974 resultados para robotics manipulators


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Fault tolerance of robotic manipulators is determined based on the fault tolerance measures. In this study a Jacobian of a 7DOF optimal fault tolerant manipulator is designed based on optimality of worse case relative manipulability and worse case dexterity from geometric perspective instead of numerical solution of constrained optimisation problem or construction of optimal Jacobean through a desired null space. The proposed Jacobean matrix is optimal and equally fault tolerant for a single joint failure within any joint of the manipulators.


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Fault tolerant manipulators maintain their trajectory even if their joint/s fails. Assuming that the manipulator is fault tolerant on its trajectory, fault tolerant compliance manipulators provide required force at their end-effector even when a joint fails. To achieve this, the contributions of the faulty joints for the force of the end-effector are required to be mapped into the proper compensating joint torques of the healthy joints to maintain the force. This paper addresses the optimal mapping to minimize the force jump due to a fault, which is the maximum effort to maintain the force when a fault occurs. The paper studies the locked joint fault/s of the redundant manipulators and it relates the force jump at the end-effector to the faults within the joints. Adding on a previous study to maintain the trajectory, in here the objective is to providing fault tolerant force at the end-effector of the redundant manipulators. This optimal mapping with minimum force jump is presented using matrix perturbation model. And the force jump is calculated through this model for single and multiple joints fault. The proposed optimal mapping is used in different fault scenarios for a 5-DOF manipulator; also it is deployed to compensate the force at the end-effector for the 5-DOF manipulator through simulation study and the results are presented.


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Autonomous or teleoperation of critical tasks in space applications require fault tolerant robotic manipulators. These manipulators are able to maintain their tasks even if a joint fails. If it is presumed that the manipulator is fault tolerant on its trajectory, then the next step is to provide a fault tolerant force at the end-effector of the manipulator. The problem of cooperative fault tolerant force is addressed in this paper within the operation of two manipulators. The cooperative manipulators are used to compensate the force jump which occurs on the force of the end-effector of one manipulator due to a joint failure. To achieve fault tolerant operation, the contribution of the faulty joint for the force of the end-effector of the faulty manipulator is required to be optimally mapped into the torque of the faulty and healthy manipulators. The optimal joint torque reconfigurations of both manipulators for compensating this force jump are illustrated. The proposed frameworks are deployed for two cooperative PUMA560 manipulators. The results of the case studies validate the fault tolerant cooperation strategies.


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Adding to a previous work of the authors for task completion for partially failed manipulator, other aspects of the effort are discussed. The paper aims to investigate on the strategies of maximum effort for maintaining the availability of partially failed manipulators. The failures are assumed as the joint lock failures of the manipulators. The main objective is to facilitate the existing manipulators to continue their tasks even if a non catastrophic fault occurs into their joints. The tasks includes motion tasks and force tasks. For each group of tasks a constrained optimality problem is introduced. Then in a case study a required force profile on a desired trajectory using a 3DOF planar manipulator is indicated. Through this study the joint angles and joint torques for a healthy manipulator and a faulty manipulator are shown. It is illustrated that a failure in the second joint is tolerated on the trajectory of end-effector.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels are not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Also it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. Further if this platform is to be part of a swarm of like platforms then it must be cost effective and relatively small. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This article describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics. Whilst the robotic platform performs well, to explore what many of them would do, that is more than are available, simulation is required. This article continues to study how best to simulate these robots for a swarm, or system of systems, approach.


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Design of locally optimal fault tolerant manipulators has been recently addressed via using the constraints of the desired null space for the Jacobian matrix of the manipulators. In the present paper the Jacobian matrices for optimal fault tolerance are presented based on geometric properties of column vectors instead of the null space. They are equally fault tolerant to a single joint failure from the worst-case relative manipulability and worst-case dexterity points of view. The optimality is achieved through a symmetric distribution of points on spheres.


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A family of planar parallel manipulators is investigated and some novel members are proposed. The common feature of the studied manipulators is that the rotation axes of the actuated arms coincide. This feature makes it possible to rotate the whole arm system an infinite number of revolutions around the center of the manipulator. The result is a large workspace in relation to the footprint. Both 2- and 3-DOF variants are presented and the suitability of this family of manipulators for kinematic analysis is demonstrated. Thus, different methods to find optimal manipulability with respect to platform positioning and rotation have been analyzed.


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This paper studies the difference between the human behaviours for fault tolerance with a pseudo inverse reconfiguration approach for fault tolerance of robotic arms. If this difference is well understood then it can be used to introduce a hybrid approach for fault tolerant motion of robotic arms. The proposed approach is expected to combine human fault-tolerance dexterity and advantages of a model based fault tolerance. The main aim is to add human dexterity for fault tolerance of robotic arms.


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This thesis addresses “Optimal Fault-Tolerant Robotic Manipulators” for locked-joint failures and consists of three components. It begins by investigating the regions of workspace where the manipulator can operate with high reliability. It then continues with an efficient deployment of kinematic redundancies for fault-tolerant operation. Finally, it presents a novel method for design of optimal fault-tolerant manipulators.


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Fault-tolerant motion of redundant manipulators can be obtained by joint velocity reconfiguration. For fault-tolerant manipulators, it is beneficial to determine the configurations that can tolerate the locked-joint failures with a minimum relative joint velocity jump, because the manipulator can rapidly reconfigure itself to tolerate the fault. This paper uses the properties of the condition numbers to introduce those optimal configurations for serial manipulators. The relationship between the manipulator's locked-joint failures and the condition number of the Jacobian matrix is indicated by using a matrix perturbation methodology. Then, it is observed that the condition number provides an upper bound of the required relative joint velocity change for recovering the faults which leads to define the optimal fault-tolerant configuration from the minimization of the condition number. The optimization problem to obtain the minimum condition number is converted to three standard Eigen value optimization problems. A solution is for selected optimization problem is presented. Finally, in order to obtain the optimal fault-tolerant configuration, the proposed method is applied to a 4-DoF planar manipulator.


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Parallel manipulators with a rotation-symmetric arm system possess all the typical advantages of parallel robots, such as high acceleration and high-accuracy positioning. Contrary to the majority of proposed parallel manipulators, the rotation-symmetric arm system leads to a large workspace in relation to the footprint of the manipulator. This paper focuses on a subclass of these manipulators with additional favorable qualities, including low inertia and high eigenfrequencies. These qualities are achieved using only 5-DOF lower arm links and by mounting all actuators on the nonmoving base column of the manipulator. The common feature of all previously proposed manipulators in this subclass is identified and several novel 3-DOF and 4-DOF members are introduced.


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Given the rapidly ageing population, interest is growing in robots to enable older people to remain living at home. We conducted a systematic review and critical evaluation of the scientific literature, from 1990 to the present, on the use of robots in aged care. The key research questions were as follows: (1) what is the range of robotic devices available to enable older people to remain mobile, independent, and safe? and, (2) what is the evidence demonstrating that robotic devices are effective in enabling independent living in community dwelling older people? Following database searches for relevant literature an initial yield of 161 articles was obtained. Titles and abstracts of articles were then reviewed by 2 independent people to determine suitability for inclusion. Forty-two articles met the criteria for question 1. Of these, 4 articles met the criteria for question 2. Results showed that robotics is currently available to assist older healthy people and people with disabilities to remain independent and to monitor their safety and social connectedness. Most studies were conducted in laboratories and hospital clinics. Currently limited evidence demonstrates that robots can be used to enable people to remain living at home, although this is an emerging smart technology that is rapidly evolving.


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This paper analyses the kinematics of a special 6-DOF parallel micro-manipulator with offset RR-joint configuration. Kinematics equations are derived and numerical methodologies to solve the inverse and forward kinematics are presented. The inverse and forward kinematics of such robots compared with those of 6-UCU parallel robots are more complicated due to the existence of offsets between joints of RR-pairs. The characteristics of RR-pairs used in this manipulator are investigated and kinematics constraints of these offset U-joints are mathematically explained in order to find the best initial guesses for the numerical solution. Both inverse and forward kinematics of the case study 6-DOF parallel micro-manipulator are modelled and computational analyses are performed to numerically verify accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed methodologies.


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This paper analyses the kinematics of a special 6-DOF parallel micro-manipulator with offset RR-joint configuration. Kinematics equations are derived and numerical methodologies to solve the inverse and forward kinematics are presented. The inverse and forward kinematics of such robots compared with those of 6-UCU parallel robots are more complicated due to the existence of offsets between joints of RR-pairs. The characteristics of RR-pairs used in this manipulator are investigated and kinematics constraints of these offset U-joints are mathematically explained in order to find the best initial guesses for the numerical solution. Both inverse and forward kinematics of the case study 6-DOF parallel micro-manipulator are modelled and computational analyses are performed to numerically verify accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed methodologies.