858 resultados para Línguas Métodos de ensino
Ps-graduao em Cirurgia Veterinria - FCAV
La popularizacin de los medios digitales y los recursos de comunicacin difunde las narrativas no lineales y agrava la crisis de la enseanza en el aula, con la expansin de diferentes modelos presenciales virtuales de la educacin (PVE). Es evidente la demasificacin de los nuevos medios, en un contexto que agudiza la percepcin individual y social de los individuos, que son atrados por el enorme flujo global de mensajes informativos (BRIGGS; BURKE, 2006). La transicin de los métodos de enseanza en el aula para modelar la educacin virtual e interactiva gan un nuevo formato en la educacin pblica en So Paulo en 2012, con el lanzamiento de cursos electivos de enseanza de Ingls y Espaol para estudiantes de la secundaria, con la mediacin de el PC y con el contenido producido por la Escuela Virtual de Programas Educativos del Estado de So Paulo - Evesp. An continua presencia en los salones de las grandes clases del sistema escolar, la falta de materiales de enseanza y aprendizaje adecuados en las clases impartidas por los profesores cuyos repertorios estn alejados de la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes. En este contexto, se comprueban las actuaciones de aprendizaje cualitativos ms bien negativos de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir (CAMERON, 2001). La investigacin que llevamos a cabo es analizar las experiencias de enseanza de Ingls y Espaol en la plataforma computarizada Evesp y de la clase de Ingls y Espaol de los Centros para el Curso de idiomas (CELS), para la escuela secundaria, y el piloto Early Bird, de enseanza y el aprendizaje de Ingls de la escuela primaria, todos bajo la Junta de Educacin de Bauru (SP).
PIBID's subproject from the Letras course at a public university from the interior of Sao Paulo has, as a vision, the teaching of languages in a different way, where the culture is something to be known, not only mentioned, and, because of that, students feel close to the language learning process, for the language is not something to be learned just as grammar, it is, in fact, to be learned as something more complex than that, making the connection between student and language and its values. The students have, as an objective the knowledge and formation in teaching, by participation in public schools where they could put the theory learned during the Letras course in the university in practice with students that could benefit from learning new languages. The public school, mentioned in this research, offered the opportunity for the PIBID students to participate in a project that already existed in this school, where the students were supposed to produce a script based in a tale, and with the script, they were supposed to produce a short movie and a trailer. In 2014, in the first year of the participation of PIBID in the project, PIBID students were asked to choose a tale in the languages that are currently part of the subproject, for the students could use as a base to the production of the short movie. This project is called Luz, Cmera Action! and the main objective of this research was to verify the participation of PIBID in the project. For such, it was used a semi-structured open questionnaire, which sought to investigate how students and supervisors from the school understood and analyzed PIBID's participation in the project
PIBID's subproject from the Letras course at a public university from the interior of Sao Paulo has, as a vision, the teaching of languages in a different way, where the culture is something to be known, not only mentioned, and, because of that, students feel close to the language learning process, for the language is not something to be learned just as grammar, it is, in fact, to be learned as something more complex than that, making the connection between student and language and its values. The students have, as an objective the knowledge and formation in teaching, by participation in public schools where they could put the theory learned during the Letras course in the university in practice with students that could benefit from learning new languages. The public school, mentioned in this research, offered the opportunity for the PIBID students to participate in a project that already existed in this school, where the students were supposed to produce a script based in a tale, and with the script, they were supposed to produce a short movie and a trailer. In 2014, in the first year of the participation of PIBID in the project, PIBID students were asked to choose a tale in the languages that are currently part of the subproject, for the students could use as a base to the production of the short movie. This project is called Luz, Cmera Action! and the main objective of this research was to verify the participation of PIBID in the project. For such, it was used a semi-structured open questionnaire, which sought to investigate how students and supervisors from the school understood and analyzed PIBID's participation in the project
The developed research aimed to investigate how students behave on elementary school in a plurilingual context, based on Intercomprehension of Romanic Languages with literary texts in the classroom. The theoretical framework prioritizes authors who consider reading literary text as an essential tool to the formation of reading and writing skills for students, such as: Amarilha (1997; 2003; 2007), Resende (1993), Kleiman, (1999), Villardi (1997), Aguiar (1991), Perrone-Moiss (2000), Lajolo (1993), Zilberman (1991), Cosson (2006), Andrade, Melo-Pfeifer, Santos, (2009), S; De Carlo; Antoine (2011), Alas Martins (2014), Doy (2005), Souza, (2013), and others, according to the intercomprehension approach and plurilingualism. We use questionnaires as a methodological resources for this research, and we applied some activities that was developed based on intercomprehension from literary texts which represent three types of Romanic languages (Spanish, French and Italian), in addition to the participant observation in classes with students of the 8th grade from an elementary public school in the city of Natal (RN). The students could read and (inter) understand some texts of classic literature in those Latin languages and also in Portuguese, whose titles include D. Quixote de la mancha by Miguel de Cervantes; O pequeno prncipe by Antoine de Saint-Exupry; and Pinquio by Carlo Collodi. The data analysis shows that students understood the lessons with plurilingual texts as something which goes beyond the structure of language teaching, awakening themselves to the knowledge of new languages and cultures, and linguistic diversity as motivation at the time of understanding and literature as transforming element to Citizen formation of students.
Can entrepreneurship be taught, or be learned? This is a question that brings a broad debate to the table. Indubitably, education has an essential role in attitude development and competences promotion. This assumption has fostered entrepreneurship initiatives and course proliferation, seeking to teach entrepreneurship to individuals. The increasing importance of the entrepreneurial spirit leads to the creation and promotion of entrepreneurship initiatives and encouragement of youngsters to have entrepreneurial profiles. Today, entrepreneurship education has a crucial role promoting entrepreneurial mindset s in younger people. It stimulates competence and skill development, which extends beyond the business world. The effects of such education depend on strategy and teaching pedagogies, but mostly on its effective implementation. This gives teachers and higher education institutions the challenge of finding nontraditional methodologies and alternative ways to teach the subject. Therefore, this study aims to explore, through the theory of planned behavior, the effects of entrepreneurship education and its relationship with entrepreneurial intention. Additionally, the essential and challenging role of the teacher is explored, contributing to a better understanding of its significance in entrepreneurship education that is remarkably poorly explored in the literature. Findings reinforce the strength of the theory of planned behavior as an intention measure; in addition, students were found to increase their entrepreneurial intentions, entrepreneurial knowledge and institutional context perceptions after taking a higher education course. Concerning teachers, a consensus was found between their education aims and similarities among their pedagogic methods, topics and forms of evaluation, along with time and resource management struggles.
Este artigo constitui uma reflexo sobre as vantagens da utilizao de corpora no processo de ensino/aprendizagem das línguas. O trabalho com corpora na sala de aula acarreta uma aproximao entre as prticas de investigao e as prticas de ensino-aprendizagem. O aluno adquire o papel de um investigador que pretende obter respostas a partir dos dados disponveis no corpus. Deste modo, o aluno descobre a lngua por meio das suas prprias observaes, transformando-se em agente do seu processo de aprendizagem. Equacionada sob um certo ponto de vista de configurao tradicionalista, a utilizao da informtica na anlise lexical afigura-se improfcua, no entanto, muitos estudiosos das Humanidades em geral, para alm de revelarem a salutar conscincia da indispensvel adeso das Humanidades informtica, como forma de garantir a vitalidade das Humanidades, no que respeita anlise estatstico-lexical, preconizam que a utilizao do computador constitui uma mais-valia. Ao longo deste artigo, procuraremos refletir sobre as seguintes questes: Quais so os benefcios das abordagens lexicais inspiradas na explorao de corpora ou em conceitos da Lingustica de Corpus? Qual o papel da informtica na anlise lexical? Que novas potencialidades apresentam as concordncias na sala de aula?
Acadmico - Licenciaturas
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Traduo, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Lingustica Aplicada, 2015.
Este artigo tem como foco o Estruturalismo europeu e norteamericano desenvolvido a partir do impulso que o lingüista Ferdinand Saussure deu à lingüística enquanto ciência. Temos como objetivo discorrer sobre a vertente estruturalista apresentando seus pontos positivos e negativos bem como as contribuições que trouxe ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras, em especial a língua inglesa. Faremos, ao final da apresentação teórica, uma breve análise de um capítulo de livro didático de língua inglesa utilizado por professores do ensino médio. Procuramos, assim, mostrar como o estruturalismo ainda prevalece no ensino até os dias de hoje.
Com base em estudos que mostram a capacidade biolgica do ser humano de aprender línguas e na teoria de aquisio desenvolvida por Krashen (1982), este trabalho pretende mostrar a necessidade de as escolas se preocuparem com o ensino da lngua estrangeira desde as sries iniciais. Nesta discusso, sero abordadas as vantagens e as responsabilidades da insero do idioma estrangeiro na educao de crianas nessa faixa etria. Objetiva-se, tambm, com este estudo, mostrar que a linguagem a principal ferramenta de relacionamento humano e que qualquer pessoa pode desenvolver proficincia em línguas estrangeiras, porm, umas com mais facilidade e perfeio, e outras, com mais tempo de estudo e com possibilidade de apresentar desvios, principalmente na pronncia.
A partir de breve retomada da histria dos cursos de graduao em Letras no Brasil, este artigo tem por objetivo discutir as circunstncias da consolidao dos estudos literrios na universidade. Esto no centro dessa discusso as caractersticas de duas modalidades de crtica literria. A primeira delas, conhecida como impressionista, era publicada nos rodaps de jornais nas primeiras dcadas do sculo passado. A segunda, conhecida como crtica de ctedra (Rocha, 2011), ganhou corpo aps a criao dos cursos de Letras, quando docentes universitrios, ento chamados de catedrticos, passaram a publicar textos crticos com base emnovas teorias, quase sempre assimiladas ou adaptadas do pensamento irradiado por outros pases, como o new criticism, de origem norte-americana, ou mais tarde o estruturalismo, de origem europeia. Métodos e abordagens situavam-se em campos antagnicos, fato que se modificou mas no se extinguiu. Em diferentes configuraes, embates entre posturas antagnicas por exemplo, entre a que privilegia componentes artsticos e a que supervaloriza componentes ideolgicos persistem at o presente, refletindo-se na pesquisa e no ensino de literatura.
Neste texto, atualizo reflexo sobre metalinguagem e colonialidade e o seu impacto nas polticas de pesquisa e ensino de línguas a partir da experincia de pesquisa que venho acompanhando h alguns anos com os povos indgenas na Bahia. Para isso, retomo discusso sobre conceito de lngua e correlatos, presentes em outros trabalhos, agora com o foco nos processos de nomeao/quantificao das línguas e na experincia de retomada da lngua patax. Recorro tambm contribuio terica de diversos autores e autoras no campo da lingustica aplicada, antropologia, estudos culturais e de gnero.
RESUMO: A educao de surdos hoje no Brasil vive um perodo de transio, de conflitos e contradies: por um lado o discurso da diferena cada vez mais presente na fala de educadores e em parte da legislao educacional em vigor; por outro lado a diferena surda continua sendo representada nas prticas escolares em geral sob a tica da normalizao que insiste em invisibilizar as especificidades lingusticas e culturais dessa minoria, apesar dos avanos alcanados pelo decreto 5626. Com esse cenrio em mente objetivamos refletir sobre as presses normativas guiadas por ideologias monolngues (BLACKLEDGE, 2000) que tentam formatar um suposto uso ideal de portugus e de Libras. O captulo est dividido em trs partes: primeiro, apresentamos algumas consideraes no mbito da legislao acerca do estatuto de Libras no Brasil. Em seguida, tematizamos o processo de (in)visibilizao das línguas de sinais com vistas a mostrar que a (re)construo do conceito de lngua como algo fixo, tambm, em relao s línguas de sinais, pode ser usado para sedimentar desigualdades em relao ao surdo na escola. Por fim, refletimos, a partir de alguns dados de pesquisa, sobre as tenses existentes entre as línguas nos contextos bi-multilngues que caracterizam a escolarizao de surdos e as ideologias lingusticas que geram efeitos de hierarquizao sobre os usos de Libras e de Portugus.