213 resultados para gini koefizientea


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Vietnam has been praised for its achievements in economic growth and success in poverty reduction over the last two decades. The incidence of poverty reportedly fell from 58.1% in 1993 to 19.5% in 2004 (VASS [2006, 13]). The country is also considered to have only a moderate level of aggregate economic inequality by international comparisons. As of the early 2000s, Vietnam’s consumption-based Gini coefficient is found to be comparable to that of other countries with similar levels of per capita GDP. The Gini index did increase between 1993 and 2004, but rather slowly, from 0.34 to 0.37 (VASS [2006, 13]). Yet, as the country moves on with its market oriented reforms, the question of inequality has been highlighted in policy and academic discourses. In particular, it is pointed out that socio-economic inequalities between regions (or provinces) are significant and have been widening behind aggregate figures (NCSSH [2001], Mekong Economics [2005], VASS [2006]). Between 1993 and 2004, while real per capita expenditure increased in all regions, it grew fastest in those regions with the highest per capita expenditures and vice versa, resulting in greater regional disparities (VASS [2006, 37]). A major contributing factor to such regional inequalities is the uneven distribution of industry within the country. According to the Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam, of the country's gross industrial output in 2007, over 50% belongs to the South East region, close to 25% to the Red River Delta, and about 10% to the Mekong River Delta. All remaining regions share some 10% of the country's gross industrial output. At a quick glance, the South East increased its share of the total industrial gross output in the 1990s, while the Red River Delta started to gain ground in more recent years. How can the government deal with regional disparities is a valid question. In order to offer an answer, it is necessary in the first place to grasp the trend of disparities as well as its background. To that end, this paper is a preparatory endeavor. Regional disparities in industrial activities can essentially be seen as a result of the location decisions of enterprises. While the General Statistics Office (GSO) of Vietnam has conducted one enterprise census (followed by annual enterprise surveys) and two stages of establishment censuses since 2000, sectorally and geographically disaggregated data are not readily available. Therefore, for the moment, we will draw on earlier studies of industrial location and the determinants of enterprises’ location decisions in Vietnam. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The following two sections deal with the country context. Section 2 will outline some major developments in Vietnam’s international economic relations that may affect sub-national location of industry. According to the theory of spatial economics, economic integration is seen as a major driver of changes in industrial location, both between and within countries (Nishikimi [2008]). Section 3, on the other hand, will consider some possible factors affecting geographic distribution of industry in the domestic sphere. In Section 4, existing literature on industrial and firm location will be examined, and Section 5 will briefly summarize the findings and suggest some areas for future research.


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This paper shows the Gini Coefficient of the Spanish bunkering, for the Spanish Port System 1960 to the year 2010 with the aim to describe the Spanish bunkering in these periods and propose future strategies. The stage of bunkering must change due to new regulations of marine fuels but to predict the future you must know the past On December 17 came into force on community standard marine fuels. After a complicated negotiation with the industry moves forward a project that is fully compliant with the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and limiting the sulphur and particulate matter of marine fuels used by ships calling or transit through maritime space of the European Union. The impact of a possible extension at European level of the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) as they are introduced in the Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL) adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).


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The purpose of this study was to compare a number of state-of-the-art methods in airborne laser scan- ning (ALS) remote sensing with regards to their capacity to describe tree size inequality and other indi- cators related to forest structure. The indicators chosen were based on the analysis of the Lorenz curve: Gini coefficient ( GC ), Lorenz asymmetry ( LA ), the proportions of basal area ( BALM ) and stem density ( NSLM ) stocked above the mean quadratic diameter. Each method belonged to one of these estimation strategies: (A) estimating indicators directly; (B) estimating the whole Lorenz curve; or (C) estimating a complete tree list. Across these strategies, the most popular statistical methods for area-based approach (ABA) were used: regression, random forest (RF), and nearest neighbour imputation. The latter included distance metrics based on either RF (NN–RF) or most similar neighbour (MSN). In the case of tree list esti- mation, methods based on individual tree detection (ITD) and semi-ITD, both combined with MSN impu- tation, were also studied. The most accurate method was direct estimation by best subset regression, which obtained the lowest cross-validated coefficients of variation of their root mean squared error CV(RMSE) for most indicators: GC (16.80%), LA (8.76%), BALM (8.80%) and NSLM (14.60%). Similar figures [CV(RMSE) 16.09%, 10.49%, 10.93% and 14.07%, respectively] were obtained by MSN imputation of tree lists by ABA, a method that also showed a number of additional advantages, such as better distributing the residual variance along the predictive range. In light of our results, ITD approaches may be clearly inferior to ABA with regards to describing the structural properties related to tree size inequality in for- ested areas.


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Introdução: Estudos recentes têm mostrado que as quedas são a causa externa de morte mais importante entre idosos, podendo levar a hospitalização, lesões, dependência e aumento nos custos dos serviços sociais e de saúde. O comprometimento da mobilidade funcional é um importante fator de risco para quedas, mas aspectos sociais, ambientais e comportamentais também podem influenciar nesse evento. Objetivo: Identificar os aspectos socioeconômicos e contextuais associados com a mobilidade funcional e quedas em idosos residentes no município de São Paulo. Métodos: Foram utilizados os dados do Estudo Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (SABE), uma amostra representativa para os indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos do município de São Paulo, em 2010. As variáveis dependentes do estudo foram a ocorrência de alguma queda no último ano e o comprometimento da mobilidade funcional, mensurada pelo teste Timed Up and Go (TUG). Fatores individuais (estado marital, raça/cor, anos de estudo e percepção de suficiência de renda) e contextuais (Índice de Gini, área verde/ habitante, taxa de homicídio e percentual de domicílios em favelas) foram analisados por modelos logísticos multiníveis. Resultados: De 1.190 idosos inclusos, 29 por cento relataram ter caído no último ano e 46 por cento apresentaram comprometimento da mobilidade funcional. Os fatores individuais socioeconômicos não apresentaram associação com a ocorrência de queda, mas ter 8 anos ou mais de anos de estudo foi um fator protetor para comprometimento da mobilidade em todos os modelos testados (OR: 0,56). Morar em subprefeituras com taxa de homicídio moderada apresentou associação com chance aumentada de cair (OR: 1.51, 95 por cento IC: 1.09-2.07). Moderada área verde se associou com maior chance de cair entre os indivíduos com 80 anos e mais (OR:2,63, 95 por cento IC: 1.23-5.60). Conclusão: Os resultados estão de acordo com a literatura em relação à associação das características do bairro de residência com quedas e mobilidade funcional em idosos. Estratégias voltadas para prevenção de quedas e de dificuldade na mobilidade funcional devem considerar aspectos sociais e ambientais de locais públicos. Este estudo foi financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (nº processo: 2014/06721-4)


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Paper submitted to the 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, 25-29 August 2004.


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Background: The liberalisation of trade in services which began in 1995 under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has generated arguments for and against its potential health effects. Our goal was to explore the relationship between the liberalisation of services under the GATS and three health indicators – life expectancy (LE), under-5 mortality (U5M) and maternal mortality (MM) - since the WTO was established. Methods and Findings: This was a cross-sectional ecological study that explored the association in 2010 and 1995 between liberalisation and health (LE, U5M and MM), and between liberalisation and progress in health in the period 1995–2010, considering variables related to economic and social policies such as per capita income (GDP pc), public expenditure on health (PEH), and income inequality (Gini index). The units of observation and analysis were WTO member countries with data available for 2010 (n = 116), 1995 (n = 114) and 1995–2010 (n = 114). We conducted bivariate and multivariate linear regression analyses adjusted for GDP pc, Gini and PEH. Increased global liberalisation in services under the WTO was associated with better health in 2010 (U5M: 20.358 p,0.001; MM: 20.338 p = 0.001; LE: 0.247 p = 0.008) and in 1995, after adjusting for economic and social policy variables. For the period 1995–2010, progress in health was associated with income equality, PEH and per capita income. No association was found with global liberalisation in services. Conclusions: The favourable association in 2010 between health and liberalisation in services under the WTO seems to reflect a pre-WTO association observed in the 1995 data. However, this liberalisation did not appear as a factor associated with progress in health during 1995–2010. Income equality, health expenditure and per capita income were more powerful determinants of the health of populations.


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Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a complex worldwide public health problem. There is scarce research on the independent effect on IPV exerted by structural factors such as labour and economic policies, economic inequalities and gender inequality. Objective: To analyse the association, in Spain, between contextual variables of regional unemployment and income inequality and individual women’s likelihood of IPV, independently of the women’s characteristics. Method: We conducted multilevel logistic regression to analyse cross-sectional data from the 2011 Spanish Macrosurvey of Gender-based Violence which included 7898 adult women. The first level of analyses was the individual women’ characteristics and the second level was the region of residence. Results: Of the survey participants, 12.2% reported lifetime IPV. The region of residence accounted for 3.5% of the total variability in IPV prevalence. We determined a direct association between regional male long-term unemployment and IPV likelihood (P = 0.007) and between the Gini Index for the regional income inequality and IPV likelihood (P < 0.001). Women residing in a region with higher gender-based income discrimination are at a lower likelihood of IPV than those residing in a region with low gender-based income discrimination (odds ratio = 0.64, 95% confidence intervals: 0.55–0.75). Conclusions: Growing regional unemployment rates and income inequalities increase women’s likelihood of IPV. In times of economic downturn, like the current one in Spain, this association may translate into an increase in women’s vulnerability to IPV.


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This package includes various Mata functions. kern(): various kernel functions; kint(): kernel integral functions; kdel0(): canonical bandwidth of kernel; quantile(): quantile function; median(): median; iqrange(): inter-quartile range; ecdf(): cumulative distribution function; relrank(): grade transformation; ranks(): ranks/cumulative frequencies; freq(): compute frequency counts; histogram(): produce histogram data; mgof(): multinomial goodness-of-fit tests; collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; _collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; gini(): Gini coefficient; sample(): draw random sample; srswr(): SRS with replacement; srswor(): SRS without replacement; upswr(): UPS with replacement; upswor(): UPS without replacement; bs(): bootstrap estimation; bs2(): bootstrap estimation; bs_report(): report bootstrap results; jk(): jackknife estimation; jk_report(): report jackknife results; subset(): obtain subsets, one at a time; composition(): obtain compositions, one by one; ncompositions(): determine number of compositions; partition(): obtain partitions, one at a time; npartitionss(): determine number of partitions; rsubset(): draw random subset; rcomposition(): draw random composition; colvar(): variance, by column; meancolvar(): mean and variance, by column; variance0(): population variance; meanvariance0(): mean and population variance; mse(): mean squared error; colmse(): mean squared error, by column; sse(): sum of squared errors; colsse(): sum of squared errors, by column; benford(): Benford distribution; cauchy(): cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz dist.; cauchyden(): Cauchy-Lorentz density; cauchytail(): reverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; invcauchy(): inverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; rbinomial(): generate binomial random numbers; cebinomial(): cond. expect. of binomial r.v.; root(): Brent's univariate zero finder; nrroot(): Newton-Raphson zero finder; finvert(): univariate function inverter; integrate_sr(): univariate function integration (Simpson's rule); integrate_38(): univariate function integration (Simpson's 3/8 rule); ipolate(): linear interpolation; polint(): polynomial inter-/extrapolation; plot(): Draw twoway plot; _plot(): Draw twoway plot; panels(): identify nested panel structure; _panels(): identify panel sizes; npanels(): identify number of panels; nunique(): count number of distinct values; nuniqrows(): count number of unique rows; isconstant(): whether matrix is constant; nobs(): number of observations; colrunsum(): running sum of each column; linbin(): linear binning; fastlinbin(): fast linear binning; exactbin(): exact binning; makegrid(): equally spaced grid points; cut(): categorize data vector; posof(): find element in vector; which(): positions of nonzero elements; locate(): search an ordered vector; hunt(): consecutive search; cond(): matrix conditional operator; expand(): duplicate single rows/columns; _expand(): duplicate rows/columns in place; repeat(): duplicate contents as a whole; _repeat(): duplicate contents in place; unorder2(): stable version of unorder(); jumble2(): stable version of jumble(); _jumble2(): stable version of _jumble(); pieces(): break string into pieces; npieces(): count number of pieces; _npieces(): count number of pieces; invtokens(): reverse of tokens(); realofstr(): convert string into real; strexpand(): expand string argument; matlist(): display a (real) matrix; insheet(): read spreadsheet file; infile(): read free-format file; outsheet(): write spreadsheet file; callf(): pass optional args to function; callf_setup(): setup for mm_callf().


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A sociedade mudou nas últimas décadas abrindo a possibilidade para cientistas sociais estudarem essas mudanças e analisar os seus impactos na unidade familiar. Nesta tese pretendemos analisar como as decisões dos agentes com relação a decisão de casar e estudar pode estar conectado considerando que homens e mulheres têm preferências pelo casamento intragrupo. No modelo estudado encontramos que as preferências para o casamento intragrupo podem aumentar a proporção de homens e mulheres que decidem se casar e estudar. Mostramos também que empiricamente há um positive assortative mating entre pessoas com as mesmas características, tais como, educação, religião ou raça. Além disso, a probabilidade de casais casados na mesma religião aumenta a probabilidade dos casais estarem casados dentro do mesmo nível de escolaridade. Considerando as mudanças em como os casais se formam, a composição educacional e os retornos da educação que aconteceram no Brasil nos últimos anos, investiga-se os impactos dessas mudanças na desigualdade de renda dos casais. Calculamos cenários contrafactuais para o Coeficiente de Gini mantendo uma dessas três variáveis fixas em um determinado ano, comparando o contrafactual estimado com o Gini real. Se o casamento for formado aleatoriamente com relação à educação, o Coeficiente de Gini seria menor do que o real. Mantendo os retornos da educação fixos no ano de 2014 encontramos um Gini contrafactual menor do que o real.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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En este artículo se presentan algunos resultados de un trabajo de investigación más amplio, que tiene como objetivo analizar las relaciones existentes entre el desplazamiento forzado, la entrega de títulos mineros y permisos de explotación energética y la acumulación de tierras rurales productivas en Colombia entre los años 1997 y 2012. A partir de un ejercicio exploratorio de análisis espacial en el que se relacionan variables como el desplazamiento forzado, la concesión de títulos mineros y petroleros y el coeficiente de Gini de tierras rurales, se indagó sobre la existencia de una nueva geografía humana que configura regiones en las cuales la explotación minero-energética y las condiciones de violencia han consolidado la posición del país como exportador neto de materias primas, fortaleciendo la transnacionalización de la economía y, de esta manera, profundizando las condiciones de inequidad y pobreza que hacen de Colombia el segundo país más desigual de América Latina.


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A tanulmányban a szerző a sávosan progresszív munkajövedelem-adót és a progresszív fogyasztási adót hasonlítja össze egy kétidőszakos modellben a méltányosság szempontjából. A méltányosságot a társadalmi egyenlőtlenséget jellemző Gini-együttható méri, amit az adózott életpálya-jövedelmekből számít. Az összehasonlíthatósághoz a lineáris adókhoz hasonló, de a progresszivitás sajátosságainak is megfelelő ekvivalenciaelvet definiál.