959 resultados para Ovum-pick-up


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Symbiotic relationships between insects and beneficial microbes are very common in nature, especially within the Hemiptera. The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål, harbors a symbiont, Pantoea carbekii, within the fourth region of the midgut in specialized crypts. In this dissertation, I explored this insect- microbe relationship. I determined that the brown marmorated stink bug is heavily reliant on its symbiont, and that experimental removal of the symbiont from the egg mass surface prior to nymphal acquisition led to lower survival, longer development, lower fecundity, and aberrant nymphal behavior. Additionally, I determined that even when the symbiont is acquired and housed in the midgut crypts, it is susceptible to stressors. Stink bugs reared at a higher temperature showed lower survival, longer development, and a cease in egg mass production, and when bugs were screened for their symbiont, fewer had successfully retained it while under heat stress. Finally, with the knowledge that the stink bug suffers decreases in fitness when its symbiont is missing or stressed, I wanted to determine if targeting the symbiont was a possible management technique for the stink bug. I tested the efficacy of a number of different insecticidal and antimicrobial products to determine whether prevention of symbiont acquisition from the egg mass was possible, and results indicated that transmission of the symbiont from the egg mass to the newly hatched nymph was negatively impacted when certain products were applied (namely surfactants or products containing surfactants). Additionally, direct effects on hatch rate and survival were reported for certain products, namely the insect growth regulator azadirachtin, which suggests that nymphs can pick up residues from the egg mass surface while probing for the symbiont. I conclude that P. carbekii plays a critically important role in the survival of its host, the brown marmorated stink bug, and its presence on the egg mass surface before nymphal hatch makes it targetable as a potential management technique.


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The majority of research work carried out in the field of Operations-Research uses methods and algorithms to optimize the pick-up and delivery problem. Most studies aim to solve the vehicle routing problem, to accommodate optimum delivery orders, vehicles etc. This paper focuses on green logistics approach, where existing Public Transport infrastructure capability of a city is used for the delivery of small and medium sized packaged goods thus, helping improve the situation of urban congestion and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. It carried out a study to investigate the feasibility of the proposed multi-agent based simulation model, for efficiency of cost, time and energy consumption. Multimodal Dijkstra Shortest Path algorithm and Nested Monte Carlo Search have been employed for a two-phase algorithmic approach used for generation of time based cost matrix. The quality of the tour is dependent on the efficiency of the search algorithm implemented for plan generation and route planning. The results reveal a definite advantage of using Public Transportation over existing delivery approaches in terms of energy efficiency.


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El objetivo principal del presente estudio consistió en evaluar la existencia o no de disciplina de mercado en el sistema bancario costarricense lo cual puede ser una evidencia importante previo al posible establecimiento de un Fondo de Garantía de los depósitos bancarios en Costa Rica.De acuerdo con los resultados de las estimaciones, podría afirmarse que la hipótesis de la existencia de disciplina de mercado en el sistema bancario costarricense se comprobó aunque de una manera muy débil o incipiente.La mayor parte de las variables fundamentales del desempeño y que reflejan el nivel de riesgo asumido por los intermediarios bancarios no parecen tener influencia sobre el comportamiento de los depósitos al igual que con la mayoría de las variables macroeconómicas.Los resultados también indican que la captación en cada uno de los bancos comerciales, si bien reacciona de igual manera ante los cambios en las variables explicativas, cada una de las instituciones presenta ciertas particularidades que los hacen diferentes entre sí. AbstractThe primary target of the present study consisted of evaluating the existence or not of market discipline in the Costa Rican banking system which can be previous an important evidence to the possible establishment of a guarantee system of the banking deposits in Costa Rica.In agreement with the results of the estimations, it could affirm that the hypothesis of the existence of market discipline in the Costa Rican banking system was verified although of a very weak or incipiente way.Most of the fundamental variables of the performance and that they reflect the level of risk assumed by the banking intermediaries does not seem to have influence on the behavior of the deposits like with most of the macroeconomic variables.The results also indicate that the pick up of funds in each one of the commercial banks, although reacts of equal way before the changes in the explanatory variables, each one of the institutions displays certain characteristics that are reflected in different intercepts.


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O aumento da carga física do jogo de futebol provocou uma maior exigência e desenvolvimento na condição física dos jogadores e por inerência, nos árbitros. Assim o presente estudo procurou identificar e desenvolver um teste para a avaliação dos árbitros de futebol. Foi realizada uma análise sistemática para identificação e descrição da produção científica na área da arbitragem no sentido de sustentar o argumento de insuficiência dos testes vigentes e propor o novo teste que denominámos ETSOR. Após esta, foi realizada uma aplicação piloto com recurso ao método de estudo de caso para testagem do ETSOR. Os resultados revelaram que existe uma dispersão nas formas e conteúdos abordados face à caracterização do árbitro de futebol de 11. A partir do método de meta-análise, é apresentada uma proposta de categorização dos conteúdos. Os resultados revelaram também que o teste FIFA não identifica as intensidades irregulares que decorrem das situações do jogo, nem representa a uma distribuição das intensidades dos esforços dos árbitros nas situações de jogo. O Teste ETSOR, como teste ecológico, capta em termos de densidade, de distribuição, de variação da potência e de resistência, os esforços dos árbitros nas situações de jogo, como testa a características das intensidades máximas da atividade do árbitro. Por último, os resultados reforçaram que este processo que se deve estender de forma periodizada ao longo de cada época tornando-se útil, na medida em que permite a otimização e monitorização da prestação do árbitro.


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En estos últimos años a raíz de la crisis económica que supuso una gran desaceleración económica, las entidades públicas han sufrido grandes cambios tanto en su situación económica como en la financiera teniendo que ajustar sus presupuestos. Este trabajo se basa en analizar la situación presupuestaria del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao en el periodo 2010-2013 mediante la recogida de datos económicos y analizando los presupuestos de gastos y de ingresos de dicha entidad. Para ello, se van a recoger los componentes del presupuesto: como se ha financiado (Clasificación Económica del Ingreso), la estrategia de actuación (Ejes Estratégicos), en que se ha utilizado el gasto (Clasificación Económica del Gasto) y para que se ha llevado a cabo (Clasificación Funcional del Gasto) y por ultimo quien ha ejecutado el gasto (Clasificación Orgánica). Además, se va a analizar la ejecución presupuestaria, el resultado presupuestario, el remanente de tesorería y la ejecución presupuestaria, así como otras variables presupuestarias.


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Background: Poor ovarian response phenomenon has been observed in some of the in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer patients. Some investigations found that follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene plays a role in the process, but no direct evidence shows the correlation between genotypes of FSHR and ovarian response. Objective: Exploring the molecular mechanism behind the mutation of FSHR promoter association with ovarian granulosa cells and poor ovarian response. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was performed using 158 women undergoing the controlled short program ovarian stimulation for IVF treatment. The 263 bp DNA fragments before the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor 5' initiation site were sequenced in the patients under IVF cycle, 70 of which had poor ovarian response and 88 showed normal ovarian responses. Results: With a mutation rate of 40%, 63 in 158 cases showed a 29th site G→A point mutation; among the mutated cases, the mutation rate of the poor ovarian responders was significantly higher than the normal group (60% versus 23.9%; χ2=21.450, p<0.001). Besides, the variability was also obvious in antral follicle count, and ovum pick-ups. The estradiol peak values and the number of mature eggs between the two groups had significant difference. However, there was no obvious variability (t=0.457, p=0.324) in the basic FSH values between the two groups (normal group, 7.2±2.3 U/L; mutation group, 7.1±2.0 U/L). Conclusion: The activity of FSHR promoter is significantly affected by the 29th site G→A mutation that will weaken promoter activity and result in poor response to FSH.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia


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Con el fin de identificar la situación actual acerca del manejo y tratamien­to de los desechos en los municipios de la Región Brunca de Costa Rica y debido a la importancia que este problema tiene a escala nacional, producto de la inexperiencia y la poca educación existente acerca de los mecanismos para enfrentarlo, se realizó la presente investigación, que contempló una etapa de campo en la cual se visitaron los seis cantones de la Región, para obtener información administrativa y visitar los lugares donde actualmente se deposita la basura. Esto permitió confirmar que todos los municipios regionales tienen serios problemas para enfrentar el compromiso de recolectar y manejar los desechos que se producen en su cantón. La falta de censos y tarifas actualizadas limitan la posibilidad de planificar estrategias y tomar decisiones al respecto, y su antiguo modelo de recolección ha colapsado, por lo que las municipalida­des requieren de capacitación y asesoría para enfrentar el problema. Capacitación, educación, financiamiento, separación y reciclaje, son algunas de las acciones requeridas para enfrentar la situación. ABSTRACT This study was carried out identify the current situation of garbage management and treatment in Costa Rica's southern Brunca Región, since this problem achieves national proportions resulting from lark of experience and education on the ways to face it. The study included field research in the six counties of the región to obtain information on the administration of the garbage and garbage disposal sites themselves. This enabled us to confirm that the region's municipalities (local governments) actually have serious problems in their commitment to pick up and manage garbage. The shortage of census and up-dated fares restrict their chances to plan strategies and make significant decisions. In addition, their obsolete garbage disposal systems have collapsed. Consequently, the municipalities require training and advising, together with funding, education, garbage sorting techniques and recycling methods for them to face the problem properly.


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This paper has the objective to analyze the novel “A Gentle Creature”, of the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, using the theoretical concepts covered in the text “1874 – Three Novellas, or ‘What Happened?’” (1996), which makes up the volume 3 of the work A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, of the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. These concepts can be triggered to realize the approach of the question about the segmentarity lines, which make it possible to make the observation of the changes of state that have occurred with the characters in a literary work, of the ways how undertake movements of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization in development of such segmentarity lines, which are termed as hard or molar, molecular or malleable, and trail, having the view that it is through them that these characters go through this transformation process. Starting from this analysis, will pick up, too, to connect the theory of these two French philosophers with polyphonic theory presented by Russian philosopher and theorist of language Mikhail Bakhtin in the book Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics (1997), which investigate the concept of polyphony, from Dostoevsky's work, being, among other texts analyzed the Russian novelist, novel to be studied in this work. And the perspective that arises in the analysis proposed in this article, what is sought is to conduct a parallel investigation of how both theories have the possibility of development work in the observation of the characteristics of a literary work, and these characteristics likely to these concepts are related to the lines of segmentarity deleuzo-guattarianas and Bakhtin's polyphony.


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No more published. Cf. Union list of serials.


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BackgroundNiemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of lysosomal cholesterol transport. The objective of this retrospective cohort study was to critically analyze the onset and time course of symptoms, and the clinical diagnostic work-up in the Swiss NP-C cohort.MethodsClinical, biochemical and genetic data were assessed for 14 patients derived from 9 families diagnosed with NP-C between 1994 and 2013. We retrospectively evaluated diagnostic delays and period prevalence rates for neurological, psychiatric and visceral symptoms associated with NP-C disease. The NP-C suspicion index was calculated for the time of neurological disease onset and the time of diagnosis.ResultsThe shortest median diagnostic delay was noted for vertical supranuclear gaze palsy (2y). Ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia, spasticity, cataplexy, seizures and cognitive decline displayed similar median diagnostic delays (4¿5y). The longest median diagnostic delay was associated with hepatosplenomegaly (15y). Highest period prevalence rates were noted for ataxia, dysarthria, vertical supranuclear gaze palsy and cognitive decline. The NP-C suspicion index revealed a median score of 81 points in nine patients at the time of neurological disease onset which is highly suspicious for NP-C disease. At the time of diagnosis, the score increased to 206 points.ConclusionA neurologic-psychiatric disease pattern represents the most characteristic clinical manifestation of NP-C and occurs early in the disease course. Visceral manifestation such as isolated hepatosplenomegaly often fails recognition and thus highlights the importance of a work-up for lysosomal storage disorders. The NP-C suspicion index emphasizes the importance of a multisystem evaluation, but seems to be weak in monosymptomatic and infantile NP-C patients.


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Lipids of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum, collected from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) in 2001, were analysed to investigate seasonal variability and fate of dietary lipids. Total lipids, lipid classes and fatty acid and alcohol compositions were determined in animals, which were selected according to age-group and season. Changes in lipids of age-group 0 animals were followed during growth from spring to autumn. Total lipids increased from May to September. Lipids as percentage of dry mass were lowest in August indicating their use for reproduction. Higher values occurred in September, which may be due to lipid storage for overwintering. Wax esters were the major lipid class accounting for about 50% of total lipids in age-group 0 animals from July and August. Phospholipids were the second largest lipid fraction with up to 46% in this age-group. The principal fatty acids of M. ovum from all age-groups were 22:6(n-3), 20:5(n-3) and 16:0. Wax ester fatty alcohols were dominated by 22:1(n-11) and 20:1(n-9) followed by moderate proportions of 16:0. The unique feature of M. ovum lipids was the high amount of free fatty alcohols originating probably from the dietary wax esters. In May, free alcohols exhibited the highest mean proportion with 14.6% in age-group 0 animals. We present the first data describing a detailed free fatty alcohol composition in zooplankton. This composition was very different from the alcohol composition of M. ovum wax esters because of the predominance of the long-chain monounsaturated 22:1 (n-11) alcohol accounting for almost 100% of total free alcohols in some samples. The detailed lipid composition clearly reflected feeding of M. ovum on the herbivorous calanoid species, Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus, the abundant members of the zooplankton community in Kongsfjorden. Other copepod species or prey items seem to be less important for M. ovum.