Do Spanish informal caregivers come to the rescue of dependent people with formal care unmet needs?

Autoria(s): Jiménez-Martín, Sergi; Vilaplana Prieto, Cristina

Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament d'Economia i Empresa




This paper analyses the effect of unmet formal care needs on informal caregiving hours in Spain using the two wavesof the Informal Support Survey (1994, 2004). Testing for double sample selection from formal care receipt and theemergence of unmet needs provides evidence that the omission of either variable would causes underestimation of thenumber of informal caregiving hours. After controlling for these two factors the number of hours of care increaseswith both the degree of dependency and unmet needs. More importantly, in the presence of unmet needs, the numberof informal caregiving hours increases when some formal care is received. This result refutes the substitution modeland supports complementarity or task specificity between both types of care. For a given combination of formal careand unmet needs, informal caregiving hours increased between 1994 and 2004. Finally, in the model for 2004, theselection term associated with the unmet needs equation is larger than that of the formal care equation, suggestingthat using the number of formal care recipients as a quality indicator may be confounding, if we do not complete thisinformation with other quality indicators.





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Palavras-Chave #Labour, Public, Development and Health Economics #Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Methods #double sample selection #unmet need #informal care #caregiver #formal care
