996 resultados para Violencia familiar--Legislación--Colombia- 1994-2004
In the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, 95% of the human cases of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis are caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana with an incidence rate of 5.08 per 100,000 inhabitants. Transmission is limited to the winter months (November to March). One study on wild rodents has incriminated Ototylomys phyllotis and Peromyscus yucatanicus as primary reservoirs of L. (L.) mexicana in the focus of La Libertad, Campeche. In the present study, the prevalence of both infection and disease caused by L. (L.) mexicana in small terrestrial mammals were documented during five transmission seasons (1994-2004) in five foci of Leishmaniasis in the state of Campeche. Foci separated by only 100 km, with similar relative abundances of small mammals, were found to differ significantly in their prevalence of both symptoms and infection. Transmission rates and reservoir species seemed to change in space as well as in time which limited the implementation of effective control measures of the disease even in a small endemic area such as the south of the Yucatan Peninsula.
To determine the positivity rate of human bocavirus (HBoV) 1 and 3 among children who presented with acute gastroenteritis symptoms during the period of 1994-2004 in the Central-West Region of Brazil, 762 faecal samples were tested using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of HBoV DNA. Primers for a segment of the non-structural viral protein 1 (NS1) gene of HBoV-1 and HBoV-3 were used. Twelve HBoV-positive samples were further characterised via genomic sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Of the samples tested, 5.8% (n = 44) were positive for HBoV-1 or HBoV-3 and co-infection was observed in 14 (31.8%) of the 44 HBoV-positive samples. Nine of the 14 samples were also positive for Rotavirus A and five were positive for Aichi virus. The genomic sequencing of the NS1 partial sequence of 12 HBoV-samples showed that 11 samples were characterised as HBoV-1 and that one was characterised as HBoV-3. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the HBoV-1 samples had a high sequence homology to others previously identified in China, Sweden and Brazil. This is the first study conducted in the Central-West Region of Brazil to detect HBoV-1 and HBoV-3 in faecal samples from children with acute gastroenteritis. Further studies are required to define the role of HBoVs as aetiological agents of gastroenteritis.
Tot el que fa referència als aspectes de la violència que té lloc en l’àmbit domèstic és objecte d’un ampli debat en la nostra societat. Altres estudis recullen el fet que aproximadament un 14% dels casos denunciats per aquesta violència són protagonitzats per menors entre 14 i 18 anys que agredeixen els seus pares. Aquesta recerca comprèn l’estudi dels expedients qualificats per les fiscalies de menors de Catalunya, de Barcelona, Tarragona , Lleida i Girona, com fets de violència des de l’1 de gener de l’any 2001 fins al 31 de desembre de l’any 2003. Dels resultats es destaca que són 116 els casos de menors denunciats pels seus pares en aquest període, dels quals el 79,3% són nois i el 20,7% són noies. La majoria d’aquests nois i noies són nascuts a l’Estat Espanyol (91,4%),. La persona que acostuma a denunciar amb més freqüència és la mare, que és la que dóna el pas en el 64’7% dels casos. També ha estat la víctima més freqüent de la violència domèstica, un 87,8% dels casos. Les característiques de l’agressió veiem que en el 78’4% és per contacte físic com cops de puny, puntades de peu, empentes, intents d’escanyar. El perfil dels joves que tenen obert expedient per violència domèstica, es pot concloure que hi ha dos grups diferenciats: -El 46,6% l’únic delicte que consta al seu expedient a la justícia de menors és el de violència domèstica. -El 53,4%, tenen una “carrera delictiva”, més ampla. En la recerca es va enquestar també als professionals que intervenen a l’àmbit de la justícia de menors, i dels resultats es destaca que el 94,1%, considera que la intervenció amb els joves per un delicte per violència domèstica, ha de ser diferent a la que es fa per altres conductes delictives.
La finalidad de este estudio cuasi-experimental fue fue identificar los factores de riesgo para la reincidencia en los delitos violentos, sexuales y delitos de violencia doméstica y evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento. Se seleccionó una muestra de 120 internos del Centre Penitenciari Ponent condenados por delitos violentos, sexuales y de violencia doméstica que obtuvieron la libertad entre los años 2001 y 2006; el período de seguimiento osciló entre 3 y 8 años. Se analizaron veintisiete variables agrupadas en factores de riesgo y la reincidencia. Los datos se obtuvieron de la administración del HCR-20, de la SVR-20, de la S.A.R.A., de la PCL-R, del IPDE y del MMPI-2 y de las bases de datos del Departamento de justicia de Cataluña. Los internos con trastorno mental reincidieron más en delitos sexuales y de violencia doméstica y aquellos con trastornos de personalidad reincidieron más en delitos violentos. Una puntuación elevada en HCR-20, SVR-20, S.A.R.A. y PCL-R incrementó el riesgo de reincidencia. Al contrario, superar el tratamiento reduce la reincidencia pero presentar trastornos mentales, trastornos de personalidad, toxicomanías y puntuar alto en el HCR-20 y en la PCL-R dificultaron superar el tratamiento. A mayor período de seguimiento menor capacidad predictiva de los instrumentos de evaluación del riesgo y del tratamiento.
Les Seychelles connaissent une transition épidémiologique accélérée, parallèlement au développement socio-économique rapide au cours des trois dernières décennies. Les ressources des Seychelles, qui reposaient traditionnellement sur la production de copra, proviennent actuellement de la pêche industrielle, du tourisme et de services. Le produit national brut par habitant était inférieur à US$ 500 en 1970 et s'élève actuellement à US$ 14'000 actuellement, ce qui place les Seychelles parmi les pays à revenu intermédiaire supérieur. L'étude de la transition aux Seychelles est non seulement intéressante dans ce contexte de transformation socio-économique rapide, mais aussi parce que des données fiables permettent de documenter cette transition depuis trois décennies. Premièrement, la population est régulièrement énumérée et les données montrent un vieillissement rapide, avec un doublement de la population adulte en 25 ans, ce qui entraîne inévitablement une augmentation du nombre total de patients souffrant de maladies chroniques. Deuxièmement, 4 enquêtes de population ont été effectuées en 25 ans (1989, 1994, 2004 et 2013). Il ressort des prévalences élevées de plusieurs facteurs de risque des malades cardiovasculaires (MCV), mais les tendances sont, heureusement, à la baisse pour les facteurs de risque « traditionnels » (tabagisme, hypertension, dyslipidémie) mais, malheureusement, à la hausse pour les facteurs métaboliques « modernes » (obésité, diabète).
Objective: We assessed the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the Seychelles between 1989 and 2013. In the Seychelles, heath care is free to all inhabitants within a national health system, inclusive all hypertension medications. Design and method: Four surveys were conducted in 1989, 1994, 2004 and 2013 (Seychelles Heart Studies I, II, III and IV) in random samples of the population aged 25-64 (N >1000 and participation rate >75% in each sur acceptance of the program, though no objective index could be calculated. In total, 15% of device measurements were above high normal values and would correspond to either newly diagnosed HNT (second measurement required) or to poorly controlled known HTN. It should be stressed that 53 women without HTN who completed the questionnaire had abnormal BP values, including the 29 women who also contacted the research team. It could be speculated that approximately 2% of women would be first diagnosed with HTN following the completion of the initial phase of the screening program. Conclusions: Hypertension screening in the hair salon setting was proved to be conveniently applicable and well accepted both by owners and by customers and could lead to the new diagnosis of hypertension for 2% of the female clients. Further research is warranted to assess the effectiveness of the program.
This paper analyses the effect of unmet formal care needs on informal caregiving hours in Spain using the two wavesof the Informal Support Survey (1994, 2004). Testing for double sample selection from formal care receipt and theemergence of unmet needs provides evidence that the omission of either variable would causes underestimation of thenumber of informal caregiving hours. After controlling for these two factors the number of hours of care increaseswith both the degree of dependency and unmet needs. More importantly, in the presence of unmet needs, the numberof informal caregiving hours increases when some formal care is received. This result refutes the substitution modeland supports complementarity or task specificity between both types of care. For a given combination of formal careand unmet needs, informal caregiving hours increased between 1994 and 2004. Finally, in the model for 2004, theselection term associated with the unmet needs equation is larger than that of the formal care equation, suggestingthat using the number of formal care recipients as a quality indicator may be confounding, if we do not complete thisinformation with other quality indicators.
The 2013 survey addressed the following objectives: Primary objectives : a) Distribution of health behaviors related to NCDs, particularly tobacco use, alcohol drinking, and physical activity ; b) Distribution of the main modifiable risk factors of NCDs, particularly blood pressure, adiposity markers, diabetes and blood lipids ; c) Rates of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia ; d) Comparison of findings in the survey 2013 with results in previous similar NCD surveys in 1989, 1994, 2004 ; e) Dietary patterns ; f) Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to NCDs and NCD risk factors. Secondary objectives : g) Assessment of indicators of quality of health (e.g. SF‐12) ; h) Assessment of psychological stress and relation with NCD ; i) Assessment of several indicators of frailty (e.g. handgrip strength test, chair strand test, functional limitations) ; j) Assessment of knowledge and level of agreement with current policies on tobacco control ; k) Use of public and private health care services, particularly for NCDs ; l) Exposure to advice on health behaviors given by health professionals at health care level ; m) Burden of chronic diseases not related to the main NCDs (e.g. musculoskeletal, mental health, etc) ; n) Screening of selected cancers ; o) Assessment of the kidney function ; p) Frequency of heart arrhythmias (one‐lead ECG) and heart murmurs (auscultation) ; q) Assessment of bone mineral density (ultrasound of calcaneus) ; r) Exposure of the population to mass media, particularly in relation to health programs, and use by the population of new communication technologies ; s) Assessment of a number of social variables and their association with the variables measured in the survey ; t) More generally, the survey provides broad information (medical, social, environment, etc) that can be useful for tailoring NCD prevention and control programs.
The purpose of this comparative study is to profile second language learners by exploring the factors which have an impact on their learning. The subjects come from two different countries: one group comes from Milwaukee, US, and the other from Turku, Finland. The subjects have attended bilingual classes from elementary school to senior high school in their respective countries. In the United States, the subjects (N = 57) started in one elementary school from where they moved on to two high schools in the district. The Finnish subjects (N = 39) attended the same school from elementary to high school. The longitudinal study was conducted during 1994-2004 and combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A Pilot Study carried out in 1990-1991 preceded the two subsequent studies that form the core material of this research. The theoretical part of the study focuses first on language policies in the United States and Finland: special emphasis is given to the history, development and current state of bilingual education, and the factors that have affected policy-making in the provision of language instruction. Current language learning theories and models form the theoretical foundation of the research, and underpin the empirical studies. Cognitively-labeled theories are at the forefront, but sociocultural theory and the ecological approach are also accounted for. The research methods consist of questionnaires, compositions and interviews. A combination of statistical methods as well as content analysis were used in the analysis. The attitude of the bilingual learners toward L1 and L2 was generally positive: the subjects enjoyed learning through two languages and were motivated to learn both. The knowledge of L1 and parental support, along with early literacy in L1, facilitated the learning of L2. This was particularly evident in the American subject group. The American subjects’ L2 learning was affected by the attitudes of the learners to the L1 culture and its speakers. Furthermore, the negative attitudes taken by L1 speakers toward L2 speakers and the lack of opportunities to engage in activities in the L1 culture affected the American subjects’ learning of L2, English. The research showed that many American L2 learners were isolated from the L1 culture and were even afraid to use English in everyday communication situations. In light of the research results, a politically neutral linguistic environment, which the Finnish subjects inhabited, was seen to be more favorable for learning. The Finnish subjects were learning L2, English, in a neutral zone where their own attitudes and motivation dictated their learning. The role of L2 as a means of international communication in Finland, as opposed to a means of exercising linguistic power, provided a neutral atmosphere for learning English. In both the American and Finnish groups, the learning of other languages was facilitated when the learner had a good foundation in their L1, and the learning of L1 and L2 were in balance. Learning was also fostered when the learners drew positive experiences from their surroundings and were provided with opportunities to engage in activities where L2 was used.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Violencia Familiar) UANL, 2011.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Violencia Familiar) UANL, 2012.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con especialidad en Violencia Familiar) UANL, 2009.
Cet article est publié avec l'accord de la Chambre des notaires du Québec.
Este libro presenta las tendencias más recientes en políticas de seguridad ciudadana y modernización de la policía en el mundo. El interés por estos temas ha sido escaso entre los académicos en América Latina a pesar de la preocupación creciente de sus ciudadanos por los problemas de inseguridad que los aquejan diariamente. La desproporción entre la enorme producción académica mundial en la materia y el interés puntual de un puñado de investigaciones latinoamericanas resulta, al mismo tiempo, sorprendente y poco halagüeña para poder proponer e implementar en el futuro reformas y cursos de acción efectivos. Por esta razón los autores abren con este libro el abanico de opciones y perspectivas en el estudio de la seguridad ciudadana y la policía, contribuyendo con un análisis comparado internacional. Autoridades nacionales y locales, administradores públicos y asesores gubernamentales; profesionales de la seguridad; miembros de los cuerpos de policía; profesores, investigadores y estudiantes en las diversas ramas de las ciencias sociales, la criminología, la equística y la gestión publica y urbana podrán contar con un panorama amplio de los debates y las transformaciones alrededor de las políticas de seguridad ciudadana y el rol de la policía en su desarrollo e implementación.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. La fecha, 2008, consta en la cub. de la revista, en la cabecera de los art??culos consta por error, 2007