965 resultados para Mechanical robot design
The cyclic load triaxial test is a laboratory test that allows studying the mechanical behaviour of unbound granular materials used in base/subbase layers of road pavements. The resilient modulus and permanent strains are required as inputs in structural pavement design. This paper presents some results obtained for recycled materials (crushed concrete aggregate and blended crushed waste aggregate), with a view to promoting their use in pavement structures. Results relating to a reference material (limestone) are also presented, for comparison. All the test results discussed in this paper were obtained in variable cyclic radial pressure (VCP) tests. The tests performed (VCP) aim to study the influence of water content on the resilient modulus of recycled materials, as well as on the resistance to permanent deformation. Using the experimental data as a basis, further modelling work was carried out to establish the stresses developing in base/capping layers in typical Belgian road pavements. These numerical results allow to propose some simplifications of the stress paths applied in the testing procedures and to establish a new test protocol that also considers compaction during construction works. The results of this research work provide an excellent set of findings for the mechanical characterization of unbound base materials through the cyclic triaxial test, and contribute to a better understanding and correct application of recycled materials under geotechnical engineering background
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecatrónica
En aquest projecte s’ha estudiat el disseny d’una plataforma robòtica mòbil per un PBL (Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes) en enginyeria informàtica. El principal objectiu és introduir aquest model en l’ensenyament universitari, com a complement de diferents assignatures de primer curs. Per arribar a aconseguir aquests objectius, s’ha dissenyat i construït una plataforma robòtica, dirigida per un microcontrolador i dotada de diversos sensors per interactuar amb l’entorn. El robot permet diferents tipus de programació i esta especialment dissenyada per ser una bona experiència educativa.
Aquest projecte presenta el disseny, construcció i programació d’un robot autònom, com a base per una proposta educativa. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu s’ha dotat el robot d’una unitat de procés, un sistema de locomoció i un seguit de sensors que proporcionaran a la unitat informació respecte l’entorn. Per gestionar totes aquestes funcionalitats, s’ha fet servir un sistema operatiu en temps real capaç de gestionar amb efectivitat les tasques que puguin ser executades pel robot. Finalment, s’ha exposat una detallada descripció dels costos per una producció de volum mig i de caire merament educatiu.
En aquest Projecte de Millora de la Qualitat Docent es descriu el disseny, la construcció i la utilització d’un robot mòbil com a eina docent en titulacions d’Enginyeria. El robot mòbil té com a element de control un PC portàtil convencional per tal de facilitar el procés d’aprenentatge de l’alumnat estigui centrat en l’objectiu de les pràctiques i no en el funcionament i control del robot. A més a més, el robot disposa d’un elevat nombre de sensors i actuadors per tal d’oferir un elevat grau d’interdisciplinaritat.
This research work deals with the problem of modeling and design of low level speed controller for the mobile robot PRIM. The main objective is to develop an effective educational tool. On one hand, the interests in using the open mobile platform PRIM consist in integrating several highly related subjects to the automatic control theory in an educational context, by embracing the subjects of communications, signal processing, sensor fusion and hardware design, amongst others. On the other hand, the idea is to implement useful navigation strategies such that the robot can be served as a mobile multimedia information point. It is in this context, when navigation strategies are oriented to goal achievement, that a local model predictive control is attained. Hence, such studies are presented as a very interesting control strategy in order to develop the future capabilities of the system
This paper presents the use of a mobile robot platform as an innovative educational tool in order to promote and integrate different curriculum knowledge. Hence, it is presented the acquired experience within a summer course named ldquoapplied mobile roboticsrdquo. The main aim of the course is to integrate different subjects as electronics, programming, architecture, perception systems, communications, control and trajectory planning by using the educational open mobile robot platform PRIM. The summer course is addressed to a wide range of student profiles. However, it is of special interests to the students of electrical and computer engineering around their final academic year. The summer course consists of the theoretical and laboratory sessions, related to the following topics: design & programming of electronic devices, modelling and control systems, trajectory planning and control, and computer vision systems. Therefore, the clues for achieving a renewed path of progress in robotics are the integration of several knowledgeable fields, such as computing, communications, and control sciences, in order to perform a higher level reasoning and use decision tools with strong theoretical base
La conceció de GIPO té com a areferència el gos AIBO, desenvolupat per Sony. L'estudi per a la seva realització comprèn el desenvolupament de la part tecnològica. S'assumeix que la cinemàtica d'AIBO ha estat àmpliament provada i que és òptima.
Dins el departament d’Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica de la Universitat de Girona s’handissenyat i construït dues plataformes bípedes per a l’ús docent. La mésevolucionada d’elles, finalitzada l’any 1999, està composada per dues cames d’alumini ambtres actuadors lineals cada una, simulant la funció del turmell, del genoll i del maluc. Els objectius que es pretenen aconseguir amb aquest projecte són molt concrets i tots ellsestan destinats a millorar el funcionament del robot bípede. Aquests objectius són: (1)dissenyar dos graus de llibertat lineals en forma de pla XY per moure el pes que convinguiper assegurar l’equilibri durant el moviment de la plataforma bípede, (2) dissenyar una placaamb una FPGA que generi senyals PWM pels vuit motors disponibles, que llegeixi els dosencoders dels motors del pla XY i que es comuniqui amb un PC equipat amb una tarjad’adquisició de dades específica, (3) dissenyar una placa de potència adequada pel controldels motors, (4) finalment realitzar un programa per comprovar el correcte funcionament deles plaques, dels actuadors i dels sensors utilitzats en la plataforma bípede
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és fer un estudi dels diferents tipus de sistemes de posicionament global que hi ha en el mercat, elegir un mòdul receptor assequible per poder analitzar-lo i veure si disposa de les característiques adequades per integrar-lo en un robot autònom d’exploració del projecte Sant Bernardo. S’hauran de fer les anàlisis de la precisió del mòdul en les diferents direccions cardinals, es a dir Nord, Sud, Est, Oest i altura i veure la diferència d’error que hi ha en cada una, veure si la precisió varia molt en diferents situacions, com en cel obert, en sotabosc, costat i interior edificis. A més a més s’haurà de mirar la repetibilitat, la diferencia d’error amb diferentnombre de satèl•lits connectats i si disposa de suficient velocitat de processat per a podar corregir la posició del robot en moviment. Un cop analitzades les característiques del mòdul receptor elegit, es decidirà si aquest ésadequat per fer les correccions de posició del robot, o s’haurà d’adquirir un mòdul de característiques superiors i per tant molt més car per a dura a terme adequadament la correcció de la posició
Una de les solucions per a minimitzar els costos de producció o d'emmagatzematge és automatitzarne la logística interna. Per dissenyar les aplicacions corresponents és convenient poder validar-les amb un prototipatge. Això ha motivat la realització d'aquest projecte, on s'ha obtingut un prototip d'AGV (automated guided vehicle) que rep les ordres per Bluetooth i, mitjançant uns infrarojos per poder seguir unes línies al terra, és capaç d'anar des del punt inicial fins on se li ha encarregat i tornar al punt inicial. Aquest vehicle pot servir de base per a la implementació d'AGV orientats a aplicacions reals i, per tant, per a la construcció de sistemes més grans i que poden ser utilitzats en plantes de producció, laboratoris, magatzems, ports i d'altres aplicacions diverses.
OBJECTIVE: To test a method that allows automatic set-up of the ventilator controls at the onset of ventilation. DESIGN: Prospective randomized crossover study. SETTING: ICUs in one adult and one children's hospital in Switzerland. PATIENTS: Thirty intubated stable, critically ill patients (20 adults and 10 children). INTERVENTIONS: The patients were ventilated during two 20-min periods using a modified Hamilton AMADEUS ventilator. During the control period the ventilator settings were chosen immediately prior to the study. During the other period individual settings were automatically determined by the ventilatior (AutoInit). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Pressure, flow, and instantaneous CO2 concentration were measured at the airway opening. From these measurements, series dead space (V(DS)), expiratory time constant (RC), tidal volume (VT, total respiratory frequency (f(tot), minute ventilation (MV), and maximal and mean airway pressure (Paw, max and Paw, mean) were calculated. Arterial blood gases were analyzed at the end of each period. Paw, max was significantly less with the AutoInit ventilator settings while f(tot) was significantly greater (P < 0.05). The other values were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The AutoInit ventilator settings, which were automatically derived, were acceptable for all patients for a period of 20 min and were not found to be inferior to the control ventilator settings. This makes the AutoInit method potentially useful as an automatic start-up procedure for mechanical ventilation.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of nursing on the duration of weaning from mechanical ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. DESIGN: Data were collected prospectively over a 1-yr period (study year) and compared with previously collected prospective data recorded in our chronic obstructive pulmonary disease database during a 5-yr period. SETTING: The medical intensive care unit (ICU) of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Eighty-seven patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Fifteen patients had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that required mechanical ventilation for acute exacerbation of their disease (study year), and 72 were patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from the previously collected data. INTERVENTIONS: The ICU course (duration of mechanical ventilation, mortality) was recorded, as well as several respiratory parameters (pulmonary function tests and arterial blood gases in stable conditions, and nutritional status), and they were compared with an "index of nursing." MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We developed an "index of nursing", comparing the effective workforce of the nurses (number and qualifications) with the ideal workforce required by the number of patients and the severity of their diseases. A value of 1.0 represented a perfect match between the needed and the effectively present nurses, whereas a lesser value signified a diminished available workforce. This index was compared with the complications and duration of weaning from mechanical ventilation. During the first 5 yrs, the duration of mechanical ventilation increased progressively from 7.3 +/- 8.0 to 38.2 +/- 25.8 days (p = .006). A significant inverse correlation between the duration of mechanical ventilation and the nursing index (p = .025) was found. In the sixth comparative year, the number of nurses increased (nursing index = 1.05) and the duration of mechanical ventilation decreased to 9.9 +/- 13 days (p < .001, yr 5 vs. yr 6). CONCLUSIONS: The quality of nursing appears to be a measurable and critical factor in the weaning from mechanical ventilation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Below a threshold in the available workforce of ICU nurses, the weaning duration of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease increases dramatically. Therefore, very close attention should be given to the education and number of ICU nurses.
El braç robot es va crear com a resposta a una necessitat de fabricació d’elements mitjançant la producció en cadena i en tasques que necessiten precisió. Hi ha, però, altres tipus de tasques les quals no són repetitives, ni poden ésser programades, que necessiten però ser controlades en tot moment per un ésser humà. Són activitats que han d’estar realitzades per un ésser humà, però que requereixen molta precisió, és per això que es creu necessari el disseny d’un prototipus de control d’un braç robot estàndard, que permeti a una persona el control total sobre aquest en temps real per a la realització d’una tasca no repetitiva i no programable prèviament.Pretenem, en el present projecte, dissenyar i construir un braç robot de 5 graus de llibertat, controlat des d’un PC mitjançant un microcontrolador PIC amb comunicació a través d’un bus USB. El robot serà governat des d’un PC a través d’un software de control específic
OBJECTIVES: In vitro mechanical injury of articular cartilage is useful to identify events associated with development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis (OA). To date, many in vitro injury models have used animal cartilage despite the greater clinical relevance of human cartilage. We aimed to characterize a new in vitro injury model using elderly human femoral head cartilage and compare its behavior to that of an existing model with adult bovine humeral head cartilage. DESIGN: Mechanical properties of human and bovine cartilage disks were characterized by elastic modulus and hydraulic permeability in radially confined axial compression, and by Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and direction-dependent radial strain in unconfined compression. Biochemical composition was assessed in terms of tissue water, solid, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents. Responses to mechanical injury were assessed by observation of macroscopic superficial tissue cracks and histological measurements of cell viability following single injurious ramp loads at 7 or 70%/s strain rate to 3 or 14 MPa peak stress. RESULTS: Confined compression moduli and Young's moduli were greater in elderly human femoral cartilage vs adult bovine humeral cartilage whereas hydraulic permeability was less. Radial deformations of axially compressed explant disks were more anisotropic (direction-dependent) for the human cartilage. In both cartilage sources, tissue cracking and associated cell death during injurious loading was common for 14 MPa peak stress at both strain rates. CONCLUSION: Despite differences in mechanical properties, acute damage induced by injurious loading was similar in both elderly human femoral cartilage and adult bovine humeral cartilage, supporting the clinical relevance of animal-based cartilage injury models. However, inherent structural differences such as cell density may influence subsequent cell-mediated responses to injurious loading and affect the development of OA.