206 resultados para aminas bioativas
Historically, man has empirically acquired knowledge about the therapeutic applications of extracted elements of the natural environment in which belonged. Such knowledge over time culminated in the formation of traditional health systems. Among its features, the use of bioactive plant species - medicinal plants - stands out for its efficiency and high popular acceptance. Despite its importance for public health, the population still has in the open-air fairs the main source for the acquisition of the species used. In these spaces, the trade generally occurs informally, under unfavorable conditions to the quality of the products and to the financial sustainability of the business. In this context, this study aimed to characterize the socioeconomic, cultural and sanitary aspects related to the trade of medicinal plants in municipalities of a semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and additionally, proposing a specific legislation to the activity. Socioeconomic data were collected through on-site interviews, guided by structured form. The observations about the hygienic and sanitary adequacy of physical facilities and practices employed at the point of sale /environment were conducted and recorded with the use of assessment tool developed for use in open markets. The adequacy of medicinal plants to consumption was determined by microbiological analysis. The activity was carried out by individuals who are aged between 21 and 81 years of age, low educational level and low-income, predominantly males. The data showed a tendency to extinction of the activity in all the districts studied. It was observed in all the fairs studied hygiene and sanitation inadequacies that characterized very high health risk, representing in this way, the high probability of Food Transmitted Diseases outbreaks Such conditions were reflected in the high percentage of inadequacy to the consumption of the analyzed medicinal plants samples, illustrating the potential health risk to consumers. To contribute to the correction of hygiene and sanitation inadequacies observed in the studied open-air fairs, educational interventions were made to the training of traders in Good Practices. As a complement, was drafted a specific legislation for the marketing of folk medicine's products in open-air fairs. Such actions, products and its developments will contribute significantly to improving the quality of products available to the population and the preservation of activity, potentially reducing the risks to public health.
Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae), popularly known as ‘mangabeira’, has been used in folk medicine to treat inflammatory disorders, hypertension, dermatitis, diabetes, liver diseases and stomach disorders. Regarding the Hancornia speciosa fruits, the ethnobotany indicates its use especially for treating inflammation and tuberculosis. However, no study has been done so far to prove such biological activities. The objective was evaluation anti-inflammatory activity from the fruits of Hancornia speciosa Gomes (mangabeira). Aqueous extract was prepared by decoction, subsequently submitted the liquid-liquid fractionation. The secondary metabolites were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with detector diode array (HPLC-DAD) and liquid chromatography diode array detector coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-MS). The anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanol (n-BuOH) fractions of the fruits from H. speciosa, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid were investigated using in vitro and in vivo models. In vivo tests comprised the xylene-induced ear edema that was measured the formation of edema, carrageenan-induced peritonitis was evaluated the total leukocytes at 4h and zymosan-induced air pouch was measured the total leukocytes and differential cell count at 6, 24 and 48 hours, whereas in vitro tests were evaluated levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α using ELISA obtained of carrageenan-induced peritonitis model. The results showed the presence of rutin and chlorogenic acid were detected in the aqueous extract from H. speciosa fruits by HPLC-DAD and LC-DAD-ME. Furthermore, the aqueous extracts and fractions, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid significantly inhibited the xilol-induced ear edema and reduced cell migration in the animal models such as carrageenan-induced peritonitis and zymosan-induced air pouch. In addition, reduced levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α were observed. This is the first study that demonstrated the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract from Hancornia speciosa fruits against different inflammatory agents in animal models, suggesting that their bioactive molecules, especially rutin and chlorogenic acid contributing, at least in part, to the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract. These findings support the widespread use of Hancornia speciosa in popular medicine and demonstrate that this aqueous extract has therapeutic potential for the development of a herbal drugs with anti-inflammatory properties.
Inaccurate diagnosis of vulvovaginitis generates inadequate treatments that cause damages women's health. Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of methods when diagnosing vulvovaginitis. Method: a cross-sectional study was performed with 200 women who complained about vaginal discharge. Vaginal smear was collected for microbiological tests, considering the gram stain method as gold standard. The efficacy of the available methods for diagnosis of vaginal discharge was assessed (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value). Data were inserted to Graphpad Prism 6, for statistical analysis. Results: the following results were obtained: wet mount for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 31%; specificity = 97%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 54%; negative predictive value (NPV) =93%; accuracy = 91%. Wet mount for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 80%; specificity =95%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 80%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 95%; accuracy = 92%. Syndromic approach for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 95%; specificity=43%; positive predictive value (PPV) =30%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 97%; accuracy = 54%. Syndromic approach for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity =91%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 26%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 98%; accuracy = 90%. Pap smear for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 68%, specificity = 98%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 86%; negative predictive value (NPV) =96%; accuracy = 96%. Pap smear for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity = 100%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 100%; negative predictive value (NPV) =94%; accuracy = 95%. There was only one case of vaginal trichomoniasis reported – diagnosed by oncological cytology and wet mount – confirmed by Gram. The syndromic approach diagnosed it as bacterial vaginosis. From the data generated and with support on world literature, the Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco’s vulvovaginitis protocol was constructed. Conclusion: Pap smear and wet mount showed respectively low and very low sensitivity for vaginal candidiasis. Syndromic approach presented very low specificity and accuracy for bacterial vaginosis, which implies a large number of patients who are diagnosed or treated incorrectly.
Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds, as quinoxaline derivatives, has being shown to be relevant and promissor due to expressive applications in biological and technological areas. This work was dedicated to the synthesis, characterization and reactivity of quinoxaline derivatives in order to obtain new chemosensors. (L)-Ascorbic acid (1) and 2,3-dichloro-6,7- dinitroquinoxalina (2) were explored as synthetic precursors. Starting from synthesis of 1 and characterization of compounds derived from (L)-ascorbic acid, studies were performed investigating the application of products as chemosensors, in which compound 36 demonstrated selective affinity for Cu2+ íons in methanolic solution, by naked-eye (colorimetric) and UVvisible analyses. Further, initial analysis suggests that 39 a Schiff’s base derived from 36 also presents this feature. Five quinoxaline derivatives were synthesized from building block 2 through nucleophilic aromatic substitution by aliphatic amines, in which controlling the experimental conditions allows to obtain both mono- and di-substituted derivatives. Reactivity studies were carried out with two purposes: i) investigate the possibility of 47 compound being a chemosensor for anion, based on its interaction with sodium hydroxide in DMSO, using image analysis and UV-visible spectroscopy; ii) characterize kinetically the conversion of compound 44 into 46 based on RGB and multivariate image analysis from TLC data, as a simple and inexpensive qualitative and quantitative tool.
Snakebites are a serious public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries and Bothrops genus is responsible for the accidents in Brazil and throughout Latin America (90% of cases). The local effects (pain, edema, hemorrhage and myonecrosis) and systemic (cardiovascular alterations, shock and blood clotting disorders) caused by the venom of Bothrops are due to the numerous protein and non-protein components, which are part of the constitution of the poison. The only form of therapy is scientifically validated antivenom serum therapy which, however, is not effective with respect to local effects produced, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. Thus, the search for new alternatives to serum therapy becomes important, and in this context, many medicinal plants have been highlighted by the popular use as antiophidic. Among these plants, we can mention the species Jatropha mollissima (Euphorbiaceae) which has popular use in traditional medicine as antiophidic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the neutralizing potential of local effects induced by the venom of Bothrops erythromelas and Bothrops jararaca with the aqueous extract of the leaves of J. mollissima. The leaf extracts were prepared by decoction, fractionated (by liquid-liquid partition) and characterized by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Antiophidic activity of the extract was evaluated in model of paw edema, peritonitis, bleeding and myotoxicity induced by venoms of B. jararaca and B. erythromelas. In all models, the extract was evaluated by intraperitoneal route at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, administered 30 minutes prior to injection of the venom (pretreatment protocol). Stains suggestive of the presence of flavonoids: apigenin, luteolin, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin and vitexin-2-O-rhamnoside were detected in the extract by co-CCD. By means of HPLC were identified isoorientin, orientin, vitexin and isovitexin. All tested doses of J. mollissima extract reduced the paw edema induced by the venom with intensity similar to dexamethasone. The aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves on all evaluated doses, inhibited cell migration induced by B. jararaca and B. erythromelas promoting inhibition of recruitment of mononuclear cells and the polymorphonuclear cells. Local bleeding induced by B. jararaca venom was significantly inhibited by the extract. Both venoms were inhibited by the extract in myotoxic activity. These results indicate that the aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves have snakebite potential, particularly with respect to local effects, which may justify the use of this plant in traditional medicine and complementary therapy as anti-venom serum.
Snakebites are a serious public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries and Bothrops genus is responsible for the accidents in Brazil and throughout Latin America (90% of cases). The local effects (pain, edema, hemorrhage and myonecrosis) and systemic (cardiovascular alterations, shock and blood clotting disorders) caused by the venom of Bothrops are due to the numerous protein and non-protein components, which are part of the constitution of the poison. The only form of therapy is scientifically validated antivenom serum therapy which, however, is not effective with respect to local effects produced, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. Thus, the search for new alternatives to serum therapy becomes important, and in this context, many medicinal plants have been highlighted by the popular use as antiophidic. Among these plants, we can mention the species Jatropha mollissima (Euphorbiaceae) which has popular use in traditional medicine as antiophidic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the neutralizing potential of local effects induced by the venom of Bothrops erythromelas and Bothrops jararaca with the aqueous extract of the leaves of J. mollissima. The leaf extracts were prepared by decoction, fractionated (by liquid-liquid partition) and characterized by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Antiophidic activity of the extract was evaluated in model of paw edema, peritonitis, bleeding and myotoxicity induced by venoms of B. jararaca and B. erythromelas. In all models, the extract was evaluated by intraperitoneal route at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, administered 30 minutes prior to injection of the venom (pretreatment protocol). Stains suggestive of the presence of flavonoids: apigenin, luteolin, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin and vitexin-2-O-rhamnoside were detected in the extract by co-CCD. By means of HPLC were identified isoorientin, orientin, vitexin and isovitexin. All tested doses of J. mollissima extract reduced the paw edema induced by the venom with intensity similar to dexamethasone. The aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves on all evaluated doses, inhibited cell migration induced by B. jararaca and B. erythromelas promoting inhibition of recruitment of mononuclear cells and the polymorphonuclear cells. Local bleeding induced by B. jararaca venom was significantly inhibited by the extract. Both venoms were inhibited by the extract in myotoxic activity. These results indicate that the aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves have snakebite potential, particularly with respect to local effects, which may justify the use of this plant in traditional medicine and complementary therapy as anti-venom serum.
O aumento da esperança média de vida tem elevado a prevalência de doenças neurodegenerativas, como é o caso da doença de Parkinson. Nos últimos anos a procura de novas soluções terapêuticas, assim como a minimização dos efeitos dos tratamentos atualmente utilizados tem promovido a procura de novas soluções. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu no estudo dos mecanismos moleculares de neurotoxicidade induzidos pela dopamina (DA) e 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA) num modelo celular do neuroblastoma humano (SH-SY5Y), bem como na avaliação do potencial neuroprotetor de extratos de algas com elevada capacidade antioxidante. O efeito neurotóxico da DA e 6-OHDA, assim como o efeito protetor dos extratos das algas com maior atividade antioxidante (Sargassum muticum, Saccorhiza polyschides, Padina pavonica, Codium tomentosum, Ulva compressa) foi avaliado através da viabilidade celular das células SH-SY5Y utilizando o método de MTT. De modo a compreender os efeitos induzidos na viabilidade celular pela DA e 6-OHDA procedeu-se ao estudo da atividade da caspase-3, alterações do potencial mitocondrial e quantificação de H2O2. Os resultados demonstraram um claro efeito dependente da concentração da DA (30-3000μM) e 6-OHDA (10-1000μM) na viabilidade celular das células SH-SY5Y, bem como do tempo de exposição (6-48h). No que diz respeito a prevenção do efeito neurotóxico da DA (1000μM (56,41±5,05% de células viáveis); 24h) e 6-OHDA (100μM (66,76±3,24% de células viáveis);24h) pelos extratos das algas (1mg/mL; 24h) verificou-se que os extratos que apresentaram um efeito preventivo mais marcado pertencem as algas Sargassum muticum (82,37±6,41% de células viáveis e 115,8±8,53% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (89,26±8,62% de células viáveis e 106,51±4,26% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e Codium tomentosum (81,28±3,68% de células viáveis e 103,17±7,25% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). A morte celular induzida pela DA e pela 6-OHDA foi acompanhada pelo aumento da atividade da caspase-3 quando comparado com o controlo (DA - 66,46±1,49fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto; 6-OHDA - 22,56±1,71fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto; controlo – 4,8 ±0,48fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto), pela presença de elevadas quantidades de peróxido de hidrogénio (H2O2) (363,81±28,58 % do controlo e 214,26 ± 8,46 % do controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e pela despolarização da membrana mitocondrial (162,3±2,34 % do controlo e 144,7±2,87 % do controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). Por sua vez, durante o tratamento com extratos das algas (1mg/mL) na presença de DA e 6-OHDA verificou-se uma inibição da atividade da caspase-3 induzida pelas algas Sargassum muticum (2,53±2,49fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto e 4,52±1,36 fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (4,71±0,70fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto e 2,73±1,11 fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e Codium tomentosum (17,05±1,72fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto e 2,58±1,77fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). De igual modo verificou-se uma diminuição da produção de H2O2 pelas células SH-SY5Y na presença dos extratos das algas Sargassum muticum (132,58 ± 10,68% controlo), Saccorhiza polyschides (150,54 ± 23,54% controlo) e Codium tomentosum (54,074 ± 6,66% do controlo), quando expostas a 6-OHDA, contudo não se verificou o mesmo efeito na presença de DA. Relativamente ao potencial mitocondrial observou-se uma inibição da despolarização mitocondrial induzida pela DA e 6-OHDA nas células SH-SY5Y pela presença dos extratos das algas Sargassum muticum (135,7±2,97% controlo e 49,3±1,17% controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (126,7±5,46% controlo e 94,3±1,70% controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram o potencial citoprotetor dos extratos de algas sobre efeitos neurotóxicos induzidos pela DA e 6-OHDA no modelo celular SH-SY5Y. O efeito protetor é mediado pela diminuição da condição de stress oxidativo, com redução da produção de H2O2, diminuição da atividade da caspase-3 e prevenção da alteração do potencial mitocondrial induzido pela DA e 6-OHDA. Conclui-se que os extratos de algas produzem moléculas bioativas com elevado potencial antioxidante, podendo ser uma fonte promissora de novos compostos neuroprotetores com aplicação terapêutica para doenças neurodegenerativas como a doença de Parkinson.
No setor alimentar, o controlo da qualidade dos produtos e dos processos é uma etapa essencial, uma vez que é por este meio que se avaliam os padrões exigidos, quer a nível de legislação, quer a nível de mercado. O presente trabalho teve, como objetivos principais, o desenvolvimento de um novo produto alimentar com adição de algas, bem como o controlo de qualidade a nível de uma unidade fabril de produção de sumos e polpas naturais, à base de hortofrutícolas. De forma a garantir a qualidade na obtenção de produtos, foi realizado, diariamente, o controlo de entradas dos produtos hortofrutícolas, o acompanhamento de processos nas linhas de produção da fábrica e a análise das amostras de referência. Considerando a tendência e potencial de crescimento apresentados pelo setor das bebidas, nomeadamente dos sumos de fruta naturais, juntamente com a incessante procura por ingredientes naturais ricos em vários nutrientes e com propriedades bioativas, tem-se vindo a registar o lançamento de um número considerável de bebidas inovadoras, onde as macroalgas têm merecido um papel de destaque. Desta forma, procedeu-se à elaboração de dois protótipos, nomeadamente, sumo de framboesa e sumo de espinafres, com a adição do extrato da alga Gelidium corneum, estabilizados através do processo de Hiperpressão a frio, com o intuito de se avaliar o impacto desse extrato nos diferentes parâmetros de qualidade dos sumos. No que respeita aos parâmetros físico-químicos, o pH e teor de sólidos solúveis (TSS) foram avaliados após produção (t0), no tempo intermédio (t15) e no tempo final (t30). A cor foi determinada no t0 e no t30 e os restantes parâmetros, como acidez titulável, quantificação total de polifenóis, capacidade de redução do radical DPPH, teor de proteína bruta, teor de cinzas, teor de minerais e oligoelementos e teor de vitaminas (A, B1, B2 e C) foram avaliados no tempo final (t30). Foram, também, avaliados os parâmetros microbiológicos mais significativos, nomeadamente, microrganismos totais a 30 ˚C, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp, bolores e leveduras (ao t0, t15 e t30) e realizou-se uma avaliação sensorial ao 29.º dia após produção. Estes sumos apresentaram-se microbiologicamente estáveis, não se tendo verificado crescimento microbiológico durante o período de armazenamento de 30 dias. A análise dos resultados físico-químicos permitiram constatar que a adição do extrato da alga Gelidium corneum aos sumos influenciou as suas características, tendo havido um aumento significativo do pH com a consequente diminuição da acidez titulável e um aumento do teor de sólidos solúveis, em comparação com os sumos controlo. Em relação à avaliação da cor, no caso das amostras de sumos de framboesa, verificou-se que a adição do extrato de algas influenciou o parâmetro a*. No entanto, ambas as amostras permitiram a manutenção deste parâmetro, ao longo do tempo. Quanto ao parâmetro b*, as duas amostras de sumo com algas demonstraram uma evolução mais estável, em relação aos respetivos controlos. No que respeita ao teor em minerais, a adição do extrato da alga demonstrou aumentar os teores de magnésio, sódio, potássio e iodo. Em termos sensoriais, o sumo de framboesa com algas obteve maior aceitação por parte do painel de provadores, podendo-se constatar que o atributo da cor foi o que mostrou maiores variações, entre as duas amostras.
As microalgas têm sido foco de muitos estudos tendo em vista sua grande aplicabilidade na indústria de alimentos e farmacêutica, como também nas áreas da biomedicina e ambiental. A Spirulina é uma microalga que possui alto valor nutricional, apresenta alto teor proteico e é rica em substâncias bioativas. Esta microalga apresenta em sua composição compostos como glicolípidios, fosfolipídios e lipídios neutros, que por sua vez possuem efeito biossurfactante. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a potencialidade de produção de biossurfactantes a partir de diferentes cepas de Spirulina. Para isso, foram realizados experimentos utilizando Delineamento Fatorial Completo 22 , visando avaliar a influência da concentração de fósforo e nitrogênio no cultivo das microalgas Spirulina platensis Paracas, Spirulina platensis LEB 52 e Spirulina sp. LEB 18, como também nos extratos oriundos das microalgas, através da medida da tensão superficial. Foi também avaliada a influência destes nutrientes em extratos de Spirulina platensis LEB 52 e Spirulina sp. LEB 18 a partir do índice de emulsificação e diâmetro médio das gotículas das emulsões preparadas a partir dos extratos. Para extrações de biossurfactantes foram testados os solventes metanol, etanol e hexano. Nas formulações das nanoemulsões utilizou-se homogeneizador de alta velocidade, como fase aquosa os extratos oriundos das microalgas e como fase oleosa, óleo de girassol. As formulações foram preparadas utilizando-se diferentes concentrações da fase aquosa e oleosa, bem como diferentes velocidades e tempos de agitação. De acordo com os cultivos de Spirulina platensis Paracas realizados foi verificado que o cultivo que atingiu maior valor de concentração máxima de biomassa e maior produtividade foi realizado com 114 mg.L-1 de fósforo e sem adição de nitrogênio. Porém em relação às microalgas Spirulina platensis LEB 52 e Spirulina sp. LEB 18, as variáveis fósforo e nitrogênio não apresentaram influência significativa na concentração máxima de biomassa e produtividade máxima. O extrato que apresentou a menor tensão superficial (26,75 mN.m-1 ) foi verificado quando foi utilizado etanol como solvente, sendo este obtido a partir de cultivo da microalga Spirulina sp. LEB 18 realizado sem adição de nitrogênio e de fósforo. Em relação ao índice de emulsificação foram atingidos valores superiores a 59%, porém as concentrações utilizadas de nitrogênio e fósforo não apresentaram influência significativa nesta resposta. Neste trabalho foi possível obter nanoemulsões estáveis por até 30 d e com diâmetro médio de gotículas de até 532 nm. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são favoráveis à pesquisa na aplicação tanto dos extratos microalgais como das nanoemulsões obtidas apresentando potencialidade de uso em diversos processos industriais, como nas áreas ambiental, farmacêutica, cosmética e alimentos.
Os antioxidantes e os compostos bioativos naturalmente presentes nas frutas e vegetais têm suscitado um especial interesse entre os consumidores devido aos potenciais benefícios que apresentam para a saúde. Hoje em dia, uma das formas de consumo de frutas e vegetais é sob forma de sumos detox. No entanto, é fundamental avaliar as propriedades nutricionais e bioativas dos alimentos quando se misturam, dado que grande parte da informação disponível na literatura diz respeito aos ingredientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a análise comparativa da atividade antioxidante, do teor de compostos fenólicos totais e do teor de flavonóides totais, entre um sumo detox e os seus ingredientes. Foram analisados 3 tipos de frutas (laranja, pera e banana), 2 tipos de vegetais (espinafres e cenoura) e o sumo detox, cuja composição se baseou na junção dos ingredientes anteriormente referidos. A atividade antioxidante foi determinada utilizando dois métodos, 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazilo (DPPH•) e o poder de redução férrica (FRAP). O teor de compostos fenólicos totais foi determinado pelo método Folin-Ciocalteu, sendo os resultados expressos em equivalentes de ácido gálhico (EAG). O teor de flavonóides totais foi expresso em equivalentes de epicatequina (EEC). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a laranja foi a amostra que apresentou maior atividade antioxidante, nos dois métodos utilizados. Relativamente ao teor de compostos fenólicos totais e ao teor de flavonóides totais, os espinafres apresentaram o valor mais elevado, 0,369 ± 0,04 mg EAG/mL e 113,2 ± 8,0 µg EEC/mL, respetivamente. A cenoura foi a amostra que apresentou o menor valor para os dois métodos 0,135 ± 0,0 mg EAG/mL para os compostos fenólicos totais e 21,9 ± 1,3 µg EEC/mL para os flavonóides totais. Tendo por base os resultados obtidos é possível concluir que o sumo detox analisado, de uma forma geral, apresenta um baixo poder antioxidante, comparativamente aos seus ingredientes.
Nas últimas décadas, muito interesse tem sido focado no potencial biotecnológico das microalgas, principalmente devido à identificação de diversas substâncias bioativas sintetizadas por estas, especialmente ácidos graxos poliinsaturados (PUFAs). PUFAs ômega-3 (PUFAs ω-3) têm sido estudados pela promoção de efeitos benéficos em muitas doenças crônicas, incluindo o câncer, ao contrário de PUFAs ômega-6 (PUFAs ω-6) que, de forma geral, são conhecidos por agravar o desenvolvimento destes quadros. Este estudo objetivou testar a atividade antiproliferativa de extratos lipídicos de duas microalgas marinhas, Isochrysis galbana e Thalassiosira pseudonana, ricas principalmente em PUFAs ω-3, em uma linhagem celular de melanoma, B16F10. Adicionalmente, o efeito dos precursores dos PUFAs ω-3, α-linolênico (ALA), e dos PUFAs ω-6, linoleico (LA) na proliferação celular, foi avaliado nesta linhagem e em uma linhagem melanocítica normal, Melan-A, pelo método MTT. Foi demonstrado que os extratos lipídicos estudados são capazes de induzir inibição de proliferação tempo e concentração dependente na linhagem B16F10 e esta atividade foi também exercida pelo ALA de forma independente das concentrações testadas. Além disso, o extrato lipídico da microalga Thalassiosira pseudonana também induziu citotoxicidade na linhagem B16F10. Desse modo, é possível sugerir que o efeito antiproliferativo dos extratos possa estar relacionado com a alta concentração de ω-3 PUFAs em relação a ω- 6 PUFAs, especialmente para a Thalassiosira pseudonana Adicionalmente, a linhagem Melan-A não foi sensível ao tratamento com o ALA, sugerindo, dessa forma, um efeito antitumoral para este composto. Este estudo ainda indica a possibilidade do uso de microalgas como fontes promissoras de substâncias antitumorais.
A β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase extracted and partially isolated from crustacean Artemia franciscana by ammonium sulfate precipitation and filtration gel chromatography Bio Gel A 1.5m. the enzyme was immobilized on ferromagnetic Dacron yielding a insoluble active derivative with 5.0 units/mg protein and 10.35% of the soluble enzyme activity. β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase-ferromagnetic Dacron was easily removed from the reaction mixture by a magnetic field, it was reused for ten times without loss in its activity. The ferromagnetic Dacron was better activated at pH 5.0. The particles visualized at scanning electron microscope (SEM) had presented different sizes, varying between 721nm and 100µm. Infra red confirmed immobilization on support, as showed by primary amino peaks at 1640 and 1560 cm-1 . The immobilize enzyme presented Km of 2.32 ± 0.48 mM and optimum temperature of 50°C. Bought presented the same thermal stable of the soluble enzyme and larger enzymatic activity at pH 5.5. β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase-Dacron ferromagnético showed sensible for some íons as the silver (AgNO3), with loss of activity. The β-D-N acetilglucosaminidase activity for mercury chloride (HgCl2), whom is one of the most toxic substance joined in nature, it was presented activity already diminished at 0,01mM and lost total activity at 4mM, indicating sensitivity for this type of metal. β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase-ferromagnetic Dacron showed degradative capacity on heparan sulfate, the enzyme still demonstrated degradative capacity on heparan sulphate, suggesting a possible application to produce fractions of this glycosaminoglycan
The exopolysaccharides are extracellular compounds produced by some species of fungi and bacteria. It is suggested that these molecules, even when in the form of complex polysaccharide-peptide, are the main bioactive molecules of many fungus. Some of the biological activities displayed by these compounds can be accentuated and others may arise when you add chemically polar or nonpolar groups to polysaccharides. The fruiting body of Pleurotus sajor-caju produces a heteropolysaccharide with antineoplastic and antimicrobial activity, but other biological activities of this polymer have not been evaluated. In this work the exopolysaccharide of Pleurotus sajor-caju was sulfated chemically and structurally characterized. We also evaluated the antiproliferative, antioxidant and anticoagulant activities from native exopolysaccharide (PN) and its sulfated derivated (PS). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (¹³C) proved successful in sulfation of PN to obtain PS. Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy showed that PN and PS are composed of mannose, galactose, 3-O-methyl-galactose and glucose in proportion percentage of 44,9:16,3:19,8:19 and 49, 7:14,4:17,7:18,2, respectively. The percentage of sulfate found in PS was 22.5%. Antioxidants assays revealed that the sulfation procedure affects differently the activities of exopolysaccharides, while the total antioxidant capacity, the scavenging activity of superoxide radical and ferric chelating were not affected by sulfation, on the other hand the chemical modification of PN enhanced the scavenging activity of hydroxyl radical and reducing power. PS also showed anticoagulant activity in a dose-dependent manner and clotting time was 3.0 times higher than the baseline value in APTT at 2 mg/mL. The exopolysaccharide not presented antiproliferative activity against HeLa tumor cells, but PS affects the cellular proliferation in a time-dependent manner. After 72 h, the inhibition rate of PS (2.0 mg/mL) on HeLa cells was about 60%. The results showed that PN sulfation increase some of their activities.
The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources.The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC.
Chitinases are enzymes involved in degradation of chitin and are present in a range of organisms, including those that do not contain chitin, such as bacteria, viruses, plants and animals, and play important physiological and ecological roles. Chitin is hydrolyzed by a chitinolytic system classified as: endo-chitinases, exo-chitinases and N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidases. In this study a Litochitinase1 extracted from the cephalotorax of the shrimp Litopenaeus Schmitt was purified 987.32 times using ionexchange chromatography DEAE-Biogel and molecular exclusion Sephacryl S-200. These enzyme presented a molecular mass of about 28.5 kDa. The results, after kinetic assay with the Litochitinase1 using as substrate p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-b-Dglucosaminideo, showed apparent Km of 0.51 mM, optimal activity at pH ranging from 5.0 to 6.0, optimum temperature at 55°C and stability when pre-incubated at temperatures of 25, 37, 45, 50 and 55°C. The enzyme showed a range of stability at pH 4.0 to 5.5. HgCl2 inhibited Litochitinase1 while MgCl2 enhances its activity. Antimicrobial tests showed that Litochitinase1 present activity against gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli in the 800 μg/mL concentration. The larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti was investigated using crude extracts, F-III (50-80%) and Litochitinase1 at 24 and 48 hours. The results showed larvicidal activity in all these samples with EC50 values of 6.59 mg/mL for crude extract, 5.36 mg/mL for F-III and 0.71 mg/mL for Litochitinase1 at 24 hours and 3.22 and 0.49 mg/mL for the F-III and Litochitinase1 at 48 hours, respectively. Other experiments confirmed the presence of chitin in the midgut of Aedes aegypti larvae, which may be suffering the action of Litochitinase1 killing the larvae, but also the absence of contaminating proteins as serine proteinase inhibitors and lectins in the crude extract, F-III and Litochitinase1, indicating that the death of the larvae is by action of the Litochitinase1. We also observed that the enzymes extracted from intestinal homogenate of the larvae no have activity on Litochitinase1. These results indicate that the enzyme can be used as an alternative to control of infections caused by Escherichia coli and reducing the infestation of the mosquito vector of dengue.