992 resultados para Latent Semantic Indexing


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This paper presents a symbolic navigation system that uses spatial language descriptions to inform goal-directed exploration in unfamiliar office environments. An abstract map is created from a collection of natural language phrases describing the spatial layout of the environment. The spatial representation in the abstract map is controlled by a constraint based interpretation of each natural language phrase. In goal-directed exploration of an unseen office environment, the robot links the information in the abstract map to observed symbolic information and its grounded world representation. This paper demonstrates the ability of the system, in both simulated and real-world trials, to efficiently find target rooms in environments that it has never been to previously. In three unexplored environments, it is shown that on average the system travels only 8.42% further than the optimal path when using only natural language phrases to complete navigation tasks.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by an impairment of the semantic memory responsible for processing meaning-related knowledge. This study was aimed at examining how Finnish-speaking healthy elderly subjects (n = 30) and mildly (n=20) and moderately (n = 20) demented AD patients utilize semantic knowledge to performa semantic fluency task, a method of studying semantic memory. In this task subjects are typically given 60 seconds to generate words belonging to the semantic category of animals. Successful task performance requires fast retrieval of subcategory exemplars in clusters (e.g., farm animals: 'cow', 'horse', 'sheep') and switching between subcategories (e.g., pets, water animals, birds, rodents). In this study, thescope of the task was extended to cover various noun and verb categories. The results indicated that, compared with normal controls, both mildly and moderately demented AD patients showed reduced word production, limited clustering and switching, narrowed semantic space, and an increase in errors, particularly perseverations. However, the size of the clusters, the proportion of clustered words, and the frequency and prototypicality of words remained relatively similar across the subject groups. Although the moderately demented patients showed a poor eroverall performance than the mildly demented patients in the individual categories, the error analysis appeared unaffected by the severity of AD. The results indicate a semantically rather coherent performance but less specific, effective, and flexible functioning of the semantic memory in mild and moderate AD patients. The findings are discussed in relation to recent theories of word production and semantic representation. Keywords: semantic fluency, clustering, switching, semantic category, nouns, verbs, Alzheimer's disease


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It has been suggested that semantic information processing is modularized according to the input form (e.g., visual, verbal, non-verbal sound). A great deal of research has concentrated on detecting a separate verbal module. Also, it has traditionally been assumed in linguistics that the meaning of a single clause is computed before integration to a wider context. Recent research has called these views into question. The present study explored whether it is reasonable to assume separate verbal and nonverbal semantic systems in the light of the evidence from event-related potentials (ERPs). The study also provided information on whether the context influences processing of a single clause before the local meaning is computed. The focus was on an ERP called N400. Its amplitude is assumed to reflect the effort required to integrate an item to the preceding context. For instance, if a word is anomalous in its context, it will elicit a larger N400. N400 has been observed in experiments using both verbal and nonverbal stimuli. Contents of a single sentence were not hypothesized to influence the N400 amplitude. Only the combined contents of the sentence and the picture were hypothesized to influence the N400. The subjects (n = 17) viewed pictures on a computer screen while hearing sentences through headphones. Their task was to judge the congruency of the picture and the sentence. There were four conditions: 1) the picture and the sentence were congruent and sensible, 2) the sentence and the picture were congruent, but the sentence ended anomalously, 3) the picture and the sentence were incongruent but sensible, 4) the picture and the sentence were incongruent and anomalous. Stimuli from the four conditions were presented in a semi-randomized sequence. Their electroencephalography was simultaneously recorded. ERPs were computed for the four conditions. The amplitude of the N400 effect was largest in the incongruent sentence-picture -pairs. The anomalously ending sentences did not elicit a larger N400 than the sensible sentences. The results suggest that there is no separate verbal semantic system, and that the meaning of a single clause is not processed independent of the context.


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Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of various proteins and proteoglycans which provides tissues with structural strength and resilience. By harvesting signaling molecules like growth factors ECM has the capacity to control cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation and cell survival. Latent transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) binding proteins (LTBPs) associate fibrillar structures of the ECM and mediate the efficient secretion and ECM deposition of latent TGF-β. The current work was conducted to determine the regulatory regions of LTBP-3 and -4 genes to gain insight into their tissue-specific expression which also has impact on TGF-β biology. Furthermore, the current research aimed at defining the ECM targeting of the N-terminal variants of LTBP-4 (LTBP-4S and -4L), which is required to understand their functions in tissues and to gain insight into conditions in which TGF-β is activated. To characterize the regulatory regions of LTBP-3 and -4 genes in silico and functional promoter analysis techniques were employed. It was found that the expression of LTBP-4S and -4L are under control of two independent promoters. This finding was in accordance with the observed expression patterns of LTBP-4S and -4L in human tissues. All promoter regions characterized in this study were TATAless, GC-rich and highly conserved between human and mouse species. Putative binding sites for Sp1 and GATA family of transcription factors were recognized in all of these regulatory regions. It is possible that these transcription factors control the basal expression of LTBP-3 and -4 genes. Smad binding element was found within the LTBP-3 and -4S promoter regions, but it was not present in LTBP-4L promoter. Although this element important for TGF-β signaling was present in LTBP-4S promoter, TGF-β did not induce its transcriptional activity. LTBP-3 promoter activity and mRNA expression instead were stimulated by TGF-β1 in osteosarcoma cells. It was found that the stimulatory effect of TGF-β was mediated by Smad and Erk MAPK signaling pathways. The current work explored the ECM targeting of LTBP-4S and identified binding partners of this protein. It was found that the N-terminal end of LTBP-4S possesses fibronectin (FN) binding sites which are critical for its ECM targeting. FN deficient fibroblasts incorporated LTBP-4S into their ECM only after addition of exogenous FN. Furthermore, LTBP-4S was found to have heparin binding regions, of which the C-terminal binding site mediated fibroblast adhesion. Soluble heparin prevented the ECM association of LTBP-4S in fibroblast cultures. In the current work it was observed that there are significant differences in the secretion, processing and ECM targeting of LTBP-4S and -4L. Interestingly, it was observed that most of the secreted LTBP-4L was associated with latent TGF-β1, whereas LTBP-4S was mainly secreted as a free form from CHO cells. This thesis provides information on transcriptional regulation of LTBP-3 and -4 genes, which is required for the deeper understanding of their tissue-specific functions. Further, the current work elucidates the structural variability of LTBPs, which appears to have impact on secretion and ECM targeting of TGF-β. These findings may advance understanding the abnormal activation of TGF-β which is associated with connective tissue disorders and cancer.


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Context: Identifying susceptibility genes for schizophrenia may be complicated by phenotypic heterogeneity, with some evidence suggesting that phenotypic heterogeneity reflects genetic heterogeneity. Objective: To evaluate the heritability and conduct genetic linkage analyses of empirically derived, clinically homogeneous schizophrenia subtypes. Design: Latent class and linkage analysis. Setting: Taiwanese field research centers. Participants: The latent class analysis included 1236 Han Chinese individuals with DSM-IV schizophrenia. These individuals were members of a large affected-sibling-pair sample of schizophrenia (606 ascertained families), original linkage analyses of which detected a maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) of 1.8 (z = 2.88) on chromosome 10q22.3. Main Outcome Measures: Multipoint exponential LOD scores by latent class assignment and parametric heterogeneity LOD scores. Results: Latent class analyses identified 4 classes, with 2 demonstrating familial aggregation. The first (LC2) described a group with severe negative symptoms, disorganization, and pronounced functional impairment, resembling “deficit schizophrenia.” The second (LC3) described a group with minimal functional impairment, mild or absent negative symptoms, and low disorganization. Using the negative/deficit subtype, we detected genome-wide significant linkage to 1q23-25 (LOD = 3.78, empiric genome-wide P = .01). This region was not detected using the DSM-IV schizophrenia diagnosis, but has been strongly implicated in schizophrenia pathogenesis by previous linkage and association studies.Variants in the 1q region may specifically increase risk for a negative/deficit schizophrenia subtype. Alternatively, these results may reflect increased familiality/heritability of the negative class, the presence of multiple 1q schizophrenia risk genes, or a pleiotropic 1q risk locus or loci, with stronger genotype-phenotype correlation with negative/deficit symptoms. Using the second familial latent class, we identified nominally significant linkage to the original 10q peak region. Conclusion: Genetic analyses of heritable, homogeneous phenotypes may improve the power of linkage and association studies of schizophrenia and thus have relevance to the design and analysis of genome-wide association studies.


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Latent transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) binding proteins (LTBPs) -1, -3 and -4 are ECM components whose major function is to augment the secretion and matrix targeting of TGF-beta, a multipotent cytokine. LTBP-2 does not bind small latent TGF-beta but has suggested functions as a structural protein in ECM microfibrils. In the current work we focused on analyzing possible adhesive functions of LTBP-2 as well as on characterizing the kinetics and regulation of LTBP-2 secretion and ECM deposition. We also explored the role of TGF-beta binding LTBPs in endothelial cells activated to mimic angiogenesis as well as in malignant mesothelioma. We found that, unlike most adherent cells, several melanoma cell lines efficiently adhered to purified recombinant LTBP-2. Further characterization revealed that the adhesion was mediated by alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta1 integrins. Heparin also inhibited the melanoma cell adhesion suggesting a role for heparan sulphate proteoglycans. LTBP-2 was also identified as a haptotactic substrate for melanoma cell migration. We used cultured human embryonic lung fibroblasts to analyze the temporal and spatial association of LTBP-2 into ECM. By We found that LTBP-2 was efficiently assembled to the ECM only in confluent cultures following the deposition of fibronectin (FN) and fibrillin-1. In early, subconfluent cultures it remained primarily in soluble form after secretion. LTBP-2 colocalized transiently with FN and fibrillin-1. Silencing of fibrillin-1 expression by lentiviral shRNAs profoundly disrupted the deposition of LTBP-2 indicating that the ECM association of LTBP-2 depends on a pre-formed fibrillin-1 network. Considering the established role of TGF-beta as a regulator of angiogenesis we induced morphological activation of endothelial cells by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and followed the fate of LTBP-1 in the endothelial ECM. This resulted in profound proteolytic processing of LTBP-1 and release of latent TGF-beta complexes from the ECM. The processing was coupled with increased activation of MT-MMPs and specific upregulation of MT1-MMP. The major role of MT1-MMP in the proteolysis of LTBP-1 was confirmed by suppressing the expression with lentivirally induced short-hairpin RNAs as well as by various metalloproteinases inhibitors. TGF-beta can promote tumorigenesis of malignant mesothelioma (MM), which is an aggressive tumor of the pleura with poor prognosis. TGF-beta activity was analyzed in a panel of MM tumors by immunohistochemical staining of phosphorylated Smad-2 (P-Smad2). The tumor cells were strongly positive for P-Smad2 whereas LTBP-1 immunoreactivity was abundant in the stroma, and there was a negative correlation between LTBP-1 and P-Smad2 staining. In addition, the high P-Smad2 immunoreactivity correlated with shorter survival of patients. mRNA analysis revealed that TGF-beta1 was the most highly expressed isoform in both normal human pleura and MM tissue. LTBP-1 and LTBP-3 were both abundantly expressed. LTBP-1 was the predominant isoform in established MM cell lines whereas the expression of LTBP-3 was high in control cells. Suppression of LTBP-3 expression by siRNAs resulted in increased TGF-beta activity in MM cell lines accompanied by decreased proliferation. Our results suggest that decreased expression of LTBP-3 in MM could alter the targeting of TGF-beta to the ECM and lead to its increased activation. The current work emphasizes the coordinated process of the assembly and appropriate targeting of LTBPs with distinct adhesive or cytokine harboring properties into the ECM. The hierarchical assembly may have implications in the modulation of signaling events during morphogenesis and tissue remodeling.


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Latent class and genetic analyses were used to identify subgroups of migraine sufferers in a community sample of 6,265 Australian twins (55% female) aged 25-36 who had completed an interview based on International Headache Society (IHS) criteria. Consistent with prevalence rates from other population-based studies, 703 (20%) female and 250 (9%) male twins satisfied the IHS criteria for migraine without aura (MO), and of these, 432 (13%) female and 166 (6%) male twins satisfied the criteria for migraine with aura (MA) as indicated by visual symptoms. Latent class analysis (LCA) of IHS symptoms identified three major symptomatic classes, representing 1) a mild form of recurrent nonmigrainous headache, 2) a moderately severe form of migraine, typically without visual aura symptoms (although 40% of individuals in this class were positive for aura), and 3) a severe form of migraine typically with visual aura symptoms (although 24% of individuals were negative for aura). Using the LCA classification, many more individuals were considered affected to some degree than when using IHS criteria (35% vs. 13%). Furthermore, genetic model fitting indicated a greater genetic contribution to migraine using the LCA classification (heritability, h(2)=0.40; 95% CI, 0.29-0.46) compared with the IHS classification (h(2)=0.36; 95% CI, 0.22-0.42). Exploratory latent class modeling, fitting up to 10 classes, did not identify classes corresponding to either the IHS MO or MA classification. Our data indicate the existence of a continuum of severity, with MA more severe but not etiologically distinct from MO. In searching for predisposing genes, we should therefore expect to find some genes that may underlie all major recurrent headache subtypes, with modifying genetic or environmental factors that may lead to differential expression of the liability for migraine.


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For zygosity diagnosis in the absence of genotypic data, or in the recruitment phase of a twin study where only single twins from same-sex pairs are being screened, or to provide a test for sample duplication leading to the false identification of a dizygotic pair as monozygotic, the appropriate analysis of respondents' answers to questions about zygosity is critical. Using data from a young adult Australian twin cohort (N = 2094 complete pairs and 519 singleton twins from same-sex pairs with complete responses to all zygosity items), we show that application of latent class analysis (LCA), fitting a 2-class model, yields results that show good concordance with traditional methods of zygosity diagnosis, but with certain important advantages. These include the ability, in many cases, to assign zygosity with specified probability on the basis of responses of a single informant (advantageous when one zygosity type is being oversampled); and the ability to quantify the probability of misassignment of zygosity, allowing prioritization of cases for genotyping as well as identification of cases of probable laboratory error. Out of 242 twins (from 121 like-sex pairs) where genotypic data were available for zygosity confirmation, only a single case was identified of incorrect zygosity assignment by the latent class algorithm. Zygosity assignment for that single case was identified by the LCA as uncertain (probability of being a monozygotic twin only 76%), and the co-twin's responses clearly identified the pair as dizygotic (probability of being dizygotic 100%). In the absence of genotypic data, or as a safeguard against sample duplication, application of LCA for zygosity assignment or confirmation is strongly recommended.


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The prevalence of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) ranges from 7 to 10% (1). They present at a younger age and have a lower BMI but poorer glycemic control, which may increase the risk of complications (2). However, a recent analysis of the Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS) has demonstrated no difference in macrovascular or microvascular events between patients with LADA and T2DM, but neuropathy was not assessed (3). Previous studies quantifying neuropathy in patients with LADA are limited. In this study, we aimed to accurately quantify neuropathy in subjects with LADA compared with matched patients with T2DM.


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Despite compulsory mathematics throughout primary and junior secondary schooling, many schools across Australia continue in their struggle to achieve satisfactory numeracy levels. Numeracy is not a distinct subject in school curriculum, and in fact appears as a general capability in the Australian Curriculum, wherein all teachers across all curriculum areas are responsible for numeracy. This general capability approach confuses what numeracy should look like, especially when compared to the structure of numeracy as defined on standardised national tests. In seeking to define numeracy, schools tend to look at past NAPLAN papers, and in doing so, we do not find examples drawn from the various aspects of school curriculum. What we find are more traditional forms of mathematical worded problems.


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In this article, we introduce the general statistical analysis approach known as latent class analysis and discuss some of the issues associated with this type of analysis in practice. Two recent examples from the respiratory health literature are used to highlight the types of research questions that have been addressed using this approach.


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The current state of the practice in Blackspot Identification (BSI) utilizes safety performance functions based on total crash counts to identify transport system sites with potentially high crash risk. This paper postulates that total crash count variation over a transport network is a result of multiple distinct crash generating processes including geometric characteristics of the road, spatial features of the surrounding environment, and driver behaviour factors. However, these multiple sources are ignored in current modelling methodologies in both trying to explain or predict crash frequencies across sites. Instead, current practice employs models that imply that a single underlying crash generating process exists. The model mis-specification may lead to correlating crashes with the incorrect sources of contributing factors (e.g. concluding a crash is predominately caused by a geometric feature when it is a behavioural issue), which may ultimately lead to inefficient use of public funds and misidentification of true blackspots. This study aims to propose a latent class model consistent with a multiple crash process theory, and to investigate the influence this model has on correctly identifying crash blackspots. We first present the theoretical and corresponding methodological approach in which a Bayesian Latent Class (BLC) model is estimated assuming that crashes arise from two distinct risk generating processes including engineering and unobserved spatial factors. The Bayesian model is used to incorporate prior information about the contribution of each underlying process to the total crash count. The methodology is applied to the state-controlled roads in Queensland, Australia and the results are compared to an Empirical Bayesian Negative Binomial (EB-NB) model. A comparison of goodness of fit measures illustrates significantly improved performance of the proposed model compared to the NB model. The detection of blackspots was also improved when compared to the EB-NB model. In addition, modelling crashes as the result of two fundamentally separate underlying processes reveals more detailed information about unobserved crash causes.