792 resultados para early age strength


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En este trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de elementos de hormigón estructural sometidos a deformaciones impuestas, en donde la fisuración se produce, general y fundamentalmente, en secciones en las que los esfuerzos, y por tanto las fisuras, debidos a las acciones exteriores son inexistentes o prácticamente inexistentes. Se estudia la fisuración producida, a edades tempranas, por las deformaciones debidas al calor de fraguado y la retracción autógena y a lo largo de la vida útil de la estructura, por los fenómenos reológicos del hormigón y la variación de temperatura. Se han estudiado los resultados experimentales disponibles. Se ha identificado un programa de elementos finitos, ATENA, que permite el estudio de fenómenos no lineales, especialmente la fisuración. Se ha contrastado este programa de forma detallada con los resultados experimentales disponibles. Se han estudiado las fuentes de deformaciones impuestas para su caracterización: calor de hidratación, fenómenos reológicos del hormigón y variaciones de temperaturas. Se han estudiado la evolución de las características mecánicas y de conductividad térmica del hormigón a lo largo del tiempo y especialmente a edades tempranas. Se han estudiado las evidencias experimentales disponibles y las estimaciones teóricas propuestas. Se han estudiado las recomendaciones de la CIRIA 660, que es el documento de referencia para tener en cuenta, desde el punto de vista del proyecto este tipo de fenómenos. Con el programa ATENA se han estudiado distintos ejemplos. El objetivo principal ha sido, por un lado, entender el fenómeno y, por otro, contrastar los criterios expuestos en la CIRA 660. This document studies the behavior of structural reinforced concrete structures subjected to imposed deformations, where the cracking occurs, mostly, in sections where the stresses, and thus cracks, due to the exterior actions are none-existent or practically zero. Early age cracking produced by the imposed deformations, due to heat of hydration and autogenous shrinkage, and long term effects, due to the drying shrinkage and the thermal variation, is studied. Available experimental results have been studied. A finite element program has been identified, ATENA, which allows the study of non-lineal phenomena, especially cracking. This software has been contrasted with the available experimental results. The imposed deformation sources have been studied for its characteristically sources: heat of hydration, concrete shrinkage and thermal variation. Also the evolution of the mechanical properties and the thermal conductivity of concrete in time and especially at early age have also been studied. The available experimental evidence and the proposal theoretical estimates have been studied. CIRIA 660 recommendations have been studied, which is the reference document to take into account, form the design point of view, this kind of phenomena. With the ATENA software different examples have been studied. On the one hand the main objective has been to understand the phenomena and, on the other, to contrast the CIRIA 660 proposal.


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Desde que el proceso de la globalización empezó a tener efectos en la sociedad actual, la lengua inglesa se ha impuesto como primera opción de comunicación entre las grandes empresas y sobre todo en el ámbito de los negocios. Por estos motivos se hace necesario el conocimiento de esta lengua que con el paso de los años ha ido creciendo en número de hablantes. Cada vez son más las personas que quieren dominar la lengua inglesa. El aprendizaje en esta doctrina se va iniciando en edades muy tempranas, facilitando y mejorando así la adquisición de una base de conocimientos con todas las destrezas que tiene la lengua inglesa: lectura, escritura, expresión oral y comprensión oral. Con este proyecto se quiso mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en un rango de población menor de 13 años. Se propuso crear un método de aprendizaje que motivara al usuario y le reportase una ayuda constante durante su progreso en el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa. El mejor método que se pensó para llevar a cabo este objetivo fue la realización de un videojuego que cumpliese todas las características propuestas anteriormente. Un videojuego de aprendizaje en inglés, que además incluyese algo tan novedoso como el reconocimiento de voz para mejorar la expresión oral del usuario, ayudaría a la población a mejorar el nivel de inglés básico en todas las destrezas así como el establecimiento de una base sólida que serviría para asentar mejor futuros conocimientos más avanzados. ABSTRACT Since Globalization began to have an effect on today's society, the English language has emerged as the first choice for communication among companies and especially in the field of business. Therefore, the command of this language, which over the years has grown in number of speakers, has become more and more necessary. Increasingly people want to master the English language. They start learning at very early age, thus facilitating and improving the acquisition of a new knowledge like English language. The skills of English must be practiced are: reading, writing, listening and speaking. If people learnt all these skills, they could achieve a high level of English. In this project, the aim is to improve the process of teaching and learning English in a range of population less than 13 years. To do so, an interactive learning video game that motivates the users and brings them constant help during their progress in the learning of the English language is designed. The video game designed to learn English, also includes some novelties from the point of view of the technology used as is speech recognition. The aim of this integration is to improve speaking skills of users, who will therefore improve the standard of English in all four basic learning skills and establish a solid base that would facilitate the acquisition of future advanced knowledge.


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El incremento de la esperanza de vida en los países desarrollados (más de 80 años en 2013), está suponiendo un crecimiento considerable en la incidencia y prevalencia de enfermedades discapacitantes, que si bien pueden aparecer a edades tempranas, son más frecuentes en la tercera edad, o en sus inmediaciones. Enfermedades neuro-degenerativas que suponen un gran hándicap funcional, pues algunas de ellas están asociadas a movimientos involuntarios de determinadas partes del cuerpo, sobre todo de las extremidades. Tareas cotidianas como la ingesta de alimento, vestirse, escribir, interactuar con el ordenador, etc… pueden llegar a ser grandes retos para las personas que las padecen. El diagnóstico precoz y certero resulta fundamental para la prescripción de la terapia o tratamiento óptimo. Teniendo en cuenta incluso que en muchos casos, por desgracia la mayoría, sólo se puede actuar para mitigar los síntomas, y no para sanarlos, al menos de momento. Aun así, acertar de manera temprana en el diagnóstico supone proporcionar al enfermo una mayor calidad de vida durante mucho más tiempo, por lo cual el esfuerzo merece, y mucho, la pena. Los enfermos de Párkinson y de temblor esencial suponen un porcentaje importante de la casuística clínica en los trastornos del movimiento que impiden llevar una vida normal, que producen una discapacidad física y una no menos importante exclusión social. Las vías de tratamiento son dispares de ahí que sea crítico acertar en el diagnóstico lo antes posible. Hasta la actualidad, los profesionales y expertos en medicina, utilizan unas escalas cualitativas para diferenciar la patología y su grado de afectación. Dichas escalas también se utilizan para efectuar un seguimiento clínico y registrar la historia del paciente. En esta tesis se propone una serie de métodos de análisis y de identificación/clasificación de los tipos de temblor asociados a la enfermedad de Párkinson y el temblor esencial. Empleando técnicas de inteligencia artificial basadas en clasificadores inteligentes: redes neuronales (MLP y LVQ) y máquinas de soporte vectorial (SVM), a partir del desarrollo e implantación de un sistema para la medida y análisis objetiva del temblor: DIMETER. Dicho sistema además de ser una herramienta eficaz para la ayuda al diagnóstico, presenta también las capacidades necesarias para proporcionar un seguimiento riguroso y fiable de la evolución de cada paciente. ABSTRACT The increase in life expectancy in developed countries in more than 80 years (data belongs to 2013), is assuming considerable growth in the incidence and prevalence of disabling diseases. Although they may appear at an early age, they are more common in the elderly ages or in its vicinity. Nuero-degenerative diseases that are a major functional handicap, as some of them are associated with involuntary movements of certain body parts, especially of the limbs. Everyday tasks such as food intake, dressing, writing, interact with the computer, etc ... can become large debris for people who suffer. Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for prescribing optimal therapy or treatment. Even taking into account that in many cases, unfortunately the majority, can only act to mitigate the symptoms, not to cure them, at least for now. Nevertheless, early diagnosis may provide the patient a better quality of life for much longer time, so the effort is worth, and much, grief. Sufferers of Parkinson's and essential tremor represent a significant percentage of clinical casuistry in movement disorders that prevent a normal life, leading to physical disability and not least social exclusion. There are various treatment methods, which makes it necessary the immediate diagnosis. Up to date, professionals and medical experts, use a qualitative scale to differentiate the disease and degree of involvement. Therefore, those scales are used in clinical follow-up. In this thesis, several methods of analysis and identification / classification of types of tremor associated with Parkinson's disease and essential tremor are proposed. Using artificial intelligence techniques based on intelligent classification: neural networks (MLP and LVQ) and support vector machines (SVM), starting from the development and implementation of a system for measuring and objective analysis of the tremor: DIMETER. This system besides being an effective tool to aid diagnosis, it also has the necessary capabilities to provide a rigorous and reliable monitoring of the evolution of each patient.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de educação pré-escolar


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A cross-sectional survey was made in 56 exceptionally healthy males, ranging in age from 20 to 84 years. Measurements were made of selected steroidal components and peptidic hormones in blood serum, and cognitive and physical tests were performed. Of those blood serum variables that gave highly significant negative correlations with age (r > −0.6), bioavailable testosterone (BT), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and the ratio of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) to growth hormone (GH) showed a stepwise pattern of age-related changes most closely resembling those of the age steps themselves. Of these, BT correlated best with significantly age-correlated cognitive and physical measures. Because DHEAS correlated well with BT and considerably less well than BT with the cognitive and physical measures, it seems likely that BT and/or substances to which BT gives rise in tissues play a more direct role in whatever processes are rate-limiting in the functions measured and that DHEAS relates more indirectly to these functions. The high correlation of IGF-1/GH with age, its relatively low correlation with BT, and the patterns of correlations of IGF-1/GH and BT with significantly age-correlated cognitive and physical measures suggest that the GH–IGF-1 axis and BT play independent roles in affecting these functions. Serial determinations made after oral ingestion of pregnenolone and data from the literature suggest there is interdependence of steroid metabolic systems with those operational in control of interrelations in the GH–IGF-1 axis. Longitudinal concurrent measurements of serum levels of BT, DHEAS, and IGF-1/GH together with detailed studies of their correlations with age-correlated functional measures may be useful in detecting early age-related dysregulations and may be helpful in devising ameliorative approaches.


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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has trophic effects on serotonergic (5-HT) neurons in the central nervous system. However, the role of endogenous BDNF in the development and function of these neurons has not been established in vivo because of the early postnatal lethality of BDNF null mice. In the present study, we use heterozygous BDNF+/− mice that have a normal life span and show that these animals develop enhanced intermale aggressiveness and hyperphagia accompanied by significant weight gain in early adulthood; these behavioral abnormalities are known to correlate with 5-HT dysfunction. Forebrain 5-HT levels and fiber density in BDNF+/− mice are normal at an early age but undergo premature age-associated decrements. However, young adult BDNF+/− mice show a blunted c-fos induction by the specific serotonin releaser-uptake inhibitor dexfenfluramine and alterations in the expression of several 5-HT receptors in the cortex, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. The heightened aggressiveness can be ameliorated by the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine. Our results indicate that endogenous BDNF is critical for the normal development and function of central 5-HT neurons and for the elaboration of behaviors that depend on these nerve cells. Therefore, BDNF+/− mice may provide a useful model to study human psychiatric disorders attributed to dysfunction of serotonergic neurons.


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Sulfite oxidase catalyzes the terminal reaction in the degradation of sulfur amino acids. Genetic deficiency of sulfite oxidase results in neurological abnormalities and often leads to death at an early age. The mutation in the sulfite oxidase gene responsible for sulfite oxidase deficiency in a 5-year-old girl was identified by sequence analysis of cDNA obtained from fibroblast mRNA to be a guanine to adenine transition at nucleotide 479 resulting in the amino acid substitution of Arg-160 to Gln. Recombinant protein containing the R160Q mutation was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. The mutant protein contained its full complement of molybdenum and heme, but exhibited 2% of native activity under standard assay conditions. Absorption spectroscopy of the isolated molybdenum domains of native sulfite oxidase and of the R160Q mutant showed significant differences in the 480- and 350-nm absorption bands, suggestive of altered geometry at the molybdenum center. Kinetic analysis of the R160Q protein showed an increase in Km for sulfite combined with a decrease in kcat resulting in a decrease of nearly 1,000-fold in the apparent second-order rate constant kcat/Km. Kinetic parameters for the in vitro generated R160K mutant were found to be intermediate in value between those of the native protein and the R160Q mutant. Native sulfite oxidase was rapidly inactivated by phenylglyoxal, yielding a modified protein with kinetic parameters mimicking those of the R160Q mutant. It is proposed that Arg-160 attracts the anionic substrate sulfite to the binding site near the molybdenum.


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Arabidopsis ERD1 is a ClpC-like protein that sequence analysis suggests may interact with the chloroplast-localized ClpP protease to facilitate proteolysis. The mRNA encoded by the ERD1 gene has previously been shown to accumulate in response to senescence and to a variety of stresses and hormones. Here we show that the ERD1 protein, in contrast to the ERD1 mRNA, strongly declines in abundance with age, becoming undetectable in fully expanded leaves. Sequence analysis also suggests that ERD1 is chloroplast targeted, and we show in an in vitro system that the native protein is properly imported, processed, and present within the soluble fraction of the chloroplast, presumably the stroma. We show that ClpP protein, which is also present in the stroma, declines with age in parallel with ERD1. These results are consistent with the interaction of ERD1 and ClpP, but they suggest that it is unlikely that either plays a major role during senescence. Certain other chloroplast proteins decline with age coordinately with ERD1 and ClpP, suggesting that these declines are markers of an early age-mediated change that occurs within the chloroplast.


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The People of India database of the Anthropological Survey of India documents 631 cultural, ecological, and economic traits of the 4635 communities to which the entire Indian population is assigned. Focusing on 1342 communities of South India, we looked for correlates of low (1 or 2 children) and high (4 or more children) desired family size (DFS) reported as the norm for any given community by key informants. We found 10 cultural and 18 economic traits to be significantly correlated to high DFS and 21 cultural and 9 economic traits to low DFS. The economic traits so identified are compatible with high family size being desired by parents who have little capability of investing in quality of offspring, but whose children contribute economically from an early age. In contrast, communities desiring low family size are part of the modern intensive agriculture/organized industry/services sector and invest heavily in educating their children. A composite index based on 27 economic traits (CEI) has a high predictive value with respect to the DFS for the entire set of 4635 Indian communities. The 31 cultural traits highly correlated to high or low DFS constitute 5 clusters that can be identified as characterizing scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, rural and landless lower castes, urban upper castes, and Moslems. Whereas economic traits have similar influence on DFS within each of these ethnic categories, Moslems demonstrate a significantly higher DFS for lower values of CEI.


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SUMMARY The Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus is one of the most spread pathogens in swine herds all over the world and responsible for a reproductive and respiratory syndrome that causes severe heath and economical problems. This virus emerged in late 1980’s but although about 30 years have passed by, the knowledge about some essential facets related to the features of the virus (pathogenesis, immune response, and epidemiology) seems to be still incomplete. Taking into account that the development of modern vaccines is based on how innate and acquire immunity react, a more and more thorough knowledge on the immune system is needed, in terms of molecular modulation/regulation of the inflammatory and immune response upon PRRSV infection. The present doctoral thesis, which is divided into 3 different studies, is aimed to increase the knowledge about the interaction between the immune system and the PRRS virus upon natural infection. The objective of the first study entitled “Coordinated immune response of memory and cytotoxic T cells together with IFN-γ secreting cells after porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) natural infection in conventional pigs” was to evaluate the activation and modulation of the immune response in pigs naturally infected by PRRSV compared to an uninfected control group. The course of viremia was evaluated by PCR, the antibody titres by ELISA, the number of IFN-γ secreting cells (IFN- SC) by an ELISPOT assay and the immunophenotyping of some lymphocyte subsets (cytotoxic cells, memory T lymphocytes and cytotoxic T lymphocytes) by flow cytometry. The results showed that the activation of the cell-mediated immune response against PRRSV is delayed upon infection and that however the levels of IFN-γ SC and lymphocyte subsets subsequently increase over time. Furthermore, it was observed that the course of the different immune cell subsets is time-associated with the levels of PRRSV-specific IFN-γ SC and this can be interpreted based on the functional role that such lymphocyte subsets could have in the specific production/secretion of the immunostimulatory cytokine IFN-γ. In addition, these data support the hypothesis that the age of the animals upon the onset of infection or the diverse immunobiological features of the field isolate, as typically hypothesized during PRRSV infection, are critical conditions able to influence the qualitative and quantitative course of the cell-mediated immune response during PRRSV natural infection. The second study entitled “Immune response to PCV2 vaccination in PRRSV viremic piglets” was aimed to evaluate whether PRRSV could interfere with the activation of the immune response to PCV2 vaccination in pigs. In this trial, 200 pigs were divided into 2 groups: PCV2-vaccinated (at 4 weeks of age) and PCV2-unvaccinated (control group). Some piglets of both groups got infected by PRRSV, as determined by PRRSV viremia detection, so that 4 groups were defined as follows: PCV2 vaccinated - PRRSV viremic PCV2 vaccinated - PRRSV non viremic PCV2 unvaccinated - PRRSV viremic PCV2 unvaccinated - PRRSV non viremic The following parameters were evaluated in the 4 groups: number of PCV2-specific IFN-γ secreting cells, antibody titres by ELISA and IPMA. Based on the immunological data analysis, it can be deduced that: 1) The low levels of antibodies against PCV2 in the PCV2-vaccinated – PRRSV-viremic group at vaccination (4 weeks of age) could be related to a reduced colostrum intake influenced by PRRSV viremia. 2) Independently of the viremia status, serological data of the PCV2-vaccinated group by ELISA and IPMA does not show statistically different differences. Consequently, it can be be stated that, under the conditions of the study, PRRSV does not interfere with the antibody response induced by the PCV2 vaccine. 3) The cell-mediated immune response in terms of number of PCV2-specific IFN-γ secreting cells in the PCV2-vaccinated – PRRSV-viremic group seems to be compromised, as demonstrated by the reduction of the number of IFN-γ secreting cells after PCV2 vaccination, compared to the PCV2-vaccinated – PRRSV-non-viremic group. The data highlight and further support the inhibitory role of PRRSV on the development and activation of the immune response and highlight how a natural infection at early age can negatively influence the immune response to other pathogens/antigens. The third study entitled “Phenotypic modulation of porcine CD14+ monocytes, natural killer/natural killer T cells and CD8αβ+ T cell subsets by an antibody-derived killer peptide (KP)” was aimed to determine whether and how the killer peptide (KP) could modulate the immune response in terms of activation of specific lymphocyte subsets. This is a preliminary approach also aimed to subsequently evaluate such KP with a potential antivural role or as adjuvant. In this work, pig peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated with three KP concentrations (10, 20 and 40 g/ml) for three time points (24, 48 and 72 hours). TIME POINTS (hours) KP CONCENTRATIONS (g/ml) 24 0-10-20-40 48 0-10-20-40 72 0-10-20-40 By using flow cytometry, the qualitative and quantitative modulation of the following immune subsets was evaluated upon KP stimulation: monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, natural killer T (NKT) cells, and CD4+ and CD8α/β+ T lymphocyte subsets. Based on the data, it can be deduced that: 1) KP promotes a dose-dependent activation of monocytes, particularly after 24 hours of stimulation, by inducing a monocyte phenotypic and maturation shift mainly involved in sustaining the innate/inflammatory response. 2) KP induces a strong dose-dependent modulation of NK and NKT cells, characterized by an intense increase of the NKT cell fraction compared to NK cells, both subsets involved in the antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC). The increase is observed especially after 24 hours of stimulation. 3) KP promotes a significant activation of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte subset (CTL). 4) KP can modulate both the T helper and T cytotoxic phenotype, by inducing T helper cells to acquire the CD8α thus becoming doube positive cells (CD4+CD8+) and by inducing CTL (CD4-CD8+high) to acquire the double positive phenotype (CD4+CD8α+high). Therefore, KP may induce several effects on different immune cell subsets. For this reason, further research is needed aimed at characterizing each “effect” of KP and thus identifying the best use of the decapeptide for vaccination practice, therapeutic purposes or as vaccine adjuvant. RIASSUNTO Il virus della PRRS (Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome) è uno dei più diffusi agenti patogeni negli allevamenti suini di tutto il mondo, responsabile di una sindrome riproduttiva e respiratoria causa di gravi danni ad impatto sanitario ed economico. Questo virus è emerso attorno alla fine degli anni ’80 ma nonostante siano passati circa una trentina di anni, le conoscenze su alcuni punti essenziali che riguardano le caratteristiche del virus (patogenesi, risposta immunitaria, epidemiologia) appaiono ancora spesso incomplete. Considerando che lo sviluppo dei vaccini moderni è basato sui principi dell’immunità innata e acquisita è essenziale una sempre più completa conoscenza del sistema immunitario inteso come modulazione/regolazione molecolare della risposta infiammatoria e immunitaria in corso di tale infezione. Questo lavoro di tesi, suddiviso in tre diversi studi, ha l’intento di contribuire all’aumento delle informazioni riguardo l’interazione del sistema immunitario, con il virus della PRRS in condizioni di infezione naturale. L’obbiettivo del primo studio, intitolato “Associazione di cellule memoria, cellule citotossiche e cellule secernenti IFN- nella risposta immunitaria in corso di infezione naturale da Virus della Sindrome Riproduttiva e Respiratoria del Suino (PRRSV)” è stato di valutare l’attivazione e la modulazione della risposta immunitaria in suini naturalmente infetti da PRRSV rispetto ad un gruppo controllo non infetto. I parametri valutati sono stati la viremia mediante PCR, il titolo anticorpale mediante ELISA, il numero di cellule secernenti IFN- (IFN- SC) mediante tecnica ELISPOT e la fenotipizzazione di alcune sottopopolazioni linfocitarie (Cellule citotossiche, linfociti T memoria e linfociti T citotossici) mediante citofluorimetria a flusso. Dai risultati ottenuti è stato possibile osservare che l’attivazione della risposta immunitaria cellulo-mediata verso PRRSV appare ritardata durante l’infezione e che l’andamento, in termini di IFN- SC e dei cambiamenti delle sottopopolazioni linfocitarie, mostra comunque degli incrementi seppur successivi nel tempo. E’ stato inoltre osservato che gli andamenti delle diverse sottopopolazioni immunitarie cellulari appaiono temporalmente associati ai livelli di IFN- SC PRRSV-specifiche e ciò potrebbe essere interpretato sulla base del ruolo funzionale che tali sottopopolazioni linfocitarie potrebbero avere nella produzione/secrezione specifica della citochina immunoattivatrice IFN-. Questi dati inoltre supportano l’ipotesi che l’età degli animali alla comparsa dell’infezione o, come tipicamente ipotizzato nell’infezione da PRRSV, le differenti caratteristiche immunobiologiche dell’isolato di campo, sia condizioni critiche nell’ influenzare l’andamento qualitativo e quantitativo della risposta cellulo-mediata durante l’infezione naturale da PRRSV. Il secondo studio, dal titolo “Valutazione della risposta immunitaria nei confronti di una vaccinazione contro PCV2 in suini riscontrati PRRSV viremici e non viremici alla vaccinazione” ha avuto lo scopo di valutare se il virus della PRRS potesse andare ad interferire sull’attivazione della risposta immunitaria indotta da vaccinazione contro PCV2 nel suino. In questo lavoro sono stati arruolati 200 animali divisi in due gruppi, PCV2 Vaccinato (a 4 settimane di età) e PCV2 Non Vaccinato (controllo negativo). Alcuni suinetti di entrambi i gruppi, si sono naturalmente infettati con PRRSV, come determinato con l’analisi della viremia da PRRSV, per cui è stato possibile creare quattro sottogruppi, rispettivamente: PCV2 vaccinato - PRRSV viremico PCV2 vaccinato - PRRSV non viremico PCV2 non vaccinato - PRRSV viremico PCV2 non vaccinato - PRRSV non viremico Su questi quattro sottogruppi sono stati valutati i seguenti parametri: numero di cellule secernenti IFN- PCV2 specifiche, ed i titoli anticorpali mediante tecniche ELISA ed IPMA. Dall’analisi dei dati immunologici derivati dalle suddette tecniche è stato possibile dedurre che:  I bassi valori anticorpali nei confronti di PCV2 del gruppo Vaccinato PCV2-PRRSV viremico già al periodo della vaccinazione (4 settimane di età) potrebbero essere messi in relazione ad una ridotta assunzione di colostro legata allo stato di viremia da PRRSV  Indipendentemente dallo stato viremico, i dati sierologici del gruppo vaccinato PCV2 provenienti sia da ELISA sia da IPMA non mostrano differenze statisticamente significative. Di conseguenza è possibile affermare che in questo caso PRRSV non interferisce con la risposta anticorpale promossa dal vaccino PCV2.  La risposta immunitaria cellulo-mediata, intesa come numero di cellule secernenti IFN- PCV2 specifiche nel gruppo PCV2 vaccinato PRRS viremico sembra essere compromessa, come viene infatti dimostrato dalla diminuzione del numero di cellule secernenti IFN- dopo la vaccinazione contro PCV2, comparata con il gruppo PCV2 vaccinato- non viremico. I dati evidenziano ed ulteriormente sostengono il ruolo inibitorio del virus della PRRSV sullo sviluppo ed attivazione della risposta immunitaria e come un infezione naturale ad età precoci possa influenzare negativamente la risposta immunitaria ad altri patogeni/antigeni. Il terzo studio, intitolato “Modulazione fenotipica di: monociti CD14+, cellule natural killer (NK), T natural killer (NKT) e sottopopolazioni linfocitarie T CD4+ e CD8+ durante stimolazione con killer peptide (KP) nella specie suina” ha avuto come scopo quello di stabilire se e come il Peptide Killer (KP) potesse modulare la risposta immunitaria in termini di attivazione di specifiche sottopopolazioni linfocitarie. Si tratta di un approccio preliminare anche ai fini di successivamente valutare tale KP in un potenziale ruolo antivirale o come adiuvante. In questo lavoro, periferal blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) suine sono state stimolate con KP a tre diverse concentrazioni (10, 20 e 40 g/ml) per tre diversi tempi (24, 48 e 72 ore). TEMPI DI STIMOLAZIONE (ore) CONCENTRAZIONE DI KP (g/ml) 24 0-10-20-40 48 0-10-20-40 72 0-10-20-40 Mediante la citometria a flusso è stato dunque possibile analizzare il comportamento qualitativo e quantitativo di alcune sottopopolazioni linfocitarie sotto lo stimolo del KP, tra cui: monociti, cellule Natural Killer (NK), cellule T Natural Killer (NKT) e linfociti T CD4 e CD8+. Dai dati ottenuti è stato possibile dedurre che: 1) KP promuove un’attivazione dei monociti dose-dipendente in particolare dopo 24 ore di stimolazione, inducendo uno “shift” fenotipico e di maturazione monocitaria maggiormente coinvolto nel sostegno della risposta innata/infiammatoria. 2) KP induce una forte modulazione dose-dipendente di cellule NK e NKT con un forte aumento della frazione delle cellule NKT rispetto alle NK, sottopopolazioni entrambe coinvolte nella citotossicità cellulare mediata da anticorpi (ADCC). L’aumento è riscontrabile soprattutto dopo 24 ore di stimolazione. 3) KP promuove una significativa attivazione della sottopopolazione del linfociti T citotossici (CTL). 4) Per quanto riguarda la marcatura CD4+/CD8+ è stato dimostrato che KP ha la capacità di modulare sia il fenotipo T helper che T citotossico, inducendo le cellule T helper ad acquisire CD8 diventando quindi doppio positive (CD4+CD8+) ed inducendo il fenotipo CTL (CD4-CD8+high) ad acquisire il fenotipo doppio positivo (CD4+CD8α+high). Molti dunque potrebbero essere gli effetti che il decapeptide KP potrebbe esercitare sulle diverse sottopopolazioni del sistema immunitario, per questo motivo va evidenziata la necessità di impostare e attuare nuove ricerche che portino alla caratterizzazione di ciascuna “abilità” di KP e che conducano successivamente alla scoperta del migliore utilizzo che si possa fare del decapeptide sia dal punto di vista vaccinale, terapeutico oppure sotto forma di adiuvante vaccinale.


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Introdução: O excesso de peso em adultos jovens está associado ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) e à diminuição da qualidade de vida e ao aumento da mortalidade precoce. A transição da adolescência para a fase adulta é o período de maior risco para a incidência da obesidade. Objetivo: Estimar o efeito o índice de massa corpora (IMC) aos 20 anos sobre a incidência de DCNT em adultos brasileiros com idade entre 30 a 49 anos. Métodos: Foram selecionados 12.079 indivíduos de 30 a 49 anos da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS), realizada no ano de 2013. O modelo adotado para determinação das DCNT foi aquele proposto pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A incidência das DCNT (hipertensão, doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes e câncer, entre outras), informada pela data do diagnóstico, foi modelada como função do IMC aos 20 anos. Os indivíduos sem a doença até o presente foram considerados como censura. As estimativas de sobrevida foram calculadas com o método de Kaplan-Meier (KM) para cada uma das doenças, estratificada por sexo e ajustada por escolaridade. A análise dos fatores de risco para as doenças foi feita utilizando-se o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox. Resultados: Nas curvas de sobrevida KM, indivíduos com IMC >=25kg/m² apresentaram incidência mais elevada e precoce de DCNT, principalmente hipertensão, diabetes e depressão. A idade mediana para incidência do diabetes em obesos foi de 47 anos para homens e 48 anos para mulheres. A incidência da hipertensão arterial foi 4,2 por mil com sobrevida mediana de 48 e 44 anos em mulheres com excesso de peso e obesidade, respectivamente. Dentre os fatores de risco associados as DCNT, o tabagismo em idade precoce foi associado à incidência de depressão. Conclusão: O excesso de peso em adultos jovens aumenta a incidência precoce de DCNT, com efeitos negativos na qualidade de vida, lazer e produtividade, além de aumentar a demanda por serviços de saúde. Torna-se necessário que a intervenção para redução dessas doenças seja direcionada para o período da infância e adolescência com ações que promovam a redução da exposição desses indivíduos à alimentação de má qualidade e incentivo a prática de atividade, não uso do tabaco e consumo moderado de álcool.


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Durante o desenvolvimento da oclusão, a instalação de maloclusões podem resultar em desarmonias dento faciais de natureza e severidade diversas, podendo provocar alterações no desenvolvimento crânio facial, dentre as estruturas envolvidas as Articulações Temporo Mandibulares (ATM), podem sofrer alguma influência, dessa forma a avaliação desta região, no aspecto morfológico e funcional, constituí tema de interesse, sempre que levados em conta os aspectos funcionais da oclusão. A relação entre a forma e a função, tanto das cabeças da mandíbula, bem como o contorno da fossa mandibular com as maloclusões ainda é controversa e não está compreendida por completo, porém a literatura sobre o assunto, demonstra correlação entre a instalação de maloclusões e modificações neste sistema, mesmo que algumas alterações não sejam de ordem estatística e em amostras de indivíduos em tenra idade, as mesmas podem comprometer o desenvolvimento adequado em indivíduos adultos ou mesmo adultos jovens. Tendo como propósito nesse estudo a avaliação das cabeças da mandíbula quanto ao volume e superficíe dos lados direito e esquerdo, cruzado e não cruzado, a amostra selecionada foi de 20 indivíduos com mordida cruzada posterior unilateral, com idades entre 06 e 09 anos de idade, utilizando imagens de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico, imagens obtidas por um equipamento modelo i- Cat, sendo utilizado na reformatação e manipulação das imagens o programa computacional - NemoCeph 3D® versão 11.5. Nas medições propostas para esse estudo, utilizou-se o teste t pareado de Student para amostras com distribuição normal. Na observação das tabelas e seus respectivos gráficos, podemos verificar que na comparação entre os lados direito e esquerdo, e cruzado e não cruzado das cabeças da mandíbula, com relação ao volume e superfície, existem diferenças numéricas entre elas, porém não pode ser observado diferenças estatísticas significantes, nessa amostra especifica com a metodologia empregada para esse estudo. Assim foi possível concluir que nas Mordidas Cruzadas Posteriores Unilaterais as cabeças da mandíbula tanto em seu volume como em sua superfície não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes na amostra estudada.


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El coneixement de la ciència i la tècnica es representa i es transfereix a través de paraules que tenen un significat especialitzat, precís i concís. L’accés al coneixement especialitzat permet l’ús adequat de la terminologia. Treballar el llenguatge juntament amb el coneixement científic des dels inicis és crucial. En el projecte «Jugant a definir la ciència» (I i II) partim del supòsit que les bases del coneixement especialitzat es comencen a adquirir en els primers anys de vida d’una persona. El nostre objecte d’estudi és presentar recursos per treballar col·laborativament paraules bàsiques de la ciència a l’escola com ara aigua, espai, estrella, cervell, gel, mort, sol, calor, velocitat, aire, vida, etc. Enguany, el projecte ha saltat a la xarxa. En aquest article presentem, a més, la plataforma digital, «El club lèxic», que fomenta el treball col·laboratiu.


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Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between different ocular and corneal biomechanical parameters in emmetropic and ametropic healthy white children. Methods: This study included 293 eyes of 293 healthy Spanish children (135 boys and 158 girls), ranging in age from 6 to 17 years. Subjects were divided according to the refractive error: control (emmetropia, 99 children), myopia (100 children), and hyperopia (94 children) groups. In all cases, corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) were evaluated with the Ocular Response Analyzer system. Axial length (AL) and mean corneal power were also measured by partial coherence interferometry (IOLMaster), and central corneal thickness (CCT) and anterior chamber depth were measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (Visante). Results: Mean (±SD) CH and CRF were 12.12 (±1.71) and 12.30 (±1.89) mm Hg, respectively. Mean (±SD) CCT was 542.68 (±37.20) μm and mean (±SD) spherical equivalent was +0.14 (±3.41) diopters. A positive correlation was found between CH and CRF (p < 0.001), and both correlated as well with CCT (p < 0.0001). Corneal resistance factor was found to decrease with increasing age (p = 0.01). Lower levels of CH were associated with longer AL and more myopia (p < 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively). Higher values of CH were associated with increasing hyperopia. Significant differences in CH were found between emmetropic and myopic groups (p < 0.001) and between myopic and hyperopic groups (p = 0.011). There were also significant differences in CRF between emmetropic and myopic groups (p = 0.02). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that lower CH and CRF significantly associated with thinner CCT, longer AL, and flatter corneal curvature. Conclusions: The Ocular Response Analyzer corneal biomechanical properties seem to be compromised in myopia from an early age, especially in high myopia.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014