204 resultados para femininity


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This manuscript is comprised of three papers that examine the far-reaching and often invisible political outcomes of gender role socialization in the United States. These papers focus primarily on two areas: political confidence amongst girls and women, and the effects of gender on survey measurement and data quality.

Chapter one focuses on political confidence, and the likelihood that women will run for political office. Women continue to be underrepresented at all levels of political leadership, and their lack of political ambition, relative to men, has been identified as a primary cause. In this paper, I explore the relationship between an individual's masculinity and femininity and her development of political ambition. Using original survey data from the 2012 Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), I first empirically demonstrate that gender (masculinity/femininity) and sex (male/female) are unique elements of identity and, moreover, are both independently related to political ambition. I then explore the relevance of gender for the study of candidate emergence, testing whether and how masculinity and femininity might be related to political ambition are supported empirically. While the results suggest that masculinity is positively associated with the development of political ambition, the relationship between femininity and candidate emergence seems to be more complicated and not what prevailing stereotypes might lead us to expect. Moreover, while the relationship between masculinity and political ambition is the same for men and women, the relationship between femininity and political ambition is very different for women than it is for men. This study suggests that gender role socialization is highly related with both men's and women's desire to seek positions of political leadership.

Chapter two continues this exploration of gendered differences in the development of political ambition, this time exploring how social attractiveness and gendered perceptions of political leadership impact the desire to hold political office.Women are persistently underrepresented as candidates for public office and remain underrepresented at all levels of government in the United States. Previous literature suggests that the gendered ambition gap, gender socialization, insufficient recruitment, media scrutiny, family responsibilities, modern campaign strategies, and political opportunity structures all contribute to the gender imbalance in pools of officeholders and candidates. To explain women's reticence to run, scholars have offered explanations addressing structural, institutional, and individual-level factors that deter women from becoming candidates, especially for high positions in the U.S. government. This paper examines a previously unexplored factor: how dating and socialized norms of sexual attraction affect political ambition. This study investigates whether young, single, and heterosexual women's desire for male attention and fear of being perceived as unattractive or "too ambitious" present obstacles to running for office. The results of these experiments suggest that social expectations about gender, attraction and sexuality, and political office-holding may contribute to women's reticence to pursue political leadership. Chapter two is a co-authored work and represents the joint efforts of Laura Lazarus Frankel, Shauna Shames, and Nadia Farjood.

Chapter 3 bridges survey methodology and gender socialization, focusing on how interviewer sex affects survey measurement and data quality. Specifically, this paper examines whether and how matching interviewer and respondent sex affects panel attrition--respondents dropping out of the study after participating in the first wave. While the majority of research on interviewer effects suggests that matching interviewer and respondent characteristics (homophily) yields higher quality data, little work has examined whether this pattern holds true in the area of panel attrition. Using paradata from the General Social Survey (GSS), I explore this question. My analysis reveals that, despite its broader positive effects on data quality, matching interviewer and respondent sex increases likelihood to attrit. Interestingly, this phenomenon only emerges amongst male respondents. However, while assigning female interviewers to male respondents decreases their propensity to attrit, it also increases the likelihood of biased responses on gender related items. These conflicting outcomes represent a tradeoff for scholars and survey researchers, requiring careful consideration of mode, content, and study goals when designing surveys and/or analyzing survey data. The implications of these patterns and areas for further research are discussed.

Together, these papers illustrate two ways that gender norms are related to political outcomes: they contribute to patterns of candidate emergence and affect the measurement of political attitudes and behaviors.


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En este artículo, se exploran algunos hechos que jalonaron la edificación de la Argentina y configuraron dispositivos centrales para la construcción de los sexos en la primera mitad del siglo XX. En ese camino, se examinan cambios y continuidades en la construcción de la ciudadanía política femenina. Desde una perspectiva de género, se subraya las diferentes imposiciones legales e institucionales asociadas a la masculinidad y a la feminidad de las prácticas sociales. El problema central, en ese sentido, se vincula con la definición de las mujeres como sujeto e individuo


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Este artículo describe y analiza la articulación discursiva sobre el lesbianismo en el campo médico argentino entre 1936 y 1955. Las "verdades" de la medicina poseen una fuerza normativa que constituyen un lugar privilegiado para propiciar la aplicación del modelo heterosexual e imponer esta visión al resto de la sociedad. En primer lugar esbozaremos los argumentos médicos en el ámbito europeo por ser los referentes más recorridos por la elite médica argentina. Luego, analizaremos las relecturas y apropiaciones realizadas en el contexto argentino articulándolas con el modelo hegemónico heterosexual de feminidad


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En este artículo, se exploran algunos hechos que jalonaron la edificación de la Argentina y configuraron dispositivos centrales para la construcción de los sexos en la primera mitad del siglo XX. En ese camino, se examinan cambios y continuidades en la construcción de la ciudadanía política femenina. Desde una perspectiva de género, se subraya las diferentes imposiciones legales e institucionales asociadas a la masculinidad y a la feminidad de las prácticas sociales. El problema central, en ese sentido, se vincula con la definición de las mujeres como sujeto e individuo


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Este artículo describe y analiza la articulación discursiva sobre el lesbianismo en el campo médico argentino entre 1936 y 1955. Las "verdades" de la medicina poseen una fuerza normativa que constituyen un lugar privilegiado para propiciar la aplicación del modelo heterosexual e imponer esta visión al resto de la sociedad. En primer lugar esbozaremos los argumentos médicos en el ámbito europeo por ser los referentes más recorridos por la elite médica argentina. Luego, analizaremos las relecturas y apropiaciones realizadas en el contexto argentino articulándolas con el modelo hegemónico heterosexual de feminidad


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En este artículo, se exploran algunos hechos que jalonaron la edificación de la Argentina y configuraron dispositivos centrales para la construcción de los sexos en la primera mitad del siglo XX. En ese camino, se examinan cambios y continuidades en la construcción de la ciudadanía política femenina. Desde una perspectiva de género, se subraya las diferentes imposiciones legales e institucionales asociadas a la masculinidad y a la feminidad de las prácticas sociales. El problema central, en ese sentido, se vincula con la definición de las mujeres como sujeto e individuo


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Este artículo describe y analiza la articulación discursiva sobre el lesbianismo en el campo médico argentino entre 1936 y 1955. Las "verdades" de la medicina poseen una fuerza normativa que constituyen un lugar privilegiado para propiciar la aplicación del modelo heterosexual e imponer esta visión al resto de la sociedad. En primer lugar esbozaremos los argumentos médicos en el ámbito europeo por ser los referentes más recorridos por la elite médica argentina. Luego, analizaremos las relecturas y apropiaciones realizadas en el contexto argentino articulándolas con el modelo hegemónico heterosexual de feminidad


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Research on the relationship between reproductive work and women´s life trajectories including the experience of labour migration has mainly focused on the case of relatively young mothers who leave behind, or later re-join, their children. While it is true that most women migrate at a younger age, there are a significant number of cases of men and women who move abroad for labour purposes at a more advanced stage, undertaking a late-career migration. This is still an under-estimated and under-researched sub-field that uncovers a varied range of issues, including the global organization of reproductive work and the employment of migrant women as domestic workers late in their lives. By pooling the findings of two qualitative studies, this article focuses on Peruvian and Ukrainian women who seek employment in Spain and Italy when they are well into their forties, or older. A commonality the two groups of women share is that, independently of their level of education and professional experience, more often than not they end up as domestic and care workers. The article initially discusses the reasons for late-career female migration, taking into consideration the structural and personal determinants that have affected Peruvian and Ukrainian women’s careers in their countries of origin and settlement. After this, the focus is set on the characteristics of domestic employment at later life, on the impact on their current lives, including the transnational family organization, and on future labour and retirement prospects. Apart from an evaluation of objective working and living conditions, we discuss women’s personal impressions of being domestic workers in the context of their occupational experiences and family commitments. In this regard, women report varying levels of personal and professional satisfaction, as well as different patterns of continuity-discontinuity in their work and family lives, and of optimism towards the future. Divergences could be, to some extent, explained by the effect of migrants´ transnational social practices and policies of states.


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En este texto mostramos como la masculinidad y la feminidad son construcciones sociales, atendiendo a los sexos (diferencia biológica) del ser humano. Las personas influidas por su cultura han hecho suyas las creencias, ideas, estereotipos, correspondientes a un sexo u otro. Así se establecen dos mundos distintos, contrarios, la masculinidad relativa al varón y la feminidad en relación con la mujer. Ambos mundos se presentan de forma muy distinta, marcando mucho las diferencias y el perfil de persona dependiendo de su sexo. De esta forma los varones tienen que ser fuertes, valientes, agresivos, fogosos, conquistadores y dedicados a su profesión. Por el contrario, las mujeres deben ser comprensivas, amables, cariñosas, trabajadoras, buenas madres y esposas y dedicadas a su familia. Nosotros optamos por la persona sin diferencia de sexo, por la igualdad de oportunidades, por deconstruir los estereotipos de masculinidad y feminidad, creando un ser único, una persona que da igual su sexo, un ser humano capaz de ser y hacer sin límites, porque nuestras diferencias biológicas no son determinantes para que mujeres y varones se desarrollen en igualdad de oportunidades.


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Ce mémoire porte sur la pratique du sport et de l‟activité physique par les femmes au Québec entre 1880 et 1974, par l‟étude de la collection d‟objets sportifs du Musée de la civilisation, le dépouillement de catalogues commerciaux et d‟autres documents d‟archives, ainsi que l‟analyse de contenu de témoignages oraux recueillis par la chercheure et tenus dans le cadre du projet « Vivre sa ville : Québec au XXe siècle » du Laboratoire d‟ethnologie urbaine. L‟utilisation de ces trois sources de données permet de faire ressortir les modalités d‟insertion des femmes dans la pratique sportive. Les normes et les pratiques du sport féminin seront abordées notamment en ce qui a trait à l‟hygiène, à la morale chrétienne, aux installations et aux organisations sportives.


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This article sets out to demonstrate how the exclusive equation of emotions with femininity is a cultural and historical construction. It analyzes the close, though often veiled, relationship between masculinity and sentiment in American culture and history, especially with a view to demonstrating the political potential of men’s emotions to transform the existing social order. The argument is that friendships and emotional attachments between men could contribute not only to enriching men’s emotional lives but also, and above all, to erasing sexism, racism, and homophobia from our societies. It is argued that men’s friendships with other men might play a fundamental role in promoting greater social equality, as a number of Walt Whitman’s poems, all of them written in the first person, will help illustrate.


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This thesis compares contemporary anglophone and francophone rewritings of traditional fairy tales for adults. Examining material dating from the 1990s to the present, including novels, novellas, short stories, comics, televisual and filmic adaptations, this thesis argues that while the revisions studied share similar themes and have comparable aims, the methods for inducing wonder (where wonder is defined as the effect produced by the text rather than simply its magical contents) are diametrically opposed, and it is this opposition that characterises the difference between the two types of rewriting. While they all engage with the hybridity of the fairy-tale genre, the anglophone works studied tend to question traditional narratives by keeping the fantasy setting, while francophone works debunk the tales not only in relation to questions of content, but also aesthetics. Through theoretical, historical, and cultural contextualisation, along with close readings of the texts, this thesis aims to demonstrate the existence of this francophone/anglophone divide and to explain how and why the authors in each tradition tend to adopt such different views while rewriting similar material. This division is the guiding thread of the thesis and also functions as a springboard to explore other concepts such as genre hybridity, reader-response, and feminism. The thesis is divided into two parts; the first three chapters work as an in-depth literature review: after examining, in chapters one and two, the historical and contemporary cultural field in which these works were created, chapter three examines theories of fantasy and genre hybridity. The second part of the thesis consists of textual studies and comparisons between francophone and anglophone material and is built on three different approaches. The first (chapter four) looks at selected texts in relation to questions of form, studying the process of world building and world creation enacted when authors combine and rewrite several fairy tales in a single narrative world. The second (chapter five) is a thematic approach which investigates the interactions between femininity, the monstrous, and the wondrous in contemporary tales of animal brides. Finally, chapter six compares rewritings of the tale of ‘Bluebeard’ with a comparison hinged on the representation of the forbidden room and its contents: Bluebeard’s cabinet of wonder is one that he holds sacred, one where he sublimates his wives’ corpses, and it is the catalyst of wonder, terror, and awe. The three contextual chapters and the three text-based studies work towards tracing the tangible existence of the division postulated between francophone and anglophone texts, but also the similarities that exist between the two cultural fields and their roles in the renewal of the fairy-tale genre.


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Research on gender and diversity has taken longer than usual to develop in Portuguese academia. Different explanations can be provided for the apparent lack of interest in these matters. Comparative cultural studies have depicted Portuguese culture as scoring high on femininity (Hofstede, 1991). «Femininity pertains to societies in which social gender roles overlap» (p. 82) and it may have an influence on people’s attitudes towards ‘the other’ and the role of men and women in the organisation, and in shaping the individual’s behaviour and attitudes towards equality and diversity. On the other hand, Portuguese society likes to portray itself as a homogenous society (Cabral-Cardoso, 2002). Taken together, these factors may partly explain why gender and diversity issues have failed to make it to the top of research agendas in Portuguese academia. The limited number of papers included in this special issue and focusing on the Portuguese context still reflects that state of affairs.


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The ‘heroic life’ or the life of the revolutionary is one that resists or even seeks to transcend the everyday and the ordinary. The ‘banal’ vulnerabilities of everyday life, however, continue to constitute the unseen, often unspoken background of such a heroic life. This article turns to women’s memories of everyday life spent ‘underground’ in the context of the late 1960s radical left Naxalbari movement of Bengal. Drawing upon recent published memoirs and my own field interviews with middle class female (and male) activists, I outline the ways in which revolutionary femininity was imagined and lived in the everyday life of this political movement. I focus, in particular, on the gendered and classed nature of political labour, the gendering of revolutionary space, and finally, the extent to which everyday life in the ‘underground’ was a site of vulnerability and powerlessness, especially for women. I also signal how these memories of interpersonal conflict and everyday violence tend to remain buried under a collective mythicisation of the ‘heroic life’.