359 resultados para Agressão e vitimação
Esta tese descreve a fundamentação' e a elaboração de um novo instrumento psicológico, cujo conteúdo textual é a parte integrante deste trabalho. ·Trata-se de instrumento de diagnóstico psicológico referente à resistência à frustração, aferida em duas dimensões como grau de ajustamento e de agressividade. A fundamentação teórica foi apresentada em dois níveis: em termos abrangentes envolvendo todas as teorias sobre agressividade e em termos restritos, ou seja, voltando-se para as teorias que tratam da relação frustração-agressão. Em termos abrangentes (Cap. I, desta tese), considerou-se em 1º lugar, a existência de uma perspectiva disposicional da agressividade, podendo esta ser inata ou aprendida; sob este ângulo foram apreciadas, ainda que sucintamente, as mais importantes teorias sobre o assunto. Em segundo lugar a colocação de uma função reacional atribuída ao comportamento agressivo. . Em termos restritos (Cap. lI), esta última colocação passou a ser o cerne da fundamentação aqui adotada, como relação existente entre frustração e agressão. As principais perspectivas teóricas que alicerçaram este trabalho são as de Dollard e Miller e de S. Rosensweig e E. Allen. Em parte foram utilizados subsídios provenientes das colocações de N.R. F. Maier, de Amsel. Em seguida foi descrita a pesquisa realizada para transformar estes dados teóricos num contexto instrumental objetivo (Cap. 111). Finalmente, o próprio instrumento em sua forma final ê reportado textualmente (Cap. IV). Através deste trabalho V1sa-se poder oferecer uma contribuição inicial dentro de um estudo planejado em termos mais abrangentes, 'uma vez que tentou-se construir um instrumento inicial para uma pesquisa sobre expressividade, espontaneidade e criatividade, como função terapêutica individual e social.
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar possíveis relações existentes entre Atribuição de causalidade e Tomada de Risco com relação a eventos acidentes, assim como a influência de algumas variáveis sobre o processo de Tomada de Decisão em situações de risco de acidentes. Para isto foram construídos 4 instrumentos e aplicados a 59 sujeitos operários não especializados de uma indústria de conservas de pescado no Rio de Janeiro. Dentre a mostra, 30 sujeitos são do sexo feminino e 29 do sexo masculino. As variáveis consideradas foram: sexo dos sujeitos, vitimação, consequência da Tomada de Risco, situação sob julgamento e local de trabalho dos sujeitos. Os instrumentos - aplicados a cada sujeito - em número de 4, sendo que dois deles versam sobre situações no trânsito e dois sobre situações no trabalho. Os resultad08 revelaram uma influência significativa de fatores sócio-culturais e psicológicos no processo de Tomada de Decisão diante de eventos acidentais, baseados na vivência de grupos de trabalho com relação a acidentes. Os resultados mostraram que os grupos se estruturam cognitivamente no sentido de tender a padronizar a forma explicativa dos acidentes com base na realidade vivida pelo grupo.
Procurou-se caracterizar a agressão do homem moderno que cada vez mais aperfeiçoa processos destrutivos pondo em risco a própria sobrevivência. Numa introdução histórica referia-se a contribuição filosófica de Hobbes, Descartes, Hegel, Sartre para melhor compreensão das origens da problemática da agressão.
Na estrada, pegadas sugerem passos e descompassos de andarilhos de diferentes tribos. Por toda parte, pisadas: rastejantes, superficiais, firmes, a-fundadas, dançarinas, crianceiras e até rasuradas. A diagramação é a máquina que captura as relações de forças e ressalta, no percurso e no percorrido, linhas, fluxos e composições. Da vida, lampejos de pensamentos desgarram-se. Dos pensamentos, possibilidades de vida desprendem-se. É nesse ponto que a experimentação suscita outros modos de pensamento e desencadeia novas maneiras de viver. É por essa conjugação com a vida que os signos se dão à sensibilidade e coagem-na a sentir. A agressão inicial repercute: leva a memória a aprender um imemorial, a fabular um por vir e a resistir ao presente; introduz o tempo no pensamento e o desafia a pensar o impensado. À vista disso, a aprendizagem conduz as faculdades ao exercício transcendente e requer uma educação voltada para a emissão e a exploração dos signos. Da conexão entre educação, crianceiria e filosofia, forças são duplicadas e devires precipitados.
O bullying em contexto escolar, embora não seja um fenómeno novo, só mais recentemente tem vindo a ser objeto de estudo científico, fruto da crescente violência que se verifica nas escolas entre os pares. Trata-se de um comportamento agressivo, de caráter sistemático, repetitivo e em que existe um desequilíbrio de poder entre a vítima e o agressor. Atualmente surge um novo problema que está associado ao constante crescimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação: o cyberbullying. As agressões que ocorrem em contexto escolar passam a acontecer também através da internet ou do telemóvel. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a existência dos comportamentos de bullying e de cyberbullying, numa escola particular cooperativa, da Região Autónoma da Madeira, bem como as características associadas a cada um destes fenómenos. A amostra é constituída por 651 alunos que frequentam os 2º e o 3º ciclos, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 16 anos. Para avaliar os dois fenómenos em estudo, construiu-se um questionário de autopreenchimento, que foi baseado no “Questionário para o Estudo da Violência entre Pares” de Freire, Simão e Ferreira (2006) e no questionário de cyberbullying de Campos (2009). Verificou-se que, neste estabelecimento de ensino, existe uma baixa prevalência destes fenómenos, quando comparados com os índices de bullying e de cyberbullying encontrados nos diversos estudos realizados sobre este tema. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação vão ao encontro de algumas das tendências verificadas na literatura, nomeadamente ao nível das diferenças de género e de idade nos comportamentos de agressão e de vitimização, e ainda a existência de uma relação significativa entre o bullying e o cyberbullying.
As situações de bullying nos contextos escolares são um dos problemas sociais que têm vindo a ser objecto de estudo, um pouco por todo o mundo, demonstrando uma aproximação à própria realidade de cada contexto. Estes estudos têm permitido determinar a prevalência do bullying entre os alunos, as formas utilizadas, os espaços onde ocorrem com maior incidência e os que mais intervêm no bullying, mas compreender e medir o bullying é uma tarefa complexa, exigindo uma perspectiva sistémica no seu diagnóstico e compreensão. De modo a dar resposta às situações de bullying, têm sido desenvolvidos programas e projectos de intervenção com consideráveis evidências que podem ser eficazes na sua redução, quando consideram a realidade de cada contexto e quando envolvem todos os seus agentes educativos. O estudo de caso aqui apresentado, do tipo misto (qualitativo e quantitativo), tem como objectivo realizar um retrato abrangente do clima escolar, incluindo as percepções de todos os agentes educativos de modo a aferir a prevalência, formas, espaços onde ocorre, e intervenientes nas situações de bullying e violência. Participaram 523 alunos do 6º ao 9º ano de escolaridade, 227 do género feminino e 294 do género masculino, 77 professores, 24 funcionários e 42 encarregados de educação. As diferenças de género, idade e ciclo de escolaridade vão ao encontro dos estudos nacionais e internacionais, verificando-se que o Índice de Bullying aponta para 10,08% de alunos, sendo mais vítimas os dos 10 - 12 anos e do 2º ciclo de escolaridade, a forma de agressão mais predominante a física e verbal, diferenças no tipo de agressão em função do género e os locais onde ocorrem, com maior frequência, são à porta da escola, corredores e jardim. Estes resultados permitem obter um diagnóstico da realidade escolar, possibilitando desenvolver futuramente uma intervenção preventiva.
O bullying é considerado um tipo específico de agressão entre pares que é praticado em contexto escolar. Esta problemática não é recente neste meio, contudo atualmente tem havido uma maior consciencialização por parte da sociedade e de toda a comunidade envolvente, devido à elevada proporção que este fenómeno está a atingir. Assim instaurou-se uma gradual preocupação de modo a minimizar esta situação que ganha cada vez mais prevalência nas escolas. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar o fenómeno do bullying, nomeadamente a identificação dos seus participantes, por meio da construção e validação de um questionário para este efeito. Objetiva-se também correlacionar o mesmo com a criatividade e a inteligência. A amostra é constituída por 561 alunos de duas escolas do 2º e 3º ciclos da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM), com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 19 anos. A validação do instrumento demonstrou um valor de fiabilidade de .85 e a análise fatorial exploratória mostrou a existência de três fatores, nomeados de agressor, vítima e testemunha. A fiabilidade destes variou entre .71 e .84. A correlação de Spearman revelou a existência de uma relação significativa entre todos os fatores do instrumento, assim como entre o agressor e a inteligência. Contudo, não revelou nenhuma relação entre o bullying e a criatividade. Por outro lado, verificou-se ainda uma relação entre o bullying e a indisciplina. Conclui-se que o instrumento apresenta fiabilidade e validade adequadas e possibilita encontrar um perfil do participante do fenómeno do bullying. Sugere-se a continuação deste estudo, possivelmente numa perspetiva longitudinal e albergando outros níveis e estabelecimentos de ensino.
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater
In this work, biodiesel was produced from castor oil that was a byproduct glycerin. The molar ratio between oil and alcohol, as well as the use of (KOH) catalyst to provide the chemical reaction is based on literature. The best results were obtained using 1 mol of castor oil (260g) to 3 moles of methyl alcohol (138g), using 1.0% KOH as catalyst at a temperature of 260 ° C and shaken at 120 rpm. The oil used was commercially available, the process involves the reaction of transesterification of a vegetable oil with methyl alcohol. The product of this reaction is an ester, biodiesel being the main product and the glycerin by-product which has undergone treatment for use as raw material for the production of allyl alcohol. The great advantage of the use of glycerin to obtain allyl alcohol is that its use eliminates the large amount of waste of the biodiesel and various forms of insult to the environment. The reactions for the formation of allyl alcohol was conducted from formic acid and glycerin in a ratio 1/1, at a temperature of 260oC in a heater blanket, being sprayed by a spiral condenser for a period of 2 hours and the product obtained contains mostly the allylic alcohol .. The monitoring of reactions was performed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: FTIR Fourier transform, the analysis showed that these changes occur spectrometer indicating the formation of the product allylic alcohol (prop-2-en-1-ol) in the presence of water, This alcohol was appointed Alcohol GL. The absorption bands confirms that the reaction was observed in (υ C = C) 1470 -1600 cm -1 and (υ CO), 3610-3670 attributed to C = C groups and OH respectively. The thermal analysis was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer SDT Q600, where the mass and temperature are displayed against time, that allows checking the approximate rate of heating. The innovative methodology developed in the laboratory (LABTAM, UFRN), was able to treat the glycerine produced by transesterification of castor oil and used as raw material for production of allyl alcohol, with a yield of 80%, of alcohol, the same is of great importance in the manufacture of polymers, pharmaceuticals, organic compounds, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals
This work considers the comprehension of the intrafamiliar violence emphasizing violent mothers relationships with their children. The purpose is to understand the development of these relationships which turn into aggressive behavior of the mothers regarding family education. The research was carried out focusing on two aspects: analysis of the theoretical references and empirical research. The theoretical research was done through a bibliographic survey of subjects related to this study such as: the history of the family, motherhood and children, the intrafamiliar violence practiced by mothers against their children; as well as how those violent relationships emerge from family environment. We point out the Foucault s concept of discipline (FOUCAULT, 1975) and Caldeira s concept of circumscribed body (CALDEIRA, 2000). It was selected a sample of ten women to investigate the relationship between mother and son through a detailed interviews. Five mothers from this sample were denounced to the Tutelary Council and they were set in a so called Denounced Group. Similarly, the other five mothers, who live in the same social and cultural context of the selected families assisted by the Tutelary Council, were set in the Non-Denounced Group. Therefore, we work with representations of the own interviewers about the meaning of the pedagogic socializing discipline in their lives. Our priority was the study of case carried out with the denounced families for physical violence and with the other group in order to develop a comparative analysis of both groups. Such methodological choice is explained by the interest for understanding the violence between mothers and children. It is common to all mothers not to consider aggressive their behavior against their children. We observe that physical punishment is considered a way to discipline children and teenagers, hence that is perceived as necessary to repress, to control, and to adapt them. Thus, it is considered a necessary practice for education. However, the reason that made the community denounced against the mothers of the Denounced Group was due to those did not correspond to an ideal example of what was expected to be a mother (they took drugs, alcohol, and had several sexual partners), that is denounces were not for the physical violence itself. Therefore, those mothers were not denounced because they were not morally able to manage their children s education. The community tolerates the punishment against children, but not the amorality of the women, and they were denounced for disregarding their role as mothers
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The present dissertation tells a proposal of based pedagogical intervention in the use of practical corporal cooperatives during lessons of physical education in intention to create situations that allow to educating to reflect on the violence and its consequences in the social relations in the school. For in such a way, we leave from the following question of study: which perspectives of the physical education to contribute to minimize the aggressive and violent attitudes of the pupils in the school? Centered in the objective to reflect on the aggressiveness, the violence and bullying in the school, the light of a theoretical recital and in the perspectives of contribution of practical the corporal cooperatives for the reduction of its effect in the pertaining to school environment, in particular in the lessons of physical education, we search among others to involve the pupils in activities that stimulated the expression of human values as solidarity, respect and cooperation. In this intention, we opt to a ethnographic study for the possibility of next interaction between investigator and the investigated one. Our research is directly on to the social aspects that involve the problems of the society in a general way, in the attempt to diminish the decurrent problems of aggression situations, that they happen in one definitive municipal school of the city of Natal/RN, the sample being constituted of pupils of 6º year of Basic Education. It analyzes the practical situations lived deeply by the pupils had revealed efficient to minimize the aggressive attitudes in the pertaining to school space, as well as it opens perspectives so that the educators deal better with such attitudes, using to advantage them to educate the pupils in the direction to stimulate the good relations. We believe that with this research, to be able to of course share with other schools our experiences in the attempt of resolution of similar problems regarding thematic of the aggressiveness, respecting the specificity of each school in particular
Analyzes the factors that unleash violence by banalization of the problems and health questions of workers in a federal public institution, in Natal/RN. It analyzes transformations in the world of the work, with its politic, social and economic determinatives and its relation to the worker health. Boarding the violence in the work enviroment and its implications to the worker health, focusing on the banalization of problems faced by the workers as a kind of violence in and with the work. It was chosen an analitic methodology with qualitative approach, through the collection tecnic and information analyzes according to the thematic oral history, with recorders of authorized personal narratives, through individual interview with a semi-structured guide. In the analyzis of results it were made empiric cathegories: the daily work enviroment and its influence to the worker profession and life; the violence presents in the work enviroment and its consequences to the worker life and health; the banalization of the social injustice, due to violence against the worker that broked their dreams concerned to the nursing contribution. The results revealed the ordinary work of these workers showing enviromental and organizational unhealthy conditions, caracterized by physical and tecnical insecurity; absence and disqualification of instrumental and human supplies; overload and complexity service; bad distribution of the duties and pressure to the deadline and productivity, producing tension, conflict and anxiety related to the users, colleagues, superiors and to the duties. In the work enviroment, it were identified a external violence, caracterized by physical and verbal aggresion, psychic suffering, worker depreciation; and internal, caracterized by: moral and psychological molestations and accupational structural violence. These kinds of violence bring consequences to the life, that is, professional, economic and moral order of factors and to the health by biological, mental and emocional factors. The banalization of social injustice during the daily work was discussed in the aspects of banalization of problems and work conditions, the health, qualification banalizations and professional valorization. The workers expectatives pointed out to the necessity of: secure conditions of work; trainning and tecnical assistance; politics of attention to the physical, mental and social health to the workers and their family. We conclude the enviromental and organizational conditions of the workers interviewed do not offer physical and tecnical security that they need to the execution of their activities, neither offer comfort or physical and psychological satisfactions. The politic the instituition has used points out to the depreciation and inhumanization of them producing feelings as unsatisfaction, frustation and indignation related to the institution and the work, bringing suffering and physical and mental sicking. We noticed the most terrible violence found in the work enviroment is the banalization of social injustice related do the problems and health of these workers, producing a slowly debility and simbolic death of their lifes. Therefore, it is necessary the implementation of a politic that promotes assurance, health and integral education, valorization and humanization of these workers
Descriptive exploratory study, with quantitative approach, with data collected from April to May 2009, aiming to identify the types of occupational violence affecting professionals on the nursing and medical staff in an emergency hospital service in Natal/RN, over the last 12 months; to identify emergency sectors where occupational violence episodes took place; to characterize aggressors on each type of occupational violence; to know the procedures adopted after each violent act targeting nursing and medical staff professionals; and to know the consequences of violence suffered by the nursing and medical staff professionals. The sample consisted of 26 nurses, 95 nursing assistants/technicians and 124 physicians, for a total of 245 professionals. The results showed that 50.61% of the professionals were women, aged 41 to 45 (22.45%), with post-graduate studies (51.43%), married (60.82%); 21.22% had 16 to 20 years of experience in the profession and in emergency practice; working 40 weekly hours (86.12%); and working both the day shift and the night shift (70.21%); 27.35% consider violence to be a part of their profession and the patient s companions as an important risk factor (86.53%); couldn t inform whether there was a specific established procedure for reporting occupational violence (45.71%); 73.06% suffered occupational violence in the 12 months; 70.20% verbal assault, 24.08% moral harassment, 6.12% physical assault, and 3.67% sexual harassment; 66.67% of the patients took part in the physical assault; the companions, in verbal assault (58.14%); and the health staff in moral harassment (69.49%); facing episodes violence, 37.65% of the professionals reported the fact to their co-workers; 57.25% uffered from stress as a consequence; on 4.71% of the episodes the professionals had to be bsent from work, resulting in 75 days of occupational violence-related absence. We conclude here was a high rate of occupational violence in the researched population, with verbal ssault and moral harassment as the most frequent violence types. Because factors related to ccupational violence were very diverse, actions seeking to confront this problem shouldn t be limited to the work environment itself. Education ought to be one of the most effective ctions for avoiding or minimizing these events occurrence