191 resultados para Hochschulforschung
Anknüpfend an die personelle Ausstattung der Erziehungswissenschaft an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen werden im ersten Abschnitt die dort entstandenen Promotionen und Habilitationen im Fächervergleich auf der Basis der Hochschulstatistik des Statistischen Bundesamtes dargestellt. Im zweiten Abschnitt werden jene Promotionen und Habilitationen näher analysiert, die an die Zeitschrift für Pädagogik gemeldet wurden. Diese Befunde werden mit weiterführenden Analysen verglichen. [Die Daten können bei der Autorin angefordert werden.] (DIPF/Orig.)
Wie wird Geschlecht von Studierenden der Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften rezipiert? Wie stehen die Studierenden zu Geschlechterfragen? Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass das Interesse an Geschlechterfragen zum Teil als individuelle, zudem etwas anachronistische Neigung erscheint, rekonstruiert diese empirische Studie u.a., welchen Einfluss das Studium des spezifischen Fachgebietes auf die Studierenden hat. Zudem wird deutlich, dass die studentische (De-)Thematisierung von Geschlecht auch maßgeblich von rhetorischen Modernisierungsprozessen und gesellschaftlichen Verdeckungszusammenhängen beeinflusst wird. (DIPF/Verlag)
Despite all intentions in the course of the Bologna Process and decades of investment into improving the social dimension, results in many national and international studies show that inequity remains stubbornly persistent, and that inequity based on socio-economic status, parental education, gender, country-of-origin, rural background and more continues to prevail in our Higher Education systems and at the labour market. While improvement has been shown, extrapolation of the gains of the last 40 years in the field show that it could take over 100 years for disadvantaged groups to catch up with their more advantaged peers, should the current rate of improvement be maintained. Many of the traditional approaches to improving equity have also necessitated large-scale public investments, in the form of direct support to underrepresented groups. In an age of austerity, many countries in Europe are finding it necessary to revisit and scale down these policies, so as to accommodate other priorities, such as balanced budgets or dealing with an aging population. An analysis of the current situation indicates that the time is ripe for disruptive innovations to mobilise the cause forward by leaps and bounds, instead of through incrementalist approaches. Despite the list of programmes in this analysis there is very little evidence as to the causal link between programmes, methodologies for their use and increases/improvements in equity in institutions. This creates a significant information gap for institutions and public authorities seeking for indicators to allocate limited resources to equity improving initiatives, without adequate evidence of effectiveness. The IDEAS project and this publication aims at addressing and improving this information gap. (DIPF/Orig.)
Das Jahrbuch dokumentiert die Beiträge der im September 2015 durchgeführten Tagung der DGfE-Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik und gibt damit Einblick in Diskussion und aktuellen Stand der Berufsbildungsforschung. In einem ersten Abschnitt widmet sich das Jahrbuch ausgewählten Fragestellungen der Organisation, Bedingungen und Strukturen der beruflichen Bildung, während im zweiten Abschnitt Beiträge zur beruflichen Lehr-Lern- und Unterrichtsforschung im Mittelpunkt stehen. Der Schwerpunkt des dritten Abschnitts liegt auf Fragen der Hochschul- und Lehrerbildungsforschung. Es folgen im vierten Teil zwei Beiträge zur Betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie zum Abschluss ein Überblick über die historische Schulbuchforschung für die berufliche Bildung. (DIPF/paul)
Lernvideos haben sich als geeignetes Instrument erwiesen Lernprozesse von Studierenden effektiv zu unterstützen. Vorliegender Beitrag thematisiert die videobasierte Statistiklehre an Hochschulen und stellt die Ergebnisse einer Experimentalstudie vor. Darin zeigt sich, dass bivariate Zusammenhänge zwischen der Bewertung von Lernvideos und dem Lernergebnis bestehen und dass Studierende bei theoriebasierten Lernvideos die besten Lernergebnisse erzielen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Teacher education plays a central role in education and relates to various stakeholders of education. Currently, teacher education is not perceived as the sole responsibility of higher education institutions, and they are expected to work closely together with other partners. In this paper, the concept of ‘partnership’ is defined and mutual benefits and challenges in partnerships with disciplines and institutions beyond teacher education programs are briefly discussed. Issues related to partnerships with students are addressed, and the last part of the paper discusses the partnership between teacher education and the practice field with examples from Norway. Three models illustrating such partnerships are described. The central argument of the paper is that partnerships in teacher education need to go beyond rhetoric. (DIPF/Orig.)
The aim of this paper is to examine the induction programme for newly qualified teachers and mentor education in Estonia, providing a comparative analysis of existing Estonian and possible Romanian models of mentoring. While the Estonian induction programme has been in place for more than ten years, induction in Romania is a relatively new and has only been mandatory since 2011 (National Law of Education 1/2011). The specifics of mentor professional development within the Romanian induction framework have yet to be explicated. This paper proposes two possible scenarios suitable for the Romanian system :1) long-term regulated academic education (part of master or doctoral level studies), and 2) flexible short-term in-service education. The advantages and disadvantages of both models are examined and ways to overcome some of the disadvantages are identified. Ultimately, the paper proposes that a flexible, needsdriven system which encompasses a degree of choice will best fulfil the professional development needs of teachers who wish to become mentors. (DIPF/Orig.)
This paper presents the results of a study conducted among pre-service home economics teachers from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana with different levels of practical experience in teaching. The pre-service Home Economics teachers in the 3rd year of their studies had just completed their first class of teaching experience in contrast to the pre-service teachers from the 4th year of their faculty studies, who had conducted more teaching lessons. The results showed that the 4th-year pre-service teachers had fewer doubts and problems concerning the planning and conducting of a lesson. They also statistically significantly agreed that they are sufficiently prepared to teach than the 3rd-year pre-service teachers are. The results showed that the majority of the pre-service teachers agreed that the feedback from their colleagues was helpful for their professional development. The results suggest the importance of practical teaching experience in the context of professional development and the intention to continue a career in education. However, the results also revealed some critical points in the teacher’s development of competency. The results suggest problems related to the application of theoretical knowledge on the children’s development in practice and pro problems related to classroom management in specific situations. (DIPF/Orig.)
Book review of: Zgaga, P., Teichler, U., Schuetze, H. G., Wolter, A. (Eds.) (2015). Higher education reform: Looking back - looking forward. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang. 430 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-66275-5
Rezension von: Stephen Frank: E-Learning und Kompetenzentwicklung. Ein unterrichtsorientiertes didaktisches Modell. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2012 (220 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1861-2)
Rezension von: Mirelle Schied: Schulpraktische Studien im Rahmen der Lehrerausbildung. Konzeptionalisierung und Evaluierung nach dem Gmünder Modell. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2013 (301 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1913-8)