844 resultados para Global Knowledge Base
This thesis addresses one of the emerging topics in Sonar Signal Processing.,viz.the implementation of a target classifier for the noise sources in the ocean, as the operator assisted classification turns out to be tedious,laborious and time consuming.In the work reported in this thesis,various judiciously chosen components of the feature vector are used for realizing the newly proposed Hierarchical Target Trimming Model.The performance of the proposed classifier has been compared with the Euclidean distance and Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbour Model classifiers and is found to have better success rates.The procedures for generating the Target Feature Record or the Feature vector from the spectral,cepstral and bispectral features have also been suggested.The Feature vector ,so generated from the noise data waveform is compared with the feature vectors available in the knowledge base and the most matching pattern is identified,for the purpose of target classification.In an attempt to improve the success rate of the Feature Vector based classifier,the proposed system has been augmented with the HMM based Classifier.Institutions where both the classifier decisions disagree,a contention resolving mechanism built around the DUET algorithm has been suggested.
Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990’s. World Leaders in automobile manufacturing such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a model with major variables, which influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala. Though there are innumerable studies conducted in other countries, there are very few thesis and research work conducted to study the consumer behaviour of the passenger car industry in India and specifically in the State of Kerala. The results of the research contribute to the practical knowledge base of the automobile industry, specifically to the passenger car segment. It has also a great contributory value addition to the manufacturers and dealers for customizing their marketing plans in the State
Biometrics is an efficient technology with great possibilities in the area of security system development for official and commercial applications. The biometrics has recently become a significant part of any efficient person authentication solution. The advantage of using biometric traits is that they cannot be stolen, shared or even forgotten. The thesis addresses one of the emerging topics in Authentication System, viz., the implementation of Improved Biometric Authentication System using Multimodal Cue Integration, as the operator assisted identification turns out to be tedious, laborious and time consuming. In order to derive the best performance for the authentication system, an appropriate feature selection criteria has been evolved. It has been seen that the selection of too many features lead to the deterioration in the authentication performance and efficiency. In the work reported in this thesis, various judiciously chosen components of the biometric traits and their feature vectors are used for realizing the newly proposed Biometric Authentication System using Multimodal Cue Integration. The feature vectors so generated from the noisy biometric traits is compared with the feature vectors available in the knowledge base and the most matching pattern is identified for the purpose of user authentication. In an attempt to improve the success rate of the Feature Vector based authentication system, the proposed system has been augmented with the user dependent weighted fusion technique.
This thesis describes the development of a model-based vision system that exploits hierarchies of both object structure and object scale. The focus of the research is to use these hierarchies to achieve robust recognition based on effective organization and indexing schemes for model libraries. The goal of the system is to recognize parameterized instances of non-rigid model objects contained in a large knowledge base despite the presence of noise and occlusion. Robustness is achieved by developing a system that can recognize viewed objects that are scaled or mirror-image instances of the known models or that contain components sub-parts with different relative scaling, rotation, or translation than in models. The approach taken in this thesis is to develop an object shape representation that incorporates a component sub-part hierarchy- to allow for efficient and correct indexing into an automatically generated model library as well as for relative parameterization among sub-parts, and a scale hierarchy- to allow for a general to specific recognition procedure. After analysis of the issues and inherent tradeoffs in the recognition process, a system is implemented using a representation based on significant contour curvature changes and a recognition engine based on geometric constraints of feature properties. Examples of the system's performance are given, followed by an analysis of the results. In conclusion, the system's benefits and limitations are presented.
Este proyecto describe la importancia conceptual de la gestión del conocimiento en la empresa, y establece la formulación de un modelo para una importante empresa de comunicación gráfica en Colombia, que se obtiene a partir de la información obtenida por parte del CEO, los gerentes de primer nivel de la organización, y otros jefes administrativos de diversas áreas. Además de la revisión conceptual sobre la gestión del conocimiento, y también sobre algunos modelos planteados por otros autores, se efectúa un análisis de la encuesta realizada a los directivos y la profundización de este instrumento, mediante algunas entrevistas.
This talk will present an overview of the ongoing ERCIM project SMARTDOCS (SeMAntically-cReaTed DOCuments) which aims at automatically generating webpages from RDF data. It will particularly focus on the current issues and the investigated solutions in the different modules of the project, which are related to document planning, natural language generation and multimedia perspectives. The second part of the talk will be dedicated to the KODA annotation system, which is a knowledge-base-agnostic annotator designed to provide the RDF annotations required in the document generation process.
In the education field, the question for the holistic formation is continuous and controversial. Moreover, with the obvious changes in the global knowledge production, apprehension and transmission, is crucial asking for the role of the education in the changes of the individual toward autonomy and take decisions in relationship with the educational process and the responsibility like a person sharing with knowledge like an issue of social development. In this context, this paper, presents results of an investigation made on 1995, about the recognition value like a methodology proposal of learning quality, for consider their propositions to be in force into an educational structure.
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar las características de generación y difusión del conocimiento en distintos distritos industriales o aquéllos dedicados a la industria de la confección. Se analizan dos distritos textiles localizados en las ciudades de Pergamino y Mar del Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina). Ellos poseen una importante masa crítica de talleres de confección ligados a empresas con marca y diseño propio, cuya localización dentro o fuera de los límites de la ciudad varía en ambos casos. La metodología de investigación es cuantitativa y de tipo descriptivo. Los resultados muestran que Pergamino ha construido una base más sólida de conocimiento que Mar del Plata, proveniente de diferentes orígenes y sendero evolutivo. Ello incide, como un círculo virtuoso, sobre el conocimiento arquitectural de las empresas y sobre sus estrategias empresariales. Sin embargo, si bien en Pergamino existe un flujo constante de saberes tecnológicos externos que permiten crear una base más elevada de conocimiento de las firmas, que se difunde en el distrito, no se vislumbra el surgimiento de nuevas empresas locales con marca y diseño. De esta manera persiste un tipo de organización donde las firmas núcleo,en su mayoría externas al territorio, son las que traccionan el dinamismo de la trama. The aim of this paper is to analyze the patterns of knowledge creation and diffusion in two textile industrial districts located in the Argentinean cities of Mar del Plata and Pergamino. Both of them have an important number of supplier manufacturing firms linked to fashion- oriented clothing subcontractors, which are located inside or outside the geographical boundaries of each city. The methodology research is quantitative and descriptive. The results show that Pergamino has developed over time a stronger knowledge base than Mar del Plata, which could be related to different historical circumstances and evolutionary paths. This has an importante effect on firms’ architectural knowledge and strategies. Even though in Pergamino there is a permanent flow of external technological know how, which increase its knowledge base and let the firms belonging to the cluster to share it, there is not new fashion-oriented clothing local firms, prevailing a type of industrial district where the dynamism of the economy depends on the hub firms located outside the local context.
El interés de este Estudio de Caso es investigar la manera en que la Misión de Paz de la ONU en Sierra Leona (UNAMSIL) redireccionó el programa Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR) hacia los niños soldados durante el post-conflicto en el país. Se analiza cómo a través de la coordinación de diferentes Agencias y Organizaciones Internacionales con UNAMSIL, el Gobierno y la Sociedad Civil hace posible que se refuerce el rol de los Interim Care Centers (ICCs) en donde se enfrentaron las necesidades esenciales de los menores excombatientes para lograr un mejor proceso de su desmovilización y reintegración. Se explica de igual forma, las diferentes herramientas que sirven para llevar a cabo la resolución del conflicto y la reconstrucción de la paz, enfocándose en el peacekeeping, peacemaking y peacebuilding, como mecanismos que ayudaron a crear un espacio seguro para los niños exsoldados. Por último, se exponen los alcances y límites de los ICCs con respecto a la reintegración de los menores excombatientes
Estudiar conceptual y comparativamente la Educación de Adultos con el fin de sistematizar los déficits teóricos y prácticos. Proponer nuevas vías y orientaciones para su futura optimización ateniéndose a las necesidades de la sociedad de información y a las transformaciones socioculturales actuales. Prospectiva de la Educación de Adultos. Estudio prospectivo en el que se describe cuál es el estado de la Educación de Adultos tanto a nivel conceptual como a nivel interacional, recapitulando y actualizando las aportaciones realizadas por otros países. Partiendo de aquí y de sus propias experiencias como profesional de la Educación de Adultos, formula y desarrolla una serie de propuestas normativas que nos permiten situarnos ante el futuro de la Educación de Adultos y ante la acción pedagógica que se puede desarrollar para optimizarla. Planteamiento inductivo, reflexivo y discursivo en el que reflexión y teoría se contrastan y se enriquecen con la práctica. Se intenta seguir la metodología de investigación participativa. Las transformaciones socioculturales nos están trasladando de una sociedad industrial a una sociedad de la información, en la que aumentarán las necesidades de Educación Básica de la personas adultas. El saber ocupará un papel prioritario en todos los aspectos de la vida social, habrá un cambio de valores y competencias, etc. La estructura oficial de la Educación de Adultos en España está muy atrasada. Es necesario un marco legal que la potencie, el establecimiento de nuevos perfiles profesionales y la consideración de destacados proyectos como el Centro global de base territorial.
Resumen basado en el del proyecto. Premiado en la convocatoria: Premios para proyectos de innovación concluidos durante el curso 2006-2007, en los centros educativos no universitarios sostenidos con fondos públicos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha (Orden 30-01-2008, de la Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Resolución de 15-05-2009, de la Viceconsejería de Educación)
La comunitat científica que treballa en Intel·ligència Artificial (IA) ha dut a terme una gran quantitat de treball en com la IA pot ajudar a les persones a trobar el que volen dins d'Internet. La idea dels sistemes recomanadors ha estat extensament acceptada pels usuaris. La tasca principal d'un sistema recomanador és localitzar ítems, fonts d'informació i persones relacionades amb els interessos i preferències d'una persona o d'un grup de persones. Això comporta la construcció de models d'usuari i l'habilitat d'anticipar i predir les preferències de l'usuari. Aquesta tesi està focalitzada en l'estudi de tècniques d'IA que millorin el rendiment dels sistemes recomanadors. Inicialment, s'ha dut a terme un anàlisis detallat de l'actual estat de l'art en aquest camp. Aquest treball ha estat organitzat en forma de taxonomia on els sistemes recomanadors existents a Internet es classifiquen en 8 dimensions generals. Aquesta taxonomia ens aporta una base de coneixement indispensable pel disseny de la nostra proposta. El raonament basat en casos (CBR) és un paradigma per aprendre i raonar a partir de la experiència adequat per sistemes recomanadors degut als seus fonaments en el raonament humà. Aquesta tesi planteja una nova proposta de CBR aplicat al camp de la recomanació i un mecanisme d'oblit per perfils basats en casos que controla la rellevància i edat de les experiències passades. Els resultats experimentals demostren que aquesta proposta adapta millor els perfils als usuaris i soluciona el problema de la utilitat que pateixen el sistemes basats en CBR. Els sistemes recomanadors milloren espectacularment la qualitat dels resultats quan informació sobre els altres usuaris és utilitzada quan es recomana a un usuari concret. Aquesta tesi proposa l'agentificació dels sistemes recomanadors per tal de treure profit de propietats interessants dels agents com ara la proactivitat, la encapsulació o l'habilitat social. La col·laboració entre agents es realitza a partir del mètode de filtratge basat en la opinió i del mètode col·laboratiu de filtratge a partir de confiança. Els dos mètodes es basen en un model social de confiança que fa que els agents siguin menys vulnerables als altres quan col·laboren. Els resultats experimentals demostren que els agents recomanadors col·laboratius proposats milloren el rendiment del sistema mentre que preserven la privacitat de les dades personals de l'usuari. Finalment, aquesta tesi també proposa un procediment per avaluar sistemes recomanadors que permet la discussió científica dels resultats. Aquesta proposta simula el comportament dels usuaris al llarg del temps basat en perfils d'usuari reals. Esperem que aquesta metodologia d'avaluació contribueixi al progrés d'aquesta àrea de recerca.
This paper reviews four approaches used to create rational tools to aid the planning and the management of the building design process and then proposes a fifth approach. The new approach that has been developed is based on the mechanical aspects of technology rather than subjective design issues. The knowledge base contains, for each construction technology, a generic model of the detailed design process. Each activity in the process is specified by its input and output information needs. By connecting the input demands of one technology with the output supply from another technology a map or network of design activity is formed. Thus, it is possible to structure a specific model from the generic knowledge base within a KBE system.
There is a lack of knowledge base in relation to experiences gained and lessons learnt from previously executed National Health Service (NHS) infrastructure projects in the UK. This is in part a feature of one-off construction projects, which typify healthcare infrastructure, and in part due to the absence of a suitable method for conveying such information. The complexity of infrastructure delivery process in the NHS makes the construction of healthcare buildings a formidable task. This is particularly the case for the NHS trusts who have little or no experience of construction projects. To facilitate understanding a most important aspect of the delivery process, which is the preparation of a capital investment proposal; steps taken in developing the business case for an NHS healthcare facility are examined. The context for such examination is provided by the planning process of a healthcare project, studied retrospectively. The process is analysed using a social science based method called ‘building stories’, developed at the University of California-Berkeley. By applying this method, stories or narratives are constructed around the data captured on the case study. The findings indicate that the business case process may be used to justify, rather than identify, trusts’ requirements. The study is useful for UK public sector clients as well as consultants and professionals who aim to participate in the delivery of healthcare infrastructure projects in the UK.
Diverticular disease (DD) is an age-related disorder of the large bowel which may affect half of the population over the age of 65 in the UK. This high prevalence ranks it as one of the most common bowel disorders in western nations. The majority of patients remain asymptomatic but there are associated life-threatening co-morbidities, which, given the large numbers of people with DD, translates into a considerable number of deaths per annum. Despite this public health burden, relatively little seems to be known about either the mechanisms of development or causality. In the 1970s, a model of DD formulated the concept that diverticula occur as a consequence of pressureinduced damage to the colon wall amongst those with a low intake of dietary fiber. In this review, we have examined the evidence regarding the influence of ageing, diet, inflammation and genetics on DD development. We argue that the evidence supporting the barotrauma hypothesis is largely anecdotal. We have also identified several gaps in the knowledge base which need to be filled before we can complete