garde and re-imaginings of subalternity, the work of ‘The Collective’ provides us with a useful example of how British art cinema has drawn from theoretical foundations formed outside of Europe and the West. As this chapter will argue however, the Black Audio Film Collective’s work can also be read as a reaction to the specificity of British socio-politics of the ‘80s and ‘90s. Its engagement with the aesthetico-political strategies of Latin American cinema, then, undercut what was a solidly British project, rooted in (post)colonial history and emerging ideas of disaporic identity. If the propulsive thrust of The Black Audio Film Collective’s art was shaped by Third Cinema, its images and concerns were self-consciously British.
Beginning with Montaigne’s essayistic dictum Que sais je? — ‘What do I know?’ — this PhD thesis examines the literary history, formal qualities, and theoretical underpinnings of the personal essay to both investigate and to practice its relevance as an approach to writing about art. The thesis proposes the essay as intrinsically linked to research, critical writing, and art making; it is a literary method that embodies the real experience of attempting to answer a question. The essay is a processual and reflexive mode of enquiry: a form that conveys not just the essayist’s thought, but the sense and texture of its movement as it attempts to understand its object. It is often invoked, across disciplines, in reference to the possibility of a more liberal sense of creative practice — one that conceptually and stylistically privileges collage, fragmentation, hybridity, chance, open-endedness, and the meander. Within this question of the essay as form, the thesis contains two distinct and parallel strands of analysis — subject matter and essay writing as research. At the core of the study lie two close-readings: Ana Mendieta’s Labyrinth of Venus (1982) and Le Couvent de la Tourette (1959) by Le Corbusier and Iannis Xenakis. In each case, the writing draws, in its tone and texture, on a range of literary influences, weaving together different voices, discussions, and approaches to enquiry. The practice of essay writing is presented alongside, part and party to, research: a method of interrogation that embraces risk and uncertainty, and simultaneously enacts its own findings as a critical-creative mode of study-via-form, and form-via-study. The thesis is presented as a book-length essay, in which the art in question is equal and intimately connected to the writing used to address it. Method and form are designed to respond to the oft-cited challenge of the essay as fundamentally unmethodical, ranging, and diverse. Research, critical study, writerly description, and storytelling are combined to elucidate and expose each other based not on surface continuity, but on a deep interconnection among ideas that, through language, cohere and become related — imbued with an affinity for one another. The consummate product is the argument, as it works across genres, disciplines, descriptive and critical models, to challenge the narrative structure and language used within contemporary writing about art.
At the University of Worcester we are continually striving to find new approaches to the learning and teaching of programming, to improve the quality of learning and the student experience. Over the past three years we have used the contexts of robotics, computer games, and most recently a study of Abstract Art to this end. This paper discusses our motivation for using Abstract Art as a context, details our principles and methodology, and reports on an evaluation of the student experience. Our basic tenet is that one can view the works of artists such as Kandinsky, Klee and Malevich as Object-Oriented (OO) constructions. Discussion of these works can therefore be used to introduce OO principles, to explore the meaning of classes, methods and attributes and finally to synthesize new works of art through Java code. This research has been conducted during delivery of an “Advanced OOP (Java)” programming module at final-year Undergraduate level, and during a Masters’ OO-Programming (Java) module. This allows a comparative evaluation of novice and experienced programmers’ learning. In this paper, we identify several instructional factors which emerge from our approach, and reflect upon the associated pedagogy. A Catalogue of ArtApplets is provided at the associated web-site.
The Doctoral research was carried out with the primary purpose of reviewing past practice designs and for identifying how body movements contributes to these designs. The context in which the body movements are understood are that of discipline enforced by culture and other physio-biological restraints. A discussion on the relationships of body experience in restricted conditions are carried out, which includes the interaction between movement and space in the application of painting, moulding, biological markers, and moving images. The discipline, socially acceptable practices and regulations present in the researcher’s personal life and culture frame the artworks and a fascinating exploration of dynamics between freedom of movement in artwork construction and restrain of behaviour has been analyzed. In the process of art production, significant points discussed were with respect to the identification, succession and repetition of habitual acts. In addition, bodily movement could be considered as a synthesis of spatiality and temporality. The key point which contains the elements of time and space remains relevant to my creative practice and theoretical research. The core interest of my practice is in understanding the settings and simple rules for bodily movement, which is inspired by the past and forms a possible creation for the future. In this research, the attempt was not to display a comprehensive understanding on how body influences the design of art but rather to explain how understanding body movements provides a trace of my works, from origin, the working process and to completion. Relevant artworks and reflection of personal experiences are discussed as needed to help the reader gain more insight on the interactions of body in art creations.
From the beginning of the twentieth century, ``Modernism`` impacted and transformed art and clothing. Pablo Picasso and Gabrielle ``Coco`` Chanel were two of the most central characters in Modernism working simultaneously in their disciplines. Picasso`s innovations, particularly in abstract art and Chanel`s fashion designs, that dramatically departed from the previous corseted and highly deco-rative styles, were so significant that they have left an influence on contemporary art and fashion. This study will compare their visual works and documented evidence of their motivations, within the context of their cultural backgrounds, to reveal meaning in the occurrences of overlaps. This approach has ex-amined the historical, cultural background of the artist and designer`s environment from different per-spectives, adding to previous research in this area. Through this research, outcomes of the analysis have shown similarities and divergences in the wider genres of art and fashion and the practice of the artist and fashion designer. The reference list to this text, used in the survey, gives a comprehensive overview of pertinent publications disseminating Picasso and Chanel`s visual works, oral perspectives and cultural impact.
The purpose of this paper is to survey and assess the state-of-the-art in automatic target recognition for synthetic aperture radar imagery (SAR-ATR). The aim is not to develop an exhaustive survey of the voluminous literature, but rather to capture in one place the various approaches for implementing the SAR-ATR system. This paper is meant to be as self-contained as possible, and it approaches the SAR-ATR problem from a holistic end-to-end perspective. A brief overview for the breadth of the SAR-ATR challenges is conducted. This is couched in terms of a single-channel SAR, and it is extendable to multi-channel SAR systems. Stages pertinent to the basic SAR-ATR system structure are defined, and the motivations of the requirements and constraints on the system constituents are addressed. For each stage in the SAR-ATR processing chain, a taxonomization methodology for surveying the numerous methods published in the open literature is proposed. Carefully selected works from the literature are presented under the taxa proposed. Novel comparisons, discussions, and comments are pinpointed throughout this paper. A two-fold benchmarking scheme for evaluating existing SAR-ATR systems and motivating new system designs is proposed. The scheme is applied to the works surveyed in this paper. Finally, a discussion is presented in which various interrelated issues, such as standard operating conditions, extended operating conditions, and target-model design, are addressed. This paper is a contribution toward fulfilling an objective of end-to-end SAR-ATR system design.
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
The nineteenth-century Romantic era saw the development and expansion of many vocal and instrumental forms that had originated in the Classical era. In particular, the German lied and French mélodie matured as art forms, and they found a kind of equilibrium between piano and vocal lines. Similarly, the nineteenth-century piano quartet came into its own as a form of true chamber music in which all instruments participated equally in the texture. Composers such as Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, and Gabriel Fauré offer particularly successful examples of both art song and piano quartets that represent these genres at their highest level of artistic complexity. Their works have become the cornerstones of the modern collaborative pianist’s repertoire. My dissertation explored both the art songs and the piano quartets of these three composers and studied the different skills needed by a pianist performing both types of works. This project included the following art song cycles: Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe, Gabriel Fauré’s Poème d’un Jour, and Johannes Brahms’ Zigeunerlieder. I also performed Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47, Fauré’s Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 15, and Brahms’ Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 25. My collaborators included: Zachariah Matteson, violin and viola; Kristin Bakkegard, violin; Molly Jones, cello; Geoffrey Manyin, cello; Karl Mitze, viola; Emily Riggs, soprano, and Matthew Hill, tenor. This repertoire was presented over the course of three recitals on February 13, 2015, December 11, 2015, March 25, 2016 at the University of Maryland’s Gildenhorn Recital Hall. These recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).
Este trabalho de investigação assenta no desenvolvimento de trabalhos projeto na disciplina de Educação Tecnológica do terceiro ciclo do Ensino Básico, no Agrupamento de Escolas de Frazão, Concelho de Paços de Ferreira, Distrito do Porto, cujo Projeto Educativo tem como tema “Pequenos passos… grande passo!”. A escolha deste tema resultou de motivos de ordem pessoal e profissional. Os motivos de ordem pessoal, devem-se ao facto de no primeiro ano de mestrado ter entrado em contacto com termos, conceitos, teorias e experiências no campo da educação artística, que me estimularam enquanto professora. Estes conhecimentos, ideias e experiências em torno da educação estética e artística, levaram-me a querer desenvolver um projeto potenciador da criatividade, prático, com a participação ativa da comunidade discente, através de experiências, processos e desenvolvimentos criativos. Os motivos de ordem profissional relacionam-se com a importância das artes em contexto educativo, na medida em que a educação artística no ensino básico, apresenta como principal objetivo a abertura a experiências que possam ser estimulantes, enriquecedoras e relevantes nas vidas dos alunos, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das suas capacidades de apreciação, valorização e compreensão dos objetos artísticos que os rodeiam. Para que tal objetivo se concretize, consideramos pertinente implementar um projeto de intervenção de animação estético artística dos espaços e criar condições na comunidade escolar e educativa que favoreçam o interesse e motivação. Partimos da identificação de um problema, no projeto educativo do Agrupamento em causa, as fracas condições dos espaços escolares e a escassa animação dos espaços, percecionada pelos alunos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo final requalificar o piso inferior da escola EB 2,3 de Frazão, tornar a escola mais atrativa, envolver a comunidade discente, promover a socialização e a criatividade, através de projetos artísticos e dinamizar exposições e mostras à comunidade educativa. Os resultados obtidos são indicadores do elevado grau de relevância e participação atingidas, bem como do impacto transformador desta investigação-ação enquanto via promotora e facilitadora da individualidade, interação social, interesse e da motivação.
A educação na arte e pela arte confere a todos os seus intervenientes a estimulação da sua criatividade e da sua consciência cultural, proporcionando meios para se exprimirem e participarem ativamente no mundo que nos rodeia. A integração das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem veio alargar o papel que a arte pode desempenhar neste processo, promovendo novas formas de aprender, de ensinar e de pensar. Assim, a utilização de ambientes virtuais em contexto educativo tem revelado um enorme potencial, sobretudo ao nível da comunicação e da interação entre alunos e obras de arte. Neste sentido, considerou-se importante desenvolver um estudo de caso em contexto de sala de aula da Educação Visual, promovendo uma aprendizagem baseada na articulação entre a observação, interpretação e análise da obra de arte e o museu virtual. Assim o principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as potencialidades do Google Art Project, enquanto objeto de aprendizagem, na promoção da aprendizagem na área da literacia em artes. Para além disso, procurámos ainda avaliar se a utilização de ferramentas multimédia como o referido Google Art Project e o Quadro Interativo, constituem fatores de motivação na aprendizagem da disciplina de Educação Visual. Do ponto de vista metodológico desenvolvemos uma estratégia baseada na investigação-ação. Procurámos, por um lado, descobrir e compreender o significado de uma realidade vivida por um grupo de alunos e, por outro lado, refletir sobre a prática educativa com o intuito de a melhorar e transformar. Este estudo envolveu cinco turmas do sexto ano do ensino público. Para a recolha de dados utilizámos técnicas baseadas na conversação e na observação, no questionário e nas notas de campo. Os resultados deste estudo revelam que as ferramentas tecnológicas utilizadas podem efetivamente contribuir para a promoção da aprendizagem dos alunos na área da Educação Visual, mais concretamente ao nível do domínio da literacia artística, da representação e da interpretação visual.
My dissertation defends a positive answer to the question: “Can a videogame be a work of art? ” To achieve this goal I develop definitions of several concepts, primarily ‘art’, ‘games’, and ‘videogames’, and offer arguments about the compatibility of these notions. In Part One, I defend a definition of art from amongst several contemporary and historical accounts. This definition, the Intentional-Historical account, requires, among other things, that an artwork have the right kind of creative intentions behind it, in short that the work be intended to be regarded in a particular manner. This is a leading account that has faced several recent objections that I address, particular the buck-passing theory, the objection against non-failure theories of art, and the simultaneous creation response to the ur-art problem, while arguing that it is superior to other theories in its ability to answer the question of videogames’ art status. Part Two examines whether games can exhibit the art-making kind of creative intention. Recent literature has suggested that they can. To verify this a definition of games is needed. I review and develop the most promising account of games in the literature, the over-looked account from Bernard Suits. I propose and defend a modified version of this definition against other accounts. Interestingly, this account entails that games cannot be successfully intended to be works of art because games are goal-directed activities that require a voluntary selection of inefficient means and that is incompatible with the proper manner of regarding that is necessary for something to be an artwork. While the conclusions of Part One and Part Two may appear to suggest that videogames cannot be works of art, Part Three proposes and defends a new account of videogames that, contrary to first appearances, implies that not all videogames are games. This Intentional-Historical Formalist account allows for non-game videogames to be created with an art-making intention, though not every non-ludic videogame will have an art-making intention behind it. I then discuss examples of videogames that are good candidates for being works of art. I conclude that a videogame can be a work of art, but that not all videogames are works of art. The thesis is significant in several respects. It is a continuation of academic work that has focused on the definition and art status of videogames. It clarifies the current debate and provides a positive account of the central issues that has so far been lacking. It also defines videogames in a way that corresponds better with the actual practice of videogame making and playing than other definitions in the literature. It offers further evidence in defense of certain theories of art over others, providing a close examination of videogames as a new case study for potential art objects and for aesthetic and artistic theory in general. Finally, it provides a compelling answer to the question of whether videogames can be art. This project also provides the groundwork for new evaluative, critical, and appreciative tools for engagement with videogames as they develop as a medium. As videogames mature, more people, both inside and outside academia, have increasing interest in what they are and how to understand them. One place many have looked is to the practice of art appreciation. My project helps make sense of which appreciative and art-critical tools and methods are applicable to videogames.
Dans le cadre de la célébration du nouveau millénaire, la National Gallery de Londres a organisé l'exposition Encounters: New Art from Old (14 juin - 17 septembre 2000). La formule consistait à inviter vingt-cinq artistes contemporains à choisir une œuvre de la collection permanente du musée et à s'en inspirer afin d'en créer une nouvelle. Certaines des œuvres produites pour l’occasion ont été exposées près de leurs sources dans les salles historiques de la collection du musée. Ce mémoire examine comment la formule de cette exposition et son accrochage anachronique agissent de façon directe sur la temporalité de la collection historique en invitant à sa réactualisation, et à la mise en valeur de la création. Il situe cette formule dans le cadre d’un regain d’intérêt pour les collections, décortique la sélection des artistes par le musée et la sélection des œuvres de la collection par les artistes. Il propose aussi une classification des modalités par lesquelles ceux-ci ré-interprètent la tradition. Enfin, en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la réception, ce mémoire considère les réponses générées par l’exposition : celles des artistes aux œuvres de leurs prédécesseurs, celles des critiques et celles du public.
Dans le cadre de la célébration du nouveau millénaire, la National Gallery de Londres a organisé l'exposition Encounters: New Art from Old (14 juin - 17 septembre 2000). La formule consistait à inviter vingt-cinq artistes contemporains à choisir une œuvre de la collection permanente du musée et à s'en inspirer afin d'en créer une nouvelle. Certaines des œuvres produites pour l’occasion ont été exposées près de leurs sources dans les salles historiques de la collection du musée. Ce mémoire examine comment la formule de cette exposition et son accrochage anachronique agissent de façon directe sur la temporalité de la collection historique en invitant à sa réactualisation, et à la mise en valeur de la création. Il situe cette formule dans le cadre d’un regain d’intérêt pour les collections, décortique la sélection des artistes par le musée et la sélection des œuvres de la collection par les artistes. Il propose aussi une classification des modalités par lesquelles ceux-ci ré-interprètent la tradition. Enfin, en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la réception, ce mémoire considère les réponses générées par l’exposition : celles des artistes aux œuvres de leurs prédécesseurs, celles des critiques et celles du public.
Growth in the development and production of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in recent years has increased the potential for interactions of these nanomaterials with aquatic and terrestrial environments. Carefully designed studies are therefore required in order to understand the fate, transport, stability, and toxicity of nanoparticles. Natural organic matter (NOM), such as the humic substances found in water, sediment, and soil, is one of the substances capable of interacting with ENPs. This review presents the findings of studies of the interaction of ENPs and NOM, and the possible effects on nanoparticle stability and the toxicity of these materials in the environment. In addition, ENPs and NOM are utilized for many different purposes, including the removal of metals and organic compounds from effluents, and the development of new electronic sensors and other devices for the detection of active substances. Discussion is therefore provided of some of the ways in which NOM can be used in the production of nanoparticles. Although there has been an increase in the number of studies in this area, further progress is needed to improve understanding of the dynamic interactions between ENPs and NOM.