933 resultados para International Federation for Documentation
Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s Garbage, The City, and Death. A Four Act Scandal in Post-war Germany The paper explores the dramaturgy of the scandals around the play Garbage, The City and Death (Der Müll, die Stadt und der Tod) by German playwright, theatre and film maker Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Published in 1976, the play immediately caused a scandal in West Germany, because it was accused of reproducing anti-Semitic stereotypes. The presentation sheds light on the different phases of the scandal and their historical and cultural contexts in post-war Germany – starting as a literary scandal in 1976, being transformed into a theatre scandal in the 1980ies and finally being dissolved by the German premiere in 2009. The paper is structured as follows: Act One: The Literary Scandal. Destroying Fassbinder’s Garbage, Act Two: Preventing the Staging of the Play, Act Three: Blocking the Opening Night, Act Four: Performing the Play in Germany. By analysing the dramaturgical structure of this specific scandal, the paper discusses the following hypotheses: 1. Scandals arise through the circulation of decontextualised information in public. This is due to either a lack of information about the actual object or incident being scandalised or a lack of information about the context of the object or incident. This lack is caused by the logic of the scandal itself: Because the play or the performance is prohibited, it has been withdrawn from the public, making it impossible to form a well-founded opinion on the controversy. 2. The scandal is driven forward by an emotionalising rhetoric built around the decontextualised information. 3. Once the gap of information is filled, the scandalising rhetoric turns into a rhetoric of irrelevance: Reviews of the first performance of Garbage, The City and Death in Germany considered the play hardly a matter of public concern.
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to identify clinical variables that may predict the need for adjuvant radiotherapy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and radical surgery in locally advanced cervical cancer patients. METHODS A retrospective series of cervical cancer patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stages IB2-IIB treated with NACT followed by radical surgery was analyzed. Clinical predictors of persistence of intermediate- and/or high-risk factors at final pathological analysis were investigated. Statistical analysis was performed using univariate and multivariate analysis and using a model based on artificial intelligence known as artificial neuronal network (ANN) analysis. RESULTS Overall, 101 patients were available for the analyses. Fifty-two (51 %) patients were considered at high risk secondary to parametrial, resection margin and/or lymph node involvement. When disease was confined to the cervix, four (4 %) patients were considered at intermediate risk. At univariate analysis, FIGO grade 3, stage IIB disease at diagnosis and the presence of enlarged nodes before NACT predicted the presence of intermediate- and/or high-risk factors at final pathological analysis. At multivariate analysis, only FIGO grade 3 and tumor diameter maintained statistical significance. The specificity of ANN models in evaluating predictive variables was slightly superior to conventional multivariable models. CONCLUSIONS FIGO grade, stage, tumor diameter, and histology are associated with persistence of pathological intermediate- and/or high-risk factors after NACT and radical surgery. This information is useful in counseling patients at the time of treatment planning with regard to the probability of being subjected to pelvic radiotherapy after completion of the initially planned treatment.
Since 2008, the FIGO Initiative for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion and its Consequences has contributed to ensuring the substitution of sharp curettage by manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) and medical abortion in selected hospitals in participating countries of South-Southeast Asia. This initiative facilitated the registration of misoprostol in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the approval of mifepristone for "menstrual regulation" in Bangladesh. The Pakistan Nursing Council agreed to include MVA and medical abortion in the midwifery curriculum. The Bangladesh Government has approved the training of nurses and paramedics in the use of MVA to treat incomplete abortion in selected cases. The Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, in collaboration with partners, has presented a draft petition to the relevant authorities appealing for them to liberalize the abortion law in cases of rape and incest or when lethal congenital abnormalities are present. Significantly, the initiative has introduced or strengthened the provision of postabortion contraception.
La diversidad de los nombres geográficos de Argentina, sumados a los casos de sinonimia, homonimia y variantes de la forma del nombre ?incluida la ortografía-hace necesario realizar el control de puntos de acceso para asegurar la coherencia del catálogo y, por ende, el acceso a la colección documental. Se propone entonces, una metodología para la confección de una Lista de nombres geográficos de Argentina que proporcione un punto de acceso controlado y sus referencias, de acuerdo a las Reglas angloamericanas de catalogación, 2ª edición, revisión de 2002, actualización de 2003 [AACR2]. Se presentan los ejemplos en una base de datos diseñada sobre el software CDS/ISIS 1.5 [build3] para Windows [versión completa: AR], UNESCO, 2003 [llamado comúnmente Winisis], con el formato de autoridades UNIMARC de IFLA [International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions], 2ª edición y actualización, siguiendo las Directrices para registros de autoridad y referencias [GARR], 2ª edición y las Directrices para los registros de autoridad y referencia de materia [GSARE]
La diversidad de los nombres geográficos de Argentina, sumados a los casos de sinonimia, homonimia y variantes de la forma del nombre ?incluida la ortografía-hace necesario realizar el control de puntos de acceso para asegurar la coherencia del catálogo y, por ende, el acceso a la colección documental. Se propone entonces, una metodología para la confección de una Lista de nombres geográficos de Argentina que proporcione un punto de acceso controlado y sus referencias, de acuerdo a las Reglas angloamericanas de catalogación, 2ª edición, revisión de 2002, actualización de 2003 [AACR2]. Se presentan los ejemplos en una base de datos diseñada sobre el software CDS/ISIS 1.5 [build3] para Windows [versión completa: AR], UNESCO, 2003 [llamado comúnmente Winisis], con el formato de autoridades UNIMARC de IFLA [International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions], 2ª edición y actualización, siguiendo las Directrices para registros de autoridad y referencias [GARR], 2ª edición y las Directrices para los registros de autoridad y referencia de materia [GSARE]
La diversidad de los nombres geográficos de Argentina, sumados a los casos de sinonimia, homonimia y variantes de la forma del nombre ?incluida la ortografía-hace necesario realizar el control de puntos de acceso para asegurar la coherencia del catálogo y, por ende, el acceso a la colección documental. Se propone entonces, una metodología para la confección de una Lista de nombres geográficos de Argentina que proporcione un punto de acceso controlado y sus referencias, de acuerdo a las Reglas angloamericanas de catalogación, 2ª edición, revisión de 2002, actualización de 2003 [AACR2]. Se presentan los ejemplos en una base de datos diseñada sobre el software CDS/ISIS 1.5 [build3] para Windows [versión completa: AR], UNESCO, 2003 [llamado comúnmente Winisis], con el formato de autoridades UNIMARC de IFLA [International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions], 2ª edición y actualización, siguiendo las Directrices para registros de autoridad y referencias [GARR], 2ª edición y las Directrices para los registros de autoridad y referencia de materia [GSARE]
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation is a complex clinic process which tries to restore or compensate cognitive and behavioral disorders in people suffering from a central nervous system injury. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Biomedical Engineering play an essential role in this field, allowing improvement and expansion of present rehabilitation programs. This paper presents a set of cognitive rehabilitation 2D-Tasks for patients with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). These tasks allow a high degree of personalization and individualization in therapies, based on the opportunities offered by new technologies.
Hay una necesidad creciente para la construcción de viviendas, necesidad que se ha incrementado de forma exponencial en las últimas décadas. Esta necesidad es considerable en los países en vías de desarrollo, donde la población tiene una tasa de crecimiento elevada, mucho mayor que en los países desarrollados. Además, la población en el Mundo está desplazándose progresivamente hacia las ciudades. Es en los alrededores de las ciudades de países en desarrollo donde surge una necesidad de construir viviendas de coste controlado, asequibles, que se convierte en algunos casos en crítica. La Comisión de Prefabricación de la fib (International Federation for Structural Concrete, Federation Internationale du Béton, Federación Internacional del Hormigón Estructural) ha sido consciente por muchos años de este problema y tomó la decisión de crear un grupo de trabajo para desarrollar un documento sobre viviendas prefabricadas de coste asequible. Este documento estará dedicado a servir de ayuda sobre las técnicas de la prefabricación para las personas que deseen construir este tipo de viviendas. El presente artículo hace un resumen del trabajo desarrollado por este grupo hasta el momento.
We describe the datos.bne.es library dataset. The dataset makes available the authority and bibliography catalogue from the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE, National Library of Spain) as Linked Data. The catalogue contains around 7 million authority and bibliographic records. The records in MARC 21 format were transformed to RDF and modelled using IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) ontologies and other well-established vocabularies such as RDA (Resource Description and Access) or the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. A tool named MARiMbA automatized the RDF generation process and the data linkage to DBpedia and other library linked data resources such as VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) or GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei, the authority dataset from the German National Library).
The continuous increment of processors computational power and the requirements on additional functionality and services are motivating a change in the way embedded systems are built. Components with different criticality level are allocated in the same processor, which give rise to mixed-criticality systems. The use of partitioned systems is a way of preventing undesirable interferences between components with different criticality level. An hypervisor provides these partitions or virtual machines, ensuring spatial, temporal and fault isolation between them. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the development of a mixed-critical system. The attitude control subsystem is used for showing the different steps, which are supported by a toolset developed in the context of the MultiPARTES research project.
Vivemos um período de transformações políticas, econômicas, sociais e culturais que, a todo instante, nos impõe desafios. Neste contexto, nas últimas décadas, o uso da tecnologia tem sido ampliado na realização de diversas atividades cotidianas, na divulgação de informações, na comunicação, como forma de expressão e organização da sociedade. A escola, enquanto instituição social, precisa reconhecer esta nova realidade, esta diferente possibilidade de aquisição e transformação de saber, para que possa intervir, ressignificar e redirecionar sua ação, a fim de atender as demandas de seu tempo. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa, a partir da apresentação e análise de experiências realizadas com o uso de Tecnologias da Informação e Conhecimento, é o de refletir sobre como inserir estas ferramentas no processo de ensinar e aprender na escola a partir da visão de professores e alunos, visando a formação integral do educando. Deste modo, no desenvolvimento, entendemos como necessário conhecer e considerar o contexto histórico, bem como as perspectivas relacionadas a escola e seus protagonistas (professores e estudantes) na chamada Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento. Ressaltamos a importância do docente (sua formação) e seu papel de mediador nos processos de aprendizagem, assim como a recepção à tecnologia, observando função e espaço de atuação desta. Destacamos experiências com a utilização de TDIC, realizada por professores e alunos, como a produção de game, revistas científicas, escrita de histórias, produções artísticas, blogs, vlogs, discussões em grupos presentes em redes sociais. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa é qualitativa, na modalidade de pesquisa-ação e narrativa, em função do envolvimento com o grupo e com as atividades desenvolvidas, nas quais os participantes compartilham com o pesquisador suas histórias pessoais e de aprendizagem relacionadas às ações ou às atividades que realiza, fornecendo informações e indícios relevantes sobre o seu processo de formação ao longo do tempo. A revisão de literatura foi realizada por meio de análise bibliográfica e documental em livros, teses, dissertações, periódicos específicos sobre o assunto, além de artigos publicados na Internet. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de conversas informais, entrevistas semiestruturadas e filmagem dos relatos. A análise foi realizada a partir da abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica, que busca descrever e interpretar fenômenos da experiência humana, a fim de investigar a essência por meio da identificação de temas. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade e possibilidade da ampliação da utilização de TDIC como recurso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, por meio de formação, diálogo, interação, intencionalidade, expectativas, esperança e seus desdobramentos.
This study seeks to analyse the price determination of low cost airlines in Europe and the effect that Internet has on this strategy. The outcomes obtained reveal that both users and companies benefit from the use of ICTs in the purchase and sale of airline tickets: the Internet allows consumers to increase their bargaining power comparing different airlines and choosing the most competitive flight, while companies can easily check the behaviour of users to adapt their pricing strategies using internal information. More than 2500 flights of the largest European low cost airlines have been used to carry out the study. The study revealed that the most significant variables for understanding pricing strategies were the number of rivals, the behaviour of the demand and the associated costs. The results indicated that consumers should buy their tickets before 25 days prior to departure.
The free hardware platforms have become very important in engineering education in recent years. Among these platforms, Arduino highlights, characterized by its versatility, popularity and low price. This paper describes the implementation of four laboratory experiments for Automatic Control and Robotics courses at the University of Alicante, which have been developed based on Arduino and other existing equipment. Results were evaluated taking into account the views of students, concluding that the proposed experiments have been attractive to them, and they have acquired the knowledge about hardware configuration and programming that was intended.
Convex vector (or multi-objective) semi-infinite optimization deals with the simultaneous minimization of finitely many convex scalar functions subject to infinitely many convex constraints. This paper provides characterizations of the weakly efficient, efficient and properly efficient points in terms of cones involving the data and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. The latter characterizations rely on different local and global constraint qualifications. The results in this paper generalize those obtained by the same authors on linear vector semi-infinite optimization problems.