679 resultados para Teachers’ continuous education
This article presents an analysis of the results of an action of teacher continuing education in a public Brazilian university. It presents and discusses relations that proved to be necessary between the aforementioned action, the development of classroom pedagogical practices and the promotion of teachers’ health. Its theoretical and methodological foundations consist on a clinic, developmental and dialogic-argumentative character and employ the method of simple and crossed self-confrontation,in order to address professional teaching gestures. The results indicate the necessity of actions related to teachers’ continuing education, focused primarily on the concrete classroom work, which, in addition to allowing the development of pedagogical practices, makes the promotion of teachers’ health itself possible.
Guter Schulunterricht bildet eine wichtige Basis für die Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft. Ein zentraler Aspekt guten Unterrichts ist das Wissen und Denken der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. In dieser Arbeit werden dazu die subjektiven Theorien zur Unterrichtsgestaltung erforscht. Dabei wird auch überprüft, welche Effekte ein Training auf die Veränderung dieser Unterrichtstheorien hat. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die untersuchten Lehrkräfte sehr differenzierte Vorstellungen davon haben, wie sie im Unterricht vorgehen. Diese Vorstellungen lassen sich als subjektive Theorien rekonstruieren, die ähnlich wie wissenschaftliche Theorien aufgebaut sind und vergleichbare Funktionen erfüllen. Diese subjektiven Theorien stimmen auch inhaltlich in vielen Punkten mit wissenschaftlichen Theorien überein. Es ist daher kaum verwunderlich, dass Trainingsprogramme, die von einem defizitären Wissen bei Lehrkräften ausgehen, nur geringe Effekte aufweisen. Fazit: Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind klüger als mancher Wissenschaftler (und vielleicht auch die Öffentlichkeit) denkt! Der Autor verdeutlicht, dass wir in Zukunft mehr auf den Erfahrungsschatz der Lehrkräfte schauen und diesen als Fundus wissenschaftlicher Theorienbildung nutzen sollten. (DIPF/Orig.)
O presente trabalho aborda a temática da formação contínua e da influência que esta tem na atividade dos militares para a resolução das diversas situações que se lhes apresentam diariamente. Importa comparar a formação que os militares colocados na vertente territorial recebem com as áreas onde se inserem as ocorrências em que têm de intervir. Assim o objetivo deste trabalho centra-se na explicação de como as áreas de formação desempenham um papel fundamental na resolução dos incidentes diários e na forma de atuação. Para atingir o objetivo geral do trabalho é necessário que primeiramente se atinjam os objetivos específicos que vão permitir identificar como é a formação no Comando Territorial de Lisboa, bem como que áreas são ministradas e se os militares se encontram preparados para a atividade operacional através da formação que lhes é proporcionada. Para a investigação utilizaram-se dois métodos o comparativo e o estudo de caso. O primeiro permite comparar as diversas entrevistas aplicadas a Comandantes dos vários escalões ligados à formação contínua e o segundo através dos questionários aplicados aos militares do Destacamento Territorial de Alenquer. Segue-se o método dedutivo que permite iniciar-se o estudo na estrutura existente de formação contínua, decrescendo o estudo até ás áreas de formação ministradas aos militares e quais as que consideram mais importantes e mais recorrentes no seu dia-a-dia. Com os resultados obtidos é possível afirmar que o modelo de formação que tem vindo a ser utilizado, a Formação Contínua de Aperfeiçoamento e Atualização é eficaz e praticável, encontrando-se os militares preparados para as suas missões. Contudo com a recente alteração do regime de folgas, Circular 01/2016/DO/CO, os Comandantes deixaram de realizar sessões de formação contínua devido à impossibilidade de agregar militares para esse fim. Conclui-se que se torna essencial avaliar a situação de modo a incorporar os dois assuntos supra referidos, para possibilitar a existência de formação contínua.
Climate in the classroom is one of the determining factors in the development of practices in Inclusive Education. Many factors contribute to the climate in the classroom. However, there are predominance on affective-relational factors, with impact on action, norms and values, social interactions and learning processes. In this paper, the authors reflect on four studies which aim to identify and evaluate the relationship between several agents in the teaching–learning process (regular teachers, special education teachers and peer students) and the students with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Disability and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The studies were held in Primary Portuguese schools. The results are presented and discussed in their similarities and differences. The discussion shows that relationships between teachers and children with Special Education Needs (SEN) differ from those between teachers and typical children, but also according to different SEN. In general, there are not significant differences between regular teachers and special education teachers
One of the numerous challenges in the educational processes is teacher training, particularly in the framework of neo-liberal global societies ruled by the competitiveness of regular and continuous education programs in teacher training. It is a matter of concern and, therefore, a matter of analysis, if we consider the deep impact in all contexts. Accordingly, this paper discusses the situation from a descriptive perspective as a basic requirement to go beyond the analysis on the urgency of having clear educational policies related to the variety and quality of curricular programs; and, above all, a strong awareness from teacher trainers to see themselves as the critical creative mass from which change can be made, based on socially human proposals.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Much of the research on teachers' work is informed by role theory, that assumes teachers' identity is largely ascribed. When there are inconsistencies in teachers' and others' expectations for different occupational roles such as physical education teacher and sports coach, 'role conflict' is said to occur. This stud), sought to investigate if role conflict was a major concern for Australian physical education teacher/coaches. Findings, informed by case studies with five teacher/coaches, challenge the assumption that moving between professional responsibilities causes role conflict. Rather, in moving across contexts, the physical education teachers managed inconsistencies in ways that resulted in positive and rawarding work experiences.
The Conference on Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (ENTENP2013) in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) will be held at the Guarda Polytechnic Institute (GPI) in Guarda on 7/8 June 2013. We expect delegates from all the Portuguese Higher Education Institutions and the EU Member States, as well as Pre-Accession Countries and countries participating in the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). ENTENP 2013 addresses to all practitioners from the area of teacher education and entrepreneurship education, but also the early stage adopters of education in entrepreneurship. The conference is jointly organized by Guarda Polytechnic Institute with the collaboration of Castelo Branco Polytechnic Institute, Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute and Universidade Nova de Lisboa and shall be hosted by the European Commission and GPI. The purpose of the event is to discuss burning questions and exchange good practice examples in the field of enabling teachers for entrepreneurship education and looking at possible areas of development and cooperation.
In this paper we propose to characterize the inclusive philosophy in Thailand as well as to present and discuss results from a quantitative research carried out within the teacher pre-service context, viewed as one of the components that should be addressed by school systems that seek to be inclusive.
In Ireland and in most other developed countries there are significantly more female than male teachers working in both first and second level schools. While this was not always the case, since the 1970s there has been a significant and continuous decline in the number of males entering the teaching profession, particularly at primary level. In recognition of the feminisation of primary teaching, the Minister for Education and Science established the Primary Education Committee in 2003. The main task of the Committee is to make recommendations on strategies and initiatives to increase the number of males entering primary teaching.
Aquest document pretén recollir aportacions teòriques sobre les pràctiques pedagògiques que incorporen i promouen l'ús de les TIC per tal de definir els criteris per al disseny de la formació dels professors d'educació superior en les TIC.
Aquest document pretén recollir aportacions teòriques i pràctiques sobre les pràctiques pedagògiques que incorporen i promouen l'ús de les TIC per tal d'aclarir, facilitar i fer coherent el disseny de la formació dels professors d'educació superior en les TIC. El seu propòsit és trobar alternatives de formació que compleixin amb les necessitats educatives del professor, així com per superar o atenuar les dificultats i/o la manca de voluntat a les quals s'enfronta en la pràctica educativa en introduir aplicacions de les TIC.