985 resultados para Surface Texture


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A novel method for 3D head tracking in the presence of large head rotations and facial expression changes is described. Tracking is formulated in terms of color image registration in the texture map of a 3D surface model. Model appearance is recursively updated via image mosaicking in the texture map as the head orientation varies. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. Parameters are estimated via a robust minimization procedure; this provides robustness to occlusions, wrinkles, shadows, and specular highlights. The system was tested on a variety of sequences taken with low quality, uncalibrated video cameras. Experimental results are reported.


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A neural model is proposed of how laminar interactions in the visual cortex may learn and recognize object texture and form boundaries. The model brings together five interacting processes: region-based texture classification, contour-based boundary grouping, surface filling-in, spatial attention, and object attention. The model shows how form boundaries can determine regions in which surface filling-in occurs; how surface filling-in interacts with spatial attention to generate a form-fitting distribution of spatial attention, or attentional shroud; how the strongest shroud can inhibit weaker shrouds; and how the winning shroud regulates learning of texture categories, and thus the allocation of object attention. The model can discriminate abutted textures with blurred boundaries and is sensitive to texture boundary attributes like discontinuities in orientation and texture flow curvature as well as to relative orientations of texture elements. The model quantitatively fits a large set of human psychophysical data on orientation-based textures. Object boundar output of the model is compared to computer vision algorithms using a set of human segmented photographic images. The model classifies textures and suppresses noise using a multiple scale oriented filterbank and a distributed Adaptive Resonance Theory (dART) classifier. The matched signal between the bottom-up texture inputs and top-down learned texture categories is utilized by oriented competitive and cooperative grouping processes to generate texture boundaries that control surface filling-in and spatial attention. Topdown modulatory attentional feedback from boundary and surface representations to early filtering stages results in enhanced texture boundaries and more efficient learning of texture within attended surface regions. Surface-based attention also provides a self-supervising training signal for learning new textures. Importance of the surface-based attentional feedback in texture learning and classification is tested using a set of textured images from the Brodatz micro-texture album. Benchmark studies vary from 95.1% to 98.6% with attention, and from 90.6% to 93.2% without attention.


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When we look at a scene, how do we consciously see surfaces infused with lightness and color at the correct depths? Random Dot Stereograms (RDS) probe how binocular disparity between the two eyes can generate such conscious surface percepts. Dense RDS do so despite the fact that they include multiple false binocular matches. Sparse stereograms do so even across large contrast-free regions with no binocular matches. Stereograms that define occluding and occluded surfaces lead to surface percepts wherein partially occluded textured surfaces are completed behind occluding textured surfaces at a spatial scale much larger than that of the texture elements themselves. Earlier models suggest how the brain detects binocular disparity, but not how RDS generate conscious percepts of 3D surfaces. A neural model predicts how the layered circuits of visual cortex generate these 3D surface percepts using interactions between visual boundary and surface representations that obey complementary computational rules.


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One of the first attempts to develop a formal model of depth cue integration is to be found in Maloney and Landy's (1989) "human depth combination rule". They advocate that the combination of depth cues by the visual sysetem is best described by a weighted linear model. The present experiments tested whether the linear combination rule applies to the integration of texture and shading. As would be predicted by a linear combination rule, the weight assigned to the shading cue did vary as a function of its curvature value. However, the weight assigned to the texture cue varied systematically as a function of the curvature value of both cues. Here we descrive a non-linear model which provides a better fit to the data. Redescribing the stimuli in terms of depth rather than curvature reduced the goodness of fit for all models tested. These results support the hypothesis that the locus of cue integration is a curvature map, rather than a depth map. We conclude that the linear comination rule does not generalize to the integration of shading and texture, and that for these cues it is likely that integration occurs after the recovery of surface curvature.


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Le réalisme des objets en infographie exige de simuler adéquatement leur apparence sous divers éclairages et à différentes échelles. Une solution communément adoptée par les chercheurs consiste à mesurer avec l’aide d’appareils calibrés la réflectance d’un échantillon de surface réelle, pour ensuite l’encoder sous forme d’un modèle de réflectance (BRDF) ou d’une texture de réflectances (BTF). Malgré des avancées importantes, les données ainsi mises à la portée des artistes restent encore très peu utilisées. Cette réticence pourrait s’expliquer par deux raisons principales : (1) la quantité et la qualité de mesures disponibles et (2) la taille des données. Ce travail propose de s’attaquer à ces deux problèmes sous l’angle de la simulation. Nous conjecturons que le niveau de réalisme du rendu en infographie produit déjà des résultats satisfaisants avec les techniques actuelles. Ainsi, nous proposons de précalculer et encoder dans une BTF augmentée les effets d’éclairage sur une géométrie, qui sera par la suite appliquée sur les surfaces. Ce précalcul de rendu et textures étant déjà bien adopté par les artistes, il pourra mieux s’insérer dans leurs réalisations. Pour nous assurer que ce modèle répond aussi aux exigences des représentations multi-échelles, nous proposons aussi une adaptation des BTFs à un encodage de type MIP map.


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La synthèse d'images dites photoréalistes nécessite d'évaluer numériquement la manière dont la lumière et la matière interagissent physiquement, ce qui, malgré la puissance de calcul impressionnante dont nous bénéficions aujourd'hui et qui ne cesse d'augmenter, est encore bien loin de devenir une tâche triviale pour nos ordinateurs. Ceci est dû en majeure partie à la manière dont nous représentons les objets: afin de reproduire les interactions subtiles qui mènent à la perception du détail, il est nécessaire de modéliser des quantités phénoménales de géométries. Au moment du rendu, cette complexité conduit inexorablement à de lourdes requêtes d'entrées-sorties, qui, couplées à des évaluations d'opérateurs de filtrage complexes, rendent les temps de calcul nécessaires à produire des images sans défaut totalement déraisonnables. Afin de pallier ces limitations sous les contraintes actuelles, il est nécessaire de dériver une représentation multiéchelle de la matière. Dans cette thèse, nous construisons une telle représentation pour la matière dont l'interface correspond à une surface perturbée, une configuration qui se construit généralement via des cartes d'élévations en infographie. Nous dérivons notre représentation dans le contexte de la théorie des microfacettes (conçue à l'origine pour modéliser la réflectance de surfaces rugueuses), que nous présentons d'abord, puis augmentons en deux temps. Dans un premier temps, nous rendons la théorie applicable à travers plusieurs échelles d'observation en la généralisant aux statistiques de microfacettes décentrées. Dans l'autre, nous dérivons une procédure d'inversion capable de reconstruire les statistiques de microfacettes à partir de réponses de réflexion d'un matériau arbitraire dans les configurations de rétroréflexion. Nous montrons comment cette théorie augmentée peut être exploitée afin de dériver un opérateur général et efficace de rééchantillonnage approximatif de cartes d'élévations qui (a) préserve l'anisotropie du transport de la lumière pour n'importe quelle résolution, (b) peut être appliqué en amont du rendu et stocké dans des MIP maps afin de diminuer drastiquement le nombre de requêtes d'entrées-sorties, et (c) simplifie de manière considérable les opérations de filtrage par pixel, le tout conduisant à des temps de rendu plus courts. Afin de valider et démontrer l'efficacité de notre opérateur, nous synthétisons des images photoréalistes anticrenelées et les comparons à des images de référence. De plus, nous fournissons une implantation C++ complète tout au long de la dissertation afin de faciliter la reproduction des résultats obtenus. Nous concluons avec une discussion portant sur les limitations de notre approche, ainsi que sur les verrous restant à lever afin de dériver une représentation multiéchelle de la matière encore plus générale.


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This study gave the first report on the biennial metal divergence in the sediments of Cochin Estuarine system (CES). Surface sediments from 6 prominent regions of CES were sampled in 2009 and 2011 for the geochemical and environmental assessment of trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni and Zn).Besides texture, total organic carbon (TOC) and CHNS were also done. The contamination and risk assessment were performed by determining geochemical indices. Comparison with sediment quality guidelines were done to assess the probability for ecotoxicological threat to the estuary. Results showed that the measured heavy metals had varied spatial distribution patterns, indicating that they had complex origins and controlling factors


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Texture provides one cue for identifying the physical cause of an intensity edge, such as occlusion, shadow, surface orientation or reflectance change. Marr, Julesz, and others have proposed that texture is represented by small lines or blobs, called 'textons' by Julesz [1981a], together with their attributes, such as orientation, elongation, and intensity. Psychophysical studies suggest that texture boundaries are perceived where distributions of attributes over neighborhoods of textons differ significantly. However, these studies, which deal with synthetic images, neglect to consider two important questions: How can these textons be extracted from images of natural scenes? And how, exactly, are texture boundaries then found? This thesis proposes answers to these questions by presenting an algorithm for computing blobs from natural images and a statistic for measuring the difference between two sample distributions of blob attributes. As part of the blob detection algorithm, methods for estimating image noise are presented, which are applicable to edge detection as well.


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One cubic centimetre potato cubes were blanched, sulfited, dried initially for between 40 and 80 min in air at 90 degreesC in a cabinet drier, puffed in a high temperature fluidised bed and then dried for up to 180 min in a cabinet drier. The final moisture content was 0.05 dwb. The resulting product was optimised using response surface methodology, in terms of volume and colour (L-*, a(*) and b(*) values) of the dry product, as well as rehydration ratio and texture of the rehydrated product. The operating conditions resulting in the optimised product were found to be blanching for 6 min in water at 100 degreesC, dipping in 400 ppm sodium metabisulfite solution for 10 min, initially drying for 40 min and puffing in air at 200 degreesC for 40 s, followed by final drying to a moisture content of 0.05 dwb. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we discuss current work concerning Appearance-based and CAD-based vision; two opposing vision strategies. CAD-based vision is geometry based, reliant on having complete object centred models. Appearance-based vision builds view dependent models from training images. Existing CAD-based vision systems that work with intensity images have all used one and zero dimensional features, for example lines, arcs, points and corners. We describe a system we have developed for combining these two strategies. Geometric models are extracted from a commercial CAD library of industry standard parts. Surface appearance characteristics are then learnt automatically by observing actual object instances. This information is combined with geometric information and is used in hypothesis evaluation. This augmented description improves the systems robustness to texture, specularities and other artifacts which are hard to model with geometry alone, whilst maintaining the advantages of a geometric description.


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Texture and small-scale surface details are widely recognised as playing an important role in the haptic identification of objects. In order to simulate realistic textures in haptic virtual environments, it has become increasingly necessary to identify a robust technique for modelling of surface profiles. This paper describes a method whereby Fourier series spectral analysis is employed in order to describe the measured surface profiles of several characteristic surfaces. The results presented suggest that a bandlimited Fourier series can be used to provide a realistic approximation to surface amplitude profiles.


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This paper describes a method that employs Earth Observation (EO) data to calculate spatiotemporal estimates of soil heat flux, G, using a physically-based method (the Analytical Method). The method involves a harmonic analysis of land surface temperature (LST) data. It also requires an estimate of near-surface soil thermal inertia; this property depends on soil textural composition and varies as a function of soil moisture content. The EO data needed to drive the model equations, and the ground-based data required to provide verification of the method, were obtained over the Fakara domain within the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) program. LST estimates (3 km × 3 km, one image 15 min−1) were derived from MSG-SEVIRI data. Soil moisture estimates were obtained from ENVISAT-ASAR data, while estimates of leaf area index, LAI, (to calculate the effect of the canopy on G, largely due to radiation extinction) were obtained from SPOT-HRV images. The variation of these variables over the Fakara domain, and implications for values of G derived from them, were discussed. Results showed that this method provides reliable large-scale spatiotemporal estimates of G. Variations in G could largely be explained by the variability in the model input variables. Furthermore, it was shown that this method is relatively insensitive to model parameters related to the vegetation or soil texture. However, the strong sensitivity of thermal inertia to soil moisture content at low values of relative saturation (<0.2) means that in arid or semi-arid climates accurate estimates of surface soil moisture content are of utmost importance, if reliable estimates of G are to be obtained. This method has the potential to improve large-scale evaporation estimates, to aid land surface model prediction and to advance research that aims to explain failure in energy balance closure of meteorological field studies.


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Accurate estimates of how soil water stress affects plant transpiration are crucial for reliable land surface model (LSM) predictions. Current LSMs generally use a water stress factor, β, dependent on soil moisture content, θ, that ranges linearly between β = 1 for unstressed vegetation and β = 0 when wilting point is reached. This paper explores the feasibility of replacing the current approach with equations that use soil water potential as their independent variable, or with a set of equations that involve hydraulic and chemical signaling, thereby ensuring feedbacks between the entire soil–root–xylem–leaf system. A comparison with the original linear θ-based water stress parameterization, and with its improved curvi-linear version, was conducted. Assessment of model suitability was focused on their ability to simulate the correct (as derived from experimental data) curve shape of relative transpiration versus fraction of transpirable soil water. We used model sensitivity analyses under progressive soil drying conditions, employing two commonly used approaches to calculate water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves. Furthermore, for each of these hydraulic parameterizations we used two different parameter sets, for 3 soil texture types; a total of 12 soil hydraulic permutations. Results showed that the resulting transpiration reduction functions (TRFs) varied considerably among the models. The fact that soil hydraulic conductivity played a major role in the model that involved hydraulic and chemical signaling led to unrealistic values of β, and hence TRF, for many soil hydraulic parameter sets. However, this model is much better equipped to simulate the behavior of different plant species. Based on these findings, we only recommend implementation of this approach into LSMs if great care with choice of soil hydraulic parameters is taken


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Existing texture synthesis-from-example strategies for polygon meshes typically make use of three components: a multi-resolution mesh hierarchy that allows the overall nature of the pattern to be reproduced before filling in detail; a matching strategy that extends the synthesized texture using the best fit from a texture sample; and a transfer mechanism that copies the selected portion of the texture sample to the target surface. We introduce novel alternatives for each of these components. Use of p2-subdivision surfaces provides the mesh hierarchy and allows fine control over the surface complexity. Adaptive subdivision is used to create an even vertex distribution over the surface. Use of the graph defined by a surface region for matching, rather than a regular texture neighbourhood, provides for flexible control over the scale of the texture and allows simultaneous matching against multiple levels of an image pyramid created from the texture sample. We use graph cuts for texture transfer, adapting this scheme to the context of surface synthesis. The resulting surface textures are realistic, tolerant of local mesh detail and are comparable to results produced by texture neighbourhood sampling approaches.