720 resultados para Lithium-ion Battery


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The compositional record of the AND-2A drillcore is examined using petrological, sedimentological, volcanological and geochemical analysis of clasts, sediments and pore waters. Preliminary investigations of basement clasts (granitoids and metasediments) indicate both local and distal sources corresponding to variable ice-volume and ice-flow directions. Low abundance of sedimentary clasts (e.g., arkose, litharenite) suggests reduced contributions from sedimentary covers while intraclasts (e.g., diamictite, conglomerate) attest to intrabasinal reworking. Volcanic material includes pyroclasts (e.g., pumice, scoria), sediments and lava. Primary and reworked tephra layers occur within the Early Miocene interval (1093 to 640 metres below sea floor mbsf). The compositions of volcanic clasts reveal a diversity of alkaline types derived from the McMurdo Volcanic Group. Finer-grained sediments (e.g., sandstone, siltstone) show increases in biogenic silica and volcanic glass from 230 to 780 mbsf and higher proportions of terrigenous material c. 350 to 750 mbsf and below 970 mbsf. Basement clast assemblages suggest a dominant provenance from the Skelton Glacier - Darwin Glacier area and from the Ferrar Glacier - Koettlitz Glacier area. Provenance of sand grains is consistent with clast sources. Thirteen Geochemical Units are established based on compositional trends derived from continuous XRF scanning. High values of Fe and Ti indicate terrigenous and volcanic sources, whereas high Ca values signify either biogenic or diagenic sources. Highly alkaline and saline pore waters were produced by chemical exchange with glass at moderately elevated temperatures.


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The Li-O2 battery may theoretically possess practical gravimetric energy densities several times greater than the current state-of-the-art Li-ion batteries.1 This magnitude of development is a requisite for true realization of electric vehicles capable of competing with the traditional combustion engine. However, significant challenges must be addressed before practical application may be considered. These include low efficiencies, low rate capabilities and the parasitic decomposition reactions of electrolyte/electrode materials resulting in very poor rechargeability.2-4 Ionic liquids, ILs, typically display several properties, extremely low vapor pressure and high electrochemical and thermal stability, which make them particularly interesting for Li-O2 battery electrolytes. However, the typically sluggish transport properties generally inhibit rate performance and cells suffer similar inefficiencies during cycling.5,6

In addition to the design of new ILs with tailored properties, formulating blended electrolytes using molecular solvents with ILs has been considered to improve their performance.7,8 In this work, we will discuss the physical properties vs. the electrochemical performance of a range of formulated electrolytes based on tetraglyme, a benchmark Li-O2 battery electrolyte solvent, and several ILs. The selected ILs are based on the bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide anion and alkyl/ether functionalized cyclic alkylammonium cations, which exhibit very good stability and moderate viscosity.9 O2 electrochemistry will be investigated in these media using macro and microdisk voltammetry and O2 solubility/diffusivity is quantified as a function of the electrolyte formulation. Furthermore, galvanostatic cycling of selected electrolytes in Li-O2 cells will be discussed to probe their practical electrochemical performance. Finally, the physical characterization of the blended electrolytes will be reported in parallel to further determine structure (or formulation) vs. property relationships and to, therefore, assess the importance of certain electrolyte properties (viscosity, O2supply capability, donor number) on their performance.

This work was funded by the EPSRC (EP/L505262/1) and Innovate UK for the Practical Lithium-Air Batteries project (project number: 101577).

1. P. G. Bruce, S. A. Freunberger, L. J. Hardwick and J.-M. Tarascon, Nat. Mater., 11, 19 (2012).

2. S. A. Freunberger, Y. Chen, N. E. Drewett, L. J. Hardwick, F. Barde and P. G. Bruce, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 50, 8609 (2011).

3. B. D. McCloskey, A. Speidel, R. Scheffler, D. C. Miller, V. Viswanathan, J. S. Hummelshøj, J. K. Nørskov and A. C. Luntz, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 3, 997 (2012).

4. D. G. Kwabi, T. P. Batcho, C. V. Amanchukwu, N. Ortiz-Vitoriano, P. Hammond, C. V. Thompson and Y. Shao-Horn, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 2850 (2014).

5. Z. H. Cui, W. G. Fan and X. X. Guo, J. Power Sources, 235, 251 (2013).

6. F. Soavi, S. Monaco and M. Mastragostino, J. Power Sources, 224, 115 (2013).

7. L. Cecchetto, M. Salomon, B. Scrosati and F. Croce, J. Power Sources, 213, 233 (2012).

8. A. Khan and C. Zhao, Electrochem. Commun., 49, 1 (2014).

9. Z. J. Chen, T. Xue and J.-M. Lee, RSC Adv., 2, 10564 (2012).


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One of the most important components in electrochemical storage devices (batteries and supercapacitors) is undoubtedly the electrolyte. The basic function of any electrolyte in these systems is the transport of ions between the positive and negative electrodes. In addition, electrochemical reactions occurring at each electrode/electrolyte interface are the origin of the current generated by storage devices. In other words, performances (capacity, power, efficiency and energy) of electrochemical storage devices are strongly related to the electrolyte properties, as well as, to the affinity for the electrolyte to selected electrode materials. Indeed, the formulation of electrolyte presenting good properties, such as high ionic conductivity and low viscosity, is then required to enhance the charge transfer reaction at electrode/electrolyte interface (e.g. charge accumulation in the case of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor, EDLC). For practical and safety considerations, the formulation of novel electrolytes presenting a low vapor pressure, a large liquid range temperature, a good thermal and chemical stabilities is also required.

This lecture will be focused on the effect of the electrolyte formulation on the performances of electrochemical storage devices (Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors). During which, a summary of the physical, thermal and electrochemical data obtained by our group, recently, on the formulation of novel electrolyte-based on the mixture of an ionic liquid (such as EmimNTf2 and Pyr14NTf2) and carbonate or dinitrile solvents will be presented and commented. The impact of the electrolyte formulation on the storage performances of EDLC and Li-ion batteries will be also discussed to further understand the relationship between electrolyte formulation and electrochemical performances. This talk will also be an opportunity to further discuss around the effects of additives (SEI builder: fluoroethylene carbonate and vinylene carbonate), ionic liquids, structure and nature of lithium salt (LiTFSI vs LiPF6) on the cyclability of negative electrode to then enhance the electrolyte formulation. For that, our recent results on TiSnSb and graphite negative electrodes will be presented and discussed, for example 1,2.

1-C. Marino, A. Darwiche1, N. Dupré, H.A. Wilhelm, B. Lestriez, H. Martinez, R. Dedryvère, W. Zhang, F. Ghamouss, D. Lemordant, L. Monconduit “ Study of the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface on Cycling of a Conversion Type Electrode Material in Li Batteries” J. Phys.chem. C, 2013, 117, 19302-19313

2- Mouad Dahbi, Fouad Ghamouss, Mérièm Anouti, Daniel Lemordant, François Tran-Van “Electrochemical lithiation and compatibility of graphite anode using glutaronitrile/dimethyl carbonate mixtures containing LiTFSI as electrolyte” 2013, 43, 4, 375-385.


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Li-ion batteries have been widely used in electric vehicles, and battery internal state estimation plays an important role in the battery management system. However, it is technically challenging, in particular, for the estimation of the battery internal temperature and state-ofcharge (SOC), which are two key state variables affecting the battery performance. In this paper, a novel method is proposed for realtime simultaneous estimation of these two internal states, thus leading to a significantly improved battery model for realtime SOC estimation. To achieve this, a simplified battery thermoelectric model is firstly built, which couples a thermal submodel and an electrical submodel. The interactions between the battery thermal and electrical behaviours are captured, thus offering a comprehensive description of the battery thermal and electrical behaviour. To achieve more accurate internal state estimations, the model is trained by the simulation error minimization method, and model parameters are optimized by a hybrid optimization method combining a meta-heuristic algorithm and the least square approach. Further, timevarying model parameters under different heat dissipation conditions are considered, and a joint extended Kalman filter is used to simultaneously estimate both the battery internal states and time-varying model parameters in realtime. Experimental results based on the testing data of LiFePO4 batteries confirm the efficacy of the proposed method.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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The synthesis and optimization of two Li-ion solid electrolytes were studied in this work. Different combinations of precursors were used to prepare La0.5Li0.5TiO3 via mechanosynthesis. Despite the ability to form a perovskite phase by the mechanochemical reaction it was not possible to obtain a pure La0.5Li0.5TiO3 phase by this process. Of all the seven combinations of precursors and conditions tested, the one where La2O3, Li2CO3 and TiO2 were milled for 480min (LaOLiCO-480) showed the best results, with trace impurity phases still being observed. The main impurity phase was that of La2O3 after mechanosynthesis (22.84%) and Li2TiO3 after calcination (4.20%). Two different sol-gel methods were used to substitute boron on the Zr-site of Li1+xZr2-xBx(PO4)3 or the P-site of Li1+6xZr2(P1-xBxO4)3, with the doping being achieved on the Zr-site using a method adapted from Alamo et al (1989). The results show that the Zr-site is the preferential mechanism for B doping of LiZr2(PO4)3 and not the P-site. Rietveld refinement of the unit-cell parameters was performed and it was verified by consideration of Vegard’s law that it is possible to obtain phase purity up to x = 0.05. This corresponds with the phases present in the XRD data, that showed the additional presence of the low temperature (monoclinic) phase for the powder sintered at 1200ºC for 12h of compositions with x ≥ 0.075. The compositions inside the solid solution undergo the phase transition from triclinic (PDF#01-074-2562) to rhombohedral (PDF#01-070-6734) when heating from 25 to 100ºC, as reported in the literature for the base composition. Despite several efforts, it was not possible to obtain dense pellets and with physical integrity after sintering, requiring further work in order to obtain dense pellets for the electrochemical characterisation of Li Zr2(PO4)3 and Li1.05Zr1.95B0.05(PO4)3.


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The Li-ion rechargeable battery (LIB) is widely used as an energy storage device, but has significant limitations in battery cycle life and safety. During initial charging, decomposition of the ethylene carbonate (EC)-based electrolytes of the LIB leads to the formation of a passivating layer on the anode known as the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). The formation of an SEI has great impact on the cycle life and safety of LIB, yet mechanistic aspects of SEI formation are not fully understood. In this dissertation, two surface science model systems have been created under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) to probe the very initial stage of SEI formation at the model carbon anode surfaces of LIB. The first model system, Model System I, is an lithium-carbonate electrolyte/graphite C(0001) system. I have developed a temperature programmed desorption/temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy (TPD/TPRS) instrument as part of my dissertation to study Model System I in quantitative detail. The binding strengths and film growth mechanisms of key electrolyte molecules on model carbon anode surfaces with varying extents of lithiation were measured by TPD. TPRS was further used to track the gases evolved from different reduction products in the early-stage SEI formation. The branching ratio of multiple reaction pathways was quantified for the first time and determined to be 70.% organolithium products vs. 30% inorganic lithium product. The obtained branching ratio provides important information on the distribution of lithium salts that form at the very onset of SEI formation. One of the key reduction products formed from EC in early-stage SEI formation is lithium ethylene dicarbonate (LEDC). Despite intensive studies, the LEDC structure in either the bulk or thin-film (SEI) form is unknown. To enable structural study, pure LEDC was synthesized and subject to synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements (bulk material) and STM measurements (deposited films). To enable studies of LEDC thin films, Model System II, a lithium ethylene dicarbonate (LEDC)-dimethylformamide (DMF)/Ag(111) system was created by a solution microaerosol deposition technique. Produced films were then imaged by ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (UHV-STM). As a control, the dimethylformamide (DMF)-Ag(111) system was first prepared and its complex 2D phase behavior was mapped out as a function of coverage. The evolution of three distinct monolayer phases of DMF was observed with increasing surface pressure — a 2D gas phase, an ordered DMF phase, and an ordered Ag(DMF)2 complex phase. The addition of LEDC to this mixture, seeded the nucleation of the ordered DMF islands at lower surface pressures (DMF coverages), and was interpreted through nucleation theory. A structural model of the nucleation seed was proposed, and the implication of ionic SEI products, such as LEDC, in early-stage SEI formation was discussed.


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A 3D mesoporous TiO2 material with well-developed mesostructure is prepared in the form of a binder-free thin (100 nm) film and studied as potential candidate for the negative electrode in lithium microbatteries. By appropriate thermal treatments, the selected crystal structure (anatase, rutile, or amorphous), and micro-/mesostructure of the materials was obtained. The effects of voltage window and prelithiation treatment improved first cycle reversibility up to 86% and capacity retention of 90% over 100 cycles. After a prolonged intercalation of lithium ions in ordered mesoporous TiO2 appeared small particles assigned to Li2Ti2O4 with cubic structure as observed from ex-situ TEM micrographs. This study highlights the flexibility of the potential window to which the electrode can operate. Maximum capacity values over 100 cycles of 470 μA h cm−2 μm−1 and 177 μA h cm−2 μm−1 are obtained for voltage ranges of 0.1–2.6 V and 1.0–2.6 V, respectively. The observed values are between 6 and 2 times higher than those obtained for films with 600 nm (80 μA h cm−2 μm−1) and 900 nm (92 μA h cm−2 μm−1) lengths. This indicates that 100 nm thin TiO2 films with high accessibility show finite-length type diffusion which is interesting for this particular application.


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Due to the limited resources of lithium, new chemistries based on the abundant and cheap sodium and even zinc have been proposed for the battery market. Prussian Blue Analogues (PBAs) are a class of compounds which have been explored for many different applications because of their intriguing electrochemical and magnetic properties. Manganese and titanium hexacyanoferrate (MnHCF and TiHCF) belong to the class of PBAs. In this work, MnHCF and TiHCF electrodes were synthetized, cycled with cyclic voltammetry (CV) in different setups and subsequently, the surfaces were characterized with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The setups chosen for CVs were coin cell with zinc aqueous solution for the MnHCF series, three-electrode cell and symmetric coin cell with sodium aqueous solution for the TiHCF series. The electrodes were treated with different number of cycles to evaluate the chemical changes and alterations in oxidation states during cycling.


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MnHCF was synthesized by simple co-precipitation method. In this work we investigate the electrochemical behavior of manganese hexacyanoferrate in zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), ZnSO4+MnSO4 and zinc triflate (Zn(OTF)2) aqueous electrolytes. Electrochemical tests were performed by both El-cell which is designed for reflection investigation and coin cell. In cyclic voltammetry curves, we observed redox peaks of both Fe3+/2+ and Mn3+/2+ pairs. The results based on current shows that the capacity of battery is controlled by diffusion process in aqueous electrolyte system. MnHCF undergoes severe dissolution and zinc displacement during cycling. Compared to ZnSO4, anions of Zn (OTF)2 electrolyte are strongly adsorbed on the electrolyte surface, in turn hindering the water oxidation reaction and reducing the decomposition of MnHCF. The MnHCF/Zn battery using 3M Zn (OTF)2 delivers a specific capacity of 41 mAhg-1 at 50 mAg-1 while by using 3M ZnSO4+1M MnSO4 the specific capacity reaches to 400 mAhg-1 for the pure sample and around 250 mAhg-1 for the MnHCF+A. Our results suggest that the anions in the aqueous electrolyte are of great importance to optimize the electrochemical performance of metal hexacyanoferrates. The pre-addition of MnSO4 into ZnSO4 solution is capable of easing the Mn2+ dissolution from the cathode.


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OBJECTIVE: Removable partial dentures (RPD) require different hygiene care, and association of brushing and chemical cleansing is the most recommended to control biofilm formation. However, the effect of cleansers has not been evaluated in RPD metallic components. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect of different denture cleansers on the weight and ion release of RPD. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five specimens (12x3 mm metallic disc positioned in a 38x18x4 mm mould filled with resin), 7 cleanser agents [Periogard (PE), Cepacol (CE), Corega Tabs (CT), Medical Interporous (MI), Polident (PO), 0.05% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), and distilled water (DW) (control)] and 2 cobalt-chromium alloys [DeguDent (DD), and VeraPDI (VPDI)] were used for each experimental situation. One hundred and eighty immersions were performed and the weight was analyzed with a high precision analytic balance. Data were recorded before and after the immersions. The ion release was analyzed using mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test at 5% significance level. RESULTS: Statistical analysis showed that CT and MI had higher values of weight loss with higher change in VPDI alloy compared to DD. The solutions that caused more ion release were NaOCl and MI. CONCLUSIONS: It may be concluded that 0.05% NaOCl and Medical Interporous tablets are not suitable as auxiliary chemical solutions for RPD care.


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Amyloglucosidase enzyme was produced by Aspergillus niger NRRL 3122 from solid-state fermentation, using deffated rice bran as substrate. The effects of process parameters (pH, temperature) in the equilibrium partition coefficient for the system amyloglucosidase - resin DEAE-cellulose were investigated, aiming at obtaining the optimum conditions for a subsequent purification process. The highest partition coefficients were obtained using 0.025M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 and 25ºC. The conditions that supplied the highest partition coefficient were specified, the isotherm that better described the amyloglucosidase process of adsorption obtained. It was observed that the adsorption could be well described by Langmuir equation and the values of Qm and Kd estimated at 133.0 U mL-1 and 15.4 U mL-1, respectively. From the adjustment of the kinetic curves using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm, the adsorption (k1) and desorption (k2) constants were obtained through optimization by the least square procedure, and the values calculated were 2.4x10-3 mL U-1 min-1 for k1 and 0.037 min-1 for k2 .


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The aqueous alkaline reaction of 1,3-bis(4-cyanopyridinium)propane dibromide, a reactant constituted of two pyridinium rings linked by a three-methylene bridge, generates a novel compound,1 -(4-cyano-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-1-pyridyl)-3-(4-cyano-1,2-dihydro-1-pyridyl)propane. The reaction pathway is attributed to the proximity of the OH- ion inserted between two pyridinium moieties, which occurs only in bis(pyridinium) derivatives connected by short methylene spacers, where charge-conformational effects are important.


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The synthesis of [Ru(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine and L = pyridine (py) and pyrazine (pz)) can be accomplished by addition of [Ru(NO) L(bpy) 2](PF(6))(3) to aqueous solutions of physiological pH. The electrochemical processes of [Ru(NO2) L(bpy) 2]+ in aqueous solution were studied by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. The anodic scan shows a peak around 1.00 V vs. Ag/AgCl attributed to the oxidation process centered on the metal ion. However, in the cathodic scan a second peak around-0.60 V vs. Ag/AgCl was observed and attributed to the reduction process centered on the nitrite ligand. The controlled reduction potential electrolysis at-0.80 V vs. Ag/AgCl shows NO release characteristics as judged by NO measurement with a NO-sensor. This assumption was confirmed by ESI/MS(+) and spectroelectrochemical experiment where cis-[Ru(bpy)(2)L(H(2)O)](2+) was obtained as a product of the reduction of cis-[Ru(II)(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+). The vasorelaxation observed in denuded aortic rings pre-contracted with 0.1 mu mol L(-1) phenylephrine responded with relaxation in the presence of cis-[RuII(NO2) L(bpy) 2]+. The potential of rat aorta cells to metabolize cis-[RuII(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) was also followed by confocal analysis. The obtained results suggest that NO release happens by reduction of cis-[RuII(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) inside the cell. The maximum vasorelaxation was achieved with 1 x 10(-5) mol L(-1) of cis-[RuII(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) complex.


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Three-particle azimuthal correlation measurements with a high transverse momentum trigger particle are reported for pp, d + Au, and Au + Au collisions at root(S)NN = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment. Dijet structures are observed in pp, d + Au and peripheral Au + Au collisions. An additional structure is observed in central Au + Au data, signaling conical emission of correlated charged hadrons. The conical emission angle is found to be theta = 1.37 +/- 0.02(stat)(-0.07)(+0.06)(syst), independent of p perpendicular to.