904 resultados para Smeekens, John P.


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Esta dissertação tem por objectivo avaliar a eficácia do processo de mudança organizacional, através das acções dos líderes, da empresa que lidera o mercado de telecomunicações em Cabo Verde, que foi objecto de um processo de reestruturação, que consistiu essencialmente na implementação de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ). A implementação do referido sistema é entendida, nesta dissertação, como um modelo de mudança organizacional. Para atingir os objectivos preconizados, foi realizado um estudo de caso que contempla uma análise qualitativa dos documentos da empresa e de dados recolhidos através de entrevistas realizadas no período compreendido entre Fevereiro e Agosto de 2010. O estudo procurou compreender o contributo das práticas de liderança para a eficácia da gestão da qualidade. Nesta perspectiva, importa salientar que o tipo de liderança identificado neste estudo de caso é a liderança transformacional, que tecnicamente é o adequado quando se pretende implementar mudanças profundas e que implicam uma redefinição da missão, visão e valores da organização. Importa referir ainda que vários estudos empricos têm demonstrado de forma consistente, uma relação positiva entre a liderança transformacional e os indicadores de eficiência no trabalho. Procurou-se entender ainda se os líderes na condução do processo de mudança organizacional da empresa estudada, seguiram o modelo proposto por John P. Kotter para a implementação eficaz de mudanças nas organizações, comparando os oito passos propostos pelo autor com os ocorridos na empresa. A avaliação deste estudo de caso permitiu concluir que a essência do modelo foi aplicado. This paper intended to assess the effectiveness of the process of organizational change, through the actions of the leaders of the company that leads the telecommunications market in Cape Verde, which was involved in a restructuration process, covering mainly the implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS). The implementation of this system is understood in this case, as a model of organizational change. To achieve the proposed goals, we performed a case study based on a qualitative analysis of corporate documents and data collected through interviews conducted between February 2010 and August 2010. This study tried to understand the role of leadership practices for the effectiveness of the quality management. In this perspective, it should be noted that the type of leadership identified in this case study is the transformational one, which, technically, is the appropriate when trying to implement significant change, which imply a redefinition of the mission, vision and values of the organization. It should be noted also that several empirical studies have consistently demonstrated a positive relationship between transformational leadership and the performance indicators in the workplace. We also tried to understand if the leaders, in driving the process of organizational change in the company studied, followed the model proposed by John P. Kotter for implementing effective change in organizations, by comparing the eight steps proposed by the author with those verified in the company. The assessment of this case study allowed us to conclude that the essence of the model is applicable to this case.


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Vuosina 2012-1014 Rajavartiolaitoksen toteuttama talouden sopeuttamisohjelma aiheutti huomattavia muutoksia Raja- ja merivartiokoulun toiminnassa. Koululle annettiin tehtäväksi parantaa oman toimintansa kustannustehokkuutta noin 2 miljoonalla eurolla. Ratkaisuna koulu pätti kokonaan sulkea Espoossa sijaitsevan koulutuskeskuksen ja keskittää siellä olleet palvelut päosin Imatralla sijaitsevan koulutuskeskuksen yhteyteen. Lisäksi Espoossa toiminut merellinen koulutus sijoitettiin Porkkalan merivartioasemalle. Muutoksen myötä myös organisaatiota uudistettiin ja sen toimintoja yhdistettiin. Esimerkiksi korkeakouluosasto ja kurssiosasto yhdistettiin yhdeksi osastoksi. Kokonaisratkaisussa pästiin alustavien laskelmien mukaan asetettuun kustannussäästötavoitteeseen. Tässä työssä keskityttiin tapaustutkimuksen keinoin tarkastelemaan toteutuneen muutosjohtamisen onnistumista syvällisemmin henkilöstön näkökulmasta. Muutos aiheutti erityisesti Espoossa työskennelleelle henkilöstölle huomattavaa henkistä ahdistusta ja pettymyksen tunteita. Prosessi koettiin liian tiukasti ylhäältä johdetuksi, eikä henkilöstö kokenut oman äänensä pässeen kuuluviin ratkaisua pätettäessä. Osa henkilöistä irtisanoutui muutoksen seurauksena ja osa siirtyi muihin tehtäviin Rajavartiolaitoksen sisällä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella, haasteeksi muodostuivat jäykkä organisaatiorakenne ja vahva sotilasjohtamisen kulttuuri, joka ei edesauttanut vuorovaikutteisen ja avoimen ilmapiirin syntymistä vaikeassa muutostilanteessa. Muutoksen suunnittelusta vastannut johtoryhmä ei onnistunut saavuttamaan yhteistä muutosvisiota, joka puolestaan aiheutti ongelmia muutoksen viestinnässä ja henkilöstön sitouttamisessa. Alussa toteutettu vaihtoehtojen kartoittaminen koettiin henkilöstön mielestä merkityksettömäksi lopputuloksen kannalta, sillä toteutettu muutosprosessi antoi heille sen vaikutelman, että asiat olivat jo etukäteen pätetty ylemmällä tasolla. Viestintää pyrittiin prosessin aikana lisäämään, mutta se koettiin henkilöstön mielestä lähinnä yksisuuntaisena, eikä kunnollista dialogia pässyt syntymään. Yllämainitut epkohdat toteutetussa muutosprosessissa heikensivät työilmapiiriä sekä henkilöstön luottamusta työnantajaa kohtaan. Tämän tutkimuksen keskiössä on itse muutosprosessi ja se miten vaikeassa tilanteessa olisi voitu muutoksen aiheuttamia negatiivisia vaikutuksia hallinnoida suunnitellummin. Työn viitekehyksenä käytettiin olemassa olevaa, professori John P. Kotterin kehittämää kahdeksanportaista muutosjohtamisen mallia. Sitä hyödynnettiin sekä kyselylomakkeen laadinnassa että tulosten analysoinnissa. Päaineisto muodostui henkilöstölle lähetetystä kyselystä, mutta sen lisäksi tutkimukseen on haastateltu neljää johtoryhmässä työskennellyttä henkilöä. Tämän lisäksi on perehdytty kattavasti muutokseen liittyvään asiakirja-aineistoon. Työn teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan yleisesti organisaatiomuutoksia sekä niiden johtamista. Lähtökohta työn tekemiselle liittyy siihen oletukseen, että vaikea taloustilanne tulee jatkossakin pakottamaan Rajavartiolaitosta toteuttamaan haastavia muutoksia omien toimintaedellytyksiensä varmistamiseksi. Muutokset ovat organisaatiolle aina hankalia ja aikaisempi organisaatioon sidottu tutkimus aiheesta on ollut vähäistä. Tavoitteena on, että perehtymällä syvällisemmin jo toteutettuun muutokseen, voidaan omaa johtamistoimintaa pyrkiä kehittämään.


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The purpose of this thesis was to study change management and find out how the theory applies to practise with the help of studying an organizational change process. The goal was to investigate the different ways of the change management and how those could be utilized in practise. The purpose was also to see what kind of tools and information packages for change management the company involved has developed and taken in to use and check if these could have been utilized in the change process studied in this thesis. This thesis was established by studying the theory of change management and interviewing the people involved in the organizational change and the stakeholders. The questions were formed in line with the change management theory. The main theory used was John P. Kotter’s Eight Steps of Change. The study revealed valuable details about change processes in real life and concrete improvement ideas were recognized from the interviews. Overall the people were quite happy with the outcome of the change process. There were also some failures identified in this change process. Most probably those can be avoided in the future if people planning the change are familiar with the company’s new information packages and tools for change management. Change management is a complex area that is still today quite often forgotten by companies. Effective change management can give a huge competitive advantage for a company. Acknowledging that change process is always complex and not easy is already a good step forward in handling change processes. All changes need change management and understanding the way people react on change. A good and efficient change management is the key to make the change process smooth and easier for the people involved.


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The analysis of fossil diatoms and Mallomonas assemblages in a 2.85 m sediment core revealed that a series of distinct floristic changes have occurred in the development of Found Lake, a small Shield lake in southern Ontario. Climatic and vegetational changes in the lake's watershed were closely associated with successional changes in the lake's biota. Nutrients released by the deciduous component of the Found Lake watershed appeared to be especially important in determining diatom and Mallomonas standing crop. The top 20 cm of sediment of 3 ,Shield lakes was then investigated using close interval (1 cm) analyses of diatoms, Mallomonas scales, pollen grains and sedimentary phosphorus. Found and Jake Lake are adjacent to Highway 60, whereas Delano Lake has been undisturbed and was used as a control. Dramatic changes in the diatom and Mallomonas communities were recorded in the Found and Jake Lake stratigraphies and could be closely associated with known historical events. Increased turbidity and nutrient enrichment were believed responsible for these successional changes. In addition, diatom and Mallomonas standing crop increased substantially following road construction in Found Lake's drainage basin. Meanwhile, no. sharp changes in diatom or Mallomonas communities were recorded in the recent sediments of the control (Delano) lake. The use£ulness o£ Synuracean scales as paleoindicators, as well as the importance o£ sectioning cores at close intervals during transition periods in a laker's development, was stressed.


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Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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This study was conducted to identify the concentration dependence of the operating wavelengths and the relative intensities in which a dye mixture doped polymer optical fibre can operate. A comparative study of the radiative and Forster type energy transfer processes in Coumarin 540:Rhodamine 6G, Coumarin 540:Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G:Rhodamine B in methyl methacrylate (MMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was done by fabricating a series of dye mixture doped polymer rods which have two emission peaks with varying relative intensities. These rods can be used as preforms for the fabrication of polymer optical fibre amplifiers operating in the multi-wavelength regime. The 445 nm line from an Nd:YAG pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) was used as the excitation source for the first two dye pairs and a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser emitting at 532 nm was used to excite the Rh 6G:Rh B pair. The fluorescence lifetimes of the donor molecule in pure form as well as in the mixtures were experimentally measured in both monomer and polymer matrices by time-correlated single photon counting technique. The energy transfer rate constants and transfer efficiencies were calculated and their dependence on the acceptor concentration was analysed. It was found that radiative energy transfer mechanisms are more efficient in all the three dye pairs in liquid and solid matrices.


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An unusual copper(II) complex [Cu(L1a)2Cl2] CH3OH H2O H3O+Cl (1a) was isolated from a solution of a novel tricopper(II) complex [Cu3(HL1)Cl2]Cl3 2H2O (1) in methanol, where L1a is 3-(2-pyridyl)triazolo [1,5-a]-pyridine, and characterized with single crystal X-ray diffraction study. The tricopper(II) complex of potential ligand 1,5-bis(di-2-pyridyl ketone) carbohydrazone (H2L1) was synthesized and physicochemically characterized, while the formation of the complex 1a was followed by time-dependant monitoring of the UV–visible spectra, which reveals degradation of ligand backbone as intensity loss of bands corresponding to O?Cu(II) charge transfer


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Servientrega S.A. es una empresa exitosa y perdurable. Por medio del presente trabajo se pretendió analizar qué factores le han permitido a Servientrega que ésta sea su realidad, bajo el marco expuesto por la investigación de la Facultad de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario que determina los 13 componentes de la perdurabilidad empresarial. Un acercamiento a los niveles de la gerencia y dirección de la organización permitieron identificar a partir de su proceso de crecimiento, las crisis que ha enfrentado y cómo ha logrado recuperarse de ellas, al mismo tiempo que los aspectos más destacados que hacen a Servientrega perdurable en el tiempo. Para lograr el análisis y desarrollo del presente trabajo, se obtuvo información primaria y secundaria por medio de 54 encuestas entre los empleados de la compañía, dónde se indagaba por los atributos que la Facultad de Administración, consideró eran claves para la perdurabilidad de una empresa. De igual forma, se realizó una entrevista personal con los fundadores de la compañía, la Señora Luz Mary Guerrero y el Señor Jesús Guerrero.


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Este trabajo contribuye al análisis de la incidencia del paradigma del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el proceso de toma de decisiones legislativas en Colombia, concentrándose en la discusión y definición de la agenda legislativa sobre asuntos urbanos, durante el periodo 1991-2006.


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Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes que recibieron ventilación mecánica en las unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI) de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá entre los años 2009 y 2013. Metodología: Se analizó una cohorte retrospectiva de los pacientes en UCI que requirieron soporte ventilatorio mecánico al ingreso a la unidad independientemente de la causa. Resultados: La media de edad de los pacientes fue 63,83 años; el diagnóstico más frecuente de ingreso fue revascularización miocárdica, seguido por neumonía y recambio valvular aórtico; en el 43% de los casos la causa de la falla fue el estado postoperatorio. Los modos ventilatorios más frecuentemente utilizados fueron SIMV (27,5%) y ventilación asistida controlada (26,12%). El 50% de los pacientes fueron ventilados con PEEP < 6 cmH2O. La mortalidad bruta fue del 15%. 22% de los pacientes tuvieron estancia prolongada en UCI. Se aplicó protocolo de retiro de ventilación mecánica en el 77% de los pacientes. La duración de la ventilación mecánica es mayor a medida que aumenta la edad del paciente entre los 60 y los 80 años. La mortalidad es cercana al 50% alrededor de los 50 años y mayor a 80% después de los 80 años. El soporte ventilatorio por cinco o más días aumentó la mortalidad a 80% o más. Discusión y Conclusiones: Estos resultados son comparables a los encontrados en estudios previos. Este estudio puede ser considerado como el primer paso para generar un registro adecuado de la ventilación de la mecánica de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del país.


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Este proyecto de investigación, mediante el análisis y comparación de las Tecnologías de Gestión con la teoría administrativa, establece el aporte de cada una de ellas al conocimiento administrativo y mediante el análisis de la experiencia


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Entrar al análisis de los factores de liderazgo de las zonas francas de Colombia, Repblica Dominicana y Taiwán, resulta básico abordar el tema del liderazgo empresarial, como la estructura principal del éxito en las organizaciones del mundo