988 resultados para H-II REGIONS
A method was developed to extract adenine nucleotides AMP, ADP, and ATP from marine macroalgal tissue to gain information on the cellular energy charge. Quantification was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three species from the rocky shore of the island of Helgoland (German Bight) were examined: Laminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta), Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta), and Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta). In L. saccharina and C. crispus, the adenylate energy charge (AEC) was determined in different thallus regions. AEC varied in relation to tissue age and function. Higher AEC values typically occurred in thallus regions with meristematic activity. Furthermore, L. saccharina and U. lactuca were exposed to UV-A and elevated UV-B radiation. The AEC was calculated and the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was determined as indicators for UV stress. In both species, the AEC remained at high values (0.72 ± 0.04), while Fv/Fm dropped rapidly. The results show that the photosynthesis of the phaeophyte is more resistant to UV radiation than the chlorophyte.
Application of a computational membrane organization prediction pipeline, MemO, identified putative type II membrane proteins as proteins predicted to encode a single alpha-helical transmembrane domain (TMD) and no signal peptides. MemO was applied to RIKEN's mouse isoform protein set to identify 1436 non-overlapping genomic regions or transcriptional units (TUs), which encode exclusively type II membrane proteins. Proteins with overlapping predicted InterPro and TMDs were reviewed to discard false positive predictions resulting in a dataset comprised of 1831 transcripts in 1408 TUs. This dataset was used to develop a systematic protocol to document subcellular localization of type II membrane proteins. This approach combines mining of published literature to identify subcellular localization data and a high-throughput, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach to experimentally characterize subcellular localization. These approaches have provided localization data for 244 and 169 proteins. Type II membrane proteins are localized to all major organelle compartments; however, some biases were observed towards the early secretory pathway and punctate structures. Collectively, this study reports the subcellular localization of 26% of the defined dataset. All reported localization data are presented in the LOCATE database (http://www.locate.imb.uq.edu.au).
Both animal and human studies suggest that the efficiency with which we are able to grasp objects is attributable to a repertoire of motor signals derived directly from vision. This is in general agreement with the long-held belief that the automatic generation of motor signals by the perception of objects is based on the actions they afford. In this study, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to determine the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of brain regions activated during passive viewing of object and non-object targets that varied in the extent to which they afforded a grasping action. Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM) was used to localize task-related oscillatory power changes within specific frequency bands, and the time course of activity within given regions-of-interest was determined by calculating time-frequency plots using a Morlet wavelet transform. Both single subject and group-averaged data on the spatial distribution of brain activity are presented. We show that: (i) significant reductions in 10-25 Hz activity within extrastriate cortex, occipito-temporal cortex, sensori-motor cortex and cerebellum were evident with passive viewing of both objects and non-objects; and (ii) reductions in oscillatory activity within the posterior part of the superior parietal cortex (area Ba7) were only evident with the perception of objects. Assuming that focal reductions in low-frequency oscillations (< 30 Hz) reflect areas of heightened neural activity, we conclude that: (i) activity within a network of brain areas, including the sensori-motor cortex, is not critically dependent on stimulus type and may reflect general changes in visual attention; and (ii) the posterior part of the superior parietal cortex, area Ba7, is activated preferentially by objects and may play a role in computations related to grasping. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The laminar distribution of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in areas B17 and B18 of the visual cortex in 18 cases of Alzheimer’s disease which varied in disease onset and duration. The objective was to test the hypothesis that SP and NFT could spread via either the feedforward or feedback short cortico-cortical projections. In area B17, the mean density of SP and NFT reached a maximum in lamina III and in laminae II and III respectively. In B18, mean SP density was maximal in laminae III and IV and NFT density in laminae II and III. No significant correlations were observed in any cortical lamina between the density of SP and patient age. However, the density of NFT in laminae III, IV and VI in B18 was negatively correlated with patient age. In addition, in B18, the density of SP in lamina II and lamina V was negatively correlated with disease duration and disease onset respectively. Although these results suggest that SP and NFT might spread between B17 and B18 via the feedforward short cortico-cortical projections, it is also possible that the longer cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical connections may be involved.
This study proposes a new type of greenhouse for water re-use and energy saving for agriculture in arid and semi-arid inland regions affected by groundwater salinity. It combines desalination using reverse osmosis (RO), re-use of saline concentrate rejected by RO for cooling, and rainwater harvesting. Experimental work was carried at GBPUAT, Pantnagar, India. Saline concentrate was fed to evaporative cooling pads of greenhouse and found to evaporate at similar rates as conventional freshwater. Two enhancements to the system are described: i) A jet pump, designed and tested to use pressurized reject stream to re-circulate cooling water and thus maintain uniform wetness in cooling pads, was found capable of multiplying flow of cooling water by a factor of 2.5 to 4 while lifting water to a head of 1.55 m; and ii) Use of solar power to drive ventilation fans of greenhouse, for which an electronic circuit has been produced that uses maximum power-point tracking to maximize energy efficiency. Re-use of RO rejected concentrate for cooling saves water (6 l d-1 m-2) of greenhouse floor area and the improved fan could reduce electricity consumption by a factor 8.
Late Neogene planktonic foraminifera have been examined at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific and their stratigraphic ranges and frequencies are presented here. Blow's (1969) zonation developed for tropical regions has been applied where applicable. Where tropical index taxa are rare or absent in this temperate region, Globorotalia crassaformis, and the evolutionary bioseries G. conoidea - G. conomiozea and G. puncticulata - G. inflata have been found useful for zonal subdivisions. A correlation between stratigraphic ranges and frequency distributions of these species at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific, and Site 284 in the Southwest Pacific indicates that these species are relatively consistent biostratigraphic markers in temperate regions of both the North and South Pacific Oceans. An informal zonation for temperate latitudes of the Southwest Pacific has been established by Kennett (1973) and a similar zonal subdivision can be made at Site 310. Paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations based on coiling ratios, percent abundance, and phenotypic variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma indicate four major cold events during early, middle, and late Pliocene, and early Pleistocene. Faunal correlations of these events with similar events elsewhere in the Northeast and Southwest Pacific which have been paleomagnetically dated indicate the following approximate ages for these cold events: 4.7 Ma, 3.0 Ma, 2.6-1.8 Ma, and 1.2 Ma. Faunal assemblages have been divided into three groups representing cool, intermediate, and warmer water assemblages. Cool water assemblages are dominated by ~60% N. pachyderma; intermediate temperature faunas are dominated by species of Globigerina and Globigerinita and contain between 20% and 30% N. pachyderma. Warmer water assemblages are dominated by species of Globorotalia and contain <10% N. pachyderma. Frequency oscillations within these groups, in addition to paleotemperature parameters evident in N. pachyderma, afford refined paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations.
In this study we present a global distribution pattern and budget of the minimum flux of particulate organic carbon to the sea floor (J POC alpha). The estimations are based on regionally specific correlations between the diffusive oxygen flux across the sediment-water interface, the total organic carbon content in surface sediments, and the oxygen concentration in bottom waters. For this, we modified the principal equation of Cai and Reimers [1995] as a basic monod reaction rate, applied within 11 regions where in situ measurements of diffusive oxygen uptake exist. By application of the resulting transfer functions to other regions with similar sedimentary conditions and areal interpolation, we calculated a minimum global budget of particulate organic carbon that actually reaches the sea floor of ~0.5 GtC yr**-1 (>1000 m water depth (wd)), whereas approximately 0.002-0.12 GtC yr**-1 is buried in the sediments (0.01-0.4% of surface primary production). Despite the fact that our global budget is in good agreement with previous studies, we found conspicuous differences among the distribution patterns of primary production, calculations based on particle trap collections of the POC flux, and J POC alpha of this study. These deviations, especially located at the southeastern and southwestern Atlantic Ocean, the Greenland and Norwegian Sea and the entire equatorial Pacific Ocean, strongly indicate a considerable influence of lateral particle transport on the vertical link between surface waters and underlying sediments. This observation is supported by sediment trap data. Furthermore, local differences in the availability and quality of the organic matter as well as different transport mechanisms through the water column are discussed.
The authors are grateful to the following bodies that provided financial support for the project: (i) China Scholarship Council (20117 00029), (ii) National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. U1334201) and (iii) UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant no. EP/G069441/1).
The authors are grateful to the following bodies that provided financial support for the project: (i) China Scholarship Council (20117 00029), (ii) National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. U1334201) and (iii) UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant no. EP/G069441/1).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to the following bodies that provided financial support for the project: (i) China Scholarship Council, (ii) National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U1334201 and (iii) UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant No. EP/G069441/1).
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
This paper characterizes humic substances (HS) extracted from soil samples collected in the Rio Negro basin in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, particularly investigating their reduction capabilities towards Hg(II) in order to elucidate potential mercury cycling/volatilization in this environment. For this reason, a multimethod approach was used, consisting of both instrumental methods (elemental analysis, EPR, solid-state NMR, FIA combined with cold-vapor AAS of Hg(0)) and statistical methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and a central composite factorial planning method. The HS under study were divided into groups, complexing and reducing ones, owing to different distribution of their functionalities. The main functionalities (cor)related with reduction of Hg(II) were phenolic, carboxylic and amide groups, while the groups related with complexation of Hg(II) were ethers, hydroxyls, aldehydes and ketones. The HS extracted from floodable regions of the Rio Negro basin presented a greater capacity to retain (to complex, to adsorb physically and/or chemically) Hg(II), while nonfloodable regions showed a greater capacity to reduce Hg(II), indicating that HS extracted from different types of regions contribute in different ways to the biogeochemical mercury cycle in the basin of the mid-Rio Negro, AM, Brazil. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis is an important animal pathogen widely disseminated in the environment that has also been associated with Crohn's disease in humans. Three M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis genomotypes are recognized, but genomic differences have not been fully described. To further investigate these potential differences, a 60-mer oligonucleotide microarray (designated the MAPAC array), based on the combined genomes of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (strain K-10) and Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis (strain 104), was designed and validated. By use of a test panel of defined M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains, the MAPAC array was able to identify a set of large sequence polymorphisms (LSPs) diagnostic for each of the three major M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis types. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis type II strains contained a smaller genomic complement than M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis type I and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis type III genomotypes, which included a set of genomic regions also found in M. avium subsp. hominissuis 104. Specific PCRs for genes within LSPs that differentiated M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis types were devised and shown to accurately screen a panel (n = 78) of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains. Analysis of insertion/deletion region INDEL12 showed deletion events causing a reduction in the complement of mycobacterial cell entry genes in M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis type II strains and significantly altering the coding of a major immunologic protein (MPT64) associated with persistence and granuloma formation. Analysis of MAPAC data also identified signal variations in several genomic regions, termed variable genomic islands (vGIs), suggestive of transient duplication/deletion events. vGIs contained significantly low GC% and were immediately flanked by insertion sequences, integrases, or short inverted repeat sequences. Quantitative PCR demonstrated that variation in vGI signals could be associated with colony growth rate and morphology.
During the Snowball Earth events of the Neoproterozoic, tropical regions of the ocean could have developed a precipitated salt lag deposit left behind by sublimating sea ice. The major salt would have been hydrohalite, NaCl•2H2O. The crystals in such a deposit can be small and highly scattering, resulting in an allwave albedo similar to that of snow. The snow-free sea ice from which such a crust could develop has a lower albedo, around 0.5, so the development of a crust would substantially increase the albedo of tropical regions on Snowball Earth. Hydrohalite crystals are much less absorptive than ice in the near- infrared part of the solar spectrum, so their presence at the surface would increase the overall albedo as well as altering its spectral distribution. In this paper, we use laboratory measurements of the spectral albedo of a hydrohalite lag deposit, in combination with a radiative transfer model, to infer the inherent optical properties of hydrohalite as functions of wavelength. Using this result, we model mixtures of hydrohalite and ice representing both artificially created surfaces in the laboratory and surfaces relevant to Snowball Earth. The model is tested against sequences of laboratory measurements taken during the formation and the dissolution of a lag deposit of hydrohalite. We present a parameterization for the broadband albedo of cold, sublimating sea ice as it forms and evolves a hydrohalite crust, for use in climate models of Snowball Earth.
Site-specific management (SSM) is a form of precision agriculture whereby decisions on resource application and agronomic practices are improved to better match soil and crop requirements as they vary in the field. SSM enables the identification of regions (homogeneous management zones) within the area delimited by field boundaries. These subfield regions constitute areas that have similar permanent characteristics. Traditional soil and pasture sampling and the necessary laboratory analysis are time-consuming, labour-intensive and cost prohibitive, not viable from a SSM perspective because it needs a large number of soil and pasture samples in order to achieve a good representation of soil properties, nutrient levels and pasture quality and productivity. The main objective of this work was to evaluate technologies which have potential for monitoring aspects related to spatial and temporal variability of soil nutrients and pasture green and dry matter yield (respectively, GM and DM, in kg/ha) and support to decision making for the farmer. Three types of sensors were evaluated in a 7ha pasture experimental field: an electromagnetic induction sensor (“DUALEM 1S”, which measures the soil apparent electrical conductivity, ECa), an active optical sensor ("OptRx®", which measures the NDVI, “Normalized Difference Vegetation Index”) and a capacitance probe ("GrassMaster II" which estimates plant mass). The results indicate the possibility of using a soil electrical conductivity probe as, probably, the best tool for monitoring not only some of the characteristics of the soil, but also those of the pasture, which could represent an important help in simplifying the process of sampling and support SSM decision making, in precision agriculture projects. On the other hand, the significant and very strong correlations obtained between capacitance and NDVI and between any of these parameters and the pasture productivity shows the potential of these tools for monitoring the evolution of spatial and temporal patterns of the vegetative growth of biodiverse pasture, for identifying different plant species and variability in pasture yield in Alentejo dry-land farming systems. These results are relevant for the selection of an adequate sensing system for a particular application and open new perspectives for other works that would allow the testing, calibration and validation of the sensors in a wider range of pasture production conditions, namely the extraordinary diversity of botanical species that are characteristic of the Mediterranean region at the different periods of the year.