988 resultados para 1969-1973


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[es]organización del trabajo en la industria del automovil en el s. XX.


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The evolution of the fishery of the pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad is analysed from its beginning in 1969 until the end of 1970. A rapid and general decline of the yield has been evident during this period. The actual shrimp fleet seems to be too big to allow an exploitation economically convenient of the stock.


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The growth of big eye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean was studied using Petersen's method, by the analysis of the length frequency data of the F.I.S. (French-Ivorian-Senegalese) surface tuna fleet from 1969 to 1977. The results are in agreement with a previous study by Champagnat and Pianet (1973) and with observations made in the Pacific Ocean.


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Graphs of variations of zooplankton biomasses expressed as ash-free dry weight (i.e. organic matter) are presented for the 1969-1979 period. The graph of the average year shows: an enrichment season from mid-July till mid-November in which the biomass is 2.3 times higher than the rest of the year and characterized by a slight decrease of the biomass in late August or early September. The warm season is divided into a period of moderate biomass from November till February, a period of moderate biomass from November till February and a period of steady decline of the biomass till the start of the upwelling at the end of June.


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Data are reported on: (1) date and place of ringing the juveniles and adults of the sea bird of the genus Sterna in Côte d'Ivoire, and (2) date and place of recapture during the winter periods of 1973-74 and 1974-75.


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[ES] Este trabajo expone en qué consistió y qué importancia económica y organizativo-administrativa tuvo la denominada planificación indicativa, en los países de la OCDE, en el periodo 1945-1973. Si el empleo de la planificación indicativa es un rasgo común y relevante en casi todos estos países, durante ese periodo, esa institución por sí sola podría servir para establecer la existencia de una variedad diferenciada y significativa del sistema económico capitalista o de economía de mercado: las economías de mercado con planificación indicativa. Además se presentarán los motivos que explican el surgimiento y desaparición de esta institución en esos países y los resultados obtenidos.


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A cruise of the R. V. Capricorne in May 1973, in inner part of the gulf of Guinea, allowed the authors to identify the main part of the Atlantic circulation at the longitude of 5 degrees E, between 4 degrees N and 4 degrees S. It gave new data on the termination of the equatorial undercurrent. At the equator, under the westward south equatorial current flows the Atlantic equatorial undercurrent with a maximum eastward velocity of 90 cm/sec at 30 m depth linked to a salinity maximum higher than 36.20 ppt. Below the equatorial undercurrent, about 80-100 m depth, flows a westward current with a velocity as high as 30 cm/sec. At 4 degrees S, the south equatorial countercurrent is well delineated by a high salinity core (more than 36.10 ppt) at 30 m depth with an eastward velocity core of 40 cm/sec. On the contrary, near 3 degrees 30N, a high salinity core (36.10 ppt) flows westwards with a speed of 40 cm/sec at 40 m depth: it is the "return flow" of the undercurrent (Hisard and Moliere 1974). At 4 degrees N the Guinea current carries eastwards surface salinities of 34.50 ppt at 40 cm/sec. Off Cape Lopez (0 degrees 35'S-8 degrees 42'E) the high salinity core of the undercurrent becomes wider near the shore. It is 25m wide offshore, and 70 m wide near the cape. A part of undercurrent water extends northwards, then flows westwards with the subsurface westward circulation in the inner part of the Gulf of Guinea. Another part flows south-southwestwards in a high salinity tongue along the African coast to 4 degrees S. South-west of Cape Lopez, the trades divergence contributes to an upwelling of cold and high salinity water; this water increases at the Cape Lopez front.


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在1966年-1985年二十年间作不同柑桔种类品种,薄膜种类、厚度、包装方式、贮藏条件、采收期、包装期、配合防腐保鲜药剂试验处理和重复数千个,观测贮藏效果,果实采后生理生化特性变化数据数十万个。在该基础上,研究形成科学依据清楚,技术简单,效果优异的塑料薄膜单果摺包或袋装贮藏保鲜技术。采用该技术,甜橙贮藏半年失重率由15-20%下降 到2.5-5%,腐烂率由15-30%降到5-10%,干疤率降低为对照的0.5至1/10,果实含醇量由250MG/100ML压低到100MG/100ML以下,果实新鲜饱满 ,风味正常,贮藏期延长三个月以上。该技术也适用于柠檬、柚、蕉柑、温州蜜柑、芦柑。该技术1966年开始试验,1969年进行一千公斤中试。1972年作50万公斤生产试验。1973年组织全国柑桔主要产销八省二市作库、窖、山洞、民房通风贮藏约万吨推广示范,由于 简易、节能,效果优于冷藏,受到全国产销地区果农和农商外贸部门热烈欢迎。迅速推广应用,迄今1986年粗计全国累计应用量达150万吨,以减损30%以及提高品质,延长贮藏期计 ,增值达10亿元,尚未计入节约冷库建设费。该项目1975年的试验证明柑桔范膜单果包装获得优异效果,果实风味正常、干疤、腐烂大幅度下降,同时对照果失重大,萎缩重,果皮气孔关闭,气体交换受阻,产生无氧呼吸,乙醇积累显著增高,果实产生异味,干疤、腐烂重大。据此提出乙醇含量可为作判贮藏柑桔果实生理状况和贮藏场所及措施保鲜效应的指标。品种果皮紧实度与薄膜包装适性呈正相关。柑桔果实带薄膜包装销售显示该技术具有商品保鲜包装效益。该技术社会经济效益显著。应用前景广阔。该技术的研究 和应用以及机理探讨均为国际首创。


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Este projeto de dissertação se propõe a analisar a cooperação aeroespacial entre o Brasil e a Alemanha de 1969 a 2011 em três recortes temporais: 1969 a 1989, 1990 a 2001 e 2002 a 2011. Seguindo as bases teóricas de classificação da CID (Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento), e apoiada em pesquisa de campo conduzida em ambos os países, este trabalho apresenta um novo conceito de cooperação que, até onde a pesquisa bibliográfica aqui conduzida avaliou, constitui uma contribuição original deste trabalho: a Cooperação Complementar. A cooperação aeroespacial teuto-brasileira é pouco conhecida e divulgada, embora tenha completado vigorosas quatro décadas de exitosa existência. A conclusão de êxito desta cooperação encontrou lastro em pesquisa de campo conduzida pela autora no Brasil (IAE Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço) e na Alemanha (DLR Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt), consubstanciada por quatro entrevistas (SILVA, 2011a), (SILVA, 2011c), (SILVA, 2011d) e (SILVA, 2011e) realizadas junto a importantes representantes destes dois centros. Os conhecimentos extraídos por meio destas entrevistas agregaram, no entender desta autora, importantes informações à bibliografia específica e relativamente escassa disponível em ambos os países.O êxito defendido nesta dissertação fundamenta-se não apenas na longevidade advinda dos 40 anos de existência desta Cooperação, na sua capacidade de renovação e na complementaridade atingida, mas sobretudo pela consecução dos diversos objetivos técnico-científicos integrantes do escopo do referido Tratado, muitos dos quais responsáveis por importantes desdobramentos de tecnologias em outras áreas do saber, tais como o projeto DEBRA 25 (SCHUSTER, 2011), de energia eólica, e o projeto VLS (Veículo Lançador de Satélites), que utiliza como seus motores os foguetes desenvolvidos no escopo desta Cooperação.


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In the history of whaling from prehistoric to modern times, the large whales, sometimes called the “great whales,” were hunted most heavily owing in part to their corresponding value in oil, meat, and baleen. Regional populations of North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis glacialis, were already decimated by 1700, and the North Atlantic gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, was hunted to extinction by the early 1700’s (Mitchell and Mead1).


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This is the fourth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1968, to the end of March 1969. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, which includes periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Marron, Ellen, Eden, Caldew, Esk, Annas, Irt and Glenderamackin. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, Brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution covers water quality, and the results of samples taken from rivers Eden, Eamont, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the eighth Annual report of the Cumberland River Authority on information of its activities and responsibilities on river management in its area between the beginning of April 1972, to the end of March 1973. The report contains 5 main sections on water resources, land drainage, fisheries, pollution, and finally the expenditure and income for the 12 month period. The first area that the report deals with is water resources, including periodical surveys, hydrometric schemes, acceptable flows, conservation works and a review of rainfall and river flow. The section on land drainage looks at work on improvement schemes, floods, charges and information on maintenance work carried out on rivers including Wampool, Waver, Derwent, Eden and Caldew. The fisheries section covers 5 districts of the River Eden, Esk, Ellen, Derwent and South West Cumberland. It includes angling information and a general report for salmon and sea trout, brown trout and freshwater fish. Fish disease and fish hatchery are also covered as well as fisheries protection and licence duties. The fourth section on pollution deals with water quality, and the results of samples taken for chemical analysis from rivers Eden, Eamont, Leith, Lowther, Lyne, Petteril, Caldew, Calder, Irthing, Esk, Irt, Mite, Derwent, Ehen, Ellen, Annas, Wampool and Waver are also given. It also covers information on sewage and trade effluents. The River Authorities preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the second River Dart Fisheries Survey produced by the Devon River Authority; which was carried out from April to July, 1969. The objective was to examine the distribution and relative abundance of salmonid fish in the River Dart, in order to assess the possibility or desirability, of increasing salmon smolt production of the river by artificial propagation or other means. In addition to the tributaries examined in the 1965 survey, further sections were studied on the River Hems and Holy Brook and reference should be made to the River Survey Report, 1965 for introductory information. The method includes the choice of sections and sampling techniques. The results go through the number/type/class of fishes counted while the survey took place and distribution patterns within the different transects/brooks. The discussion tries to remark the importance of understanding the differences between 1965 and 1969 surveys. The Appendix contains tables with totals of salmonid fish found and distribution sizes for each section, population density tables and a map with new surveyed sections.