976 resultados para Self Directed Triple P


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L’étude qui nous concerne vise à mieux comprendre la violence en milieu carcéral. C’est à l’aide d’entrevues menées auprès de treize hommes incarcérés à l’Unité spéciale de détention, une unité canadienne spécifiquement conçue pour loger des personnes qui ont fait usage de violence intra murale ou sont soupçonné de l’avoir fait, que nous avons tenté d’atteindre l’objectif principal de ce projet. Plus spécifiquement, le point de vue des participants a été recueilli sur l’incarcération, sur les moyens utilisés afin de s’accoutumer aux défis de l’enfermement ainsi que la manière dont les individus justifient l’usage de violence dans ce contexte. Les résultats de nos analyses suggèrent que le milieu carcéral est un monde hostile et imprévisible où les individus se perçoivent constamment vulnérables à de multiples formes d’agression. Placés en hyper vigilance et orientés vers la survie, les détenus font usage de diverses stratégies d’adaptation afin de répondre aux situations difficiles qu’ils rencontrent en contexte de perte de liberté. La violence représente donc un des moyens dont disposent les individus pour survivre à l’intérieur des murs. Les diverses formes d’adaptation violente rencontrées en milieu carcéral peuvent ainsi informer sur les enjeux de survie présents dans un milieu et donc, du risque de violence ou de victimisation dans ce milieu, que cette violence soit interpersonnelle, collective, auto dirigée, axée sur la fuite ou contre les biens. Puisque l’usage de violence par une personne engendre une possibilité accrue de choisir la violence pour une autre, et ce, avec les conséquences qui s’en suivent pour les détenus et les membres du personnel, nous avons tenté d’identifier et de comprendre les diverses logiques d’action qui motivent le choix d’avoir recours à la violence dans les institutions carcérales. Or, il appert que certaines caractéristiques des individus tendent à faire augmenter le risque pour une personne d’avoir recours à la violence carcérale. De même, il semble que certaines institutions sont davantage propices à l’usage de violence que d’autres. De surcroît, des éléments appartenant aux individus et au milieu en interrelation semblent favoriser la possibilité qu’un condamné fasse usage de violence intra murale. Ainsi, le recours à la violence est davantage probable si elle est légitimée par les individus et le milieu, si le niveau d’adhésion aux valeurs des sous-cultures délinquantes des individus est élevé et si la philosophie du milieu en favorise le maintien, si des groupes influents en quête de contrôle et de pouvoir sont présents dans le milieu et qu’un individu désire y être affilié, s’il y a présence de marchés illicites comme réponse à la privation et qu’un individu y participe ou encore, si le milieu et l’individu sont pris dans l’engrenage d’un climat de survie. Par conséquent, une réflexion concernant le sentiment de sécurité préoccupant les reclus, sentiment qui est un besoin fondamental chez tous les êtres humains, un retour sur les divers modèles théoriques en fonction des données que nous avons obtenues ainsi qu’une réflexion portant sur les moyens dont disposent les individus et le milieu afin de diminuer les possibilités que la violence soit utilisée, ont été amorcées en conclusion.


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Estudia la autoestima y el locus de control en niños superdotados. El grupo experimental se compone de 87 sujetos superdotados: 2 chicos y 2 chicas de 9 años,19 chicos y 10 chicas de 10 años, 18 chicos y 13 chicas de 11 años y 11 chicos y 12 chicas de 12 años. El grupo de control se escogió al azar pero seleccionando por cada sujeto superdotado, dos de su misma clase con un total de 107 chicos y 68 chicas. Se inicia el estudio de los niños superdotados intentando un primer lugar determinar el marco teórico del mismo estudiando teorías y modelos de superdotación, así como las características reconocidas por los estudiosos del tema y el enfoque psicosocial. Se realiza un recorrido histórico de la literatura sobre la personalidad de estos niños, desde su inicio hasta nuestros días. Se estudia ya las características de rasgos de personalidad, autoestima y logro de control, tanto a nivel teórico como práctico (Investigaciones que se han realizado). El trabajo empírico trata de conocer los rasgos de autoestima y locus de control en los niños superdotados, teniendo en cuenta el rendimiento y el nivel socioeconómico. Siempre comparando a niños identificados como superdotados con niños promedio. Piers.Harris Cildren's Self-Concept Scale (P-H), Cuestionario de índice sociométrico (CIS), Escala Locus de control de Crandall, Cuestionario de Personalidad para niños (CPQ) de Porter y Cattell, Escala de Inteligencia de Wchsler (WISC), Escala de Inteligencia de W. P. Alexaner, Test de Inteligencia general factor 'g' de Cattell. Paquete informático BMDP. Investigación ex post facto. Se hallan las medias y desviaciones típicas de las variables independientes. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten concluir que no hay diferencias significtivas entre los superdotados, los niños no superdotados excepto en el rasgo intelectual y el rendimiento hemos obtenido también correlaciones entre estas variantes entre si (rasgos, autoestima y locus de control) y entre rendimiento y estas variables.


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Concern has been expressed that the current climate in schools militates against trainee teachers' self-directed development. This article explores the issue of trainees' capacity for self-direction through the analysis of interviews with 32 trainees, investigating their perceived proactive social strategies. Three proactive strategies were identified: 'tactical compliance', personalising advice, and seeking out opportunities to exercise control. It is argued that these strategies are indicative of trainees' drive to establish a personal teaching identity through self-directed development and the creation of individual development agendas. The article concludes by emphasising the importance of the development of proactive social skills in beginning teachers. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study sets out to examine the strategies used by Chinese learners in a predominantly naturalistic environment and how such learner strategy use relates to their proficiency in the second language. Data were collected from four Chinese research students in the UK using semi-structured interviews. Their proficiency in English was assessed with an oral interview and a listening test. The main findings from this study are that the learners used a wide range of strategies overall, including metacognitive, cognitive, social/affective and compensation strategies. The majority of the commonly reported strategies were metacognitive strategies, suggesting that the learners were self-directed and attempting to manage their own learning in an informal context. They also showed idiosyncrasies in their use of learner strategies. Attempts to explain the learners’ strategy use in relation to their levels of proficiency in English and contextual factors, as well as several other factors, are offered. Implications for target-country institutions in terms of the provision of support to Chinese students are discussed.


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We report on use of iPads (and other IOS devices) for student fieldwork use and as electronic field notebooks and to promote active. We have used questionnaires and interviews of tutors and students to elicit their views and technology and iPad use for fieldwork. There is some reluctance for academic staff to relinquish paper notebooks for iPad use, whether in the classroom or on fieldwork, as well as use them for observational and measurement purposes. Students too are largely unaware of the potential of iPads for enhancing fieldwork. Apps can be configured for a wide variety of specific uses that make iPads useful for educational as well as social uses. Such abilities should be used to enhance existing practice as well as make new functionality. For example, for disabled students who find it difficult to use conventional note taking. iPads can be used to develop student self-directed learning and for group contributions. The technology becomes part of the students’ personal learning environments as well as at the heart of their knowledge spaces – academic and social. This blurring of boundaries is due to iPads’ usability to cultivate field use, instruction, assessment and feedback processes. iPads can become field microscopes and entries to citizen science and we see the iPad as the main ‘computing’ device for students in the near future. As part of the Bring Your Own Technology/Device (BYOD) the iPad has much to offer although, both staff and students need to be guided in the most effective use for self-directed education via development of Personal Learning Environments. A more student-oriented pedagogy is suggested to correspond to the increasing use of tablet technologies by students


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Background: The high prevalence of physical inactivity worldwide calls for innovative and more effective ways to promote physical activity (PA). There are limited objective data on the effectiveness of Web-based personalized feedback on increasing PA in adults. Objective: It is hypothesized that providing personalized advice based on PA measured objectively alongside diet, phenotype, or genotype information would lead to larger and more sustained changes in PA, compared with nonpersonalized advice. Methods: A total of 1607 adults in seven European countries were randomized to either a control group (nonpersonalized advice, Level 0, L0) or to one of three personalized groups receiving personalized advice via the Internet based on current PA plus diet (Level 1, L1), PA plus diet and phenotype (Level 2, L2), or PA plus diet, phenotype, and genotype (Level 3, L3). PA was measured for 6 months using triaxial accelerometers, and self-reported using the Baecke questionnaire. Outcomes were objective and self-reported PA after 3 and 6 months. Results: While 1270 participants (85.81% of 1480 actual starters) completed the 6-month trial, 1233 (83.31%) self-reported PA at both baseline and month 6, but only 730 (49.32%) had sufficient objective PA data at both time points. For the total cohort after 6 months, a greater improvement in self-reported total PA (P=.02) and PA during leisure (nonsport) (P=.03) was observed in personalized groups compared with the control group. For individuals advised to increase PA, we also observed greater improvements in those two self-reported indices (P=.006 and P=.008, respectively) with increased personalization of the advice (L2 and L3 vs L1). However, there were no significant differences in accelerometer results between personalized and control groups, and no significant effect of adding phenotypic or genotypic information to the tailored feedback at month 3 or 6. After 6 months, there were small but significant improvements in the objectively measured physical activity level (P<.05), moderate PA (P<.01), and sedentary time (P<.001) for individuals advised to increase PA, but these changes were similar across all groups. Conclusions: Different levels of personalization produced similar small changes in objective PA. We found no evidence that personalized advice is more effective than conventional “one size fits all” guidelines to promote changes in PA in our Web-based intervention when PA was measured objectively. Based on self-reports, PA increased to a greater extent with more personalized advice. Thus, it is crucial to measure PA objectively in any PA intervention study.


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Several biotic crises during the past 300 million years have been linked to episodes of continental flood basalt volcanism, and in particular to the release of massive quantities of magmatic sulphur gas species. Flood basalt provinces were typically formed by numerous individual eruptions, each lasting years to decades. However, the environmental impact of these eruptions may have been limited by the occurrence of quiescent periods that lasted hundreds to thousands of years. Here we use a global aerosol model to quantify the sulphur-induced environmental effects of individual, decade-long flood basalt eruptions representative of the Columbia River Basalt Group, 16.5–14.5 million years ago, and the Deccan Traps, 65 million years ago. For a decade-long eruption of Deccan scale, we calculate a decadal-mean reduction in global surface temperature of 4.5 K, which would recover within 50 years after an eruption ceased unless climate feedbacks were very different in deep-time climates. Acid mists and fogs could have caused immediate damage to vegetation in some regions, but acid-sensitive land and marine ecosystems were well-buffered against volcanic sulphur deposition effects even during century-long eruptions. We conclude that magmatic sulphur from flood basalt eruptions would have caused a biotic crisis only if eruption frequencies and lava discharge rates had been high and sustained for several centuries at a time.


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In this work we analyze the spin-polarized charge density distribution in the GeMn diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors (DFS). The calculations are performed within a self-consistent k.p method, in which the exchange correlation effects in the local density approximation, as well as the strain effects due to the lattice mismatch, are taken into account. Our findings show that the extra confinement potential provided by the barriers and the variation of the Mn content in the DFS are responsible for a separation between the different spin charge densities, giving rise to higher mobility spin-polarized currents or high ferromagnetism transition temperatures systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Focuses on flexible training and its implementation in the workplace; examines the barriers for those learners on vocational programmes involved in self-directed independent learning. Discusses ways to develop learners self-direction and to improve learners ability to use and access a wide range of learning media. Highlights the need to establish structures to support learning through flexible training. Puts forward a two-dimensional diagram describing business vocational learner preferences, and outlines three sets of strategies to develop effective enterprise support for flexible training.


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Working in the UK, Sadler-Smith, Down and Lean, in their article “‘Modern’ learning methods: rhetoric and reality”, Personnel Review, Vol. 29 No. 4, 2000, pp. 474-90, have shown that distance learning methods are neither favoured nor perceived as effective by enterprises pursuing training that yields a competitive edge. They have suggested that these methods need to be integrated with other more conventional on-job training methods. This paper, based on Australian research, shows a tension between the requirements of flexible training methods based on distance learning methods, and the characteristics that typify learners and their workplaces. That identified tension is used to suggest how an integration of training methods may be effected in workplaces.


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On a basis of research and literature review, Smith, in 2001, suggested a model for the development of preparedness of learners and their workplaces to support the flexible delivery of training in enterprises. Using the model as a framework, he then developed a detailed set of strategies that may be used in operating workplaces to develop learners and workplaces for effective flexible delivery. The research reported here was designed to test that strategy set in 12 different enterprises to assess the feasibility of their implementation in operating workplaces. The research shows that a majority of suggested strategies are feasible for implementation; some are feasible with qualification; and a minority were not seen as feasible.


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Using a stimulated recall technique, eight apprentices were interviewed to identify the detailed learning strategies they used while constructing knowledge from flexible learning packages designed to develop workplace skills. The research shows that in their use of metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective learning strategies the apprentices in the sample made greatest use of those strategies that assisted them to construct knowledge as it was structured and presented by the learning package or by their instructors, trainers or supervisors. Little use was made of strategies that would indicate self-directed learning, working outside the structure provided, or learning independently of a sociocultural and hands-on context comprising their peers and their instructors. At the level of detail of learning strategies these results provide support for the larger scale quantitative research that has been previously conducted with apprentice learning preferences.


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Abstract The use of supplemental oxygen by emergency nurses has important implications for patient outcomes, yet there is significant variability in oxygen administration practises. Specific education related to oxygen administration increases factual knowledge in this domain; however, the impact of knowledge acquisition on nurses' clinical decisions is poorly understood. This study aimed to examine the effect of educational preparation on 20 emergency nurses' decisions regarding the assessment of oxygenation and the use of supplemental oxygen. A pre-test/post-test, quasi-experimental design was used. The intervention was a written, self-directed learning package. The major effects of the completion of the learning package included no change in the number or types of parameters used by nurses to assess oxygenation, a significant decrease in the selection of simple masks, a significant increase in the selection of air entrainment masks, fewer hypothetical outcomes of unresolved respiratory distress and more hypothetical outcomes of decreased respiratory distress. As many nursing education programs are aimed at increasing factual knowledge, while experience remains relatively constant, a greater understanding of the relationship between factual knowledge and clinical decisions is needed if educational interventions are to improve patient outcomes.


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In this paper I have attempted to present a summary of my exposition of the theology of Rauschenbusch and Niebuhr, and of my own understanding of the issues of Christian Social Action. I have tried to reproduce in this short space the thought of these men, in a manner which should make it comprehensible and which should relate it to the larger questions of social action. This year’s work as a Senior Scholar has proved invaluable because of the discipline of self-directed study which the work taught, and because of myriad possibilities of future investigation which it has suggested. I hope that someday this present manuscript may be expanded into something more substantial. The personal value of such a project, in my opinion, must be measured by the contribution which the project makes to the individual’s general experience, and not merely by the written work which is produced. Therefore, although this manuscript is rather brief, it represents a great deal of value which I feel that I can measure only by my own experience.