245 resultados para reversibility
In dieser Doktorarbeit werden die Eigenschaften von thermoresponsiven Bürstenpolymeren untersucht. Hierbei konnten erstmalig thermische Konformationsübergänge von zylindrischen Bürstenmolekülen auf Oberflächen beobachtet werden. Der Einfluss der Oberfläche auf die Umkehrbarkeit und die Kinetik der Übergänge wurde untersucht. Die dabei erhaltenen Erkenntnisse konnten verwendet werden, um das Verhalten der Polymere auf anderen Oberflächen vorherzusagen. Im zweiten Projekt wurde gezeigt, dass Einzelmolekül-Kraftspektroskopie eine gute Methode für die Untersuchung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Bürstenpolymeren in guten Lösungsmitteln ist. Mit kleinen Substanzmengen kann die Persistenzlänge der Polymere bestimmt werden. Es ist möglich zu zeigen, dass die Persistenzlänge der Polymerbürsten von ihrer Seitenkettenlänge abhängt. Überraschenderweise funktioniert das Experiment nicht, wenn man die Bürsten aus einem Polymerfilm zieht anstatt ein Einzelmolekülexperiment durchzuführen. In diesem Fall zeigen die Kraft-Abstands-Kurven zu lange Kontur- und Persistenzlängen. Diese Beobachtung ist für lineare Polymere nicht gültig. Im dritten Teil der Doktorarbeit werden Kraft-Abstands-Experimente an einzelnen kollabierten Polymeren untersucht. In schlechten Lösungsmitteln zeigen die Bürsten ein moleküllängenabhängiges Kraft-Plateau, welches theoretisch vorausgesagt wurde und einen Phasenübergang von einem kollabierten zu einem entspannten Zustand der Polymerkette anzeigt. In Fly-Fishing-Experimenten kann man eine Hysterese zwischen den beiden Messkurven beobachten, welche bei mehrfachem Ziehen kleiner wird. Alle Experimente in schlechten Lösungsmitteln wurden mit linearen Polymeren reproduziert, um den Einfluss der Molekülarchitektur von den generellen Eigenschaften von Polymeren in schlechten Lösungsmitteln unterscheiden zu können. Zum Abschluss wird die Abhängigkeit der Polymerentfaltung von der Laderate des Experiments gemessen.
Outdoor bronzes exposed to the environment form naturally a layer called patina, which may be able to protect the metallic substrate. However, since the last century, with the appearance of acid rains, a strong change in the nature and properties of the copper based patinas occurred [1]. Studies and general observations have established that bronze corrosion patinas created by acid rain are not only disfiguring in terms of loss of detail and homogeneity, but are also unstable [2]. The unstable patina is partially leached away by rainwater. This leaching is represented by green streaking on bronze monuments [3]. Because of the instability of the patina, conservation techniques are usually required. On a bronze object exposed to the outdoor environment, there are different actions of the rainfall and other atmospheric agents as a function of the monument shape. In fact, we recognize sheltered and unsheltered areas as regards exposure to rainwater [4]. As a consequence of these different actions, two main patina types are formed on monuments exposed to the outdoor environment. These patinas have different electrochemical, morphological and compositional characteristics [1]. In the case of sheltered areas, the patina contains mainly copper products, stratified above a layer strongly enriched in insoluble Sn oxides, located at the interface with the uncorroded metal. Moreover, different colors of the patina result from the exposure geometry. The surface color may be pale green for unsheltered areas, and green and mat black for sheltered areas [4]. Thus, in real outdoor bronze monuments, the corrosion behavior is strongly influenced by the exposure geometry. This must be taken into account when designing conservation procedures, since the patina is in most cases the support on which corrosion inhibitors are applied. Presently, for protecting outdoor bronzes against atmospheric corrosion, inhibitors and protective treatments are used. BTA and its derivatives, which are the most common inhibitors used for copper and its alloy, were found to be toxic for the environment and human health [5, 6]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that BTA is efficient when applied on bare copper but not as efficient when applied on bare bronze [7]. Thus it was necessary to find alternative compounds. Silane-based inhibitors (already successfully tested on copper and other metallic substrates [8]), were taken into consideration as a non-toxic, environmentally friendly alternative to BTA derivatives for bronze protection. The purpose of this thesis was based on the assessment of the efficiency of a selected compound, to protect the bronze against corrosion, which is the 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane (PropS-SH). It was selected thanks to the collaboration with the Corrosion Studies Centre “Aldo Daccò” at the Università di Ferrara. Since previous studies [9, 10, 11] demonstrated that the addition of nanoparticles to silane-based inhibitors leads to an increase of the protective efficiency, we also wanted to evaluate the influence of the addition of CeO2, La2O3, TiO2 nanoparticles on the protective efficiency of 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane, applied on pre-patinated bronze surfaces. This study is the first section of the thesis. Since restorers have to work on patinated bronzes and not on bare metal (except for contemporary art), it is important to be able to recreate the patina, under laboratory conditions, either in sheltered or unsheltered conditions to test the coating and to obtain reliable results. Therefore, at the University of Bologna, different devices have been designed to simulate the real outdoor conditions and to create a patina which is representative of real application conditions of inhibitor or protective treatments. In particular, accelerated ageing devices by wet & dry (simulating the action of stagnant rain in sheltered areas [12]) and by dropping (simulating the leaching action of the rain in unsheltered areas [1]) tests were used. In the present work, we used the dropping test as a method to produce pre-patinated bronze surfaces for the application of a candidate inhibitor as well as for evaluating its protective efficiency on aged bronze (unsheltered areas). In this thesis, gilded bronzes were also studied. When they are exposed to the outside environment, a corrosion phenomenon appears which is due to the electrochemical couple gold/copper where copper is the anode. In the presence of an electrolyte, this phenomenon results in the formation of corrosion products than will cause a blistering of the gold (or a break-up and loss of the film in some cases). Moreover, because of the diffusion of the copper salts to the surface, aggregates and a greenish film will be formed on the surface of the sample [13]. By coating gilded samples with PropS-SH and PropS-SH containing nano-particles and carrying out accelerated ageing by the dropping test, a discussion is possible on the effectiveness of this coating, either with nano-particles or not, against the corrosion process. This part is the section 2 of this thesis. Finally, a discussion about laser treatment aiming at the assessment of reversibility/re-applicability of the PropS-SH coating can be found in section 3 of this thesis. Because the protective layer loses its efficiency with time, it is necessary to find a way of removing the silane layer, before applying a new one on the “bare” patina. One request is to minimize the damages that a laser treatment would create on the patina. Therefore, different laser fluences (energy/surface) were applied on the sample surface during the treatment process in order to find the best range of fluence. In particular, we made a characterization of surfaces before and after removal of PropS-SH (applied on a naturally patinated surface, and subsequently aged by natural exposure) with laser methods. The laser removal treatment was done by the CNR Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” of Sesto Fiorentino in Florence. In all the three sections of the thesis, a range of non-destructive spectroscopic methods (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), μ-Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray diffractometry (XRD)) were used for characterizing the corroded surfaces. AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) was used to analyze the ageing solutions from the dropping test in sections 1 and 2.
Plasmonen sind die kollektive resonante Anregung von Leitungselektronen. Vom Licht angeregternPlasmonen in subwellenlängen-grossen Nanopartikeln heissen Partikelplasmonen und sind vielversprechende Kandidaten für zukünftige Mikrosensoren wegen der starken Abhängigkeit der Resonanz an extern steuerbaren Parametern, wie die optischen Eigenschaften des umgebenden Mediums und die elektrische Ladung der Nanopartikel. Die extrem hohe Streue_zienz von Partikelplasmonen erlaubt eine einfache Beobachtung einzelner Nanopartikel in einem Mikroskop.rnDie Anforderung, schnell eine statistisch relevante Anzahl von Datenpunkten sammeln zu können,rnund die wachsende Bedeutung von plasmonischen (vor allem Gold-) Nanopartikeln für Anwendungenrnin der Medizin, hat nach der Entwicklung von automatisierten Mikroskopen gedrängt, die im bis dahin nur teilweise abgedeckten spektralen Fenster der biologischen Gewebe (biologisches Fenster) von 650 bis 900nm messen können. Ich stelle in dieser Arbeit das Plasmoscope vor, das genau unter Beobachtung der genannten Anforderungen entworfen wurde, in dem (1) ein einstellbarer Spalt in die Eingangsö_nung des Spektrometers, die mit der Bildebene des Mikroskops zusammenfällt, gesetzt wurde, und (2) einem Piezo Scantisch, der es ermöglicht, die Probe durch diesen schmalen Spalt abzurastern. Diese Verwirklichung vermeidet optische Elemente, die im nahen Infra-Rot absorbieren.rnMit dem Plasmoscope untersuche ich die plasmonische Sensitivität von Gold- und Silbernanostrnäbchen, d.h. die Plasmon-Resonanzverschiebung in Abhängigkeit mit der Änderung des umgebendenrnMediums. Die Sensitivität ist das Mass dafür, wie gut die Nanopartikeln Materialänderungenrnin ihrer Umgebung detektieren können, und damit ist es immens wichtig zu wissen, welche Parameterrndie Sensitivität beein_ussen. Ich zeige hier, dass Silbernanostäbchen eine höhere Sensitivität alsrnGoldnanostäbchen innerhalb des biologischen Fensters besitzen, und darüberhinaus, dass die Sensitivität mit der Dicke der Stäbchen wächst. Ich stelle eine theoretische Diskussion der Sensitivitätrnvor, indenti_ziere die Materialparameter, die die Sensitivität bein_ussen und leite die entsprechendenrnFormeln her. In einer weiteren Annäherung präsentiere ich experimentelle Daten, die die theoretische Erkenntnis unterstützen, dass für Sensitivitätsmessschemata, die auch die Linienbreite mitberücksichtigen, Goldnanostäbchen mit einem Aspektverhältnis von 3 bis 4 das optimalste Ergebnis liefern. Verlässliche Sensoren müssen eine robuste Wiederholbarkeit aufweisen, die ich mit Gold- und Silbernanostäbchen untersuche.rnDie Plasmonen-resonanzwellenlänge hängt von folgenden intrinsischen Materialparametern ab:rnElektrondichte, Hintergrundpolarisierbarkeit und Relaxationszeit. Basierend auf meinen experimentellen Ergebnissen zeige ich, dass Nanostäbchen aus Kupfer-Gold-Legierung im Vergleich zu ähnlich geformten Goldnanostäbchen eine rotverschobene Resonanz haben, und in welcher Weiserndie Linienbreite mit der stochimetrischen Zusammensetzung der legierten Nanopartikeln variiert.rnDie Abhängigkeit der Linienbreite von der Materialzusammensetzung wird auch anhand von silberbeschichteten und unbeschichteten Goldnanostäbchen untersucht.rnHalbleiternanopartikeln sind Kandidaten für e_ziente photovoltaische Einrichtungen. Die Energieumwandlung erfordert eine Ladungstrennung, die mit dem Plasmoscope experimentell vermessen wird, in dem ich die lichtinduzierte Wachstumsdynamik von Goldsphären auf Halbleiternanost äbchen in einer Goldionenlösung durch die Messung der gestreuten Intensität verfolge.rn
La ricerca è volta a presentare un nuovo approccio integrato, a supporto di operatori e progettisti, per la gestione dell’intero processo progettuale di interventi di riqualificazione energetica e architettonica del patrimonio edilizio recente, mediante l’impiego di soluzioni tecnologiche innovative di involucro edilizio. Lo studio richiede necessariamente l’acquisizione di un repertorio selezionato di sistemi costruttivi di involucro, come base di partenza per l’elaborazione di soluzioni progettuali di recupero delle scuole appartenenti al secondo dopoguerra, in conglomerato cementizio armato, prevalentemente prefabbricate. Il progetto individua procedimenti costruttivi ecocompatibili per la progettazione di componenti prefabbricati di involucro “attivo”, adattabile ed efficiente, da assemblare a secco, nel rispetto dei requisiti prestazionali richiesti dalle attuali normative. La ricerca è finalizzata alla gestione dell’intero processo, supportato da sistemi di rilevazione geometrica, collegati a software di programmazione parametrica per la modellazione di superfici adattabili alla morfologia dei fabbricati oggetto di intervento. Tali strumenti informatizzati CAD-CAM sono connessi a macchine a controllo numerico CNC per la produzione industrializzata degli elementi costruttivi “su misura”. A titolo esemplificativo dell’approccio innovativo proposto, si formulano due possibili soluzioni di involucro in linea con i paradigmi della ricerca, nel rispetto dei principi di sostenibilità, intesa come modularità, rapidità di posa, reversibilità, recupero e riciclo di materiali. In particolare, le soluzioni innovative sono accomunate dall’applicazione di una tecnica basata sull’assemblaggio di elementi prefabbricati, dall’adozione di una trama esagonale per la tassellazione della nuova superficie di facciata, e dall’utilizzo del medesimo materiale termico isolante, plastico e inorganico, riciclato ed ecosostenibile, a basso impatto ambientale (AAM - Alkali Activated Materials). Le soluzioni progettuali proposte, sviluppate presso le due sedi coinvolte nella cotutela (Università di Bologna, Université Paris-Est) sono affrontate secondo un protocollo scientifico che prevede: progettazione del sistema costruttivo, analisi meccanica e termica, sperimentazione costruttiva, verifica delle tecniche di messa in opera e dei requisiti prestazionali.
Die hochspezifische Funktionalisierung von Proteinen und Peptiden kann durch milde reduktive Spaltung der lösungsmittelzugänglichen Disulfidbrücken und anschließende Rückverbrückung durch den Einbau sogenannter Linkermoleküle über einen konsekutiven Eliminierungs-Additionsprozess verwirklicht werden. Die Erweiterung des Linkerportfolios stellte in erster Instanz die Entwicklung von verschieden funktionalisierten Systemen dar, welche als hochflexible Kernbausteine für den Aufbau komplexer Architekturen dienten. Das Verständnis für die Reaktivität und Reversibilität der Thioladdition an die Mono-und Bissulfone in Abhängigkeit des Substituenten in p-Position konnte durch Variation von Parametern wie Lösungsmittel oder pH-Wert für intelligentes Produktdesign genutzt werden. Heterokonjugate zweier Biomoleküle mit ungepaartem Cystein wurden durch die Kombination von Maleinimid- und Bissulfonchemie innerhalb eines Linkermoleküls realisiert. Polymer-Peptid-Konjugate wurden einerseits über die grafting to Methode durch Modifizierung von Somatostatin mit PEGbissulfonen und anderseits durch grafting from unter Verwendung eines zuvor synthetisierten ATRP-Makroinitiators dargestellt. Multivalente Konjugate konnten durch die Synthese von hochsymmetrischen Tetra- sowie Hexasulfonen und anschließende Umsetzung mit Somatostatin erhalten werden. Die Polyinterkalatorpolymere, die durch lebende radikalische Polymerisation eines Bissulfidmonomers generiert wurden, wurden mit Glutathion umgesetzt. Durch die Interkalation von p-Ethinyl sowie p-Iodmonosulfon in die Disulfidbrücke von Somatostatin konnte erfolgreich gezeigt werden, dass die Rückverbrückung unter Rezyklisierung gelang. Die biologische Integrität wurde durch die Modifikation nicht beeinträchtigt und die erfolgreiche Aufnahme wurde nur bei den rezeptorpositiven Zellen (CAPAN-2) beobachtet. Das artifizielle Iodderivat im Vergleich zum nativen Somatostatin ein erhöhtes Potential zur Apoptoseinduktion. Die Somatostatinderivate präsentierten sich somit als attraktive potentielle Therapeutika.
Akute Leukämien treten in allen Altersstufen auf. Akute lymphatische Leukämie (ALL) ist die häufigste Leukämie bei Kindern, während akute myeloischen Leukämien (AML) mit verschiedenen Untergruppen etwa 80% aller akuten Leukämien bei Erwachsenen ausmachen. Die Translokation t(8;21) resultiert in der Entstehung des Fusionsgens AML1-ETO und zählt zu den häufigen Translokationen bei der AML. Dabei fusioniert die DNA-bindende Domäne des AML1 mit dem fast kompletten ETO-Protein. AML1-ETO wirkt als dominanter Repressor der AML1-vermittelten transkriptionellen Regula-tion wichtiger hämatopoetischer Zielgene. Klinische Daten legen nahe, dass trotz der klarer Assoziation zwischen AML und der t(8;21) Translokation bei AML Patienten zusätzliche genetische Veränderungen – so genannte ‚second hits‘ – notwendig sind, um eine Leukämie effizient zu induzieren. Klinisch relevanten Komplimentationsonkogene sind unter anderen die aktivierte Rezeptortyrosinkinase FLT3, JAK2, NRAS, KRAS, c- KIT.rnZiel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein Mausmodell zu etablieren, welches humane akute myeloische Leukämie rekapituliert und bei dem die Expression der entsprechen-den Onkogene reguliert werden kann. Als erstes wurde untersucht, ob eine gemeinsame Expression von AML1-ETO mit kRASG12D zur Induktion von Leukämie führen kann. Hierfür wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und kRASG12D unter der regulatorischen Sequenz des Tetrazyklin-Operators exprimierten. Der große Vorteil dieser Technologie ist die regulierbare Reversibilität der Genexpression. Um die Ex-pression der Zielgene auf blutbildende Zellen zu beschränken, wurden Knochenmark-chimären hergestellt. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von 12 Monaten führte die Expression von AML1-ETO und AML1-ETO/kRASG12D nicht zur Induktion einer akuten Leukä-mie. Die normale hämatopoetische Entwicklung war jedoch in diesen Tieren gestört. Der beobachtete Phänotyp entsprach einem myelodysplastischen Syndrome (MDS).rnIm zweiten Ansatz, wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und FLT3-ITD exprimierten. Hierfür wurden hämatopoetische Stammzellen aus ROSA26-iM2/tetO-AML1-ETO isoliert und mit Hilfe des retroviralen Vektors mit FLT3-ITD transduziert. In diesem Modell war es möglich, in kurzer Zeit eine akute Leukämie mit zu induzieren. Einige wenige Tiere hatten zum Zeitpunkt des Todes Anzeichen einer biphänotypischen Leukämie mit lymphatischen und myeloischen Blastenpopulationen. In drei Tieren in-duzierte die alleinige Expression von FLT3-ITD eine Leukämie. Alle Leukämien wurden durch FACS, Zytologie und Histopathologie bestätigt. Knochenmark- bzw. Milzzellen aus den erkrankten Tieren waren in der Lage nach Transfer in sekundäre Rezipienten eine Leukämie auszulösen. Somit besaßen sie ein uneingeschränktes Selbsterneue-rungspotential.rnEin erster Versuch, in dem AML1-ETO Expression in leukämischen Zellen abgeschaltet und FLT3-ITD mit Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitor inhibiert wurde, zeigte keine wesentliche Veränderung in der Leukämieprogression.rnDieses Leukämiemodell erlaubt die Rolle der beteiligten Onkogene während verschie-dener Stadien der Leukämie zu erforschen und damit möglicherweise neue Ansätze für Therapiestrategien zu entwickeln.
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria with a strong global prevalence. They cause infections of the eye, lung and the genital tract and can either replicate in inclusion compartments or persist inside their host cell. In this thesis we focused on two aspects of chlamydiae infection. We hypothesize that transcription factor AP-1 is crucial for a replicative chlamydiae infection in epithelial cells. In addition we suggest that chlamydiae hide inside apoptotic blebs for a silent uptake by macrophages as immune evasion strategy.rnFocusing on AP-1, we could demonstrate that during Chlamydia pneumoniae infection, protein expression and phosphorylation of the AP-1 family member c-Jun significantly increased in a time and dose dependent manner. A siRNA knockdown of c-Jun in HEp-2 cells reduced chlamydial load, resulting in smaller inclusions and a significant lower chlamydial recovery. Furthermore, inhibition of the c-Jun containing AP-1 complexes, using Tanshinone IIA, changed the replicative infection into a persistent phenotype, characterized by (i) smaller, aberrant inclusions, (ii) a strong decrease in chlamydial load, as well as by (iii) its reversibility after removal of Tanshinone IIA. As chlamydiae are energy parasites, we investigated whether Tanshinone IIA interferes with energy/metabolism related processes. rnA role for autophagy or gene expression of glut-1 and c-jun in persistence could not be determined. However we could demonstrate Tanshinone IIA treatment to be accompanied by a significant decrease of ATP levels, probably causing a chlamydiae persistent phenotype.rnRegarding the chlamydial interaction with human primary cells we characterized infection of different chlamydiae species in either pro-inflammatory (type I) or anti-inflammatory (type II) human monocyte derived macrophages (hMDM). We found both phenotypes to be susceptible to chlamydiae infection. Furthermore, we observed that upon Chlamydia trachomatis and GFP-expressing Chlamydia trachomatis infection more hMDM type II were infected. However the chlamydial load was higher in hMDM type I and correspondingly, more replicative-like inclusions were found in this phenotype. Next, we focused on the chlamydial transfer using a combination of high speed live cell imaging and GFP-expressing Chlamydia trachomatis for optimal visualization. Thereby, we could successfully visualize the formation of apoptotic, chlamydiae-containing blebs and the interaction of hMDM with these blebs. Moreover, we observed the development of a replicative infection in hMDM. rnIn conclusion, we demonstrated a crucial role of AP-1 for C. pneumoniae development and preliminary time lapse data suggest that chlamydiae can be transferred to hMDMs via apoptotic blebs. In all, these data may contribute to a better understanding of chlamydial infection processes in humans.rn
Increased body mass index (BMI), as an approximation of body adiposity, is a risk factor for developing several adult malignancies. To quantify these risks, we reported a comprehensive systematic review (Lancet 2008; 371: 569-78) of prospective observational studies determining associations between BMI and risk of incident cancer for 20 cancer types. We demonstrated that associations are: (i) sex-specific; (ii) exist for a wider range of malignancies than previously thought; and (iii) are broadly consistent across geographic populations. In the present paper, we tested these data against the Bradford-Hill criteria of causal association, and argue that the available data support strength of association, consistency, specificity, temporality, biological gradient, plausibility, coherence and probably analogy. However, the experimental evidence supporting reversibility is currently lacking, though indirect evidence from longitudinal data in cohort studies and long-term follow-up post-bariatric surgery is emerging. We additionally assessed these data against appropriate adjustment for available confounding factors; measurement error and study design; and residual confounding; and found lack of alternative explanations. We conclude that there is considerable evidence to support a causal association between BMI and risk for many cancer types, but in order to establish the role of weight control in cancer prevention, there is a need to develop trial frameworks in which to better test reversibility.
A simple and effective demonstration to help students comprehend phase diagrams and understand phase equilibria and transformations is created using common chemical solvents available in the laboratory. Common misconceptions surrounding phase diagram operations, such as components versus phases, reversibility of phase transformations, and the lever rule are addressed. Three different binary liquid mixtures of varying compatibility create contrastive phase equilibrium cases, where colorful dyes selectively dissolved in each of corresponding phases allow for quick and unambiguous perceptions of solubility limit and phase transformations. Direct feedback and test scores from a group of students show evidence of the effectiveness of the visual and active teaching tool.
BACKGROUND: Elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is relevant to prognosis of congestive heart failure and heart transplantation. Proof of reversibility by pharmacologic testing in potential transplantation candidates is important because it indicates a reduced probability of right ventricular failure or death in the early post-transplant period. This study aimed to clarify the possible extent of acute reversibility of elevated PVR in a large, consecutive cohort of heart transplant candidates. METHODS: This study included 208 consecutive patients (age 52 +/- 10 years, 89% men and 11% women, ejection fraction 21 +/- 9%, Vo2max 12.6 +/- 4.2 ml/kg/min) being evaluated for heart transplantation in 7 transplant centers in Germany and Switzerland. Testing was performed with increasing intravenous doses of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1; average maximum dose 173 +/- 115 ng/kg/min for at least 10 minutes) in 92 patients exhibiting a baseline PVR of > 2.5 Wood units (WU) and/or a transpulmonary gradient (TPG) of > 12 mm Hg. RESULTS: PGE1 testing lowered PVR from 4.1 +/- 2.0 to 2.1 +/- 1.1 WU (p < 0.01), increased cardiac output from 3.8 +/- 1.0 to 5.0 +/- 1.5 liters/min (p < 0.01), and decreased TPG from 14 +/- 4 to 10 +/- 3 mm Hg (p < 0.01), mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAM) from 39 +/- 9 to 29 +/- 9 mm Hg (p < 0.01) and mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) from 24 +/- 7 to 19 +/- 9 mm Hg (p < 0.01). Mean aortic pressure (MAP) decreased to 85% and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) to 65% of baseline values (p < 0.01). Symptomatic systemic hypotension was not observed. For the whole population the percentage of patients with PVR > 2.5 WU was reduced from 44.2% to 10.5% with PGE1. PVR decreased in each patient; only 2 patients (1%) remained ineligible for listing because of a final PVR of > 4.0 WU. TPG, ejection fraction and male gender were independent predictors of reversibility of PVR. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated PVR in heart transplant candidates is highly reversible and can be normalized during acute pharmacologic testing with PGE1.
Partial or full life-cycle tests are needed to assess the potential of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) to adversely affect development and reproduction of fish. Small fish species such as zebrafish, Danio rerio, are under consideration as model organisms for appropriate test protocols. The present study examines how reproductive effects resulting from exposure of zebrafish to the synthetic estrogen 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) vary with concentration (0.05 to 10 ng EE2 L(-1), nominal), and with timing/duration of exposure (partial life-cycle, full life-cycle, and two-generation exposure). Partial life-cycle exposure of the parental (F1) generation until completion of gonad differentiation (0-75 d postfertilization, dpf) impaired juvenile growth, time to sexual maturity, adult fecundity (egg production/female/day), and adult fertilization success at 1.1 ng EE2 L(-1) and higher. Lifelong exposure of the F1 generation until 177 dpf resulted in lowest observed effect concentrations (LOECs) for time to sexual maturity, fecundity, and fertilization success identical to those of the developmental test (0-75 dpf), but the slope of the concentration-response curve was steeper. Reproduction of zebrafish was completely inhibited at 9.3 ng EE2 L(-1), and this was essentially irreversible as a 3-mo depuration restored fertilization success to only a very low rate. Accordingly, elevated endogenous vitellogenin (VTG) synthesis and degenerative changes in gonad morphology persisted in depurated zebrafish. Full life-cycle exposure of the filial (F2) generation until 162 dpf impaired growth, delayed onset of spawning and reduced fecundity and fertilization success at 2.0 ng EE2 L(-1). In conclusion, results show that the impact of estrogenic agents on zebrafish sexual development and reproductive functions as well as the reversibility of effects, varies with exposure concentration (reversibility at < or = 1.1 ng EE2 L(-1) and irreversibility at 9.3 ng EE2 L(-1)), and between partial and full life-cycle exposure (exposure to 10 ng EE2 L(-1) during critical period exerted no permanent effect on sexual differentiation, but life-cycle exposure did).
OBJECT: The goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of long-term deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventral lateral globus pallidus internus (GPi) accomplished using a single-contact monopolar electrode in patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS: Sixteen patients suffering from severe PD and levodopa-induced side effects such as dyskinesias and on-off fluctuations were enrolled in a prospective study protocol. There were six women and 10 men and their mean age at surgery was 65 years. All patients underwent implantation of a monopolar electrode in the posteroventral lateral GPi. Initially, nine patients received unilateral stimulation. Three of these patients underwent contralateral surgery at a later time. Ten patients received bilateral stimulation (contemporaneous bilateral surgery was performed in seven patients and staged bilateral surgery in the three patients who had received unilateral stimulation initially). Formal assessments were performed during both off-medication and on-medication (levodopa) periods preoperatively, and at 3 and 12 months postoperatively. There were no serious complications related to surgery or to DBS. Two transient adverse events occurred: in one patient a small pallidal hematoma developed, resulting in a prolonged micropallidotomy effect, and in another patient a subcutaneous hemorrhage occurred at the site of the pacemaker. In patients who received unilateral DBS, the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale activities of daily living (ADL) score during the off-levodopa period decreased from 30.8 at baseline to 20.4 at 3 months (34% improvement) and 20.6 at 12 months (33% improvement) postoperatively. The motor score during the off period improved from 57.2 at baseline to 35.2 at 3 months (38% improvement) and 35.3 at 12 months (38% improvement) postoperatively. Bilateral DBS resulted in a reduction in the ADL score during the off period from 34.9 at baseline to 22.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 22.9 at 12 months (34% improvement). The motor score for the off period changed from 63.4 at baseline to 40.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 37.5 at 12 months (41% improvement). In addition, there were significant improvements in patients' symptoms during the on period and in on-off motor fluctuations. CONCLUSIONS: Pallidal DBS accomplished using a monopolar electrode is a safe and effective procedure for treatment of advanced PD. Compared with pallidotomy, the advantages of pallidal DBS lie in its reversibility and the option to perform bilateral surgery in one session. Comparative studies in which DBS is applied to other targets are needed.
The conductance properties of a photoswitchable dimethyldihydropyrene (DHP) derivative have been investigated for the first time in single-molecule junctions using the mechanically controllable break junction technique. We demonstrate that the reversible structure changes induced by isomerization of a single bispyridine-substituted DHP molecule are correlated with a large drop of the conductance value. We found a very high ON/OFF ratio (>104) and an excellent reversibility of conductance switching.
Many cell types in the retina are coupled via gap junctions and so there is a pressing need for a potent and reversible gap junction antagonist. We screened a series of potential gap junction antagonists by evaluating their effects on dye coupling in the network of A-type horizontal cells. We evaluated the following compounds: meclofenamic acid (MFA), mefloquine, 2-aminoethyldiphenyl borate (2-APB), 18-alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid, 18-beta-glycyrrhetinic acid (18-beta-GA), retinoic acid, flufenamic acid, niflumic acid, and carbenoxolone. The efficacy of each drug was determined by measuring the diffusion coefficient for Neurobiotin (Mills & Massey, 1998). MFA, 18-beta-GA, 2-APB and mefloquine were the most effective antagonists, completely eliminating A-type horizontal cell coupling at a concentration of 200 muM. Niflumic acid, flufenamic acid, and carbenoxolone were less potent. Additionally, carbenoxolone was difficult to wash out and also may be harmful, as the retina became opaque and swollen. MFA, 18-beta-GA, 2-APB and mefloquine also blocked coupling in B-type horizontal cells and AII amacrine cells. Because these cell types express different connexins, this suggests that the antagonists were relatively non-selective across several different types of gap junction. It should be emphasized that MFA was water-soluble and its effects on dye coupling were easily reversible. In contrast, the other gap junction antagonists, except carbenoxolone, required DMSO to make stock solutions and were difficult to wash out of the preparation at the doses required to block coupling in A-type HCs. The combination of potency, water solubility and reversibility suggest that MFA may be a useful compound to manipulate gap junction coupling.
Models of DNA sequence evolution and methods for estimating evolutionary distances are needed for studying the rate and pattern of molecular evolution and for inferring the evolutionary relationships of organisms or genes. In this dissertation, several new models and methods are developed.^ The rate variation among nucleotide sites: To obtain unbiased estimates of evolutionary distances, the rate heterogeneity among nucleotide sites of a gene should be considered. Commonly, it is assumed that the substitution rate varies among sites according to a gamma distribution (gamma model) or, more generally, an invariant+gamma model which includes some invariable sites. A maximum likelihood (ML) approach was developed for estimating the shape parameter of the gamma distribution $(\alpha)$ and/or the proportion of invariable sites $(\theta).$ Computer simulation showed that (1) under the gamma model, $\alpha$ can be well estimated from 3 or 4 sequences if the sequence length is long; and (2) the distance estimate is unbiased and robust against violations of the assumptions of the invariant+gamma model.^ However, this ML method requires a huge amount of computational time and is useful only for less than 6 sequences. Therefore, I developed a fast method for estimating $\alpha,$ which is easy to implement and requires no knowledge of tree. A computer program was developed for estimating $\alpha$ and evolutionary distances, which can handle the number of sequences as large as 30.^ Evolutionary distances under the stationary, time-reversible (SR) model: The SR model is a general model of nucleotide substitution, which assumes (i) stationary nucleotide frequencies and (ii) time-reversibility. It can be extended to SRV model which allows rate variation among sites. I developed a method for estimating the distance under the SR or SRV model, as well as the variance-covariance matrix of distances. Computer simulation showed that the SR method is better than a simpler method when the sequence length $L>1,000$ bp and is robust against deviations from time-reversibility. As expected, when the rate varies among sites, the SRV method is much better than the SR method.^ The evolutionary distances under nonstationary nucleotide frequencies: The statistical properties of the paralinear and LogDet distances under nonstationary nucleotide frequencies were studied. First, I developed formulas for correcting the estimation biases of the paralinear and LogDet distances. The performances of these formulas and the formulas for sampling variances were examined by computer simulation. Second, I developed a method for estimating the variance-covariance matrix of the paralinear distance, so that statistical tests of phylogenies can be conducted when the nucleotide frequencies are nonstationary. Third, a new method for testing the molecular clock hypothesis was developed in the nonstationary case. ^