987 resultados para Quantum chemical
We show that quantum feedback control can be used as a quantum-error-correction process for errors induced by a weak continuous measurement. In particular, when the error model is restricted to one, perfectly measured, error channel per physical qubit, quantum feedback can act to perfectly protect a stabilizer codespace. Using the stabilizer formalism we derive an explicit scheme, involving feedback and an additional constant Hamiltonian, to protect an (n-1)-qubit logical state encoded in n physical qubits. This works for both Poisson (jump) and white-noise (diffusion) measurement processes. Universal quantum computation is also possible in this scheme. As an example, we show that detected-spontaneous emission error correction with a driving Hamiltonian can greatly reduce the amount of redundancy required to protect a state from that which has been previously postulated [e.g., Alber , Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4402 (2001)].
We perform a quantum-mechanical analysis of the pendular cavity, using the positive-P representation, showing that the quantum state of the moving mirror, a macroscopic object, has noticeable effects on the dynamics. This system has previously been proposed as a candidate for the quantum-limited measurement of small displacements of the mirror due to radiation pressure, for the production of states with entanglement between the mirror and the field, and even for superposition states of the mirror. However, when we treat the oscillating mirror quantum mechanically, we find that it always oscillates, has no stationary steady state, and exhibits uncertainties in position and momentum which are typically larger than the mean values. This means that previous linearized fluctuation analyses which have been used to predict these highly quantum states are of limited use. We find that the achievable accuracy in measurement is fat, worse than the standard quantum limit due to thermal noise, which, for typical experimental parameters, is overwhelming even at 2 mK
We generalize a proposal for detecting single-phonon transitions in a single nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) to include the intrinsic anharmonicity of each mechanical oscillator. In this scheme two NEMS oscillators are coupled via a term quadratic in the amplitude of oscillation for each oscillator. One NEMS oscillator is driven and strongly damped and becomes a transducer for phonon number in the other measured oscillator. We derive the conditions for this measurement scheme to be quantum limited and find a condition on the size of the anharmonicity. We also derive the relation between the phase diffusion back-action noise due to number measurement and the localization time for the measured system to enter a phonon-number eigenstate. We relate both these time scales to the strength of the measured signal, which is an induced current proportional to the position of the read-out oscillator.
In this paper we study the nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator with injected signal, both analytically and numerically. We develop a perturbation approach which allows us to find approximate analytical solutions, starting from the full equations of motion in the positive-P representation. We demonstrate the regimes of validity of our approximations via comparison with the full stochastic results. We find that, with reasonably low levels of injected signal, the system allows for demonstrations of quantum entanglement and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. In contrast to the normal optical parametric oscillator operating below threshold, these features are demonstrated with relatively intense fields.
We identify a test of quantum mechanics versus macroscopic local realism in the form of stochastic electrodynamics. The test uses the steady-state triple quadrature correlations of a parametric oscillator below threshold.
We consider the quantum dynamics of a neutral atom Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential, including many-body hard-sphere interactions. Using a mean-field factorization we show that the coherent oscillations due to tunneling are suppressed when the number of atoms exceeds a critical value. An exact quantum solution, in a two-mode approximation, shows that the mean-field solution is modulated by a quantum collapse and revival sequence.
We report the observation of the quantum effects of competing chi((2)) nonlinearities. We also report classical signatures of competition, namely, clamping of the second-harmonic power and production of nondegenerate frequencies in the visible. Theory is presented that describes the observations as resulting from competition between various chi((2)) up-conversion and down-conversion processes. We show that competition imposes hitherto unsuspected limits to both power generation and squeezing. The observed signatures are expected to be significant effects in practical systems.
We show how a nonlinear chaotic system, the parametrically kicked nonlinear oscillator, may be realized in the dynamics of a trapped, laser-cooled ion, interacting with a sequence of standing-wave pulses. Unlike the original optical scheme [G. J. Milburn and C.A. Holmes, Phys. Rev. A 44, 4704 (1991)], the trapped ion enables strongly quantum dynamics with minimal dissipation. This should permit an experimental test of one of the quantum signatures of chaos: irregular collapse and revival dynamics of the average vibrational energy.
Classical dynamics is formulated as a Hamiltonian flow in phase space, while quantum mechanics is formulated as unitary dynamics in Hilbert space. These different formulations have made it difficult to directly compare quantum and classical nonlinear dynamics. Previous solutions have focused on computing quantities associated with a statistical ensemble such as variance or entropy. However a more diner comparison would compare classical predictions to the quantum predictions for continuous simultaneous measurement of position and momentum of a single system, in this paper we give a theory of such measurement and show that chaotic behavior in classical systems fan be reproduced by continuously measured quantum systems.
We examine constraints on quantum operations imposed by relativistic causality. A bipartite superoperator is said to be localizable if it can be implemented by two parties (Alice and Bob) who share entanglement but do not communicate, it is causal if the superoperator does not convey information from Alice to Bob or from Bob to Alice. We characterize the general structure of causal complete-measurement superoperators, and exhibit examples that are causal but not localizable. We construct another class of causal bipartite superoperators that are not localizable by invoking bounds on the strength of correlations among the parts of a quantum system. A bipartite superoperator is said to be semilocalizable if it can be implemented with one-way quantum communication from Alice to Bob, and it is semicausal if it conveys no information from Bob to Alice. We show that all semicausal complete-measurement superoperators are semi localizable, and we establish a general criterion for semicausality. In the multipartite case, we observe that a measurement superoperator that projects onto the eigenspaces of a stabilizer code is localizable.
This paper deals with non-Markovian behavior in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum electromagnetic field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in high-Q cavities or photonic band-gap materials. In cases such as the former, we show that the pseudomode theory for single-quantum reservoir excitations can be obtained by applying the Fano diagonalization method to a system in which the atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which in turn are coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants and continuum mode density. Each pseudomode can be identified with a discrete quasimode, which gives structure to the actual reservoir of true modes via the expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. The quasimode theory enables cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir to now be treated via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system. Applications of the theory to one, two, and many discrete quasimodes are made. For a simple photonic band-gap model, where the reservoir structure is associated with the true mode density rather than the coupling constants, the single quantum excitation case appears to be equivalent to a case with two discrete quasimodes.
What fundamental constraints characterize the relationship between a mixture rho = Sigma (i)p(i)rho (i) of quantum states, the states rho (i) being mixed, and the probabilities p(i)? What fundamental constraints characterize the relationship between prior and posterior states in a quantum measurement? In this paper we show that then are many surprisingly strong constraints on these mixing and measurement processes that can be expressed simply in terms of the eigenvalues of the quantum states involved. These constraints capture in a succinct fashion what it means to say that a quantum measurement acquires information about the system being measured, and considerably simplify the proofs of many results about entanglement transformation.
Starting from the two-mode Bose-Hubbard model, we derive an exact version of the standard Mathieu equation governing the wave function of a Josephson junction. For a finite number of particles N, we find an additional cos 2 phi term in the potential. We also find that the inner product in this representation is nonlocal in phi. Our model exhibits phenomena, such as pi oscillations, which are not found in the standard phase model, but have been predicted from Gross-Pitaevskii mean-field theory.
Cavity QED analog of the harmonic-oscillator probability distribution function and quantum collapses
We establish a connection between the simple harmonic oscillator and a two-level atom interacting with resonant, quantized cavity and strong driving fields, which suggests an experiment to measure the harmonic-oscillator's probability distribution function. To achieve this, we calculate the Autler-Townes spectrum by coupling the system to a third level. We find that there are two different regions of the atomic dynamics depending on the ratio of the: Rabi frequency Omega (c) of the cavity field to that of the Rabi frequency Omega of the driving field. For Omega (c)