709 resultados para Transatlantic flights
Various leg exercises have been recommended to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a condition where a blood clot forms in the deep veins, especially during long-haul flights. Accessing the benefit of each of these exercises in avoiding the DVT, which can be fatal, is important in the context of suggesting the correct and the most beneficial exercises. Present work aims at demonstrating the fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based sensing methodology for measuring surface strains generated on the skin of the calf muscle to evaluate the suggested airline exercises to avoid DVT. As the dataset in the experiment involves multiple subjects performing these exercises, an inertial measurement unit has been used to validate the repetitiveness of each of the exercises. The surface strain on the calf muscle obtained using the FBG sensor, which is a measure of the calf muscle deformation, has been compared against the variation of blood velocity in the femoral vein of the thigh measured using a commercial electronic-phased array color Doppler ultrasound system. Apart from analyzing the effectiveness of suggested exercises, a new exercise which is more effective in terms of strain generated to avoid DVT is proposed and evaluated. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
The quantum statistical mechanical propagator for a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent force constant, m omega(2)(t), has been investigated in the past and was found to have only a formal solution in terms of the solutions of certain ordinary differential equations. Such path integrals are frequently encountered in semiclassical path integral evaluations and having exact analytical expressions for such path integrals is of great interest. In a previous work, we had obtained the exact propagator for motion in an arbitrary time-dependent harmonic potential in the overdamped limit of friction using phase space path integrals in the context of Levy flights - a result that can be easily extended to Brownian motion. In this paper, we make a connection between the overdamped Brownian motion and the imaginary time propagator of quantum mechanics and thereby get yet another way to evaluate the latter exactly. We find that explicit analytic solution for the quantum statistical mechanical propagator can be written when the time-dependent force constant has the form omega(2)(t) = lambda(2)(t) - d lambda(t)/dt where lambda(t) is any arbitrary function of t and use it to evaluate path integrals which have not been evaluated previously. We also employ this method to arrive at a formal solution of the propagator for both Levy flights and Brownian subjected to a time-dependent harmonic potential in the underdamped limit of friction. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: A model that uses right hind-limb unloading of rats is used to study the consequences of skeletal unloading during various conditions like space flights and prolonged bed rest in elderly. This study was aimed to investigate the additive effects of antiresorptive agent zoledronic acid (ZOL), alone and in combination with propranolol (PRO) in a rat model of disuse osteoporosis. Methods: In the present study, 3-month-old male Wistar rats had their right hind-limb immobilized (RHLI) for 10 weeks to induce osteopenia, then were randomized into four groups: 1-RHLI positive control, 2-RHLI plus ZOL (50 mu g/kg, i.v. single dose), 3-RHLI plus PRO (0.1 mg/kg, s.c. 5 days per week), 4-RHLI plus PRO (0.1 mg/kg, s.c. 5 days per week) plus ZOL (50 mu g/kg, i.v. single dose) for another 10 weeks. One group of non-immobilized rats was used as negative control. At the end of treatment, the femurs were removed and tested for bone porosity, bone mechanical properties, and bone dry and ash weight. Results: With respect to improvement in the mechanical strength of the femoral mid-shaft, the combination treatment with ZOL plus PRO was more effective than ZOL or PRO monotherapy. Moreover, combination therapy using ZOL plus PRO was more effective in improving dry bone weight and preserved the cortical bone porosity better than monotherapy using ZOL or PRO in right hind-limb immobilized rats. Conclusions: These data suggest that this combined treatment with ZOL plus PRO should be recommended for the treatment of disuse osteoporosis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
[ES] Cada vez son más numerosos los programas de fidelización que ofrecen al titular la posibilidad de comprar puntos o conseguir premios, viajes o billetes aéreos pagando una parte de los mismos con dinero. Dicha característica, unida a la propia estructura y dinámica de los programas de fidelización y a la actual coyuntura del sector turístico, ha permitido desarrollar plataformas de venta directa desde las que ofrecer servicios a los titulares.
"The Role of Latin in the Early Modern World: Linguistic identity and nationalism 1350-1800". Contributions from the conference held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa Convalescència, 5-6 May 2010. Edited by Alejandro Coroleu, Carlo Caruso & Andrew Laird
Observations of the Galactic center region black hole candidate 1E 1740.7-2942 have been carried out using the Caltech Gamma-Ray Imaging Payload (GRIP), the Röntgensatellit (ROSAT) and the Very Large Array (VLA). These multiwavelength observations have helped to establish the association between a bright emitter of hard X-rays and soft γ-rays, the compact core of a double radio jet source, and the X-ray source, 1E 1740.7-2942. They have also provided information on the X-ray and hard X-ray spectrum.
The Galactic center region was observed by GRIP during balloon flights from Alice Springs, NT, Australia on 1988 April 12 and 1989 April 3. These observations revealed that 1E 1740.7-2942 was the strongest source of hard X-rays within ~10° of the Galactic center. The source spectrum from each flight is well fit by a single power law in the energy range 35-200 keV. The best-fit photon indices and 100 keV normalizations are: γ = (2.05 ± 0.15) and K_(100) = (8.5 ± 0.5) x 10^(-5) cm^(-2) s^(-1) keV^(-1) and γ = (2.2 ± 0.3) and K_(100) = (7.0 ± 0.7) x 10^(-5) cm^(-2) s^(-1) keV^(-1) for the 1988 and 1989 observations respectively. No flux above 200 keV was detected during either observation. These values are consistent with a constant spectrum and indicate that 1E 1740.7-2942 was in its normal hard X-ray emission state. A search on one hour time scales showed no evidence for variability.
The ROSAT HRI observed 1E 1740.7-2942 during the period 1991 March 20-24. An improved source location has been derived from this observation. The best fit coordinates (J2000) are: Right Ascension = 17^h43^m54^s.9, Declination = -29°44'45".3, with a 90% confidence error circle of radius 8".5. The PSPC observation was split between periods from 1992 September 28- October 4 and 1993 March 23-28. A thermal bremsstrahlung model fit to the data yields a column density of N_H = 1.12^(+1.51)_(0.18) x cm^(-2) , consistent with earlier X- ray measurements.
We observed the region of the Einstein IPC error circle for 1E 1740.7-2942 with the VLA at 1.5 and 4.9 GHz on 1989 March 2. The 4.9 GHz observation revealed two sources. Source 'A', which is the core of a double aligned radio jet source (Mirabel et al. 1992), lies within our ROSAT error circle, further strengthening its identification with 1E 1740.7-2942.
The cosmic-ray positron and negatron spectra between 11 and 204 MeV have been measured in a series of 3 high-altitude balloon flights launched from Fort Churchill, Manitoba, on July 16, July 21, and July 29, 1968. The detector system consisted of a magnetic spectrometer utilizing a 1000-gauss permanent magnet, scintillation counters, and a lucite Čerenkov counter.
Launches were timed so that the ascent through the 100 g/cm2 level of residual atmosphere occurred after the evening geomagnetic cutoff transition. Data gathered during ascent are used to correct for the contribution of atmospheric secondary electrons to the flux measured at float altitude. All flights floated near 2.4 g/cm2.
A pronounced morning intensity increase was observed in each flight. We present daytime positron and negatron data which support the interpretation of the diurnal flux variation as a change in the local geomagnetic cutoff. A large diurnal variation was observed in the count rate of positrons and negatrons with magnetic rigidities less than 11 MV and is evidence that the nighttime cutoff was well below this value.
Using nighttime data we derive extraterrestrial positron and negatron spectra. The positron-to-total-electron ratio which we measure indicates that the interstellar secondary, or collision, source contributes ≾50 percent of the electron flux within this energy interval. By comparing our measured positron spectrum with the positron spectrum calculated for the collision source we derive the absolute solar modulation for positrons in 1968. Assuming negligible energy loss during modulation, we derive the total interstellar electron spectrum as well as the spectrum of directly accelerated, or primary, electrons. We examine the effect of adiabatic deceleration and find that many of the conclusions regarding the interstellar electron spectrum are not significantly altered for an assumed energy loss of up to 50 percent of the original energy.
Nesta dissertação, pretende-se estudar a dinamicidade lexical em textos de domínio político, veiculados pela imprensa escrita durante o período eleitoral de 2010. Para tal, selecionou-se um corpus adequado à pesquisa, fez-se o levantamento de neologismos lexicais nele ocorrentes e procedeu-se à sua descrição. Neste percurso, buscou-se demonstrar a riqueza e a vitalidade dos mecanismos de expansão lexical nos textos estudados, de modo a evidenciar que o léxico, como sistema dinâmico, configura-se como um dos subníveis linguísticos mais abertos à criatividade, revelando também crenças, valores, costumes e hábitos de uma comunidade linguística. Ademais, objetivou-se mostrar que a linguagem utilizada em contextos políticos, visto estar imersa em um ambiente de tensões e embates constantes, é marcadamente caracterizada pelo incessante nascer de novos signos, os quais, por motivações denominativas e/ou estilísticas, desvelam, não raras vezes, intenções e ideologias dos sujeitos-falantes que os criam. Por fim, elaborou-se um glossário com as novas formações encontradas, que oferece subsídios para a observação sistemática da neologia no âmbito do português brasileiro, além de traçar um perfil parcial das alterações político-culturais por que passamos no correr de 2010
Os passageiros têm reclamado da diminuição do conforto na classe econômica dos aviões comerciais. A autoridade aeronáutica brasileira instituiu um selo de qualidade, mas as empresas aéreas brasileiras mantêm os mesmos arranjos internos em seus aviões. Estadissertaçãotrata da avaliação do espaço entre as poltronas e a sua influência no conforto dos passageiros em vôos comerciais. Realizaram-se avaliações da usabilidade utilizando-se um simulador de cabine para treinamento de tripulantes e um avião B737-300. Os resultados indicam uma forte relação entre os níveis de conforto e o passo (medida de repetição das fileiras de poltronas ao longo do avião).
Esta tese teve como objetivo a discussão teórica sobre a formação e a transmissão no/pelo/para o trabalho, a partir da confrontação entre dois campos empíricos. Buscou-se estratégias/pistas de efetividade dessa transmissão, de modo a conciliar saúde & segurança com as demandas de incremento de produtividade & qualidade. Investigaram-se as atividades de auxiliares de enfermagem numa UTI neonatal e de mecânicos de aeronave (flights engineers) em um esquadrão de voo militar. As ferramentas teórico-metodológicas utilizadas foram abordagens clínicas sobre o trabalhar (Ergonomia da Atividade, Clínica da Atividade, Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, proposições sobre relações de serviço e o modelo da competência), sob a orientação da perspectiva ergológica. Os resultados apontam encontros e controvérsias entre os campos empíricos. Os encontros seriam: caracterizam-se como ofícios com grande força coletiva interna, tendo desenvolvido maneiras próprias de transmitir conhecimentos e saberes-fazer, especialmente, durante a própria realização do trabalho; apresentam certo fechamento em seus coletivos, dificultando a ampliação da visão de profissão/ofício para uma noção voltada à ideia de profissionalismo e trabalho em rede entre as auxiliares, uma dificuldade principalmente na inserção das mães dos recém-nascidos internados na equipe de cuidados na Unidade Neonatal e, com os flights, o problema parece ser uma dificuldade em expandir seu ofício/ profissão para além daquele que envolve a sua função em risco de extinção; carência do ingrediente da competência referente à qualificação formal. As controvérsias seriam: mesmo invisibilizada, a dimensão relacional da atividade das auxiliares é, apesar de naturalizada no universo feminino, considerada importante neste domínio. Já, para os flights, mesmo se esta dimensão é fundamental não apenas para a operação, mas também para a formação e aprendizagem da profissão, ela parece manter-se velada na aviação militar; sobre a dinâmica de transmissão de saberes-fazer entre os profissionais, encontramos, entre as auxiliares, o dispositivo sombra representando uma forma de inserção minimamente satisfatória que considera a transmissão de saberes ligados aos aspectos relacionais do trabalho e, entre os flights, dificuldades na assunção de fragilidades vivenciadas pelos profissionais em formação; a partir de uma forte auto-valorização em comum - especialmente dos antigos a respeito de seu histórico e sua inserção heróica naqueles meios de trabalho -, a saída encontrada por cada grupo seguiu direções opostas: entre as auxiliares criou-se um dispositivo de formação para as novatas que é mais eficaz do que a formação das antigas, com os flights, parece não se ter criado um dispositivo mais eficaz, mantendo-se os antigões como heróis inalcançáveis. As conclusões indicam que, se ambos os grupos criaram estratégias de auto-valorização e auto-proteção - os flights, pela condição limite do futuro de seu ofício e as auxiliares, pela sua origem, baseada num corte de classe social e na diferenciação da qualidade da formação profissional (entre enfermeiras e auxiliares) em ambos, o fortalecimento da profissão possibilitou conquistar espaços em meio a trajetórias profissionais à margem de itinerários formativos reconhecidos. Aponta-se, assim, a necessidade de dar visibilidade aos saberes e competências transmitidos cotidianamente no trabalho, viabilizando sua sistematização em programas de formação situados sob o ponto de vista da atividade.
The safety of the flights, and in particular conflict resolution for separation assurance, is one of the main tasks of Air Traffic Control. Conflict resolution requires decision making in the face of the considerable levels of uncertainty inherent in the motion of aircraft. We present a Monte Carlo framework for conflict resolution which allows one to take into account such levels of uncertainty through the use of a stochastic simulator. A simulation example inspired by current air traffic control practice illustrates the proposed conflict resolution strategy. Copyright © 2005 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Conventional coronary artery bypass grafting (C-CABG) and off-pump CABG (OPCAB) surgery may produce different patients' outcomes, including the extent of cardiac autonomic (CA) imbalance. the beneficial effects of an exercise-based inpatient programme on heart rate variability (HRV) for C-CABG patients have already been demonstrated by our group. However, there are no studies about the impact of a cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on HRV behaviour after OPCAB. the aim of this study is to compare the influence of both operative techniques on HRV pattern following CR in the postoperative (PO) period.Methods: Cardiac autonomic function was evaluated by HRV indices pre- and post-CR in patients undergoing C-CABG (n = 15) and OPCAB (n = 13). All patients participated in a short-term(approximately 5 days) supervised CR programme of early mobilization, consisting of progressive exercises, from active-assistive movements at PO day 1 to climbing flights of stairs at PO day 5.Results: Both groups demonstrated a reduction in HRV following surgery. the CR programme promoted improvements in HRV indices at discharge for both groups. the OPCAB group presented with higher HRV values at discharge, compared to the C-CABG group, indicating a better recovery of CA function.Conclusion: Our data suggest that patients submitted to OPCAB and an inpatient CR programme present with greater improvement in CA function compared to C-CABG.
Shepherd, Alistair, 'Irrelevant or Indispensable? ESDP, the ?War on Terror' and the Fallout from Iraq', International Politics (2006) 43(1) pp.71-92 RAE2008
This thesis is based on studies of Formica lugubris from 1972-1975. While this species' range is diminishing in Ireland, the nests are quite common in the State plantations of South Tipperary. It is not certain that the species is indigenous. Above-ground activity occurs from late-February to the end of October; foraging begins in April. Two territorial "spring-battles" between neighbouring nests are described. Most active nests produced alatae of both sexes and flights were observed on successive June mornings above l7.5°C air temperature. Both polygyny and polycaly seem to be rare. Where the nests occur commonly, the recorded densities are similar to those reported from the continent. Most nests persisted at the same site since 1973. The nest-sites are described by recording an array of nest, soil, tree, vegetation and location variables at each site. Pinus sylvestris is the most important overhead tree. Nests seem to be the same age as their surrounding plantation and reach a maximum of c. 30 years. Nearest-neighbour analysis suggests the sites are overdispersed. Forager route-fidelity was studied and long-term absence from the route, anaesthetization and "removal" of an aphid tree had little effect on this fidelity. There were no identifiable groups of workers specifically honeydew or prey-carriers. Size-duty relationships of workers participating in adult transport are described. Foraging rhythms were studied on representative days: the numbers foraging were linearly related to temperature. Route-traffic passed randomly and an average foraging trip lasted c. four hours. Annual food intake to a nest with 25 000 foragers was estimated at approximately 75 kg honeydew and 2 million prey-items. Forager-numbers and colony-size were estimated using the capture-mark - recapture method: paint marking was used for the forager estimate and an interval radiophosphorus mark, detected by autoradiography, was used for the colony-size estimate. The aphids attended by lugubris and the nest myrmecophiles are recorded.