955 resultados para dynamic causal modeling


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This dissertation is concerned with the problem of determining the dynamic characteristics of complicated engineering systems and structures from the measurements made during dynamic tests or natural excitations. Particular attention is given to the identification and modeling of the behavior of structural dynamic systems in the nonlinear hysteretic response regime. Once a model for the system has been identified, it is intended to use this model to assess the condition of the system and to predict the response to future excitations.

A new identification methodology based upon a generalization of the method of modal identification for multi-degree-of-freedom dynaimcal systems subjected to base motion is developed. The situation considered herein is that in which only the base input and the response of a small number of degrees-of-freedom of the system are measured. In this method, called the generalized modal identification method, the response is separated into "modes" which are analogous to those of a linear system. Both parametric and nonparametric models can be employed to extract the unknown nature, hysteretic or nonhysteretic, of the generalized restoring force for each mode.

In this study, a simple four-term nonparametric model is used first to provide a nonhysteretic estimate of the nonlinear stiffness and energy dissipation behavior. To extract the hysteretic nature of nonlinear systems, a two-parameter distributed element model is then employed. This model exploits the results of the nonparametric identification as an initial estimate for the model parameters. This approach greatly improves the convergence of the subsequent optimization process.

The capability of the new method is verified using simulated response data from a three-degree-of-freedom system. The new method is also applied to the analysis of response data obtained from the U.S.-Japan cooperative pseudo-dynamic test of a full-scale six-story steel-frame structure.

The new system identification method described has been found to be both accurate and computationally efficient. It is believed that it will provide a useful tool for the analysis of structural response data.


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Faults can slip either aseismically or through episodic seismic ruptures, but we still do not understand the factors which determine the partitioning between these two modes of slip. This challenge can now be addressed thanks to the dense set of geodetic and seismological networks that have been deployed in various areas with active tectonics. The data from such networks, as well as modern remote sensing techniques, indeed allow documenting of the spatial and temporal variability of slip mode and give some insight. This is the approach taken in this study, which is focused on the Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF) in Eastern Taiwan. This fault is particularly appropriate since the very fast slip rate (about 5 cm/yr) is accommodated by both seismic and aseismic slip. Deformation of anthropogenic features shows that aseismic creep accounts for a significant fraction of fault slip near the surface, but this fault also released energy seismically, since it has produced five M_w>6.8 earthquakes in 1951 and 2003. Moreover, owing to the thrust component of slip, the fault zone is exhumed which allows investigation of deformation mechanisms. In order to put constraint on the factors that control the mode of slip, we apply a multidisciplinary approach that combines modeling of geodetic observations, structural analysis and numerical simulation of the "seismic cycle". Analyzing a dense set of geodetic and seismological data across the Longitudinal Valley, including campaign-mode GPS, continuous GPS (cGPS), leveling, accelerometric, and InSAR data, we document the partitioning between seismic and aseismic slip on the fault. For the time period 1992 to 2011, we found that about 80-90% of slip on the LVF in the 0-26 km seismogenic depth range is actually aseismic. The clay-rich Lichi M\'elange is identified as the key factor promoting creep at shallow depth. Microstructural investigations show that deformation within the fault zone must have resulted from a combination of frictional sliding at grain boundaries, cataclasis and pressure solution creep. Numerical modeling of earthquake sequences have been performed to investigate the possibility of reproducing the results from the kinematic inversion of geodetic and seismological data on the LVF. We first investigate the different modeling strategy that was developed to explore the role and relative importance of different factors on the manner in which slip accumulates on faults. We compare the results of quasi dynamic simulations and fully dynamic ones, and we conclude that ignoring the transient wave-mediated stress transfers would be inappropriate. We therefore carry on fully dynamic simulations and succeed in qualitatively reproducing the wide range of observations for the southern segment of the LVF. We conclude that the spatio-temporal evolution of fault slip on the Longitudinal Valley Fault over 1997-2011 is consistent to first order with prediction from a simple model in which a velocity-weakening patch is embedded in a velocity-strengthening area.


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For damaging response, the force-displacement relationship of a structure is highly nonlinear and history-dependent. For satisfactory analysis of such behavior, it is important to be able to characterize and to model the phenomenon of hysteresis accurately. A number of models have been proposed for response studies of hysteretic structures, some of which are examined in detail in this thesis. There are two popular classes of models used in the analysis of curvilinear hysteretic systems. The first is of the distributed element or assemblage type, which models the physical behavior of the system by using well-known building blocks. The second class of models is of the differential equation type, which is based on the introduction of an extra variable to describe the history dependence of the system.

Owing to their mathematical simplicity, the latter models have been used extensively for various applications in structural dynamics, most notably in the estimation of the response statistics of hysteretic systems subjected to stochastic excitation. But the fundamental characteristics of these models are still not clearly understood. A response analysis of systems using both the Distributed Element model and the differential equation model when subjected to a variety of quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions leads to the following conclusion: Caution must be exercised when employing the models belonging to the second class in structural response studies as they can produce misleading results.

The Massing's hypothesis, originally proposed for steady-state loading, can be extended to general transient loading as well, leading to considerable simplification in the analysis of the Distributed Element models. A simple, nonparametric identification technique is also outlined, by means of which an optimal model representation involving one additional state variable is determined for hysteretic systems.


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This dissertation is concerned with the development of a new discrete element method (DEM) based on Non-Uniform Rational Basis Splines (NURBS). With NURBS, the new DEM is able to capture sphericity and angularity, the two particle morphological measures used in characterizing real grain geometries. By taking advantage of the parametric nature of NURBS, the Lipschitzian dividing rectangle (DIRECT) global optimization procedure is employed as a solution procedure to the closest-point projection problem, which enables the contact treatment of non-convex particles. A contact dynamics (CD) approach to the NURBS-based discrete method is also formulated. By combining particle shape flexibility, properties of implicit time-integration, and non-penetrating constraints, we target applications in which the classical DEM either performs poorly or simply fails, i.e., in granular systems composed of rigid or highly stiff angular particles and subjected to quasistatic or dynamic flow conditions. The CD implementation is made simple by adopting a variational framework, which enables the resulting discrete problem to be readily solved using off-the-shelf mathematical programming solvers. The capabilities of the NURBS-based DEM are demonstrated through 2D numerical examples that highlight the effects of particle morphology on the macroscopic response of granular assemblies under quasistatic and dynamic flow conditions, and a 3D characterization of material response in the shear band of a real triaxial specimen.


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Over the last century, the silicon revolution has enabled us to build faster, smaller and more sophisticated computers. Today, these computers control phones, cars, satellites, assembly lines, and other electromechanical devices. Just as electrical wiring controls electromechanical devices, living organisms employ "chemical wiring" to make decisions about their environment and control physical processes. Currently, the big difference between these two substrates is that while we have the abstractions, design principles, verification and fabrication techniques in place for programming with silicon, we have no comparable understanding or expertise for programming chemistry.

In this thesis we take a small step towards the goal of learning how to systematically engineer prescribed non-equilibrium dynamical behaviors in chemical systems. We use the formalism of chemical reaction networks (CRNs), combined with mass-action kinetics, as our programming language for specifying dynamical behaviors. Leveraging the tools of nucleic acid nanotechnology (introduced in Chapter 1), we employ synthetic DNA molecules as our molecular architecture and toehold-mediated DNA strand displacement as our reaction primitive.

Abstraction, modular design and systematic fabrication can work only with well-understood and quantitatively characterized tools. Therefore, we embark on a detailed study of the "device physics" of DNA strand displacement (Chapter 2). We present a unified view of strand displacement biophysics and kinetics by studying the process at multiple levels of detail, using an intuitive model of a random walk on a 1-dimensional energy landscape, a secondary structure kinetics model with single base-pair steps, and a coarse-grained molecular model that incorporates three-dimensional geometric and steric effects. Further, we experimentally investigate the thermodynamics of three-way branch migration. Our findings are consistent with previously measured or inferred rates for hybridization, fraying, and branch migration, and provide a biophysical explanation of strand displacement kinetics. Our work paves the way for accurate modeling of strand displacement cascades, which would facilitate the simulation and construction of more complex molecular systems.

In Chapters 3 and 4, we identify and overcome the crucial experimental challenges involved in using our general DNA-based technology for engineering dynamical behaviors in the test tube. In this process, we identify important design rules that inform our choice of molecular motifs and our algorithms for designing and verifying DNA sequences for our molecular implementation. We also develop flexible molecular strategies for "tuning" our reaction rates and stoichiometries in order to compensate for unavoidable non-idealities in the molecular implementation, such as imperfectly synthesized molecules and spurious "leak" pathways that compete with desired pathways.

We successfully implement three distinct autocatalytic reactions, which we then combine into a de novo chemical oscillator. Unlike biological networks, which use sophisticated evolved molecules (like proteins) to realize such behavior, our test tube realization is the first to demonstrate that Watson-Crick base pairing interactions alone suffice for oscillatory dynamics. Since our design pipeline is general and applicable to any CRN, our experimental demonstration of a de novo chemical oscillator could enable the systematic construction of CRNs with other dynamic behaviors.


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We developed a habitat suitability index (HSI) model to understand and identify the optimal habitat and potential fishing grounds for neon f lying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Remote sensing data, including sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, sea surface height, and chlorophyll-a concentrations, as well as fishery data from Chinese mainland squid f leets in the main fishing ground (150–165°E longitude) from August to October, from 1999 to 2004, were used. The HSI model was validated by using fishery data from 2005. The arithmetic mean modeling with three of the environmental variables—sea surface temperature, sea surface height anomaly, and chlorophyll- a concentrations—was defined as the most parsimonious HSI model. In 2005, monthly HSI values >0.6 coincided with productive fishing grounds and high fishing effort from August to October. This result implies that the model can reliably predict potential f ishing grounds for O. bartramii. Because spatially explicit fisheries and environmental data are becoming readily available, it is feasible to develop a dynamic, near real-time habitat model for improving the process of identifying potential fishing areas for and optimal habitats of neon flying squid.


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Monolithic multisection mode-locked semiconductor lasers with an integrated distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) have recently been demonstrated to generate stable picosecond pulses at high repetition rates suitable for optical communication systems. However, there has been very little theoretical work on understanding the physical mechanisms of the device and on optimisation of the absorber modulator design. This article presents numerical modeling of the loss modulated mode-locking process in these lasers. The model predicts most aspects experimentally observed within this type of device, and the results show the output waveform, optical spectrum, instantaneous frequency chirp, and stable operating range.


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Stone masonry spires are vulnerable to seismic loading. Computational methods are often used to predict the dynamic linear elastic response of masonry towers and spires, but this approach is only applicable until the first masonry joint begins to open, limiting the ability to predict collapse. In this paper, analytical modeling is used to investigate the uplift, rocking and collapse of stone spires. General equations for static equilibrium of the spire under lateral acceleration are first presented, and provide a reasonable lower bound for predicting collapse. The dynamic response is then considered through elastic modal analysis and rigid body rocking. Together, these methods are used to provide uplift curves and single impulse overturning collapse curves for a complete range of possible spire geometries. Results are used to evaluate the historic collapse of two specific stone spires. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper is aimed at enabling the confident use of existing model test facilities for ultra deepwater application without having to compromise on the widely accepted range of scales currently used by the floating production industry. Passive line truncation has traditionally been the preferred method of creating an equivalent numerical model at reduced depth; however, these techniques tend to suffer in capturing accurately line dynamic response and so reproducing peak tensions. In an attempt to improve credibility of model test data the proposed truncation procedure sets up the truncated model, based on line dynamic response rather than quasi-static system stiffness. The upper sections of each line are modeled in detail, capturing the wave action zone and all coupling effects with the vessel. These terminate to an approximate analytical model that aims to simulate the remainder of the line. Stages 1 & 2 are used to derive a water depth truncation ratio. Here vibration decay of transverse elastic waves is assessed and it is found that below a certain length criterion, the transverse vibrational characteristics for each line are inertia driven, hence with respect to these motions the truncated model can assume a linear damper whose coefficient depends on the local line properties and vibration frequency. Stage 3 endeavors to match the individual line stiffness between the full depth and truncated models. In deepwater it is likely that taut polyester moorings will be used which are predominantly straight and have high axial stiffness that provides the principal restoring force to static and low frequency vessel motions. Consequently, it means that the natural frequencies of axial vibrations are above the typical wave frequency range allowing for a quasi-static solution. In cases of exceptionally large wave frequency vessel motions, localized curvature at the chain seabed segment and tangential skin drag on the polyester rope can increase dynamic peak tensions considerably. The focus of this paper is to develop an efficient scheme based on analytic formulation, for replicating these forces at the truncation. The paper will close with an example case study of a single mooring under extreme conditions that replicates exactly the static and dynamic characteristics of the full depth line. Copyright © 2012 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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This article reports a case study application of a systematic approach to modelling complex organisations, centred on simulation modelling (SM). The approach leads to populated instances of complementary model types, in ways that systematically capture, validate and facilitate various uses of organisational understandings, knowledge and data normally distributed amongst multiple knowledge holders. The model-driven approach to decision making enables improved manufacturing responsiveness. Literature on modelling technologies relevant to manufacturing systems organisation design and change is presented, as is literature on production planning and control. This provides a rationale for the development of a new modelling methodology which combines the use of enterprise, causal loop and SM. Subsequently, this article describes how in the case of a specific manufacturing enterprise the combined modelling techniques have informed the choice of alternative production planning and control policies. An example enterprise model of a capacitor manufacturing company is illustrated as derivative causal-loop models that structure and enable the design and use of a general purpose simulation model.


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The accurate prediction of time-changing covariances is an important problem in the modeling of multivariate financial data. However, some of the most popular models suffer from a) overfitting problems and multiple local optima, b) failure to capture shifts in market conditions and c) large computational costs. To address these problems we introduce a novel dynamic model for time-changing covariances. Over-fitting and local optima are avoided by following a Bayesian approach instead of computing point estimates. Changes in market conditions are captured by assuming a diffusion process in parameter values, and finally computationally efficient and scalable inference is performed using particle filters. Experiments with financial data show excellent performance of the proposed method with respect to current standard models.


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The vibration behavior of piled foundations is an important consideration in fields such as earthquake engineering, construction, machine-foundation design, offshore structures, nuclear energy, and road and rail development. This paper presents a review of the past 40 years' literature on modeling the frequency-dependent behavior of pile foundations. Beginning with the earliest model of a single pile, adapted from those for embedded footings, it charts the development of the four pile-modeling techniques: the "dynamic Winkler-foundation" approach that uses springs to represent the effect of the soil; elasticcontinuum-type formulations involving the analytical solutions for displacements due to a subsurface disk, cylinder, or other element; boundary element methods; and dynamic finite-element formulations with special nonreflecting boundaries. The modeling of pile groups involves accounting for pile-soil-pile interactions, and four such methods exist: interaction factors; complete pile models; the equivalent pier method; and periodic structure theory. Approaches for validating pile models are also explored. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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Brushless doubly fed induction generator (BDFIG) has substantial benefits, which make it an attractive alternative as a wind turbine generator. However, it suffers from lower efficiency and larger dimensions in comparison to DFIG. Hence, optimizing the BDFIG structure is necessary for enhancing its situation commercially. In previous studies, a simple model has been used in BDFIG design procedure that is insufficiently accurate. Furthermore, magnetic saturation and iron loss are not considered because of difficulties in determination of flux density distributions. The aim of this paper is to establish an accurate yet computationally fast model suitable for BDFIG design studies. The proposed approach combines three equivalent circuits including electric, magnetic and thermal models. Utilizing electric equivalent circuit makes it possible to apply static form of magnetic equivalent circuit, because the elapsed time to reach steady-state results in the dynamic form is too long for using in population-based design studies. The operating characteristics, which are necessary for evaluating the objective function and constraints values of the optimization problem, can be calculated using the presented approach considering iron loss, saturation, and geometrical details. The simulation results of a D-180 prototype BDFIG are compared with measured data in order to validate the developed model. © 1986-2012 IEEE.


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A phenol-degrading. microorganism, Alcaligenes faecalis, was used to study the substrate interactions during cell growth on phenol and m-cresol dual substrates. Both phenol and m-cresol could be utilized by the bacteria as,the sole carbon and energy sources. When cells grew on the mixture of phenol and m-cresol, strong substrate interactions were observed. m-Cresol inhibited the degradation of phenol, on the other hand, phenol also inhibited the utilization of m-cresol, the overall cell growth rate was the co-action of phenol and m-cresol. In addition, the cell growth and substrate degradation kinetics of phenol, m-cresol as single and mixed substrates for A. faecalis in batch cultures were also investigated over a wide range of initial phenol concentrations (10-1400 mg L-1) and initial m-cresol concentrations (5-200 mg L-1). The single-substrate kinetics was described well using the Haldane-type kinetic models, with model constants of it mu(m1) = 0.15 h(-1), K-S1 = 2.22 mg L-1 and K-i1 = 245.37 mg L-1 for cell growth on phenol and mu(m2) = 0.0782 h(-1), K-S2 = 1.30 mg L-1 and K-i2 = 71.77 mgL(-1), K-i2' = 5480 (mg L-1)(2) for cell growth on m-cresol. Proposed cell growth kinetic model was used to characterize the substrates interactions in the dual substrates system, the obtained parameters representing interactions between phenol and m-cresol were, K = 1.8 x 10(-6), M = 5.5 x 10(-5), Q = 6.7 x 10(-4). The results received in the experiments demonstrated that these models adequately described the dynamic behaviors of phenol and m-cresol as single and mixed substrates by the strain of A. faecalis.


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A diffusion-limited kinetic model was developed to describe the imidization of one-step polythioetherimide formation based on an endgroup diffusion model. The changes of conversion and viscosity during the imidization were monitored with thermogravimetric analysis and dynamic stress rheometry, respectively. It was observed that the imidization rate began to decelerate after a fast early stage, whereas the viscosity in the system increased dramatically after a period of low value. Amic acid and imide formations concurrently take place in the one-step polyimide formation, but the formation of amic acid is much slower than that of imide and is the rate-limiting step of imidization. When a second-order kinetic model was used to describe the imidization, the effect of viscosity on the diffusion resistance of reactive groups needed to be included. In order to predict the change of viscosity during the imidization, the Lipshitz-Macosko model was modified and introduced into the diffusion-limited kinetic model by the Stokes-Einstein equation. The comparison of the modeled results with experimental data indicated that the diffusion-limited kinetic model and the modified Lipshitz-Macosko model were able to efficiently predict the changes of conversion and viscosity with temperature and time during the one-step polythioetherimide formation. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.