853 resultados para performance measures
Tämä Pro Gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee Pohjoismaisten yhdistelmärahastojen menestymistä vuosina 1999–2012. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia rahastonhoitajien markkina-ajoituskykyä kolmella eri periodilla. Periodit koostuvat vuosista 1999–2005, 2006–2012 ja 1999–2012. Tutkimuksessa käytetään monia tunnettuja riskin huomioivia mittareita, kuten esimerkiksi Sharpen indeksiä ja Jensenin alfaa. Markkina-ajoituskykyä testataan Treynor-Mazuy ja Henriksson-Merton -malleilla. Tutkimus osoittaa, että vain harvoilla rahastonhoitajilla on markkina-ajoituskykyä. Tutkimuksesta ei myöskään löydetä viitteitä siitä, että tietyn-tyyppiset yhdistelmärahastot suoriutuisivat paremmin markkinoilla.
Tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää tuotekehitysprosessin vaiheet ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöi-tä sekä löytää keinoja, joilla parantaa pienikokoisen tuotekehitysorganisaation tuotekehi-tysprosessia ja tuotekehitystoimintaa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten hyvin kohdeor-ganisaation tuotekehitysprosessi vastaa teoriamääritelmiä dokumenttitarkasteluna. Lisäksi kartoitettiin kohdeorganisaation tuotekehitystoiminnan nykytilaa ja haastattelemalla henkilökuntaa. Tutkimusote on toiminta-analyyttinen. Kohdeorganisaatiolla on dokumentoitu tuotekehitysprosessi, josta käy ilmi vaiheet, kriteerit ja vastuut. Prosessi vastaa teoriamääritelmiä sitä paremmin, mitä lähemmäksi prosessin loppua siirrytään. Haastatteluista tuli ilmi, että kohdeorganisaation vahvuudet ovat työntekijöiden osaamisessa ja asenteessa sekä työilmapiirissä. Suurimpia kehityskohtia ovat resurssitilanne ja tuotemäärittelyjen taso. Kohdeorganisaatiossa on liian vähän teki-jöitä tehtävämäärään nähden ja tuotemäärittelyt muuttuvat usein prosessin aikana. Seu-rauksena on mm. aikataulujen venyminen ja suunnittelun laadun heikkeneminen. Tuote-kehitystoiminta nähtiin pääasiassa tuotteiden tuotteistamisessa, ei tuoteideoiden kehittä-misessä. Tuotekehitysprosessin tuntemus vaihtelee ja asiakastarpeet eivät ole tuotekehi-tykselle selvät. Lisäksi henkilökunta ei tunne täysin suorituskyvyn mittareita ja menossa olevia kehityshankkeita. Prosessin kriteerien päivitys ja painotus etupään tehtäviin parantaisi prosessia etenkin prosessin loppupään toiminnoissa. Toiminnan parantamiseksi resursointitilannetta pitää parantaa ja tuotemäärittelyjen analysointiin tulee panostaa enemmän. Lisäksi koulutus prosessista, asiakastarpeista, mittaamisesta ja kehityshankkeista parantaisi kokonaisku-van ymmärtämistä ja näin ollen toiminnan taso parantuisi. Innovaatiotoiminnan ja ideoin-nin lisäämiseksi tulisi tutkia, mitä mahdollisuuksia toiminnan lisäämiseksi on.
The mortality rate of older patients with intertrochanteric fractures has been increasing with the aging of populations in China. The purpose of this study was: 1) to develop an artificial neural network (ANN) using clinical information to predict the 1-year mortality of elderly patients with intertrochanteric fractures, and 2) to compare the ANN's predictive ability with that of logistic regression models. The ANN model was tested against actual outcomes of an intertrochanteric femoral fracture database in China. The ANN model was generated with eight clinical inputs and a single output. ANN's performance was compared with a logistic regression model created with the same inputs in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and discriminability. The study population was composed of 2150 patients (679 males and 1471 females): 1432 in the training group and 718 new patients in the testing group. The ANN model that had eight neurons in the hidden layer had the highest accuracies among the four ANN models: 92.46 and 85.79% in both training and testing datasets, respectively. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves of the automatically selected ANN model for both datasets were 0.901 (95%CI=0.814-0.988) and 0.869 (95%CI=0.748-0.990), higher than the 0.745 (95%CI=0.612-0.879) and 0.728 (95%CI=0.595-0.862) of the logistic regression model. The ANN model can be used for predicting 1-year mortality in elderly patients with intertrochanteric fractures. It outperformed a logistic regression on multiple performance measures when given the same variables.
The implementation of imagery and video feedback programs has become an important tool for aiding athletes in achieving peak performance (Halliwell, 1990). The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of strategic imagery training and video feedback on immediate performance. Participants were two university goaltenders. An alternating treatment design (ATD; Barlow & Hayes, 1979; Tawney & Gast, 1984) was employed. The strategies were investigated using three plays originating from the right side by a right-handed shooting defenceman from the blueline. The baseline condition consisted of six practices and was used to establish a stable and "ideal" measure of performance. The intervention conditions included alternating the use of strategic imagery (Cognitive general; Paivio, 1985) and video feedback. Both participants demonstrated an increase in the frequency of Cognitive general use. Specific and global performance measures were assessed to determine the relative effectiveness of the interventions. Poor inter-rater reliability resulted in the elimination of specific performance measures. Consequently, only the global measure (i.e., save percentage) was used in subsequent analyses. Visual inspection of participant save percentage was conducted to determine the benefits of the intervention. Strategic imagery training resulted in performance improvements for both participants. Video feedback facilitated performance for Participant 2, but not Participant 1. Results are discussed with respect to imagery and video interventions and the challenges associated with applied research. KEYWORDS: imagery, video, goaltenders, alternating treatment design.
Functional Electrically Stimulated (FES) ami cycle ergometry is a relatively new technique for exercise in individuals with impairments of the upper limbs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 12 weeks of FES arm cycle ergometry on upper limb function and cardiovascular fitness in individuals with tetraplegia. F!ve subjects (4M/1F; mean age 43.8 ± 15.4 years) with a spinal cord injury of the cervical spine (C3- C7; ASIA B-D) participated in 12 weeks of3 times per week FES arm cycle ergometry training. Exercise performance measures (time to fatigue, distance to fatigue, work rate) were taken at baseline, 6 weeks, and following 12 weeks of training. Cardiovascular measures (MAP, resting HR, average and peak HR during exercise, cardiovascular efficiency) and self reported upper limb function (as determined by the CUE, sf-QIF, SCI-SET questionnaires) were taken at baseline and following 12 weeks of training. Increases were found in time to fatigue (84.4%), distance to fatigue (111.7%), and work rate (51.3%). These changes were non-significant. There was a significant decrease in MAP (91.1 ± 13.9 vs. 87.7 ± 14.7 mmHg) following 12 weeks ofFES arm cycle ergometry. There was no significant change in resting HR or average and peak HR during exercise. Cardiovascular efficiency showed an increase following the 12 weeks ofFES training (142.9%), which was non-significant. There were no significant changes in the measures of upper limb function and spasticity. Overall, FES arm cycle ergometry is an effective method of cardiovascular exercise for individuals with tetraplegia, as evidenced by a significant decrease in MAP, however it is unclear whether 12 weeks of thrice weekly FES arm cycle ergometry may effectively improve upper limb function in all individuals with a cervical SCI.
Most research on the effects of endurance training has focused on endurance training's health-related benefits and metabolic effects in both children and adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the neuromuscular effects of endurance training and to investigate whether they differ in children (9.0-12.9 years) and adults (18.4-35.6 years). Maximal isometric torque, rate of torque development (RTD), rate of muscle activation (Q30), electromechanical delay (EMD), and time to peak torque and peak RTD were determined by isokinetic dynamometry and surface electromyography (EMG) in elbow and knee flexion and extension. The subjects were 12 endurance-trained and 16 untrained boys, and 15 endurance-trained and 20 untrained men. The adults displayed consistently higher peak torque, RTD, and Q30, in both absolute and normalized values, whereas the boys had longer EMD (64.7+/-17.1 vs. 56.6+/-15.4 ms) and time to peak RTD (98.5+/-32.1 vs. 80.4+/-15.0 ms for boys and men, respectively). Q30, normalized for peak EMG amplitude, was the only observed training effect (1.95+/-1.16 vs. 1.10+/-0.67 ms for trained and untrained men, respectively). This effect could not be shown in the boys. The findings show normalized muscle strength and rate of activation to be lower in children compared with adults, regardless of training status. Because the observed higher Q30 values were not matched by corresponding higher performance measures in the trained men, the functional and discriminatory significance of Q30 remains unclear. Endurance training does not appear to affect muscle strength or rate of force development in either men or boys.
Les centres d’appels sont des éléments clés de presque n’importe quelle grande organisation. Le problème de gestion du travail a reçu beaucoup d’attention dans la littérature. Une formulation typique se base sur des mesures de performance sur un horizon infini, et le problème d’affectation d’agents est habituellement résolu en combinant des méthodes d’optimisation et de simulation. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons un problème d’affection d’agents pour des centres d’appels soumis a des contraintes en probabilité. Nous introduisons une formulation qui exige que les contraintes de qualité de service (QoS) soient satisfaites avec une forte probabilité, et définissons une approximation de ce problème par moyenne échantillonnale dans un cadre de compétences multiples. Nous établissons la convergence de la solution du problème approximatif vers celle du problème initial quand la taille de l’échantillon croit. Pour le cas particulier où tous les agents ont toutes les compétences (un seul groupe d’agents), nous concevons trois méthodes d’optimisation basées sur la simulation pour le problème de moyenne échantillonnale. Étant donné un niveau initial de personnel, nous augmentons le nombre d’agents pour les périodes où les contraintes sont violées, et nous diminuons le nombre d’agents pour les périodes telles que les contraintes soient toujours satisfaites après cette réduction. Des expériences numériques sont menées sur plusieurs modèles de centre d’appels à faible occupation, au cours desquelles les algorithmes donnent de bonnes solutions, i.e. la plupart des contraintes en probabilité sont satisfaites, et nous ne pouvons pas réduire le personnel dans une période donnée sont introduire de violation de contraintes. Un avantage de ces algorithmes, par rapport à d’autres méthodes, est la facilité d’implémentation.
Résumé L’Accident Vasculaire Cérébral (AVC) constitue une des principales causes de décès et de handicap au monde. La guérison après l’AVC ainsi que l’atténuation du handicap dépendent entre autres de la rapidité du diagnostic ainsi que de la mise en place de traitements et des soins très spécialisés. Afin de guider la pratique clinique et de fonder cette pratique sur des résultats probants, des guides de pratique clinique (GPC) ont été publiés et disséminés en Catalogne en 2005. De plus, trois audits explorant les soins hospitaliers aigus ont été réalisées en 2005, 2007 et 2010 afin d’évaluer et améliorer le suivi des recommandations proposées dans les GPC. Le suivi de ces recommandations, dont certaines font référence aux soins infirmiers, a été mesuré à l’aide d’un nombre limité d’indicateurs. L’analyse de ces indicateurs, qui a été réalisée de façon globale, n’a toutefois pas permis d’identifier les facteurs influençant le suivi des recommandations en soins infirmiers ni l’impact de ce suivi sur les résultats concernant la santé des patients. Ainsi, le but général de cette étude est d’analyser les indicateurs de la qualité des soins infirmiers aux personnes ayant subi un AVC en Catalogne. Plus spécifiquement, il vise à : 1) décrire le suivi des recommandations en soins infirmiers aux personnes ayant subi un AVC en 2010 en Catalogne, mesuré à l’aide de six indicateurs spécifiques aux soins infirmiers; 2) analyser l’évolution de ce suivi entre 2005, 2007 et 2010; 3) identifier des facteurs susceptibles d’avoir influencé ce suivi en 2010; et 4) analyser la relation entre le suivi de ces recommandations et les résultats concernant la santé des patients. Une analyse secondaire des données a été faite à partir des données de l’audit de 2010. Cet audit a été réalisé dans 46 des 49 hôpitaux publics en Catalogne et comprend un échantillon de 2 190 cas représentant une population de 10 842 cas. Les résultats indiquent que le suivi des recommandations portant sur l’ECG basal, la glycémie basale et la mobilisation précoce est élevé. Le suivi de la recommandation portant sur la dysphagie s’est amélioré à travers les trois audits, mais il demeure sous-optimal. Et le suivi des recommandations portant sur l’évaluation de l’humeur et l’éducation à la personne famille est très faible. En ce qui concerne les facteurs qui semblent influencer le suivi de ces recommandations, les résultats ajustés pour les caractéristiques et la sévérité des patients montrent un suivi majeur de la recommandation en lien avec le dépistage de la dysphagie chez les personnes admises en neurologie et dans les centres de plus de 300 admissions pour AVC /année ainsi que chez les patients présentant une dysphagie. De plus, la durée du séjour hospitalier a été plus longue chez les patients dont l’évaluation de l’humeur a été faite et plus courte chez les patients mobilisés de façon précoce. Bien que, le suivi de certaines recommandations demeure très bas, ces résultats indiquent une amélioration progressive du suivi des recommandations en soins infirmiers, et donc de la qualité des soins, et soulignent l’utilité de l’audit pour surveiller et améliorer la qualité des soins de l’AVC.
In this paper, we study a k-out-of-n system with single server who provides service to external customers also. The system consists of two parts:(i) a main queue consisting of customers (failed components of the k-out-of-n system) and (ii) a pool (of finite capacity M) of external customers together with an orbit for external customers who find the pool full. An external customer who finds the pool full on arrival, joins the orbit with probability and with probability 1− leaves the system forever. An orbital customer, who finds the pool full, at an epoch of repeated attempt, returns to orbit with probability (< 1) and with probability 1 − leaves the system forever. We compute the steady state system size probability. Several performance measures are computed, numerical illustrations are provided.
This thesis studied the impact of market orietnation on business performance, in the seafood industry, which is a unique situation wherein the firms were all 100% export oriented. The study was able to prove that in the context of the seafood indsutry, implementation of market orientation principles will lead to increase in business performance. The business performance variables were measured under two heads, namely economic performance and non-economic performance. Market orientation in Indian seafood firms was significantly and postiively related to both the performance measures. Under the non-economic performance, were the customer and employee consequences.Again market orientation was positively and significantly related to both the consequences.Thus, the implication arising from the study is this: market orientation in Indian seafood processing firms increases their business performance. The implementation of market orientation will help the seafood firms in gaining competitve advantages in exporting. This in turn will result in increased exports and the position of Indian seafood in the global market will be strengthened. It will thus become a leading player in the global fish trade. Next, the focus was on the effect of the antecedents on the market orientation of a firm. It was seen that several factors were antecedents to the adoption of market orientation principles. They include top management emphasis, conflict, centralization and reward system. It is noted that top management emphasis and support is vital to the market orientation programme. The top management needs to adopt market oriented behaviour and reinforce the need for being market oriented, for it to percolate down the line.Interdepartmental conflict is seen to affect market orientation positively. A large percent of the Indian seafood firms are traditionally family-owned companies, rather than professionally managed firms. This would result in promulgation of old ideas of management whereby, conflict was seen as a healthy exercise, which helped to build up each department's efficiency. But, this view in the long run proves to be detrimental to the firm's performance and must therefore be kept to a bare minimum, if any.Decentralisation of decision making facilitates the participation of the lower level employees and builds up their motivational levels and commitment to the firm. Thus employees are encouraged to make their own decisions, so that they can deal with customers faster and more efficiently. Reward systems help improve an employee's morale, provide encouragement and helps inculcate commitment and loyalty. It improves the employee's self worth and fulfills his need for achievement. A satisfied employee works better, produces more output and needs less supervision, and is happy, thereby reducing costs to the company for replacement and retraining, if the employee quits.Competitive intensity plays a moderating role on the market orientation business performance. Thus in times of greater competition, the relationship between market orientation and business performance grows stronger. Thus, this thesis was successful in investigating a positive relationship between business performance and market orientation.
The thesis entitled “Queueing Models with Vacations and Working Vacations" consists of seven chapters including the introductory chapter. In chapters 2 to 7 we analyze different queueing models highlighting the role played by vacations and working vacations. The duration of vacation is exponentially distributed in all these models and multiple vacation policy is followed.In chapter 2 we discuss an M/M/2 queueing system with heterogeneous servers, one of which is always available while the other goes on vacation in the absence of customers waiting for service. Conditional stochastic decomposition of queue length is derived. An illustrative example is provided to study the effect of the input parameters on the system performance measures. Chapter 3 considers a similar setup as chapter 2. The model is analyzed in essentially the same way as in chapter 2 and a numerical example is provided to bring out the qualitative nature of the model. The MAP is a tractable class of point process which is in general nonrenewal. In spite of its versatility it is highly tractable as well. Phase type distributions are ideally suited for applying matrix analytic methods. In all the remaining chapters we assume the arrival process to be MAP and service process to be phase type. In chapter 4 we consider a MAP/PH/1 queue with working vacations. At a departure epoch, the server finding the system empty, takes a vacation. A customer arriving during a vacation will be served but at a lower rate.Chapter 5 discusses a MAP/PH/1 retrial queueing system with working vacations.In chapter 6 the setup of the model is similar to that of chapter 5. The signicant dierence in this model is that there is a nite buer for arrivals.Chapter 7 considers an MMAP(2)/PH/1 queueing model with a nite retrial group
This paper presents a model and analysis of a synchronous tandem flow line that produces different part types on unreliable machines. The machines operate according to a static priority rule, operating on the highest priority part whenever possible, and operating on lower priority parts only when unable to produce those with higher priorities. We develop a new decomposition method to analyze the behavior of the manufacturing system by decomposing the long production line into small analytically tractable components. As a first step in modeling a production line with more than one part type, we restrict ourselves to the case where there are two part types. Detailed modeling and derivations are presented with a small two-part-type production line that consists of two processing machines and two demand machines. Then, a generalized longer flow line is analyzed. Furthermore, estimates for performance measures, such as average buffer levels and production rates, are presented and compared to extensive discrete event simulation. The quantitative behavior of the two-part type processing line under different demand scenarios is also provided.
Las organizaciones en la actualidad deben encontrar diferentes maneras de sobrevivir en un tiempo de rápida transformación. Uno de los mecanismos usados por las empresas para adaptarse a los cambios organizacionales son los sistemas de control de gestión, que a su vez permiten a las organizaciones hacer un seguimiento a sus procesos, para que la adaptabilidad sea efectiva. Otra variable importante para la adaptación es el aprendizaje organizacional siendo el proceso mediante el cual las organizaciones se adaptan a los cambios del entorno, tanto interno como externo de la compañía. Dado lo anterior, este proyecto se basa en la extracción de documentación soporte valido, que permita explorar las interacciones entre estos dos campos, los sistemas de control de gestión y el aprendizaje organizacional, además, analizar el impacto de estas interacciones en la perdurabilidad organizacional.
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito el estudio de la cultura, y el impacto que tiene esta en una red inter-organizacional. Para esto se realizó un estudio documental en el cual se hizo una revisión bibliográfica de los principales conceptos relacionados con la cultura y el enfoque de trabajo en red. Asimismo para dar cumplimiento al objetivo de la investigación, se realizó el análisis de varios estudios empíricos que muestran las relaciones entre cultura y redes y que a su vez reflejan las diferentes formas que existen de comprobar la efectividad de una red. Los resultados mostraron que variables de la cultura como la confianza, la comunicación y la similitud de las prácticas culturales influyen en el desempeño y la duración de la red inter-organizacional, de igual forma, se demostró que al momento de escoger un enfoque de trabajo en red, es importante tener en cuenta las diferencias entre las culturas organizacionales de los miembros de la red ya que es necesario hacer un ajuste cultural para garantizar el éxito de la misma.
La creación de conocimiento al interior de las organizaciones es visible mediante la dirección adecuada del conocimiento de los individuos, sin embargo, cada individuo debe interactuar de tal manera que forme una red o sistema de conocimiento organizacional que consolide a largo plazo las empresas en el entorno en el que se desenvuelven. Este documento revisa elementos centrales acerca de la gestión de conocimiento visto desde varios autores y perspectivas e identifica puntos clave para diseñar un modelo de gestión de conocimiento para una empresa del sector de insumos químicos para la industria farmacéutica, cosmética y de alimentos de la ciudad de Bogotá.